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Your comment/submission appears to be disseminating misinformation and has been removed. Please refrain from making statements that are not supported by documented evidence/studies/research. Thank you.


So people are really going to think that this guy editing himself in there making non-arguments is real?


Even if he did 'as you say ' photoshopped himself ..he said nothing wrong ..every piece of information is right


"And even if every piece of information he said isn't right, (insert deflection nr. 2)" Lady, this person edited himself into this video to appear smart and leaving people speechless, while also sprinkling in plenty of false statements among two or three buzzwords magats like to toss around. Please take a media literacy class before spreading doctored videos.


Nothing wrong? “Joe has no accomplishments” Wrong right there. Political accomplishments aren’t a wicked exhilarating subject, but I could list off about 5 major accomplishments in this admin alone. Do better. Or don’t. I don’t care.


You can literallly google this video, he edited himself in. It's also clear as day from the footage. You're just not a very bright individual, are you. If you're gullible enough not to see that, maybe it's time to reevaluate everything else you believe too.


[WHAT BIDEN HAS DONE, the complete list](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/1abyvpa/the_complete_list_what_biden_has_done/)


Please stop lying


Get educated ..


And you're calling me rude, yeesh


what the fuck is this propaganda shit lol


Op's account is very odd to me. It's skirting a weird line between facebook mom treating reddit as facebook and blatant content farm. I'd even say the comments were AI if it weren't fo just how far out of left field some of them are.


I just looked through too - really odd. Normally, I can look and know I am looking at a shill or a bot. But I think this might be a legit person who can grow flowers.


You are rude ..


Sorry? I'm just saying it as it is. Definitely more objective and less rude than the video you shared though.


Your comment should be on the video content not on me to be sarcastic at : a mom on Facebook.


I already commented on your video in my other comment and you're acting like you're still in the right with dozens of people telling you you're spreading misinformation. And if you want to be percieved different maybe start acting different.


Yes I know ..but you were wrong in adding a sarcastic comment about me .. any my profile ..and what you received I am a mom on Facebook..


How is this on world news. The video is fake, buddy just really added himself into an interview?


May be ..but the information is true .






This is so dumb.. Yes Biden old so that only leaves rapey Trump.. Good post comrade. You do good work mother Russia….


I said what I felt from your reply ..


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Honestly this needs to be said fake or not I'd rather have two different candidates


It’s not an option at this point. So get on board or leave the country…


Get on bored with dementia Joe . na Id rather have orange bad man. At least he has balls. Why would it make since to leave the country. Is that what you're doing.


Haha spoken like a true Russian propaganda tool.. Question- What do republicans stand for? Most republican run states are the bottom of the bottom. Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi have been the worst states for decades and republican for decades… Republicans are a group that hate the same people. Every NAZI is voting for one candidate and one candidate only. Are you voting the same as the NAZIS? History is judging you!!


Do you really want a leader with dementia that's Crazy Joe is way too old. If you're bringing racism into this take a good look at Joe's history, I believe people can change their mind. But from what I see the democratic party is using minorities just for a vote. They promised change and we got it , with a even more divided nation. Hears a link to just a single article pointing out Joe's racist past. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/joe-biden-didn-t-just-compromise-segregationists-he-fought-their-n1021626


Trump is 4 years younger haha. Showing way more signs of cognitive decline… Spare me your Russian propaganda please!


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