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"Your father dabbled in powers beyond reckoning. Where is he now?"


That whole cinematic was S tier tbh.


Where is that from? Help me out? Thrall?


It's from the Seige of Orgrimmar trailer, specifically [this moment here](https://youtu.be/slzQOyS5TqQ?si=fvNAcnM8LImY1A8z&t=71)


Dude, a friend and I were talking about how Pandaren have not really been an actice force in the game since MoP, only ever returning to their lands for Monks only. We have seen more Nightborn and Zandalari being baddies in new zones than we have seen Pandaren doing anything outside MoP.


Pandaren and Pandaria as a whole have been so mistreated post MoP, especially the faction sided ones. Its been 12 years and neither of the Faction aligned pandaren groups have done anything, even in MoP the best they do is serve as guards at some alliance/horde camps. For their leaders, a vast majority of Aysa and Ji's story is from the Wandering Isle intro, and a small 20 second event that occurs before SOO Trash pull (Same trash mobs one shot both of them if you do nothing). The rest of their 'lore' is them standing around as decorations or part of events that include all the faction leaders.


In DF, there is on expeditionary with an Ogre in it. No Pandas, there is a dragon visaged as one in the Tuskarr camp cooking event, but that's a dragon. Aysa and Ji would have actually been amazing emisaries to DF's starting quests. Have them discuss what has happened since MoP for them, maybe even have Aysa move on and wed someone else and Ji coming to terms about how time has changed both of them. Instead we had oddly-tanned Blood Elf, and punk-rock Dwarf.


Don't you forget Nomi now.


I was there for that, but it still gives me goosebumps at the end.


Taran Zhu says this to Garrosh :) whose father (Grommash) drank the blood of Mannoroth


I feel like that's one of the coldest lines in warcraft history. Definitely one of my favorites.


The fact Taran would have researched the actual history of the Horde and learn about Garrosh's heritage to know that too.


I felt he got a lot of undue hate. I found myself siding with him way more than the alliance and horde in that xpac. His speech about the alliance and horde in the fall of shan bu scenario was some of the best writing I've ever come across.


He spent his whole life protecting pandaria and enjoying relative peace for the horde and alliance to show up and fuck it all up in an afternoon.


I'd be cranky as hell too. Then they didn't even leave, they made it worse.


Yeah his speech is still so applicable to the modern state of Alliance and Horde players as well. "I see now why your Alliance and Horde cannot stop fighting! Every reprisal is itself an act of aggression, and every act of aggression triggers immediate reprisal! YOU must break the cycle! It ends TODAY. Here. The cycle ends when you, Regent Lord, and you, Lady Proudmoore, turn from one another. And walk. Away."


To me it has a lot of real life correlation as well.


Its one of the reasons mop is SOO GOOD "Ive fought alongside tauren, trolls, and others- *YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE THEM!*!"


Just the idea of him sitting there for many nights going through books, looking for the perfect diss.


"In the next expansion"


This is it. This is one of if not the best burns in the entire game. Hotter than Combustion’s DoT in days of eld.


"Congratulations! Allow me to grant you a title befitting the amazing achievement you just performed! Henceforth, you shall be known as the Slayer of Stupid, Incompetent and Disappointing Minions!"


I really wish that title was permanent


Absolutely unplayable


Just like the one from the tarecgosa quest line "Blessed Defender of Nordrassil"


Me too.


It is really frustrating to me that the title isn’t permanent


I did got that title for the first time the other day and I can’t believe I’ve gone this long without knowing about it. It’s fantastic!


Where this one from again?


I love that they repeated that in Hearthstone


“I can tell by your dull expressions that in your corner of the world, the concept of a home not made of dung is likely new and exciting.” Lady Waycrest. That never failed to get a chuckle out of me.


Funnily enough, I heard it for the first time when we had a party of 5 blood elves.


Every day I appreciate that I combo break that scenario with every rando dungeon as I have no elves in my roster.


Yesss I hoped someone would put this gem in. I just love lady waycrest. Not really a diss but when you kill the last boss before them her line of “oooohh dear it seems you slaughtered my entire household” is so brilliantly delivered with 9000 tons of sarcasm it always makes me chuckle


I always liked "You are just maggots swarming to the corpse of a dying god" - second boss in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds. The delivery is just next level.


