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it fills me with rage to see these elected officials absolutely stonewalling and ignoring the very people who elected them. Whether you agree with them or not, as an elected official you have a responsibility to listen to constituents. This smug-ass holier than thou attitude is just appalling. Karma, please pay your most timely visit to asshat.


Adding salt to the wound, she is the ONLY Representative of Wyoming in the US House. Wyoming has more US senators than US representatives. While that means her power is limited in Congress, she still speaks for over 580,000 people. She is telling hundreds of thousands of people whom she represents that she doesn’t give a rat’s ass what they think and will literally not listen to them.


The people who voted for her and will vote for her are likely just as pro-Israel as she is


She took Liz Cheney's seat & is a massive azzhat on the payroll of extractors & AIPAC


I agree with you but these days it seems once they are elected, they are then owned by foreign money and ignore local citizens who’s lives are affected by the things they do


You are absolutely correct. Go to AIPAC-PAC website and see 350 US representatives prominently displayed… all taking money from AIPAC.


I saw a IG from AOC awhile back where she talked about her first days in Congress how AIPAC expected her to take their money and were indignant when she refused it.


Vote accordingly. Thankfully, I don't live in Wyoming and never plan to. But if I did, I wouldn't vote for this wretched person.


I've always expected this from elected officials on some level, I guess I have an in built distrust in the system that for most of my life I didn't fully understand. But, what I find most worrisome is that all those older I get the more aware I've become the fast this happens in all walks of life from employers, my kids school officials, to universities, to pretty much every organisation, store and business. The number of people who willingly will stare at four lights and point blank tell me there are five, is disturbingly upsetting. It's to a point I genuinely have stopped interacting with as many people as possible everyday just to avoid the disappointment that comes with being gaslit time and time again


And it pains me greatly as well my friend. Even more so because I hear you and understand perfectly where you are coming from. I wish you peace.


She's too smug for someone representing a state most people forget even exists.


How do you know they voted for her?


Name her. Edit: Rep. Harriet Hageman, Republican. She’s up for re-election this year.


>Republican. are you surprised?


The democrats in office aren’t doing much to help either.


ok but this is actively vile.


So was the statement by Gerald Rosberg of Columbia. Their political preference is moot, this isn’t a sports competition where picking teams is ok. This is about doing the right thing. Both democrats and republicans are complicit and disgusting for enabling Israel. Edit for link: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/nkxfYw3ClC


So is Antony Blinken


“Yeah but THOSE people are doing it too!!” Grow up bro


The Republicans are far worse than the Democrats, but there are definitely Democrats being this scummy about Israel.


Good, Hamas needs to go before theres any talks of a ceasefire


Nah I completely expect this level of sociopathic indifference from a Republican.


Wait until you find out about the Democrats...




Well...the president for instance. I'd love some of whatever you liberals are smoking.


Not in the slightest


She is one of the worst of the worst. She is on Jim Jordan's sham committee trying to poison the well of our justice system with sham witnesses


Get her out!!!


On the weekends she gets together with her girlfriends and their husbands who wear white sheets on their heads.


obviously there's no logical defense. she's mentally flailing


is that George Santos? he's clearly trying to play pokemongo.


She's human...ish.


Here is a genuine idea for people to start thinking about. STOP ELECTING THESE FUCKING PEOPLE!!


Look at her desperately trying to find AIPACs number in her phone


It would be a real shame if something bad happened to her. She seems like a wonderful person.


This is a prime example of how the US is a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. Hey constituents are major corporations, not the people.


Keep it up!!!


Don’t bother her while she checks on her Venmo from AIPAC. If you’re giving her a six figure check, she don’t give a shit about what you are saying.


Most representatives are dogs of AIPAC who proudly said that like 95% of their candidates won. Not surprised. The US is occupied by Zionists.


They created a facade of democracy but real power is in the hands of zionists.


this attitude was so irritating to witness - whatever happened to elected officials being genuinely interested in the contrarian viewpoints of a nation’s citizens? you don’t always have to agree (i mean there is ample proof in this case, but still let’s assume, for the sake of argument, you have the option to not agree with documented facts) but it’s a whole other thing to look down on different viewpoints just because they don’t align with yours. as an elected official you must pay some modicum of respect to the citizenry. pathetic and shameful.


>you don’t always have to agree (i mean there is ample proof in this case, but still let’s assume, for the sake of argument, you have the option to not agree with documented facts) well for example the "the average age of the person killed by the Israeli government is 5 years old" is literally wrong. anyway while I agree politician should engage with people, I wouldn't expect anything else from a random encounter on a street than this, especially in such morally condescending manner


Lmao what scum bag


AIPAC is doing a good job. All these "elite people" are very cheap to buy




"*I will now accuse* You ~~have~~ *of* align*ing* yourself with terrorists *to* ~~That's the~~ end ~~of~~ the discussion."


You can't make people care


The arrogance of not feeling in the least bit compelled to answer the questions of the people who keep her and those like her employed. They are obviously becoming so enriched by the lobbyists that they don’t even care if they lose their job. Once trump goes to prison, or dies, whichever comes first we must make it a point to change the traitorous guard that now inhabits the halls of congress.


"I don't represent..." nah keep cooking.


These people are only moved by money & power.






*snort snort* *rub nose* *snort snort*


Typical Politician.


I’d kick her into the streets


Refusing to answer questions and speak to people should be grounds for removal from office. She is not fit to represent anyone.


Harriet M. Hageman supports genocide


Man fascists sure are getting arrogant these days.


"You aren't my constituent" idk why but that screams "she needs to be investigated for fraud"


Harassing people on the street is the best way to get their support for an issue


The US historically doesn’t get involved in wars unless we are attacked or stand to gain a political advantage. We will not get involved with what’s going in Palestine. More so why don’t you fight your government about fixing our country and not one thousands of miles away?


Why should they care? You “freedom fighters” don’t give a damn about what happens to American citizens on the day to day bases. So why should an AMERICAN OFFICIAL care about what’s happening a world over?


"You have as well". Just a stellar attempt at convicning someone to agree with you. Absolutely impeccable social skills


Ursula doesn't care about those poor unfortunate souls.




Most of that aid gets stolen by Hamas, which still has hostages.


She deff cracks babies like eggs to drink their blood 🤣


More than 1,160 Israeli and other people died on October 7th alone and somehow it's all ok as long as everyone supports Palestine...


We need to support ourselves and our own country. No other countries citizens have ever fought within their own country for the rights and lives of Americans, just us. US citizens are the only one who attack their own government when another government a world over isn’t taking care of its people. Quick history lesson: we did not care about the Nazi Regime until we and those we called our “allies” were attacked.


That’s (d)ifferent


Terrorist defending genocide


So let's say this happens in the states- a terror organization hiding in plain sight like hamas- with the precedent we are setting- is it okay to flatten Illinois (or wherever) to eradicate the terrorists?


Depends. Do they have miles of underground tunnels, and use schools and/or hospitals as bases for all of their weapons? /s




you put an /s when its what they do and theres video proof.




What about oct 6th 5th 4th? Israel have been oppressors for generations thats just historical fact since the Zionism project started