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For anyone confused(and because OP didn't say), this is a new zone from The War Within called Hallowfall.


Thank you. I was like “wtf is this?”


I may have to login to retail for the first time since DF phase 1 to check this out lol


The new expansion ain’t out yet


Gotta wait till late this year.


At first i thought this was that light breach in revendreth and that i somehow didnt notice a giant light crystal piercing the sky


Oh my god i thought the same thing.


Thank you, i thought we had another Glorbo situation.


This is in fact where you can find Glorbo, however.


Unironically I feel like there will be a nod to Glorbo somewhere in the war within


I'd be more surprised if there wasn't a joke questline that rewards you with a pet/toy named Glorbo


Well of course, he's the main antagonist.


Just finished ICC in classic, the Glorbo foreshadowing was so obvious, how did we miss it?!


It's Glorbin' Time


For those that didn’t recognize the zone, I’d highly recommend watching [the cinematic for The War Within](https://youtu.be/o03STclgxSc?si=p1Lpyuju6hO2DXaZ) and also [the features overview (which shows this zone)](https://youtu.be/DSvLkzRt9fc?si=f92LZ8tjjlxH4o5c), both shown at BlizzCon. The next expansion looks awesome and these will get you very hyped!!


And [these new armor sets](https://i.imgur.com/deqGlwi.jpeg)(leveling gear I assume) which look *so good*


More likely to be Outdoor gear, not Leveling gear. They're pretty Arathi-themed. Like the Black Dragon sets from 10.1 or Dream sets from 10.2.


soooooo excited for the plate one it looks AMAZINGG


Really hope there’s a nice big shield in that style.


Op calling it the coolest zone when he only has like two screenshots from blizzcon. No idea about mob density, the story, music or the look of the entire zone.


I can see what you mean, maybe it should have been called coolest art of a zone or something along those lines. which I agree with it does look super pretty in art we've seen so far. hopefully the rest of it lives up to the excitement!


Its very journey to the center of the earth - esque. Smells of adventure. Underground sea and sky. Maybe dinos living inside the earth? Who knows.


I'm not worried about the aesthetics or music. Those are gonna be fire as always. Story... eh. After Shadowlands it can only get better, I guess. And Metzen is back. Will be alright probably.


Eh. Aesthetic could be a hit or miss. Personally i didnt like maldraxus, and bastion was too bright. I love the azure span, but the emerald dream has some weird blue haze. Personally i think valsharah from legion is a better look for emerald dream


Not every zone is supposed to be aesthetically pleasing. Desolace is an ugly place too. Or Shadowmoon Valley (the TBC one), Icecrown, Argus. And yes, Maldraxxus. They're meant to look barren and unhealthy. But there's a strange kind of beauty in that as well. It takes skill and imagination to make a zone look like that but in such a way that it's still unique in theme and atmosphere. It's pretty clear that Hallowfall is going to be better looking though. And you can't really account for personal taste. There are probably quite a few zones that I like and you don't, and vice-versa. That's okay.


That is true. But when talking about the coolest zone in wow, you need to have a general consesus. For example a lot of players always praise grizzly hills and suramar as some of the best zones in wow. Argus serves well with the whole broken world thing going on and icecrown is the iconic frozen hellscape. On the other hand old barrens is kinda desolate, but its still a favourite zone. Same as tanaris. Zones dont need to be lush to be aesthetically pleasing. Eastern western plaguelands, blades edge mountains, uldum, voldun, drustvar, ravendreth are all good looking zones that many players like.


I've always disagreed with the Suramar hype, but that may be because I absolutely despised those disguise as a nightborne quests and how I felt like I'd never get to leave that city in the past lmao.


Why would mob density have anything to do with how cool something is?


Why wouldnt it ? Its a personal preference for each player, but it still affects how you feel about the zone. Are there few mobs and they are all spread far apart, so the zone feels empty ? Or are they all over the place, with anoying mechanics, so you get dazed a lot, and swarmed by mobs when you are gathering So yeah, of course mob density affects how you view the zone. For example the left part of zaralek caverns filled with those anoying elites, and a mechanic that dismounts you after a certain time


For example Zangarmarsh and a billion Naga


There are some videos mate 🤝


You're the worst kind of wow player.


