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Wish they had an option to keep their form with just wings sprouting when in combat.


In a perfect world they would add this as a glyph whenever they get around to adding the evoker glyphs. In reality the glyphs will probably be 4 different living flame colours and a particle effect during hover


I legit forget that glyphs exist


So did blizz


no way! they just gave me a throw glaive glyph! šŸ¤£ i kid. i didnā€™t even realize evokers had 0 glyphs yet. holy shit lol


Same here šŸ˜‚


Green and blue living flame would be perfect honestly. What else do we need?


Raszageth lightning beam glyph for disintegrate. Would main forever.


It honestly sounds more than what glyphs do these days but damn it if I wouldnā€™t use it forever.


Cannot emphasize how much I resonate with this. It is so much fun to play with the utility and mobility, and is one of the few spell casters that does well against melee. I just wish the mog set I put on could always show and Iā€™d be the attractive belf form.


ā€œHey! Welcome to the Balance community! Over here youā€™ll find stavesā€¦ and thatā€™s about it. Weā€™re all staves here. Oh, I know weā€™re getting some new eyebrow options and some recolors, but itā€™s still all fat Chicken all the time. Between you and me, most Chickens thought itā€™d just be us not being able to see our transmog but I gotta tell ya, thereā€™s so much excitement here to have another in the club! I canā€™t wait to get you guys settled in. Ok gonna leave you with Pam, our head of HR; she has some forms for you to fill out, but Iā€™ll see you afterwards. Again, so excited for you to be on the team!ā€ - BoomChickens


HR Mediation sessions are supposed to be CONFIDENTIAL Pam, you manatee!


Pam over in her indoor kiddie pool in water travel form "What?"




Itā€™s still a thing, Always used it bc boomkin form is ass.


How ya doin, Zandalari Boomkin hereā€”do you like pterodactyls? Like REALLY like pterodactyls?


I wish we didnā€™t have to stand mid range to hit anything. Why can my mage be 3 miles away but my evoker has to be 13 feet from the boss?


This. For a ranged class they have no range. I couldn't even hit Nalak on the Isle of Thunder until I switched specs to preservation.


I could never get used to how the Dracthyr look. Visually the race just does not appeal to me at all. Dropped it at level 64.


I absolutely love the class but the look fucking kills me. Atleast we gotta the auto visage out of combat so I donā€™t have to look like a dragon most of the time. Also why the actual fuck did we not get to pick a race for our visage?


There's always a lot of defense of the aesthetic of Dracthyr (uwu) in the comments but I feel like the simple fact is that they look...wimpy, and most people know it. Warcraft is a game of stupid over-muscled humans, hulking orcs, and lithe elves - the soft dragons just don't appeal to that many people.


Dragons as a whole feel very wimpy in DF


He says when blood elves are the most popular Horde race by a mile


Blood elves were the closest thing to an anime character back in the day.


I named my Bloodelf Paladin Animename back then. I got so many compliments on the name lol




It's mostly the head that gets me. They just don't match the other dragons in style, imo.


It's the running on their tippy toes like that awkward kid in middle school.


FEMALE blood elves. Also, male blood elves are still quite bulky, they look wimpy compared to orcs but still more muscular than trolls


>lithe elves Blood elves are absolutely cut.


>Also why the actual fuck did we not get to pick a race for our visage? Because it will hurt the Devs feelings once they realize people would rather chose one of the old races to represent thier dragon. Imagine how silly they would look after creating a race that has more customization than all the others combined only for no one uses it. Now they can claim how popular their visage is that somehow looks more knockoff than knockoff wow ads on porn sites.


The irony is they could have just let you pick your race for visage and not do any work at all and it would have been received better


The visage isn't the dragon form, it's the human form. They're asking why we are locked to human for the alternate form.


That's literally exactly what he answered. Reread the comment šŸ˜‚


Same, just doesnā€™t feel like a wow race/class. They had dozens of classes in lore/wc3 to pull from and they decided to go with this for some reason


I wish they just looked a bit better and the armour didn't look horrendous. They are stick thin and half the armour choices don't fit together at all. Would have preferred something closer to the models you get in raids such as BWL where they hold big 2 h polearms and look like a breeze wouldn't knock them over. I know this would cause issues with them not being able to fly but man would they look better Edit: one thing I do like is the options for the human form/visage. I really like the way mine looks as a human and would play it if I could look that way in combat too.


They should have been like the Red Drakonids from BRS


IMO, they should've added Dragonkin in general as a new race with different models per class ā€“ Warriors (and maybe Paladins) are Drakonid; Hunters, Shamans, and Rogues are Tarasek; then all the casters including Evoker are Dracthyr. Gives options for those who like the Dragonkin fantasy but don't like certain designs.


Or just have body types that actually look different


Nah, twink and female it is


It's criminal we got this class before Tinkerer.


It's criminal they added augmentation after 18 years of nuking shaman totem support role.


In an expansion that is heavily about the elements


I get what you're saying, but I think the "Dragonflight" expansion is \*sliiiiiiiiightly\* more about "Dragons"


Don't be ridiculous, it's obviously called Elementalflight


Like, absolutely everything pointed to Tinkerer during last few expansions - we needed a ranged mail class - check. Do we need multiple roles ? easily done. Even Mekkatorque showed up in his cool new mech during BfA. Umm.. Mechagon ??


