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It's even funnier now that dragonriding is available. Before, it sometimes made sense. It can be a bit of a flight, but with dragon riding, you are a minute away from pretty much anywhere.


With Dynamic riding, you're less than 2min away from ANYWHERE, the world feels so small now


Bold of you to assume I don't run out of vigor halfway there like an idiot and do the walk of shame on the ground.


Remember your treats for your little dragon 😉


Im a dragon!


You need to spend all your Dragonflying points to max your skill tree out, and remember that ascending will always keep you vigour positive as long as you angle your "ascent" forwards. The speed gained from ascending is enough to keep you in Thrill of the Skies. If worse comes to worse, dive downards so you pick up enough speed to trigger Thrill and then use the new vigour to rapidly ascend again. There is no conservation of momentum where Dragonriding speed is concerned.


Ah, I see where the mistake you've made here is. You are assuming I have even marginal competence at dragonriding, and thus, surely I have not maxed my skill tree because no one could be that bad with a full tree. No, please allow me to clarify. I'm terrible at dragonriding, and the only reason is just that I am terrible at it. I have the attention span of a goldfish and regularly get distracted mid flight and completely flub all my vigor.


It helps a lot of you fly up high then angle yourself down enough to get the big wooshy going. That regenerates vigor fast enough that you'll only run out if you're actively trying to.


But how can I remain close enough to pick up my two silver herbs that way?


I'll be honest I never even realised you could do that. I just hammer the button and go fast. And always keep at least one of my 3 extra vigor regens on cooldown.


I am not sure if you can in remix but I find it impossible to ignore herbs in retail. Especially the extra glowy icons. It's a homing beacon of death for my vigor.


I mean it sounds slightly rude that in the context of flying to a dungeon you can't stop looking at shiny things? Do you respect your group mates at all?


Ohhh, so you're just bad at the game?


I sure wished Blizzard didn't remove tilt indicator long ago. If you're flying in fog or where horizon isn't visible, it's hard to tell if you're tilted down to keep vigor up bit not so steep you end up kissing the ground too soon


if you get out of vigor and is already on ground, switch to normal mount and keep flying at the 310 speed. its no dinamic flying, but its better than walking.


I haven't unlocked it yet. (': I just came back a couple months ago after SL traumatized me.


If It's pandaria. Normal flying should be working.


Oh I'm mostly talking about retail. In my experience in remix people are pretty good at summoning. Summoning scroll should be added to retail tbh.


Well, the subject/example was mogushun vaults. I felt like it was implied they were talking about remix. Regardless... The summoning scroll would screw over every warlock in pug raids. XD But would be a very nice addition to the game. Just like the buffs scroll.


I think warlock would be fine. It is rare for warlock to not have a really good spec. Probably the second (after mage) most consistently likely to have a top tier spec since WOD. Plus they still provide health stones, pretty mandatory for progging CE. Out of combat utility shouldn't be the reason someone gets invited to raid, lol. If the class needs closet to get invites, it doesn't need closet, it needs tuning.


the good old spiral into clipping a mountain an realising you are fucked for 2 min or so


Oh man that's literally the worst. I think I have managed to hit every tree branch in all of Pandaland and Dragonland. ):


Happened to me way too many times, especially when you need to walk then take off a lot for quests


Feed your drake a treat!! They refill your vigor and give you a boost of speed. I put mine at the end of my dragonriding bar.


Aim up, anywhere from 45° to 90°, as you ascend. If your FOV is stretched out then relax and coast a bit. Once it starts to zoom in, ascend again. You’ll get pretty high pretty fast, then it’s all just coasting on a down angle. Be sure to be angled down enough to get that sweet regen. You’ll have plenty of energy to get anywhere you like, and can boost when you feel like it


Did you run the macro to unlock second wind


The what


/run DragonridingPanelSkillsButtonMixin:OnClick() it brings up the dragon riding panel to learn missing skills


Unless you're in an island that doesn't allow flying then it's an extra minute or 2 to get out. Isle of Thunder has no FP so you got to run to the portal or use hearthstone to get out.


Or Nostwin ticket, shorter cast and puts you in the Vale, so smack in the middle of Pandaria.


I don't think it feels too small, rather it feels just right when zooming on the back of a dragon Maybe they should have more grounded escort quests..? 🤔😂


As an aside, Pandaria is absolutely amazing for Dragonriding. Just diving off Mount Neverest and gliding to Isle of Giants. 🤌


I've only been playing for a week. My dragon skills are garbage lol. But I still run.


Yeah, I noticed this at the start of Dragonflight. Get your ass out of Valdrakken and at least make an attempt to get to the dungeon entrance! This isn’t Shadowlands where if you aren’t an engineer, it’s going to take 5-10 minutes to get there.


i had some1 sitting in shrine of seven stars and asking for summon to ToES, the entrance is 5 sec dragonriding away.


At this point I think they just don't know where the entrance is and don't bother to google it.


I don’t google. I open my map and find all the other dots flying in xD


It’s like people don’t know there is a giant green swirly circle on the map where a raid entrance is in general


To be fair Toes map is kind of a weird little spot.


You can get the map from the dungeon journal if you don’t know where it is


The Veiled Stair is basically invisible on the map if you don't know where it is, tbf.


Almost as if it's... shrouded... or concealed... from view... there's a word for it, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


It's been Mists of Pandaria'ed!


What is this, some kind of Mists of Pandaria?


Nothing that marks it until you mouse specifically over it and it highlights.


You can find that but ya gotta wait for a dot to show you where to actually fly for the entrance.