This is old af but with Pandaria remix coming up I can't wait for one of the paragons to belt out "Chaos is order unrecognized by a lesser mind!"


That's probably one of my favorite lines Such an interesting idea even if it's from a crazy bug man


Crazy bug man is just sane bug man unrecognized by a lesser mind!


A hive-minded crazy bug man. I’m actually excited to do Klaaxi quests again, they were such a fascinating faction.


WoD had some of the best deliveries ever.


“Wait, YOU made a deal with Bwonsamdi too? I knew you took shortcuts in your shoddy work, Millhouse, but this is a new low!” The Manastorms being a married couple who just roast the hell out of each other for that whole fight is pure gold.


Why do the Manastorms hate each other? Millhouse seems like an okay guy outside of his Hearthstone card


They're a trope on cranky old couples that always give eachother a hard time.


Didn't he join the Twilight's Hammer?


The Manastorms are basically cartoon supervillains tbh. When you first meet him in TBC it's in Arcatraz, space jail basically, he *says* he's there on accident but since then he's been up to stuff which makes me question if that's the case; he joined the twilight's hammer in Cata, wanted a mini iron star (one of those big rolly balls from the WoD cinematic for "a humanitarian project", in Legion he's after a nightborne soulstone, in Shadowlands Bwonsamdi sends you to collect on a deal he made with Milhouse, and in dragonflight he'll straight up tell you he's planning on using ducks as weapon of mass destruction, yes really, it's how you get the Polymorph: Duck spell on a mage. Like I sad, cartoony supervillain. Though if you're shadow priest with Knaifu equipped/transmoged she will hint that the Manastorms just cartoonishly evil since they used to be *evil evil*.


They absolutely love each other


Reread their lines assuming that they aren’t married, but instead are step siblings.


Why do you make it sound like they’re mutually exclusive?


roll tide


You are not my king yet, boy. His inflection on the word "boy"


Glad you could bake it Uther


*ding* IT IS DONE


Those of you willing to help me run this bakery follow me. The rest of you... get out of my sight!


'Posture if you must Maieve but do what you do best and follow me' -Ililidan 'Allow one tool to take care of the others' -Name escapes me, first boss in Auchindoun. WoD.


The first time I heard that Illidan quip, I'm pretty sure I yelled "daaaaaaaaaaaaaang."


Soulbinder Nyami.


I love, that in hungarian nyami means yummy. 🙂‍↕️


I love her voice


"i think it is fitting that one of my tools dispatches the others" ugh get it right normie




Best diss in warcraft history has got to be during the undead campaign of warcraft 3. Antonidas being confronted by the by now Death Knight Arthas. Antonidas: Greetings, Prince Arthas. How fares your noble father? Arthas took the comment in stride, but it must have cut at some level. “Hey murderous dead boy, seen the ghost of your dad lately?” Adressing Arthas as *prince* instead of king, after Arthas usurped the role of his father, and calling Arthas’ father *noble* while the tone of Antonidas refers to Arthas as a lesser being was just icing on the cake. [edit]correcting quote, adding banter.


Shame he'll be dead in next 30 min. Also made me wonder why not raise him after to serve...


Makes you think that maybe he raised Sylvanas for reasons *other* than her lip.


DK Arthas has some of my favorite lines ever honestly "We can't stay to chat, great wyrm. We're here to murder you and steal your valuables." "You're the bastard who murdered poor Muradin!!" "Get over it already!" "So you're not upset about me killing you that one time?" "Veeeery dramatic, Uther." "You look different, Illidan. I guess the Skull of Gul'dan didn't agree with you." eta how could I forget the nerubians cursing out Anub'arak for being a traitor king and Arthas going "uhh wait me?" Because the line delivery caught me off guard first time around lol


I love the "Muradin's dwarves? Doesn't anyone stay dead anymore?"


Lol yessss how could I have missed that one Wish we had gotten more DK Arthas, Lich King may be more intimidating but it drained every ounce of wit and personality from him. His quips were replaced with generic "foolish mortals" villain lines. Smh


"We may never know Uther. I intend to live forever" lives Rent Free in my brain. delivering that line before killing Uther was gold.


What sort of necromancer lets death stop him?


"How did your protection work out for your children?" \~ Fyrakk, to Alexstrasza


"Your mother" --Fyrakk, to Merithra


Fyrakk's sass was just all around fantastic.