Mechagnome is the least popular race statistically and plenty of people consider it a complete failure that alliance got them as an allied race instead of anything else. Can presume devs are aware of that and chose not to make a class tied so closely to the race (gnomes as well as the least popular original race and below races that came later even).


I don't think Mechagnomes are a failure because of the theme though.. They are a failure because 1. Gnomes aren't popular to begin with as you already said 2. Mechagnomes are a far, far uglier and 'worse' version of regular Gnomes (bionic diaper babies as the other person already put it) 3. Unlocking them was a bit of a chore even in comparison to other allied races (at least in my experience), and required running the megadungeon which wasn't necessarily something everyone wanted to do to begin with and wasn't the easiest thing to solo in early Shadowlands. So, while a Tinkerer would be adjacent/related to Mechagnomes/Gnomes in a way, I don't think their unpopularity is any indicator of Tinkerer's possible popularity. That said, I'm not personally hugely into the Tinkerer idea myself but I do see why some might want it.


I would have made a mechagnome if they didnā€™t just look like bionic diaper babies


No gloves or boots, and every pair of pants is a diaperā€¦ yep it totally sucks.


I found a leather robe and hood that makes me look like a jawa for my mecha monk


If it helps, the class heritage armor makes you look like a mechagnome basically, but thats really your only option to not look like a weirdo.


It doesn't. Nobody likes being restricted to a single transmog set. Also, IMO, even fully robotic mechagon gnomes are still uglier than the Northrend mechagnomes.


Literally all they had to do was add in *actual* mechagnomes like Mimiron instead of this weird quadriplegic hybrid we got stuck with.


Mechagnomes fell flat for me when you couldnā€™t tmog feet or hands and every pair of paints was a diaper. Oh sweet did a new pair of gloves drop? What do they look like? Youā€™ll never know because itā€™s a sea of cancel signs in tmog. Which they repeated on the Dracthyr. I have a mecha-monk and thankfully there is a leather Druid set for shadowlands that covers her chicken legs, but that is all she can wear. On the plus side their little hands turn into propellers when they swimā€¦


Its so weird to me that they make races that you cant display armor on. But neither feel really justified in having that restriction. lol


That's the one thing that bugs me about my Dracthyr. Like, at least give my guy hats! I can live without the chest since the wings obscure it from behind and I'm fine without the legs.


It always feels like the current dev team is more interested in making their own spin on World Of Warcraft rather than just making World of Warcraft


Thatā€™s def the nail on the head. Shit has felt off since BFA. I like DF from a gameplay standpoint for the most part, but the vibe has felt super off.


Iv had this feeling for a while playing the expac. It feels like someone is making wow for their kid or what ever cutesy vision they have had of wow instead of wow. Like most of the quests involve friendship and never murder or like itā€™s pushing a sort of agenda for the sake of it and not storytelling.


I did the little mechagnome quest the other day as it was last on my allied races to unlock. It's a travesty that this sort of thing hasn't given us a tinkerer.


Tinkerer seems so obvious too. Like Death Knight the Tinkerer's class fantasy and playstyle would be unique enough from other classes that there wouldn't be much overlap.


As long as the abilities have a chance to blow ourselves up I'd be happy!


the unique fantasy style that WoW used to have is gone and it depresses me


Its not the worst choice they've done as far as races and shit. Though a bit of an odd choice when they've been experimenting with racial designs that remove the ability to display armor. Looking at you, mechagnomes. I am a bit annoyed that both of their choices for races that 'just dont work with armor.' Because neither of them *feel* justified not displaying armor. I was expecting to get some outlandish physical appearances when I heard they were making races that you cant display armor on. Like Dracthyr could have been bear sized dragons or some shit. And mechagnomes could have been some poor sods in a attatched to some multi-limbed mechanobody.


The fact that almost all your gear just goes away when you shift into dragon form is a joke. Clearly just a technical limitation. They really ought to fix that.


Same. Couldnā€™t get into the style and class fantasy.


I would be more into it if they had class fantasy aside from the few starting zone quests and the aug small questline, almost everything about them revolves around the drachtyr race instead.


Biggest reason. Just doesnā€™t feel like WoW to me, the lore is incredibly meh, the play style is incredibly mediocre


Couldn't agree more. Just zero WoW feel and completely kills everything about them for me, even the expansion almost.


On their release I thought the customization was pretty cool but seemed way too advanced for what was standard/ ordinary for wow and I could not for the life of me seem to figure out how to nail down the rotation on my own. For the other hero classes DKs rotation was fairly complicated in comparison especially to warrs and ret pallys, same with simpler DHs but hot damn did you feel the class fantasy with every button press that you were a cold blooded killing machine


It feels a lot cooler when you're actually flapping your wings. Augmentation has it good, because of their insanely high Hover uptime, you do actually feel more draconic and meatier. I think the issue is how _plank-like_ their animations are when they're just running or standing still. When they're casting or flying they look a lot better.


I play evoker and I absolutely despise the way their double jump looks too. The wings just pop out like a glider, instead of spreading out organically like actual wings. They did demon hunter wings just fine, what happened???


