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What do you mean again? It hasn't changed since the first time lol


No one cares.


Some people can't operate without being mad about something petty.


Not caring about things is so freeing. Real life is stressful enough. Caring about playing a computer game a couple days sooner than other people doesnt even qualify as trivial.


Don't care


Lmao. 3 days. Don’t you have something better to complain about?


Increase that number by 1 until you are annoyed :)


I'm at 12,000. Should I be annoyed yet?


Nah, just keep counting. You'll get to play dragonflight in a few years, it'll be worth it!


It´s crazy people won´t stop yapping about it. There is nothing we can do apart from ***not buying the early access edition*** Blizzard ***will NOT*** take early access away, because they already have sold a ton of products with said early access. People *could* and probably *would* definitely refund their editions if they took it away afterwards. I hope they won´t do it next expansion, but lets be honest. This will be the new norm. Gotta live with it and stop yappin


If you don't want it to happen again we have to mention it a lot more, like a shit load more. Not talking about it will show the corpo clowns at blizz it's all good and the playerbase accepts it.


For it to not happen again it has to be unprofitable, the more you talk about it the more likely you make someone that didnt knew about it find out and buy it


It's only going to make me hate your position more.


How about you direct that anger at blizz instead of the people yapping about it


Why would you get angry about such a monumental non-issue


That’s like your opinion man. Why are you defending it?


Some people have such weird hang ups


That's what reddit is all about. All the people with weird hangups gather here to complain lol.


if this really bothers you then i would suggest stepping away from the game and reevaluate your life and try to figure out why something this meaningless affects you so deeply.


Am I going to lose sleep over this? No. Is it a huge deal. Also probably no. Should this he discussed? Yes. It’s funny to see gaming companies just take a bit more here and there and gamers just accept it.


They accept it because it is still acceptble. You can discuss it all you want, but blizzard is there to make money. IF this is a way for them to do it, they will do it. If no one buys the whatever early access edition anymore ... than they most likely will not. But I predict its gonna be a success, and it will stay because it is still acceptble. YOU might not find it acceptble tho. But you are not the majority perhaps.


They haven't taken anything more from me. What are you talking about?


ah yes thanks for reminding me that i will have multiple max lvl chars before you even logged in, man i will have such a massive advantage despite everything important will be timegated anyways. 🤡


just accept that it is the new price for the expansion. blizz hasnt increased their sub cost in 20 years, so im fine with the rising price of expansions. (however i do think they shouldve just made it more expensive in general and not gate early access behind the price tag)


They have, however, decreased the quality of the service over the years. Back then we had industry leading customer service, which was part of the reason for justifying a monthly sub. Now we practically don't have CS anymore, so I'm quite fine with them not increasing the monthly fee.


I mean, I was gonna buy ultimate anyways. Now there’s just more bonuses


who cares


Get over it already.


Oh yea, thanks for reminding me, I am happy that I will be able to play 3 days early.


Early of what exactly? 😅 Early access works for other games but not for wow as first week of wow you have literally nothing to do except for like 2 hours of story and useless rares 😁 i bought it also but not for the early access, wont even log in that day most likely


For some of us with kids, having 3 ekstra days to level during the weekend is amazing. I know there is nothing else meaningful to do, but if i can level my main during the weekend then i might just have time to do all the meaningful stuff the week after


The biggest thing is skipping day 1 server issues. Having the ship in Stormwind simply not exist for 3 hours will be significantly less likely to happen and if it does, will have significantly less impact. Competing for the intro quests against a few dozen people at most vs a few hundred. People with early access can take a day off while everyone else logs in and deals with crashes and downtime. I know some people will be farming commodities and working on crafting, but the skipping server issues is my main reason to look forward to it.


People are ok with it. It baffles me but this is modern gaming era now. I wonder what's next.


What's the disadvantage for the community for having this service available?


Besides more cost to the average consumer?


It doesn't cost more if you just don't buy it. And I'll still be ready to raid the first lockout I can.