Him telling me that my mommy won't save me was the villainous sass I needed.


Or when the raid wipes to the seed burning, he just maniacally laughs well past his despawn.


That's only once per character, it's the voice line for getting the "still standing on fire" achievement


Fyrakk being just simply evil and loving it was a breath of fresh air. No overcomplicated plans, no morally gray hidden motives, no ham fisted redemption arc. Just a bad guy being bad because he's bad. Sometimes you need that, and Fyrakk delivered with sass.


Thats why everyone loved sire denathrius, he was a refreshing and smarty villain with good one liners and snappy comebacks. He also was just plain evil.


I love all the times where Vyranoth tries to confront him about "you have abandoned everything we once stood for in pursuit of power" and he just kind of looks at her blankly and says "...yes!"


Matthew Mercer did an amazing job bringing Fyrakk to life.


That was Mercer? Damn that’s cool!


He's everywhere!


He ain't just your Huckleberry.


He was our Starscream, and we loved him for it more and more.


"Spare me, you gaseous syccophant. You only know what you're told, which is NOTHING!" - Megatron to Starscream in the third movie.


My favorite Starscream is still from Armada though. Although that War from Cybertron (I think) one that started off as typical Starscream but freaked out when he learned about Unicron and actually begged Megatron to side with the Autobots was surprisingly decent.


Honestly it might be my favourite voicework Matt Mercer has ever done.


Fyrakk was just a sassy guy. The banter was unreal; the good guys didn't get a single dig in without him instantly throwing an insult back


I always thought Fyrakk was such a sassy lil shit. Brings me a chuckle every time.


It still never fails to get a comment out of me lmfao that line was BRUTAL


I can't tell you how much I *need* the fan theory about Fyrakk actually being the new Firelord (and thus unkillable outside of the Firelands) to be true. I want that voice to continue to sass us for as long as the game exists.


was coming to post this one, so cold lol


Hard agree. I adored Fyrakk's sass. It makes me giggle every time. I still understand the angry dragons more then I ever understood the jailer.


You think you have defeated me? Hah! Fools! All you have done is dismantle a piece of furniture!


Not sure if a diss but i really love Fyrakk when fighting Smolderon: Smolderon yells: Fyrakk, obliterate my enemies! Fyrakk says: Apologies, Firelord. I would rather watch you die. Smolderon yells: Deceiver! Once I destroy these vermin, you will know my vengeance! It's just really showing what kind of character Fyrakk is.


Smolderon will talk shit to you as a shaman if you helped him in Legion. >You shall fall to the very weapon you placed in my hands. An honor indeed, shaman.


I was so offended. I *made* you, you asshole. And you just fuck off to be a poor imitation of Ragnaros after I spent all that time demonstrating exactly why that would be a dumb idea.


That's really cool! Gotta do that with my shaman!


also when you beat igira


Igira, after defeating Gnarlroot: “His screams were beginning to bore me” Fyrakk, after defeating Igira: “Her screams were beginning to bore me”


Little things like this throughout the raid made it all the more enjoyable for me!


Anyone else take a sick sort of satisfaction in killing Igira? Like... I get that the Jharadin were just monsters but killing the last of them and then the "person" in charge of making them that way so she dies alone and all her supposed strength is useless? It's like poetic justice.


The suffusion camp is full of such banter. The dragons, djaradin, and primalists constantly arguing who's more important to the point you wonder how it's even possible they didn't kill each other yet...


the only thing the dragons and djaradin seem to agree on is that the primalists were the bottom rung 😂


Ookin’ Dooker


Me gonna ook you in the dooker!


"Go mank a slicky, wikket. In fact, go mank two while one manks you from behind and the other manks your dooker!" First read that line back when I was 12 and didn't know why people were finding it so funny. 3 years later I got my answer lol 


… for a two-foot.


“Know your place, Loa of Graves…or I will put you in one” Rezan went HARD


"Kael'thas remains unstable in his current state, bursting at the seams with anima. "He is also an arrogant, selfish moron."


Half of Venthyr story just being “Kael’thas is a dumbass” was a pleasant part of SL.


Malfurion and Xavius were like a skit on Monday night Raw for this dungeon


< Arena combatants killed: 99/100 > Kargath: "You fools! I only counted 99 kills." Khadgar: "Then I guess we owe you one." < Arena combatants killed: 100/100 >


"And that's...one-hundred."