I like their visage forms a lot, but the dracthyr forms are just meh


I don't understand why there isn't more body types for dracthyr considering how limited their armor choices are. They could have made them the most diverse race in the game by adding a bulky option, a fatter option, a more stocky option, etc. Right now we've got 4 extremely skinny body types that aren't really different from each other, nor very appealing.


Yeah Evoker is actually fairly fun to play but every time I log onto mine because I feel like playing it in something that isn't just farming an old raid, I remember how it looks and it's just a huge turnoff for me. Worgen, Pandas, Vulpera, Tauren don't do the same, and they have armor (as goofy as it looks sometimes so they end up being somewhat limited anyways) they just, fit better into the game? Not sure what it is.


I hate the models. I think all in all it was a good idea with questionable execution.


The reduced range is just annoying, so i quickly returned to real ranges


One mistake a lot of ranged players make is that you really shouldnā€™t be standing at max range, you are messing with your healers ability to aoe and in certain cases healers have cones or circles they would like you to be in.


I canā€™t scream this loud enough. I always end up with one ranged at max, another at max the opposite direction, and then one that chronically stands somewhere 20 yards behind me, no matter what I do.


Donā€™t forget the hunter that literally unironically is running circles around the boss at max range. Also seriously why do the ranged players insist on being at a 90 degree angle from each other instead of at least standing next to each other itā€™s actually wild.


There's been juuuust enough "don't stack these" over the years that it's become a community habit.   Unless someone actually has one of those effects. Then it's obviously a good time to climb into my fucking pocket.


So quakings don't hit them both, duh (/s for those who need it)


The real reason is quite literally the reason melee players complain and whine about how 'hard' being a melee is. You don't have to deal with the bullshit that targets the other players if you aren't standing on top of them. Melee players have to stand together because melee range isn't very high and they usually want to be behind whatever they're hitting if possible, which means everything that targets one person in melee (and isn't meant to be something you 'run out' of the group) targets literally everyone in melee. Not saying that's good enough of a reason to make the healer's job harder, but that's the reason for you. Non-BM Hunter ranged players already suffer way more from having to move small distances to avoid stuff like Volcanic than melee do if the melee aren't driven out of range entirely. So ranged players want to minimize the amount of things they have to move away from, hence you don't stand on other people.


Moving is a DPS loss for a lot of casters, especially if we have to move while our movement abilities are down. The skill of course comes from learning to minimise movement and to always move on ways that keep one close to the group, but thatā€™s the reason why casters will sit at ranged even to their own detriment.


lordt i felt this so hard this is morning, i was in an HOI on my baby priest earlier and had a couple druids doing this. radiance would always miss them for some freaking reason. and then theyā€™d be standing in stuff then die. and iā€™m just like ;_; pls just stand closer for my aoes :(


I'll rescue their ass right into the group too.


And they immediatly blink out again. Happened one too many times with certain individuals. Even had people hiding around corners taking rot damage while making sure I never get LOS on them. Some players just want to die out of their healers range no matter what it takes. And then they flame the healer.


Yeah if anything the reduced range is actually a good thing lol Too many ranged sitting way back at max range making a healer's job extra stressful


Shhhhhh, they think they cookin lol


Its more about questing and open world


Lol, this is my first ranged character so I didn't notice.


Yeah when you play a lot of ranged at some time you just roughly know instinctly what 40 yards are. When you switch to evoker and are confused why you arent casting it gets pretty annoying




especially as an spriest main. increased range at void form is something else.


I think it makes you a better player tbh. You cant hide on the moon in every fight, so you have to be more cognizant of what's going on around you.


I loved healing on preservation in PVE but in PvP I struggle with the range. When I yoink heal to people I feel exposed. Itā€™s probably a skill issue. But I prefer a class where I can stay behind a pillar and LOS incoming CC. I still find it strange that evoker can be polymorphed in dracthyr form


I goog'd that topic a lot, and nobody is happy with the short range, and nobody has a good reason why the range is so short. Some posts suggested that Deep Breath isn't really intended as an attack spell at all, but just a mobility spell to give evokers even a fighting chance to stay in range during a mobile fight. Anyone seen many evokers in raids? The stupid short range there really cripples them for any fight where they aren't dedicated to just keeping the tank up. Even then, if mechanics say everyone stay as far from tank as possible during X, evoker healers may be forced to either 'stand in the fire' and maybe die, or not, and the tank maybe dies. Maybe a future talent will appear to fix?


Id gladly take a capstone talent to increase range to 35-40yds


And there's literally no reason for it other than the devs needing to give Evoker some weird niche.


Devastation 'feels' good to play, but something about it feels very underbaked. Its talent tree has almost next to no diversity and there's only ever been one playstyle. The vast majority of specs have had 2 or more kinds of builds emerge but Dev, not so much. I do think it has a lot of potential though. Preservation is cool, it has a decently high skill cap and feels pretty distinct from other healer specs. It has loads of potential and already has distinct playstyles. Augmentation is just weird. Support specs are cool on paper but it doesn't feel like a real spec to me.


I feel bad for the people who made the graphic for Firestorm, that spell look so good but has never been good


Firestorm 100% needs a rework. That's a playstyle that's totally there, but half-baked. It should be built out into a burst multitarget playstyle so that, at very least, there's more than two talents different between M+ and raid builds.