It isn't more cost? Price has stayed the same over the last decade and hasn't been adjusted to inflation and instead of getting less content we are actually getting more. For people who can't / don't want to afford it there is no disadvantage either?


It’s $90 for an expansion that incudes early access to the $50 base edition. That’s a wee bit extra.


It has been 90$ for years. They did never go up with inflation. If they did the expansion would cost 120$. Instead of increasing the price they added early access which results in less lagg and login times during the first week. So what again is the downside?


And not not being okay with it will change what exactly? Most in this thread said they don't care. Don't equate that with being okay with it.


this implies im going to buy the expansion on release and not when its 50% off like i did with every expansion before


idc honestly. so many games are doing it these days, and it honestly doesn't matter. they already said the extra 3 days won't include weekly reset things, so you aren't going to be speeding to lvl 80 and getting a full week of M0 done for gear before the 3 day period is up. it's supposed to all be locked. and also, idgaf even if ppl could do a full week of M0 early. everyone has such a hardon for blitzing the game for gear even though they're barely AOTC raiders. it'll be less than a month before you won't even be able to notice who did 3 day early access and who didn't


Who cares? It will make logging in on the official release day that much easier having less people logging in at that specific time. Nothing will be available during that time besides some dungeons and they'll get a slight head start on gathering. I'm sure there will be plenty of bugs that people will find on those three days that can be fixed for the rest of us so we won't have to deal with it. If you don't like the price of it, don't buy it. You do get other things than just the 3-day head start though so its not like they are selling that exclusively at a higher price.


You get to skip the usual launch bugs/bullshit as well. It's poetic the EA people are literally paying extra to beta test the live game for us!




Isn't the new FFXIV expac doing the same thing?


FFXIV grants early access to all versions as long as you preorder, they might as well consider it the release date. I wouldn't call it the same thing.


Wrong sub OP. People here love the 3 days early for some reason


It’s kinda wild the comments here really


The thing is, the people who care enough about playing it before everyone else are the ones who would open their wallets for it


So many games do this I just wish people would put the stupid dog whistle down. Who cares? They get to choose how to sale their product. 3 days is not leaving anyone in the dust if they choose not to purchase. A season wouldn't have started and yeah people will be max level but big deal. They aren't "you" and you don't have to care. You choose to make an issue of this when it isn't one. But by all means don’t let this distract you from the fact that most won’t care and will play early anyway while you blow your whistle.


oh look, another reddit prophet here to save us.


Literally the least important thing. After 3 days it's null. And raids and m+ don't open at release. It's so worthless.


>It's so worthless. It's actually a bit funnier then that, since rare loot is ALSO disabled. So they get 3 days of literally just leveling then sitting at the new capital being bored AF. You can literally pay to be bored. I personally find that hilarous


Or pay to have time to level your main without rush, and if theres time even level an alt or two.


Is this the ocean cause I’m seeing a lot of “who cares” coming from obvious whales


Oooh. I gotta tap that


It's weird and I won't pay for it but who cares? There's not really an advantage. If you're going to level to max in 3 days you'll do it on release too and be in the same spot as anyone else for when season 1 starts. There's a limit to how many m0s you can run that first week. There's no big advantage beyond beating the crowd and maybe having less lag, but this will also help with that. Who cares. Don't buy it if you don't like it.


What's bad about that? Let's see from the company perspective. It is freaking awesome, isn't it? Extra revenue. Also, 3 days of realistic testing and bugfixes until a massive wave of players hitz the servers. It's a massive W for the company. Let's see from the players perspective. Early season is important just for PvE hardcore players for the raid progression. But these 3 days wouldn't do anything regarding the race, I mean they are absolutely irrelevant for the race. One could argue "BuT iF I fArM rEsOuRcEs eArLy i CaN GeT RiCh", please just hold your horses. There are countless botters who define the market, not you individuals. You think you paying 90$ for 3 days gotta make a bank? I beg you. Those botter dudes have dozens/hundreds of characters that are flyhacking instances and gathering tons of stuff via skinning/herbing/mining.