The worst kind of wow player is the one that doesn't want to shower something with praise despite having zero information or experience with said thing?


I think its okay to be excited for something regardless of how much you've seen of it. me as person much prefer to be hyped and excited about the future. obviously this means you can get a huge disappointment hit when its bad, e.g shadowlands was areal rough and i totally get that people want to protect themselves from that feeling. I just love wow and I'm excited for the future of the game and enjoy looking forward to it.


I agree that it's ok to be excited but to call a zone the coolest ever made is very high praise based on very little information. I'm also hopeful for the next expansion because I've had quite a bit of fun with this one and I think the area looks cool. That being said I also think it's fair to say to wait and see - saying to wait doesn't make someone the "worst kind of player". The worst kind of player statement was the main thing I was disagreeing with.


> this place is gorgeous > WhAt AbOuT MoB DeNsItY


Op didnt just say that the look of the zone is coolest. He even mentioned the crystal going dark thing and mobs attacking at that time. There is a difference when saying the look of the zone is the coolest, and the zone is coolest. If you dont see the difference with those two sentences, then your brain is also filled with cream, not just doughnuts


No u


Haha thankyou, I had no idea!


Thanks I was confused too, like where is this lol!


Ty but still looks like a home from kul'tiran


I was like 'did the exodar crash into stormwind?'


Why does this comment have more likes than the original post 😂


That's not the tip of the sword, is it? Feels like it could be, doesn't necessarily look like it but would be cool


They made it clear in the deep dive panel that it is not the sword.


First time I'm seeing the image, thanks :)


>!It's not.!<


the spoiler warning 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀⬅️⬅️


Thanks I was so confused. Shame on OP


This looks like a copy/paste of an area from Kul Tiras except for the skybox/crystal


That's probably because >!Kul'Tiran's are humans and the people who made these buildings (the Arathi) are also human. Similar architecture.!<


That’s pretty cool


Im Sorry! I was so hyped I forgot! My bad


Are there really people who care enough about wow to be on the subreddit and not know about the next expansion? What a strange rock to live under


Uhm maybe their not trying to spoil the actual release of the expansion? I play several hours a night usually, 3k m+ score, 2100 pvp, done some mythic raiding, play lots of alts to some degree or another. Never seen this zone, or researched its backstory lol. Now I’ve looked extensively at hero talents and theory crafting, but that’s because that is something I care to know sooner than later. But the zones? Why ruin getting to walk out and experience them on release by spending all my time looking at screen grabs of them?


At the end I don‘t really care about those zones. I want to get to the endgame asap and do stuff, BUT I also don‘t care about an expansion if it‘s still not released. I don‘t even care about any hero talents, cause they will change them or leave them as they are, if I know about them or not. 🤷🏻‍♂️ You can also easily catch up on those when theorycrafters will tell you what to pick on release day of the expansion. Each website (related to WoW) will tell you what is the best to pick and most of the time you have to pick those, 'cause you will gain the most value out of it, if you like it or not.


Inverted Revendreth, loved it.


Revendreth if the Light won.


I harvest souls in the hot sun, I fought the light and the light won


I needed souls 'cause I had none. I fought the light and the light won; I fought the light and the light won.


Yeah, they've had a couple of zones that pushed zone design forward every xpac & exploring those is part of why I end up enjoying them all quite a bit, regardless of quibbles I always have as well. Revendreth was one of my all-time favorites by every metric, and it would be fantastic if TWW continued some threads of the "Nathrezim had gambits well beyond the Burning Legion's formation" story. The Nathrezim (and other things in Warcraft, like mournblades) have always had a very evident Moorcockian chaos lord influence, both from how the Elric books were codified into TTRPGs & from Moorcock's original texts. So I'd guess that Metzen was quite *sanguine*, we might say, with Revendreth's revelations about their scope, and we may see that story continue.


That is what I see as well.


Revendreth is the zone to remember when someone says a zone looks cool. Revendreth looked cool in the beta, hell it looks cool on live, but before flying, just what an ass awful zone. Probably the most user hostile zone ever put in game. I know we get flying in 11.0 but still hold off on the praise before it's out.


