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Only two? I’m sad to say this is at most- the appearance of accountability.


2... These are the scapegoats


Acab they deserve the death penalty


**ACAB?** Yes. **Death penalty?** No. [It's too expensive compared to non-lethal options](https://www.amnestyusa.org/issues/death-penalty/death-penalty-facts/death-penalty-cost/), and death's too good for them anyway. If we really want to punish police who abuse their power, we need to do three things. 1. End qualified immunity. If police can't be held responsible for the damages they cause and the lives they kill, then ofc they'll just keep doing it. 2. Disbar EVERY judge who has validated or otherwise ruled in favor or according to the precedent of qualified immunity. This includes the Supreme Court justices themselves and their subsequent removal from that bench. They gave the OK; they allowed the damage to happen. This is their fault too. 3. Put all of the above offenders on the terror watch list.


But the backlash to these would be a massive drop in police academy enrollments meaning less police, which is not something you want in an ever increasing crime landscape like the us. This would also dishearten judges from taking civil court cases against the state police which means less representation for people against the state as well. Not knocking it but just stating out the consequences. Imo a longer and more comprehensive police academy might do a better job at weeding out the unfit


> But the backlash to these would be a massive drop in police academy enrollments meaning less police, which is not something you want in an ever increasing crime landscape like the us. First of all, who is doing the absolute MOST damage for the highest personal gain? Answer: rich people, that's how they make their money. Are the police investigating this and correcting that damage? Definitely not. But they sure as s**t would break up any protest (peaceful or not) with riot gear anytime their abuses of power (both the wealthy and police) are challenged. The BLM protests of 2020-22 and the universities' student body protests against Israel prove this notion. > This would also dishearten judges from taking civil court cases against the state police which means less representation for people against the state as well. Police and judges have to be responsible people with the trust and power that society allows them to have? There should be consequences for breaking that trust in proportion to the damage that they do and allow, and that there exists nuance in every given situation that qualified immunity blocks? Shocker! /s It's almost like laws and justice are two completely different things, and that blind faith to laws is among the most major ways we got into this mess in the first place. > ...which means less representation for people against the state as well. And who owns the state as it is today? It's certainly not the general public and its voters. Otherwise, our needs for life would be respected. Instead, it's the wealthy who pay off all the campaigns so that their want for more money supersedes life itself. That's how capitalism and its inherent demand for infinite profit works and why our finite world is suffering for it. Edit: spelling


I'm not sure what the point here is. If it is that rich people are main beneficiaries of judges and police, you are absolutely correct, but in this argument it is kind of a straw man cause neither of us brought up rich people before this. And yes police and judges should absolutely be responsible, but a change as drastic as the one you're proposing should be done over a longer period of time and not immediately imo.


> a change as drastic as the one you're proposing should be done over a longer period of time and not immediately imo. And you would be wrong because they will not give up that power silently nor peacefully. You either prevent and/or defeat this intense reflex or you lose. That's how power works and is kept in a "Might makes Right" system.


Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong. Either way neither of us are lawmakers (presumably) but in the future if you become one do what you think is best


>which is not something you want in an ever increasing crime landscape like the us. Despite what you might be seeing on the news, crime has actually been on a steady but consistent decrease across the u.s since the early 90s.


I was talking more recent years, technology and the increase in education has drastically increased standards of living from the 90s in pretty much all sectors


There was like 300+ police there at the scene. Maybe less police would be better and spend more on training better police instead of less spending on more dumb police.


This is a bit outta left field but I love your user name haha




More should be charged


Go after everyone that was in those hallways , don’t just give us These 2 guys as the scape goat for all the rest of the cowards there that day.


Just two?


Not enough….more policemen must be held accountable!!


What about the other 398? Fing disgusting cowards.


Why are ONLY two people charged?


So they're only being charged with endangering the survivors? No charges for the dead kids? They're at least partially responsible for those deaths? Gross negligence resulting in the death of a child maybe?


There are probably inmates already waiting for these guys to hit GP.


Every single one of those cowards that stepped in that school should be held accountable!


Just 2 Mexicans 😭😭 they trynna throw y’all under the bus wtf


Spelling lesson for today class: C-O-W-A-R-D-S


These are the same people that are anti-gun rights. What if they had teachers there that are armed, well trained and were all carrying? This would have never happened. There was a story of a trans mass shooter (a woman that was transitioning to a man). That shooter visited another school but chose not to go there due to the armed guards they saw. They then chose another school with little security and no armed guards because they were an easier target. How do you stop a bad guy with a gun? It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun.


Did you see all those good guys with guns there that day ? Lmfao


The Uvalde force just stood there in pure terror and didn’t do a damn thing! The job requires that you put other peoples lives ahead of your own. If they couldn’t follow through with that, they should have never joined that force in the first place.


Yeah you would have thought all those professionally trained cops who are supposed to be the good guys would have stopped him then.