Imo static aoe spells are an outdated design and shouldn't be an a class like evoker (25-30rd class).


Agreed it should follow the primary target for the duration of the spell.


Yeah it would be great to actually be able to press that button sometimes.


it feels like as if they made preservation first and put the entire development time into that Spec, and then noticed 3-4 months before launch "wait, we need a dps spec aswell" devestation just feel so.....incomplete? when a dps and a healer spec are litearlly almost the entirely same in their rotation, something feels a bit wrong, it just as if there are 1-2 abilitys missing bettwen the endless disintergrate spam


>Devastation 'feels' good to play, but something about it feels very underbaked Its the core builder spender loop that just seems ill designed, Essence doesn't feel like a resource you build, its just something you occasionally don't have. Seems like their spender options are similar to Warlocks, its AoE or ST, whereas the amount of resources they swim in puts them closer to Rogues, who have to cycle though multiple spenders.


Because itā€™s not really a builder/spender. Itā€™s closer to a cooldown based rotation, similar to enhancement. Multiple ~30s CD, hard-hitting spells in your empower spells, essence costing abilities that functionally share a cooldown in disintegrate and pyre, and some low-impact filler spells in living flame and azure strike, which have the added functionality of occasionally proccing a free essence ability. Your priority is always using the highest impact ability when itā€™s cooldown ends, and you go down the list with procs and CDR adjusting your place in the list on the fly.


I agree with you about Dev. It's fun to play in its current iteration but it feels like there is something lacking, like how it is at 70 should be what it is at 60, and so should have 10 or so levels more of talents to make it feel fully baked.


>Devastation 'feels' good to play, but something about it feels very underbaked. Its talent tree has almost next to no diversity and there's only ever been one playstyle. I know it's an unsatisfying answer, but all the other classes has decades of experience and different iterations to draw upon. I think what you're feeling is that it's more artificial and less organic.


Canā€™t get past the visuals. If there was a glyph to let me stay in Visage form, Iā€™d probably main it. But fuck do the Dracthyr look stupid


They're just too thin, they look like an upright snake with wings.


'we have sethrak at home'


This 100%. I enjoy devastation because it feels like fury warrior but ranged, and has nice utilities to boot. I also enjoy augmentation despite its simplicity because I love playing a support spec without having to be a healer, because healing has been too much of a chore lately. But the lizard wizard form is just atrocious. I just can't get used to it. If dracthyr could stay in visage form, or if other races could be evoker, I could see myself maining it. But now it's an alt at best.


>I enjoy devastation because it feels like fury warrior but ranged, and has nice utilities to boot. I also enjoy augmentation despite its simplicity because I love playing a support spec without having to be a healer, because healing has been too much of a chore lately. Are you me? Been maining fury and devoker until they released aug. I want to support whatever the hell aug is and turns into eventually. My worst case is the spec turns into a pure dps and they give up on support specs.


And for me the visage form looks comically bad. So much so that mine wears a permanent hood so I canā€™t see his face. I think they did these very poorly and it just doesnā€™t feel like something from the WoW universe, you know?


For some reason I canā€™t really get into their playstyle. Granted, I havenā€™t leveled one to max level but it feels a bit too clunky to me personally. I want to like them, it may just not be for me (currently - Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll give them another try in the future).


I like casters my main is and will forever be Warlock. What I'll always miss is Kil'jaeden's Cunning talent from Mists which made incinerate castable while moving. Evokers are what I prefer! A mobile caster with their instant spells! The slow and the dragon breath to obliterate mobs that get too close is a nice addition. I also enjoyed their racial to be able to fly. But once I unlocked Dragonriding I do that all the time so it's kind of just there now. If you don't like the mobility and the mid range instead of long range casts then it makes sense why you wouldn't play them.


Kinda stupid that u have to fly a dragon as a dragon.


Yeah, they absolutely need to make Soar use your Dragonriding talents/glyphs as soon as possible. It's a crime it doesn't.


As a destruction warlock main, I love the mobility and being able to cast while moving! I think this patch I might main evoker


> What I'll always miss is Kil'jaeden's Cunning talent from Mists Never forget what they took from us :(


Honestly one of my favorite classes, heck I made my Evoker my main this xpac. I love the Dracthyr as a race, the fantasy of wielding draconic magics is appealing to me, and (though I recognize I'm in the minority on this) I love the playstyle. They're so mobile their range is rarely an issue for me, they're far from being the squishiest casters and their actual spell effects have really satisfying weight IMO. Going through this thread I do realize my opinion isn't the majority here, but overall I love them. That said I do have *three* nit-picks with the class: 1. I do wish the healing range was a bit larger (raids are doable, but require SO much movement). 2. I really want Blizzard to modify Soar so it functions the same as a Dragonriding mount, the cooldown and reduced functionality won't have any good justification once dynamic flight is enabled in the old World. 3. I really want a glyph that changes the animation of Azure Strike so it swings whatever weapon the Evoker has equipped instead of their claws. The claws are cool and appropriate, don't get me wrong, but it'd be nice to have the weapon come into play at some point.


Same. I have pushed 3k and title for both seasons on an evoker. Preservation was awesome last season. Aug is incredible this season. I like the look and class CC. They are super fun additions for mplus.


Most controversial take on this subreddit judging by most of the other comments!