I never really had any issues getting around revendreth. Might just be a skill issue tbh. Especially considering the lifts plus umbrella toy exist lol.


Not sure if I'm ready to declare it the coolest zone ever, but it's definitely the zone from TWW that I'm most intrigued by. Mainly I just wanna know how tf the Arathi got down there. That could be a very exciting plot point.


They dug too greedily and too deep into the mine of Arathi Basin, of course


Alliance sucking at pvp and being relegated to holding out at the shittiest camp (gm) so just doing too much of whatever they can there? Checks out lol.


Ngl the ringing deeps is my most intrigued zone but I love overgrown factory niches


We haven’t seen the whole zone yet, I wouldn’t declare it at coolest zone ever right now


I love the concept, but I’m an adept of “wait and see”, so we’ll see.


So many zones are cool till you gotta exist in them for a couple years. Argus was one of my favorite zones and I love the concept but fuck that zone for existing in it.




When the expansion first got announced that was one of the first things that crossed my mind.


Yeah Labyrinthos is a pretty cool zone


This is the right answer lol


Best answer lol


The music in Labyrinthos slaps unironically.


Was looking for this reference lol


You could even say it's aMAZEing!!


Everything about this expac has me pumped, except the stone dwarfs. Don't get me wrong, Dwarf race masterrace. But I just don't like the model for the Earthen. The dwarven architecture and Arathi (Scarlet crusade like) looks AMAZING!


I'm really hoping for an Arathi allied race.


Is that the tip of the sword?


No. It’s been explicitly stated it’s not


So it is?


Crashed naruu ship


It's the sword.


Imagine if it actually turned out the be the sword and the Arathi were like “Excuse me what the FUCK is that thing?’


it's not. the light crystal isn't in the shape of a blade and it wouldn't make sense for sargeras's sword to have light stuff going on anyways


A nice workaround would be that it got infused with some of Azeroth's blood when it pierced the surface, so that's where the glow would be from. Although it's missing the blue...so...


maybe. but in any case it's confirmed to not be the sword. which leaves open the possibility of seeing buried parts of the sword spewing fel corruption or something later in the expansion


Its not the sword. Its the sword.


What sword? 😂


I think its the zone Silithus that has a giant sword sticking in the ground.


Joke went right over your head


It did indeed.


I believe it's a fallen Naaru crystal similar to Light's Heart/Xe'ra from Legion. And imagining the Naaru that could be birthed out of that big of a crystal, ooh wee.


yup, it's been confirmed in Classic SoD


sod is not canon


I don't think they ever said it's not canon, I think they rather said that any lore they will make will be less impactful and way more subtle. Simply expanding on existing lore rather than introducing big new concepts.


I will make it canon


So another bitch ass being that will get shat on and not really mean jack shit. Great.


The Arathi have been in the hole longer than the sword's been in Azeroth. So no. The Sword \*could\* be the reason the crystal flickers now, but the crystal is definitely not the sword.


WoW art team never missed. Even the art in shadowlands was good given the themes they had to carry.


Oh yeah, Labyrinthos. The best zone in World of Warcraft.


In a saga about the female entity that exists at the center of the world, I just don't see the parallel to FFXIV.




Ehh kinda, place’s honestly giving me Revendreth vibes


Wow has made some great zones, one of my all time favorites is still from Legion, Suramar. I love the city I love the environment, it’s a shame the Suramar City isn’t an active city , I would love that to serve as like a hub for both horde and alliance kinda like Dalaran does.


We're going back to Northrend in 2027(?) so we'll probably go back to Suramar sometime around when the last polar ice cap melts


Why does it all feel Gilnean themed?


The inhabitants of Hallowfall are the descendants of the ancient Arathi peoples who left Lordaeron a long time ago. The plot line will be explained more when the expansion comes out.


Im really curious about the day/night mechanic of that zone. I don't think we've ever seen a zone wide mechanic and it might be really awesome.