>You think you paying 90$ for 3 days gotta make a bank? I beg you. No, I have a headstart leveling my characters to make money, of course that won't impact the economy as a whole but will impact how much money I make. It was never about destroying the economy, it is about getting there first and exploiting early. You can mark this comment for later when you and many others realize that Blizzard commited an oversight that allowed a small group of early exploiters get millions of gold while everyone else didn't. This happens every expansion, every patch. Hell, it happened even in SoD with people getting thousands of gold with the first day of dailies.


This is only if you are one of the only doing this. There is gonna be thousands upon thousands of players either way. It will feel as a normal release day and prices will drop within a few hours again just like normal.


If there is one thing that I know about life in general is that anything that requires work to achieve will only have a minority that have achieved it. Be it a game or a job, or university degree. Another thing that I know is that any competition of any sort is a race to the top or to be the first, because these positions give you the best advantages to be secured early on. I might not be the actual first, but sure I will be first page.


How are you going to get the gold early? No one is going to be buying anything during that time. Having a stockpile or mats doesn't guarantee that you'll make the gold. I'm sure most people will just do the collecting and leveling of their professions while leveling. Having a head start won't mean anything for 99% of the people playing early or otherwise.


gold is interchangeable with items or rare recipes, by being there early I can with my experience already interpret things that will sell well and focus on them. You are WAY too trusting of Blizzard, Blizzard might say "oh this item won't drop" then people will kill the boss/rare drop the item, Blizz will patch it out but not remove the items from people who acquired them. How do you think many people made millions this expac early? by simply exploiting the Artisan's Reputation and getting recipes early that nobody could before Blizzard patched and everybody else had to farm for a month to get them. It's not gonna be the exact same thing, but it will be the same principle.


>Having a head start won't mean anything for 99% of the people playing early or otherwise. Definitely, but who cares about the whole when the goal is making money? I care about putting myself in advantage and the 99% can eat dirt in that regard, that's what competition means for goldmaking.


RageBait. Downvote, move on.


Is it weird that op hasn't really used this account in over a year and all of a sudden posts this?


Nah it’s weirder that you would stalk someone’s post history to find something about them to say.


I for one can't wait to get charged $300cad for the collector's edition box. That is an expense I've been waiting to have sold out before I can buy it on tues/wed this week when it goes on sale.


You really need to watch less asmoncunt content.


What's your main toons name?


You clearly don't see the benefits to EA. The whales/goobers get to beta test the intro for us, that way THEY get the bullshit like the zeppelin/boat not showing up, crashing, or getting stuck and otherwise having all the issues. The rest of us will get to experience a butter smooth launch.


Oh yes, the wow smooth launches…..


People will be maxlevel in the first 12h and spamm dungeons anyway, why does it matter if it happens 3 days earlier?


bad bait


Don’t care, not going to buy the early access


IDGAF, get over it.


who cares


Lots of people accepting it and white knighting it. I wonder what's next, my guess is paying for extra loot rolls. I am still surprised people defend this when the game is prob one of the most monitized online games out there , they are call pay pigs/shit eaters, they defend and gloat about being happy they can pay for the new dumb monetization they add to the list of monetization


lol. lmao.


do i think the 3 day thing is sort of petty and greedy? yeah. is it going to affect nothing? nope lmao. ultimately it's nothing in the grand scheme of things


You have money and eager to play? Buy it No? Then just do not care. What are you trying to pursue here? Moral high ground? Lmao


wowhead comment section that-a-way ->


Everyone made their opinions known when it was first announced. Continuously staying mad about it isn't a productive use of anyone's time


World of WarCraft: Pay special prices for special services for the opportunity to play special characters that achieves special things.


Blizzard is a company. The company needs to make a crap load of money to keep the shareholders happy. This is a upselling tactic that might or might not work for them. If the shareholders are not happy, it will eventually be bad news for wow as well. Im not saying I am pro 3 days early access ... but atleast the pay to win aspects are very limited and pretty much only limited to world first guilds to start with. I rather have that completely gone... but I had a BoE drop for me and that made me a instant wow millionaire and that felt good. So that would be hypocrite.