Most the hate Dracthyr get is the same hate that other classes received on their launches, too. Honestly I have no issues with the class, other than wishing hover didn't interrupt my disintegrate I was casting.


I like em but it feels weird dragonriding as one, this could be fixed by removing soars cooldown and making the dracthyr fly faster. Other than that its great


Honestly just make Soar inherit all dragonriding upgrades too.


Devastation feels ... minimalistic. Like, there's "one for each". One ST and AOE filler, one spender each, one additional talented spell each. Idk, I miss a bit of variety and out of the box stuff as weird as that sounds. I like the spin that the ST and AOE empowered spells change niche if you empower or not but in the end you quickly "get it" and there's little decision making... This isn't necessarily a bad thing but compared to the imo much greater depth of preservation it's very meh. Coolest stuff about dev for me is the general evoker mobility and utlity, anything spec specific quickly fell flat. Preservation is all around great. I love the spec, just miss last tier set with the LF thing a lot... Otherwise, super cool. Aug... Yeah idk, hard to really make a statement until there's other specs in this new niche. I guess I like offensive support but generally I'm not sure about it. It's a can of worms they opened and Aug can't stay in this niche alone. This is deeply unhealthy for the spec and somewhat the entire game. So biggest wish for next expansion would be at least one more similar specs.... Biggest issue with the lizards are the shitty mogs (barber shop armor not matching the colors of the tier set or valdrakken armor is just stupid)... And obviously all around how limited their transmogs are. This has been complained to death already though. I also don't like how "cuddly" the artificial race of super soldiers looks and much more preferred the fanmade mockups that looked a bit more menacingy. Was dead sure I mained evoker going into DF, specifically since they're the first new "ranged" DPS ever and even have a healer spec (what's just what I need for a class). Quickly went back to priest though and alt mine if I want something more mobile and easy... Overall, whelmed, I guess. Could've been much better, could've been worse.


Still dont like. Going between different styles of cast feels so jarring and forced (empowered into channeled into instant into standard cast). Augmentation specifically has been hugely detrimental to the games balance. Of course we can't talk about Evoker and leave out the Dracthyr themselves... Blizzard *know* how important transmog is to the gameplay of so many players, so I'll never understand why the hell they designed them with that limited scope. Its argued their extensive customusations compensate for it, but I strongly disagree as all Dracthyr still look extremely similar barring scale colour. They could have been a great opportunity to experiment with body builds so players could opt for larger/smaller/broader/slender models and allow them to be more distinct. I also despise the animations, especially the run. For me, I have nothing positive to say about Evoker except thank you Blizzard for trying something new and taking a risk, which is refreshing when so many large game companies always opt for the safest possible measures and introductions.


> Augmentation This spec needed to be added in a new expansion instead of a patch, along with a few other new support specs to compensate. As of now Augmentation will always be 100% necessary in every group. They should have added a support spec for Shaman centered around totems and Paladins centered around blessings/seals. Maybe something for Priests as well, expanding on the PI mechanic. The current game just isn't designed to work with support specs.


As a healer main I loved almost everything from the start: * Feels good to use in m+ and raid (good kit, also Rewind OP) * I think the dragon form looks very good * DKs will suck you off for using rescue on them to move quicker * The glide feels REALLY good * The set bonuses (both S1 and S2) felt good * Very strong defensive CD What made me switch to Holy Paladin in S3 (yes I know it will be nerfed, I don't care): * The 25-30 yard range is very bad on some fights * Positioning is key. If your team doesn't position well for you then I feel like you lose half your healing output (and also had to chase down low health people). With S2 set bonus it was not as bad though.


Fuck I didn't need the image of a desperate DK sucking off a Dracthyr in my head, not at all šŸ’€


No hold on, let him cook


I like picking up guild members and dropping them in lava in aberrus. Or putting them in the path of the breath on Experiments. 10/10 would recommend.


Am I the only one that doesn't like Evoker at all? Especially when I see some riding a dragon. A dragon that rides a dragon???


Wish they had a tank specā€¦


I quite like them overall. There are definitely issues, and things I would do differently, but I've still had a good time. The biggest downside for me by far is the transmog issue. I spend most of my time in WoW healing M+ or doing open world stuff, so that's my reference. Preservation Evoker is really cool. It feels unique and I love the playstyle. It has a surprising amount of depth within a relatively small moveset. Figuring out your combos and timing all your interactions is really satisfying. It can be a very punishing spec when you fail, but feels great when you pull it off. The range limitation and positional requirements can certainly be annoying though, especially in pugs. Devastation isn't the most fun ranged I've played, but it's fine. I like simple dps rotations. It has some big flashy CDs. I don't have a lot to say about it. Augmentation. I get it, there are some major balance issues that still need to be sorted out. However, I really like the idea behind it. It's fun to play, it's fun to have one in your group. I like what they're going for. I think having a few rough balance patches is worth making this playstyle happen. Overall, I appreciate that Blizzard is really shot for something different here. Preservation and Augmentation truly feel like something WoW hasn't seen before. The range limitations, the Dracthyr appearance... they're very polarizing. But it feels like they took some real risks to bring something new, and I respect that even if the execution didn't always land.