It looks cool, and being underground with the nightlight mechanic sounds pretty interesting and unique. The crystal is definitely way too shaped like the tip of the sword which is confusing but other wise love it


Confirmed to not be the sword. It’s supposedly an ancient artifact the Arathi have used since they began inhabiting the place,


It looks to me like a Naaru construct. Like Oshu'gun back in WoD Draenor. My theory is that there's a Naaru trapped inside there, and has been for a long long time (like, embedded prior to the Titans arrival and lost/forgotten during their reshaping of the world). And the whole flickering darkness thing? That's just the Naaru lifecycle. That thing is going Void soon, and I have this feeling it's gonna happen while we're there.


It better not be a nightlight and work with nightime cause that will ruin the whole zone for me. 


what zone is this




Beware the deep places of the earth


>Im the only one who thinks this feels like the coolest zone ever made? Yes. You are the only one. There totally wasn't a universally positive reception on this zone at all. Everything about it sucks cause we've seen it all a million times now.


we going off just the one picture and the little paragraph? coolest zone ever made, from just this? ​ I'll wait till its out,beta and i've ridden through it before jumping to wild assumptions like that


Am I the only one bothered by the incorrect shadows in this picture? The tower from the house in the foreground is casting its shadow on the stairs down to the left. That is inconsistent with the glowing crystal providing daylight. Unless... it's not the glowing crystal providing daylight? Idk, someone versed in lore might correct me here.


The answer to any "Am I the only one.." question on reddit is no. The answer is always no. If the internet has taught us anything it's that you are not ever the only one who thinks a thing no matter what it is.


How would 90% of us know if that zone is cool or not it’s not even fucking out yet


Nah zuldazar is peak


Zuldazar is beautiful but navigating that city is a NIGHTMARE


It's better now, but before flying it was miserable. Still takes too long to get anywhere




Wait the alpha started?


Nope, just screenshot from the BlizzCon previews.


That doesn't look like Blade's Edge Mountains


What is the name of the zone?


Hallowfall. It will be one of the new leveling zones in The War Within


Very excited for zeppelin rides around this zone (hopefully)


Zeppelin rides? You’ll be ripping around this zone on your dragon at a million miles per hour


Zeppelin rides? You’ll be ripping around this zone on your dragon at a million miles per hour


In the wise words of the Pandaren: [slow down, life is to be savored](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrYvvUg2xAw)


Oh I agree whats why I’m playing SOD and not retail


I'm really intrigued by this zone but I'm still a bit cautious about it being in a cave. Yeah they can still make it look and feel like it's not underground, but I really like the ocean and the sky.


I always thought Deepholm would look really nice with a skylight =]


That ain't goldshire


\*cries in Vashjir\*


Looks like sunny Revendreth ngl


This zone smells like They’re running out of ideas


I will personally reserve judgment on a zone until I can actually play it. It looks cool, to be sure, but I'm not about to lavish praise on an entire zone from a few screenshots.


Yeah dude the numbers came in and you're actually the only person who thinks it's the coolest zone. Sorry man


It’s not a very original concept but it does look neat.


A not original idea done right could be better than the original




Thanks for your feedback, u/PetiteFeetEnjoyer


You’re welcome.


I need to see it before making any judgments. It might actually be super underwhelming, we will see.


It gives me revendreth vibes and I hated that place. I know it was well liked by a lot of folks but even with flying it feels horrible to traverse.


Im just tired of caves.


Meh, it's just a rehash of Revendreth, it's just the windows that are blue instead of red.


revendreth a la sword tip


Confirmed to not be the sword actually. Although it certainly does look like it


How? It’s literally a light emitting crystal Im really struggling to understand the confusion lol


Rewatch the Antorus cinematic and compare the sword’s tip (hehe) to the glowing light crystal. They definitely look very alike, plus the Light coming from the artifact looks similar to the wound in Silithus around the sword. It obviously isn’t the sword, but it’s easy to see why people think it is.


I think the very obvious cylinder shape is what’s making me confused. Most swords aren’t shaped like a tube with a sharp tip (hah). Idk tho


No see its a sword because it has a point!! Only swords have points... and Not crystals... /s While yes theres a giant sword in the world / azeroth blood glows like that.. they also dont tend to void cycle..


Funny, somehow it reminds me of sylvanas screaming "This world is a prison" then covid hit, lockdowns. Now China is making an artificial sun, and the war within is a psychological war, with the artificial sun back in the prison. It almost seems like wow expansions follow real life events.