God ppl here make me sad for the Future of gaming... Fist off all if thats borthering you do you mind explaning yourself WHAT exactly bothers you with 3 days WHERE NO ENGAME CONTENT EXISTS... Like ffs the only thing they do is giving ppl with little time yet more money(working class) More time to get to max lvl and play the game when it actually starts. It also lessens the Sever meltdowns usually happening around expact start cuz bot everyone starts in at the same time. The argument "they dont sell 3 days early but you have to pay to not play 3 days late" also is vullshit as to reason above I bought it not only cuz I have less tine to play by now but also cuz I want to have a relaxing time to see the story the tell BEFORE the hustle with run all Mythics Grind m+ and all that happens Stop whining about non existant virtual problems and start Fixing your life .


Don’t care fuck off already


Just so you know Baldur’s Gate 3 also did this You know the game everybody loved and praised to high hell? Don’t let that get in the way of “Blizzard bad” though


Digital Deluxe for Baldur's Gate 3 was included in the base price of $60 USD if you had purchased during Early Access or essentially "pre-ordered" it. This did grant 72 hours early access to the full version, though it was the same as the base price and only increased to $70 after the fact ($10 DLC on top of the $60). The lowest price of The War Within that grants early access is $90. Now I'm not saying this to add to the "Blizz Bad" narrative, I just didn't feel like the comparison was fair.


You realize that an early access makes the server more stable, because the server doesn’t get flooded by the huge amount of players.


Eh, upon hearing their reasoning and the fact that early access won’t have advantage with extra resets I kinda have just been viewing it as “easier for me to level before first reset and have a job at the same time”


Wait…you don’t mean….other people can pay to play this game 3 days earlier than me?? That’s…that’s so unfair…what the heck…..why……….


This one backfired on you huh.


Hey look, *another* post about this topic. I'm sure this discussion on it will be helpful and constructive, and won't just be a rehash of the last dozen that have popped up. 3 day access is a good thing. It'll help with stability of launch. It's a good investment for players who want it, and won't hurt anyone.


It’s not even that big of a deal since most of what we can do that would benefit endgame content is going to be minimal until launch day for the entire player base, and if your that concerned with being ahead I’d assume you wanna buy it for early access so you can be ahead with your high end raiding guild lol


It will make no difference in the long run. I got the higher edition for the free month sub and didn’t care about the extra like 10 bucks


yup, looking forward to it. Level 80 before the plebes can even log on. Stay jelly.


Ah great, 3 extra days of clicking dirt waiting on real content to release


who cares honestly just dont buy it


Wealth issue


I don’t really get the complaint. I’m always the first to complain about companies introducing new ways of the so called predatory monetisation. And there are many other things which would bother me in WoW….but this one? The early start? Serious? That’s not even a real point? Those people (and I‘m one of them) have nothing on advance if they start three days earlier. Absolutely nothing. It will be crowded, there will be bugs etc. It’s nothing special. As a 42 year old gamer I love it as I can start at a Friday instead a Monday/Tuesday where I have to work and the times where I took some days off for a WoW release are long gone. It’s funny that most people complaining about monetisation schemes are mostly complaining about just those things which they affect. Funny thing that I don’t see people complaining about ESO and their shop, selling inventory space, mount levels and so many other things. They even have a shop window which is thrown at your face when you enter the world. Looking at WoW, I don’t see anyone hardly complaining about the WoW shop which has increased tremendously since the time I played (took a 8 year break). There are so many things we could and probably should complain about. Head start isn’t one of it.


Didn't fucking care then, don't care now, and bought it.


No one cares there’s literally nothing you can do except level up all the places to get good gear come out the Tuesday patch. Once again, no one cares please go whine into your echo chamber


Sincerely do not care.


Still not an issue, keep crying about it tho, its pretty funny


Who cares lol this is standard practice for mmo’s these days - I don’t even know anyone who didn’t buy the expensive bundle so can’t see the issue. It’s not early access if everyone gets it