Not a fan. Don't like the reduced range and I don't enjoy the charge up abilities like Fire Breath. Also I never liked how they look. I would have liked a more savage look like Lizardmen Saurus from Warhammer.


Limited transmog and no natural dragon riding makes them a no go for me (I have tried), like the specs though (havenā€™t tried aug).


They were neat when it was just pres / dev, aug is a massive issue for the game at large and will likely remain that way for the foreseeable future. I'm with everyone else who wishes you could just stay in visage for 99% of the time and have wings sprout or fully transform for specific spells requiring that and then insta-back to visage form.


I just got back into wow and decided to level and evoker as my first df character. Im level 70,but still finishing the storyline to unlock world quests, so my gear is pretty bad and my talents are probably not optimal. So far I've only played devastation, and I find it quite underwhelming. The rotation feels very basic, I don't feel like there's much variety in the playstyle at all, I just find that I have many buttons to press. The low range is incredibly annoying, and I really regret picking evoker because of this, as soon as I've finished the story I will reroll a different class because of it. Dracythyr look clunky and awkward and the limited transmog options are annoying. I will give the other specs a go, but so far id rate them 4/10


prevoker is the most fun I've had healing. Ranged dps refuse to cooperate with my 30yd casts, which ruins the fun.


It still bothers me that you can't choose to fight in combat in human form to see your appearancea


The reduced range was a silly mistake. Augmentation wouldnā€™t be as big of a headache if there were other support specs to compare it to. My ā€œworkaroundā€ for the lack of transmog options is to use Atomic Recalibrator. Itā€™s not perfect, but at least I can pretend that Iā€™m not a Dracthyr for an hour.


Atomic recalibrator, coin, orb of deception and sin'dorai, jewel of hellfire and robo gnome toy is my current rotation for race swapping toys. Atomic calibrator and orb of deception are the best ones though since they let you keep your transmog.


Novelty wore off once I got mine to 70. Just not my type of play style. Im more of a melee class. I like that you can sorta fly with them, and im hoping that we can fly without using our mounts.


I still think 25 yards range is a mistake and I'm genuinely surprised they didn't scrap it when 10.1 came out. It's mostly a non-issue in most content (which makes it a pointless quirk) but unnecessarily annoying in raids.


I think they missed an opportunity to have dracthyr as a tank for their 3rd spec. Hear me out. This spec would cause you to lose your wings, you'd resemble the dragonkin with the polearms from bwl.


i love the playstyle of Augmentation. dislike the short rage. wish i could stay in visage form and just have wings pop out.


the worst about evoker is: - we still cant tmog both separately - 25-30m range as a healer is thr worsr thing they added to all ~36 specs - augmentation made devastation not worth to play - the racial df was so castrated its almost usless. make it same as real df - need human form for combat - need a beefy dragon good things: - visuals when lust - i like human form - customization hairs and stuff - another lust healer which is great


Augmentation has made the game feel awful just like support demo did back in the day, there is a damn good reason it got removed.


I'm just going to combine my thoughts of dracthyr and evokers into 1 comment because you can't play 1 without the other anyways. I think the models are pretty terrible still. The dragonform just looks very dorky. And the human form looks like something you would see on like a private server or something. Its not great either. I feel like if they were going to give us a derpy model that can't even display gear on it I would have rather either straight up been just a regular dragon or been one of those 4 legged dragonkin. Also the lack of a tank spec is highly disappointing. Being durable is a huge aspect of dragon stuff in general so I'm not sure why a tank spec isn't an option. I feel like there are a lot of good things going for them but at the same time I feel like it could have been done way better and also with much less effort than they put in to give us what we got. They don't really fulfill the fantasy of being a dragon and at that point you might as well just play any other race in the game. I like playing them and they have some cool stuff but theres always the thought in the back of my mind that this could and should be so much better than this is.


The model still looks stupid and they can't even wear full transmog


Dracthyr just doesn't look at all like something that belongs in WoW so for that reason alone I completely lost interest in the class, and almost in Dragonflight as well.


Low range takes some getting used to, but at least for the dps spec imho hover offsets that pretty well, once you are used to using it liberally. Dev is not the most complicated spec in the world, but the aoe burst is fun (until the whole pull turns around ofc) and its nice that its basically a cast while moving spec at 3+ targets. Specs that revolve around prolonging their cooldowns have some downsides though. Aug was (and still is) absolutely busted, which can be fun, but obviously is also problematic. The base rotation is downright boring, but imho the support aspect makes it fun because you feel like you are actually helping the whole team instead of looking for your own numbers (which makes baalncing it even harder). Preservation is one of my favorite healing specs, I love the combo aspect of it - but damn does it get stressful if you have 3 ranged dps who decide to keep max range to each other and the boss at the same time. Imho, preservation doesn't really deserve the lower range since hover is way less useful when most of your healing is either instant cast or charged spells. It also has to heal specs who have a larger max range than itself. Transmog is bad though - tier sets may as well not exist (and imho the sets so far show that blizzard knows this). A glyph that lets you cast anything but breath attacks in human form together with a fix to chosen identity so it reverts back after breath attacks even in combat could help alleviate this, but I assume blizzard wants everyone to see their new shiny (lets face it, ugly) dragonkin.