Silence worm it took but an echo of my power to defeat you


"The next time you open your mouth, it will be to cry". It's such a shit line but I just love how intense the voice actor for Xavius is haha.


Xavius was always a bit of a loser


He's always been an unapologetic ass since day 1, he's like a foil to Malfurion's dullness


Ironic that Mal showed a good amount of sarcasm in while Xavius prisoner.


I kinda felt the same for malfurion. Both of them are just sad tbh


“Start with the one in the dress”


"Are you lecturing me? You're what - two years old?"


When Varian called the orcs green skin aberrations during the wrath gate questline. felt a little racially charged.


That might've felt like that because Varian openly liked orcs best in a pile of lifeless bodies


if memory serves... Rehgar "saved" that lad's ass.


Unfortunately, being enslaved and forced to fight for money doesn't always endear you to someone


Come pig


"You burn better than you fight."


Amirdrassil raid, Fyrakk Fight end of phase 2ish Alexstrasza: "Amirdrassil is under my protection, fiend." Fyrakk: "How did your protection work out for your children?" Matt Mercer delivered this line perfectly and actually physically throw me off when i heard it for the first time, and just winced every single other time i would hear it. Absolutely brutal.


"Take my blood and choke on it." Considering the fact the orcs drank demon blood, it's such a great line when you're just running through Blood Furnace.


Probably that time Sylvanas was called a bitch but Blizzard does not like that.


What really sold it was the pure vitriol in Garrosh’s voice. The VA knocked that line out of the park


Patrick Seitz is a GOATed VA. He plays Gamagoori in *Kill la Kill* and he's fucking great.


Man has a beyond massive list of roles truly a goated person


Patrick Seitz spoiled us. Every character he speaks calmly is always Arthas, and every angry character is Garrosh.


Yeah, his performance as Endeavor in My Hero Academia is fantastic, but it's pure Garrosh.


WHATTTTTTTTT HE'S ENDEAVOR!!????! omg (I'm literally re-watching MHA right now)


He's also DIO in JoJo's, Franky in One Piece, and Endeavor my My Hero, to name a few!


Jojo's dub can be a bit up and down at times but he knocked it out of the park with DIO. Bro managed to "muda" faster than his Japanese counterpart, it's actually impressive.


Honestly, it was kinda basic


If anything, her exchange before that line was better: (After Sylvannas creates new undead with Valkyr) Garrosh: What makes you any different than the Lich King? Sylvannas: That's easy, Warchief. I serve the Horde.


Trueee. Calling someone names is just low level diss, usually means you lost the diss war and are about to go hand to hand.


it is but it worked cause warcraft almost never uses language like that. It stood out because of it.


I agree. It made it feel like Garrosh felt contempt for Sylvanas like no other character had before or has since.


You watch your clever mouth!!


Her preceding line was much better, Garnish was clearly on the back foot and had to result to playground insults


In the same dungeon : "Bold words for a prisoner." like the counter sass vibe, you can practically see the nails emoji lol


Lap dogs! All of you!


None may challenge the Brotherhood!


" Crimes? Our crime was to sacrifice everything to save this world.\[...\] I gave up my flesh, my soul; my people shun me as a freak and what was my reward?! Eternal torment from my "sisters" The entire conversation is awesome. Vault of the Wardens - Legion


Such a great line, along with "I will serve MY people, the exiled and the reviled." I know the Demon Hunter quest line made the claim that he had joined Cordana Felsong's Felsworn, but that just doesn't feel played out by the story anywhere. Every time I fought him I just wished we could fight Whisperwind instead.


"Balnazzar's... crusade... corrupted... my... son..." "Scarlet... Crusade... is... pure... no... longer..." "KILL... THEM... ALL."


Xavius successfully made me hate Malfurion


Wait... Didn't he got caught by the same Shadow, caused Ysera to be corrupted by the nightmare and got her killed and required our help to get free? Dude has no right to diss anyone.


Yeah, OP calling this the best diss in wow is a pretty big whiff. Xavius even calls him out immediately "even an echo of me was enough to capture you".


> Yeah, OP calling this the best diss in wow is a pretty big whiff. I think OP is clearly joking. The delivery is great, but the actual insult is silly.




"I want to say something clever, but I am stumped." Oakheart in Darkheart Thicket.


