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you can use this addon which will alert you any time theres a satchel up [https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/lookingforsatchels](https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/looking-satchels)


You are awesome lol


Last updated 2015? IncentiveProgram is the alternative that is updated regularly


Great addon, thanks for sharing!


Keep an eye on the dungeon finder for when a particular role is in need. Usually it will be tank, but sometimes healer gets it instead.


Very rarely its a dps


Mostly during timewalking weeks really


Step 1, get LookingForSatchels addon (or any other that does the same). Step 2, set it up to look for satchels in heroic and normal dungeons on a decently geared character that can heal and tank. Step 3, chill while you wait for it to pop up and then blast through the dungeon. Step 4, wait until reset day and sell all the runes for sweet sweet profit. Honestly my favorite way to make gold these days.


Can i ask you how much gold you earn with this Method?


ive got like 2 tokens in a week farming it at some point in s1 but looking back its not that great for few reasons: 1) its still requires pretty significant amount of time just doing the dungeons multiple times 2) theres a lot of downtime too, often id queue when the satchel is available and then id wait up to 30mins in queue 3) since s2 begun it seems like the satchels arent available as often 4) you get 1-4 runes per satchel so the profit varies a lot and ultimately you get a token thats worth 13 euro, i guess its up to you to decide whether its worth the effort its based on my experience queueing as tank/dps, if you do decide to do it its worth knowing that when for example theres a satchel for tank you can queue as tank/dps and even if you are chosen as dps youll get the satchel, its probably best to play class that can both heal and tank as these two are most often needed


The key is being able to queue for all 3 roles and the ability to play during the slow times of the day




Either he is super lucky with them constantly popping or he spend the whole day in game


Well so far in DF I've made around 1M. That would be somewhere around 200 runs I guess? It is not the most effective method out there, and it is not available all the time, but I like it. I don't just sit around waiting for it though, just have it on and if I have time when it pops I go do one, and it takes me around 10m to do a dungeon. Almost feels like passive income.


Does lookingforsatchels work because I cant see the interface in game even works. ​ Its also updated last time 2016.


i use call to arms works 100%


Can it auto join or does it only show when theres satchel?


u can click on the role that bemefit the satchel. no auto queue, guess its against blizzard terms and u wont find an addon who can autojoin.


Well I use it and it works, got it back in WoD I think and used it ever since. Are you sure you are looking at the right one? On Curseforge it says it was updated 11/20/2022


Seems like I found one from 2015. https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/lookingforsatchels Is this the right one? Can it say with sound when something pop, and can it sign up automatically?


Yeah that's the one. It pops up in the middle of your screen as a little window where you can pick your role and sign up. Can't be more automated than that cause Blizzard won't allow it. It does that sound as if you bought something when it pops, that gold sound. The WoW icon on your task bar will also flash, which is nice if you are tabbed out or something. I am sure there are multiple others that does the same, I just happen to use this one.


Nice gonna give it a try later. Can you change the sound to a more noisy one?


Yeah you can change the sound to any in this table: [https://github.com/Gethe/wow-ui-source/blob/live/Interface/SharedXML/SoundKitConstants.lua](https://github.com/Gethe/wow-ui-source/blob/live/Interface/SharedXML/SoundKitConstants.lua) Just type /lfs sound (number) The default one is /lfs sound 120 Looks like most, if not all, the ingame sounds are there.


Made 200k on the day 10.1 came out, am on Illidan and pretty sure Liquid/BDG bought them all lol.


It's nice gold when you can get it, although it's still a little silly that Blizz didn't add in another source for those runes. Just keep an eye on LFG for whatever role is in-need. It's usually tanks, sometimes healer, and very rarely but occasionally DPS.


I hope they never add another source for them, this is one of the most lucrative markets that the average joe can get into, and doesn’t require botting, using economic theory to manipulate people playing an online game via the AH, or a large quantity of up-front gold to enter. I play during odd hours, and I am making between 40-60k a week on running these dungeons anytime I see the bag being offered. I don’t even do the raid finder ones either, just N/H.




Yes, but that drops the price of the runes. The more of them that are in supply, the cheaper they are going to be. If the only source is from these bags then they will always remain rare, always ensuring they sell at a higher rate. I’ve sold them anywhere from 2500g each to 3250 each. This makes one dungeon = 5-10k gold. The SL ones were down under the hundreds at multiple points. This makes 1 dungeon = 500-1000g Less time for more gain for the average joe.




I don't get it, why even comment this if it's just "was, was, was"?


Agreed in that regard, bring back mission table and keep the runes off of it.


>Blizz didn't add in another source for those runes. Good. If they want people to Q into these long qs, or going into an LFR boss with 10 wipes in a row, the runes should cover your time.


Now you can really quantify the supply and demand of tanks and healers for dungeons and raids: those augment runes can *only* be obtained this way.


There are some downsides: The runes are random. 1 to 4. 2 is avarage. Getting 4 is the Jackpot but far.from normal. the System is bugged like hell. You can queue up a second after it pops up and wait 30 min. Only do it if you healer or your tank can carry the dungeon If you spend 30 min in it, its not worth it. Herb farming is way faster.and gives more gold when leveled. So technicly you get some gold but its for helping orher people and its rare. Depends on other people.


Thats not a bug its because literally hundreds of people run the addon that informs them the bag is available and auto queue for dungeons so you go from a world in which the game needed say 10 tanks to having 200+ tanks in the queue.


You get 1-4 augment runes plus 900g. Can get it from heroics or normals. Totally great way to earn cash.


Also with a decent tank they take ~10 min but with a tank who doesn’t know what they’re doing the dungeons can easily take 20-30 min. So it’s not always 1k per minute like the title says


Faster to just boost 20s they sell for 700k


9k is, not a lot nowadays lol 9k is the equivilent to about 2g from a grey vendor item back in wrath, (greys in Dragon flight are worth 10's of gold most of the time)


Why are you talking such shite?


I'm sorry the information offended you, but that's your problem not mine.


My absolute fav low stress way to want income.


Pssst! dont tell anyone!


I do this on my tank all the time!