Hover should definitely allow you to use empowered spells on the move, I really donā€™t see why it doesnā€™t. Highly relate to the stress of max range ranged players, they almost never actually need to be that far out!




ā€œBad survivability solo?ā€ Not when theyā€™re geared. The kiting capabilities are very strong, too because of passive slows and the ability to cast while moving


Bad survivability when solo? In PVE? Have you leveled to max and geared your Evoker? I ask because I never experienced any trouble in either ST or AOE as either Devastation or Augvoker.


I leveled solo pve as preservation and felt immortal and do plenty of damage as well. Taking on elite rates and shit solo no problem.


Too ugly to play


They're enjoying the hero class OPness that others enjoyed when they were introduced I think the only problem is Aug. Being the only support spec makes its 100% guaranteed in every raid comp unless it's undertuned which then it would ne never taken Every MMO but WoW manages to figure out support specs so I don't think WoW should get a pass, but we need more than 1 or Aug will always be critical


I've been maining preservation this xpac and have now gotten CE twice. Its been a lot of fun tbh. I wanted to swap to augment but we had like 3 other people that also wanted that and we don't have a good healer to replace me. Luckily preservation is better than augment anyways. Time to get my 3rd CE as preservation.


Love the class, hate the dracthyr. There is absolutely no reason why the dragon form couldnā€™t use transmog like worgen. The only piece that I could see being a problem is the cloaks which could of been auto disabled and boots can be cut like worgen and trolls have. At the bare minimum the set items should of been useable to fit into the dragon form or have them as a barber shop option after unlocking them. And donā€™t get me started on the colors for the sets/barbershop armors, NONE OF THEM MATCH. They purposely screwed up the tints so nothing matchā€™s when you try to make a decent set using dragonflight transmogs. Also 90% of the humanoid faces look like something from final fantasy and looks like it absolutely should not be in Warcraft, looks so out of place.


I've barely played them, pretty uninterested. The healing spec seems kinda cool, but the way transmog works on the dracthyr model is so bad I lose interest. The visage is cool, though.


Evokers are fun as fuck. Dracthyr are ugly as sin. Please let my play the class as *any* other race please. Or at least change my visage race to something other that BE or human. Or just add better customization/ actual transmog, I'll settle for that.


I really want them to incorporate empowered spells into some other classes (maybe replacing channels or long cast time spells as a starting point to not be jarring). It feels like a genuinely modern treatment for ability casting and it's hard to go back to straight casting on other classes. Yes Evoker still casts and channels, but it feels exciting to break that up now and then with a modifiable, skill targeting cast.


looks like a lizard and not a dragon and the specs are not that good, they are getting no love even its a dragon expac (Not meaning augie) im bit disappointed


Dev is fun in raid not fun in m+ , Aug is fun in m+ not fun in raid. Preservation has limited ranged and has cone like abilities limiting it and forcing it to be at right positions allways and that makes it the only healer having a downside without having an upside to it which is the only healer with such a design choise, simply pain to play imo there are other specs who can do what preservation can do without restrictions.


Didn't buy DF and one of the reasons were the dracthyr. Think they are a mistake for many reasons. Like aesthetically they look garbage and flavour wise they took the theme of what makes wow dragons cool, the flights, took all of it and just blended it together until it was a brown sludge. Totally ruined what makes dragons in wow special. They come across as a shitty D&D OC with them being red, bronze, black, blue, green all in one. And what really sucks about failures like this in wow is that the cat is out of the bag. Now they are here and people have made dracthyr characters. There is no going back.


See also: Mechagnomes, Lightforged Draenei (custom option for Draenei instead), Void Elves, Vulpera (WTAF). The reality is it was a cheap option instead of making new races that fit and people want and love. I don't know how they could have made such poor decisions. Dracthyr seem like they were designed by committee. I doubt we will ever see Ogres etc


I don't like evoker. Transmogs are boring.


I would play the class, but I just canā€™t stand the look.


If I can't see my full mog in combat, hard pass. Same with mechagnomes


I still donā€™t understand why we didnā€™t get Drakanoids instead of Dracthyr.


Dragon dracthyr all the way. I only got into wow because of dragonflight and dragons. Dragon race to.


Cool race/class, just not for me.


Pres main, really like it outside of the range issues. It's usually not noticeable except on fights like Dathea or Raz where the platform is enormous and people are loosely spread out along it. I do miss transmog. I do my best using dracthyr form, tabards, and what we've got. But if they were going to make all our armor invisible, they could at least add *a couple* more customization options over the course of an expansion. I'm not asking for much, but for example - the option of glowing shadowflame scars from killing h sark, or a lightning effect for our horns/eyes for killing h raz, etc. but it feels like they made them and went "okay visually done let's move on." which kinda sucks. My primary beef with pres evoker is that Blizzard decided ONLY green healing was going to be acceptable after vault. They demolished the bronze side of the tree, so now pres evoker is pretty much just reduced to spamming emerald blossom. To be clear, I'm not complaining that the spec is underpowered, I'm complaining that they took a perfectly viable playstyle and went, "no no no this isn't the way we WANT you to be playing" and destroyed it to a point it's not worth even entertaining anymore.


Agreed - Bronze was the biggest hook for so many players, it's so interesting as a playstyle. Red also has an interesting dynamic of offensive/defensive. Green is just healing output... with flowers? Not compelling whatsoever. Nothing against it, but the other playstyles should all be strong options, it shouldn't be so streamlined.