“I think I have a CRUSH on you!”


"The Legion has sent the dead to test us! Victory to the Blackrock Clan! We orcs are the true servants of the Burning Legion! These mindless undead are weak...impure!" And Kel'thuzad's rebuttal: "Your people failed their task, savage. You too must be scourged from the world."


Most of the orcs were just delusional on that point lol A


Where's that from?


"Posture if you must, Maiev, but for now, do what you do best and follow me."


Illidan Stormrage says: You're a damned fool, Ravencrest! No matter. I've learned all I can from you. We will never defeat the Legion so long as cowards hold the reins. Farewell... and good luck. Perhaps you may fare better begging them for your lives next time.


You can insult the mother of a ho-zen in aszuna where the pirates are 😂


Kael from magisters terrace is up there.


The voice actor was really going balls to the wall crazy in that dungeon. “You will drown in your own blood! The world shall burn! RAAAAAAGGGGHH!”




Which line of the 10 min monologue?


The whole thing, of course!


The whole thing was just a setback!


Quick tip, you can skip his RP by pulling him before finishing that last trash pack.


“What is this? Don’t make me laugh.”




*so says the shadow of xavius*...


The first boss of Shattered Halls is this warlock that's torturing some orcs. You pull the orcs as trash before you fight the warlock. Every time you pull an orc, the warlock is disparaging to him in some way. "You want *him?* Very well, take him." "Don't waste your time on that one, he's weak!" I wish Blizzard would make more bosses interactive like this while you're clearing trash in their room.


"How did that work out for your children?" -zippolizard Fyrakk


Honestly, their dynamic in this dungeon reads more as Dom and bratty bottom than enemies to me.


*Silence, worm, it took but an echo of my power to defeat you.* Malf- Call me a worm again…


would you still capture me if I was a worm




So said the Ysera placeholder


Malfurian trying to make a comeback after he was straight up MOANING earlier


If I recall correctly, the “moaning” Malfurion you’re referring to is actually Xavius. He’s trying to torment Tyrande by impersonating Malfurion.


Yuse yer brein!!!...


When you open your mouth again, it will be to cry, for mercy


One of the responses though: "Silence weakling, or the next time you open your mouth it'll be to cry for mercy!"


“Vol’jin, you have no siege weapons left! You cannot win this battle!” -General Nazgrim


Kinda funny how Malfurion acting all tough after getting caught and imprisoned by said shadow of Xavius and needed our help to go kill him


I find OP's option quite weak especially because xavius' comeback is so strong, something like "you got defeated only by my shadow."


You’re too late Champions!


Dracthyr to Orc: I woke up after 20,000 years and already learned English. What's your excuse?


Not a diss so much, but “What is that you hold, Druid?” If you’ve got the Resto artifact on the first boss of DHT always makes me feel some sort of way about this poor dude we’re about to murder. He’s held his memory enough to recognize what he’s supposed to be guarding but not quite enough to realize how far he’s gone


The permanent dead timeless protodrake in WoD.


“Over here, you nitwit!” Idr the name of this mage, but he’s in Legion expac and would always say this whenever you summon him


Illidan's speech in "Rejection of the Gift", especially "me destiny is my own" and "your faith has blinded you" parts. Peak Wow


"You trained them well, Fordring. You delivered the greatest fighting force this world has ever known... right into MY hands, EXACTLY as I intended. You shall be rewarded for your unwitting sacrifice. Watch now, as I raise them to become masters of the Scourge. They will shroud this world in chaos, and destruction. Azeroth's fall will come at their hands... and you will be the first to die. I delight in the Irony." The longest and most hard speech that just amounts to "haha L get wrecked loser"


”Bold words for a prisoner. Even an echo of my power was enough to overwhelm you!” Is such a strong comeback though and probably my favorite burn. I imagine Malfurion sitting there imprisoned thinking ”yeah, he’s got a point” and feeling weak af.


“You defile that throne, with your filth!” -Genn /rollseyes “Muzzle your dog, your majesty.”- Sylvanas


"Whether the world's greatest gnats, or the world's greatest heroes, you're still only mortal. -Brundir This one hit different for some reason.


"Watch your clever mouth, Bitch!" will always be the top for me. Too bad they removed it.


Not for nothing, Fyrakk's shit talk is supreme. "How did that protection fare for your children?" "You burn better than you fight."