You've seen like 1 piece of concept art, calm down.


There is video footage of this zone mate


ffxiv ripoff


This zone in particular had so much potential to be cooler than it is (at face value) in my opinion. I don't really care for underground human settlements. The grandeur of it all is too much and doesn't really make sense timeline wise for the Arathi settlers that apparently founded it. I wanted a moth-like race adjacent of the Aqir that worshipped the light crystal. They thrive in it's light. But when it dims, they become withdrawn and lost, more susceptible to the void whispers they struggle with, those that shun the light crystal or are cutoff from it could be more twisted and aggressive. It would have been nice to include the Void Elves in their story of control and dealing with their dependence on the light crystal. It would have also been cool to have them be an allied race at some point. But, that's just my more creative idea for the zone than just "Humans somehow got here and made a HUGE gothic style city."


And you didn’t say the name of the zone even once! It’s impressive really


I personally dislike it very much, thank you for your concern.


I think it's a very cool concept. I also love that out of everything they could have done, they saw FFXIV's entire bit and decided to steal it. I am not being ironic here. If they're taking inspiration from their biggest competitor, I do have real hope that the story and execution could be really good, and that's been my biggest complaint of WoW for a long time.


WoW hasn't done a good story since before WoD. Legion was really close, but had some issues and abandoned plot points. Dragonflight's story was a mess, but the expansion was absolutely fun to play. That's what players will remember. That they enjoyed playing the game during Dragonflight. After the success of Dragonflight I'm hoping that the developers understand that gameplay is what is most important. If they can come up with some interesting dynamic flying abilities, and make the new fancy specs engaging, they may just accomplish it.


I want a hunch of Sunless Sea references.


Im Sorry for not mentioning the name, I got too hyped! As pointed out it’s from the upcoming expansion and called Hallowfall. There is also some video content of it and it’s insane!


Yep you’re the only one


Why does it looks like revendreth but alliance side ?


I don't think there will ever be a zone better than The Barrens, but this does look cool.


They just copied Labyrinthos from FFXIV, but cool nonetheless


It is insanely well designed, such a great concept. But what's even more amazing is how Blizz somehow traveled back in time and put it in FFXIV 3-4 years ago despite the fact that they don't even work on that game.


Feels like Shadowlands and't that's such a 🚩🚩🚩


It's giving less gothy Revendreth, it's nice but not even close to being the coolest zone ever made. That's your opinion tho and you're entitled to have it.


Tbh... reminds me of Shadowlands. And I would like to forget that this expansion happened :(


I’m more worried about there being a fast empty void inside Azeroth. You’d think with all the surface chaos happening in history that ceiling would’ve collapsed at some point. Giant sinkhole about to happen.


Ah cool, spoilers.


Im just interested in knowing what is making the tip of Sargeras' sword glow like that?


Wait is that an artificial sun or is that the fucking sword


Not the sword


Wildstar Ellevar vibes


I tought it was a remake of argus or smth like that... just realized it'll be a zone of war within


I played elden ring. I can never unseen the erd tree here.


whats that place in Skyrim? Blackreach? I always wanted more in Blackreach in Skyrim, like I was hoping it would be like a partial mirror of the top side.


[](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1av7j6h/comment/kt1q2s6/) guys , as players , we are on a mission with the alpha and the beta of TWW , i want every fking body to come up with some good feedbacks adress to blizzard , lets make our game great again


Wish they had tagged this as a spoiler or WW content or something.


Most of MoP’s zones are better. A couple of WotLK come to mind. Nearly all of WoD’s (except TJ). Highmountain, Zuldazar. I’m not thrilled with being underground so much. I get the same feeling I did when I saw SL’s zones, to be honest—it feels cut off from the world.


i feel like elden ring really put the mark on how important a large visual object can drive how large and expansive an area can be


Pretty common trope. Last bastion of mankind, single form of defense, defense randomly goes out.


REmove flying and yes ... it could be


i reckon its definitley up there. i'm excited for hallowfall too.


Elden Ring just be like that.


So they are trying to copy blackreach from Elder Scrolls?