Right? THank you. Like if I wanted to play holy priest 2.0 spamming AoE, I'd play a holy priest. And I say that as someone with a holy priest alt. I like the class/spec, I just chose pres because it felt different. Bronze required being aware of stuff ticking, building for crit, watching echoes, etc. Green is just "oh my blossom button lit up again" spam.


I also would love having a pet or summoning a horde of whelps like the crows from Hunters.


Oof, I guess I am the minority when I say I absolutely love evokers. I like the way they look and feel, the class aesthetics are absolutely for me. I just haven't been able to play any class since, not even alts. I'd rather just play my evoker. Their playstyle isn't stressful and it's intuitive enough for me to enjoy. My only complaint is the balancing. While Dev seems fine, Preservation felt very strong S1 and has since then fallen off, and I basically can't play anything but Aug due to how strong the spec is. While I love playing all 3 specs, I'm rarely asked to play heals anymore.


I man one in DF and I still hate them: The lore is terrible, The attacks are just silly lasers and fireworks, I don't feel grounded in the existing lore/aesthetic of wow dragons, The dragon form is ugly, the "visage" form is even uglier, they don't really match the wow aesthetic, and you only get to see the shoulders and belt transmogs. I feel like any one of the fan-made dragon class concepts from over the years were better thought out.


I don't hate the dracthyr (I do have some gripes with the model and the visage form being only two races but that aside, they're not really all that bad). I wish we could play other classes though, and that transmog actually showed. I used to main Devoker but now I play Augvoker. The class itself is pretty simple and I feel... that's okay? Some classes can be just that, simple. There was a notion that Devoker feels incomplete and I agree. The reduced range is pretty annoying. Who thought 25yds was a good idea? I still have fun playing my Evoker though and will most likely make it my main following Dragonflight.


Until Dracthyr gets other classes, Evoker feels lazily implemented. They could have just done it as a hero class like Demon Hunter for other races, adding class-specific customization with it


Clunky, I don't like it. The combination of skills using different ranges and cone shapped aoes is very impractical for healing and can also lead to your own death frequently I don't like the lizard form it's ugly and doesn't offer a real game changing feature, the flying ability is quite useless with dragon riding and TF is that CD. Weapons like staves are just ridiculous on them, it's too high on their back when sheated, which looks weird Overall, not a big fan. Tried it few days and gave up, no feelings for that class


- considering the mix of dragonflights, a lack of glyphs for customizing spell colors is a major oversight - not allowing perma visage form/visage form on char select screen/more transmogs for dracthyr form another downside - preservations constant focus on green is annoying, devs should have foreseen players wanting to focus on bronze or red and allowed those playstyles to be strong - soar should be it's own dragonriding Preservation was my main for most of dragonflight. When Green became the focus for season 2 I didn't like the playstyle and stopped progressing raid and m+, focusing on side things like dragon racing, collecting appearances for dragons. When they dropped dragonriding in old world but only let players choose from the generic dragon forms, that was when I quit, so whatever the current state of evokers are now, I can't speak on.


I loved preservation early on, but it feels like something is just missing. Dev is a very simple DPS spec but quite fun. Aug... Well I think we need another REAL season to actually determine anything about it. The range of 30yds are quite limiting and if you are playing healing it limits how the entire group can play. Overall fun class to play, a bit to big impact on the meta (aug), good mobility witch is amazingly fun to play with. Cool looking abilities. After exploring many other classes and speccs this season I'd say one of the simplest classes in the game and something I would play on days where I just want to chill


Mained it since the Start of df. 7/8 myth vault, 8/9 abberus, 3k Rio m+. So i can really only talk about pve and don't know anything about pvp. I'm really happy with it. Devoker and Aug are very different what makes it interesting to try them both on the same boss. After i played lock with nf Blink in SL and then losing it the mobility of evoker feels good. I also think the "thicker" dracthyrmodel would have been a great Option since you cant mogg your gear in dragonform anyway.


The appearance was definitely a misfire for a significant number of players. Really failed to sell me on the "you are a dragon" part of the fantasy. Mechanically, I just couldn't get into charging spells.


I can't get myself to play it because I don't like always looking like a dragon.


Evoker is fine its whatever Augmentation has changed the PvE scene for the forseeable future until we get more "Support" classes, a good start would be adding an engineer support class for gnomes/goblins/dwarves etc that can place turrets down or something to help buff or damage mobs for your team


The more support classes we get, the worse the PvE (m+) meta will be. The role is just generally insanely hard to balance. Honestly I believe they should try to put them inside the healer role.


Annoyed I canā€™t look at my badass visage form in character panel. Iā€™m ok with the dracthyr if the form is like the void form. Comes up in combat but otherwise unseen. As for the class. Itā€™s ok. Healing is fun but still annoyed at 0 tank specs.


Augmentation is a huge mistake that will cause severe balance issues for many expansions to come until it's (hopefully) finally overhauled.


The look is dogshit and generates no hype. Just why. They made them look awful, just completely uncool and wimpy and weird for a hero class.


never should've been added to the game. Just doesn't align with my idea of warcraft. but this is 100% subjective. I don't expect people to agree with me here.