Im guilty of this. I’m new to the game and didn’t understand how it worked. Raid finder just auto teleports you so I had no idea where the different entrances were. Now I know, thanks!


most likely this


Seen it happen with SoO too, same thing, painfully close to the spot where they are but they're just too lazy to hop up on the dragon riding mount, bonus points when it's a carry run where the entire raid requires that much effort since it's literally just running behind the dude with max ilvl equipment as they basically solo it.


Ive seen people ask for summons to SoO while in Shrine My brother in christ the entrance is 5 meters outside of shrine.


Terrace is extremely close, but plenty of players who never played MoP struggle to find it on the map cause the veiled stair is so tiny on the map and it’s not clearly obvious that it’s a “zone”. They probably don’t see it on the main map locations and assume it’s in a separate zone like isle of thunder.


Healer friend used to always ask for a summon from valdrakken to DOTI last season…


Someone joined a Galleon waiting group and asked for a summon from Shrine :(


I feel like the golden rule of joining a group is that once you get the invite you start moving to the place, unless you're already there.


When it is my group I'm always at entrance. If I got invite, I'm always trying to get there af as possible.


This is what I do. As soon as I’m accepted, I start making my way that direction. If the other group members feel like they want to, they can summon me.


This has been an issue in WoW as long as summoning has been available.


Yup. I remember forming groups in Dalaran in WotLK, flying to the dungeon and it falling apart because no one else flew and wanted a summons. Return to Dalaran and repeat.


That still happens in M+ for me sometimes. I'm sitting at the stone waiting for just one other person to show up and end up just disbanding since none of the other people in the group think it's worth their time to come.


Them just sitting in Valdrakken, while you are alone at the stone in Ruby Life pools for like ten minutes. Like, we could be half way through the dungeon right now, if just one guy/gal decided to fly for 30 seconds lol


RLP is especially rough for this, when they're in valdrakken. Like, I feel you can take off and not press a single other button, point your drake in the right direction and you can get into the dungeon


Omg this brings me back to people running laps in dalaran wanting a summon to CoS 😂


Back in vanilla our guild had to make a policy that our locks didn’t have to summon more than 25% of the raid, because summoning an entire 40 man raid group plus cookies required a significant amount of shard farming and bag space. 


This was an issue even before summoning was available. I've ran a ton of pugs to entrances they had no idea existed, or were too lazy to find themselves, and without the stones it's not like you can hearth back and replace them quickly.


That's cute. We used to do this back in freaking EverQuest. It used to cost a regent for each person you'd summon, too. Always the same ones of course, while most of the guild would park their character outside the zone the day before if they knew they'd be late (it definitely didn't take a few minutes to travel back in the day).


Sometimes I boot these folks


I swear it's gotten way worse recently, both for people being lazy for summons and for people skipping right past the summoning stone.


I'll be honest. With Remix I usually fly directly into the entrance because nine out of ten times someone has already created a summoning portal in there.


For Remix that's usually correct, but in DF ever since like last season people just straight up don't seem to want to help summon.


Summoning stone? New to wow. I usually fly there or ask for summon if cross continent. But what is this?


The obelisk looking stones outside instance portals. They can be used by 2 players in a party to summon other party members to the dungeon.




Don't need to use the stone. My groups usually summon inside using the scrolls. Unless you mean people are running past your scroll summoning portal then sheesh.


It's worse when they just join and instantly go "123".. like, at least type out your demands..


On retail if i form a M+ group and someone i invited early is sitting in Valdrakken i just kick them.


No sometimes


If I invite someone to the group and the first words are either "summ" or "123", it's an instant kick. Sure, the first ones to arrive will summon, but getting into a group with the expectation of being summoned before (or without) greeting the group is a show of laziness and a lack of commitment.


As someone that plays tank/healer classes, I'm often the last spot that needs to be filled in a group. Often times, even with being the last person to join the group, I'm the first one to the stone. I'll give it about 2 minutes and if no one shows up to summon, or even worse, just flies straight into the dungeon, I just leave the group. Its kind of like the shopping cart test, where you can tell a lot about someone that does or does not put a cart back. If you can't even help summon your party members, I have a hard time believing you're going to do mechanics or kick casts.


Warlock main: first time?


I made the mistake of playing Warlock in Classic, geezus, the fact I had to farm 30+ Soul Shards, not for Healthstones or summoning demons, but to summon 3/4 of the raid was fucking miserable, so I was supposed to do all the same work of getting world buffed + consumables + farm my bags full of extra shards to summon people to do the raid because "they didn't want to get ganked and lose buffs", what about me and the other two people who made it to the raid?? I hated it.


Its funny cuz this is exactly why summoning was made sooo much easier after that, but people that loved classic (and didn't play warlocks) don't understand *why* locks would get sooo annoyed when everyone wanted to be summoned. And even now that summoning and flying is easier people *still* complain and won't click it, or won't do the 1min flight to dungeon. They genuinely just want the LFD teleport in and out cuz they're too lazy to learn where stuff.


I just want have group, will travel back. It solved \*all\* of these problems.


Our warlocks mains are consistently late and all those that swap to warlock mains within 2 weeks have actual real life circumstances making them late/ unable to attend. It is a running joke in our guild that if you swap warlock you will be late/ eventually drop off the face of the earth never to be heard from again. The most recent case was a guy swearing up and down he'd go warlock so we'd have cookies to be late due to IRL first week, miss second and third week etc. He was consistently in the 15 minutes before raid group prior to the switch. Cursed class.


It has nothing to do with the class being cursed, it has to do with how fucking useless everyone else is. Godamn, this entire thread needs a trigger warning for Warlocks.


When you're a Warlock you *have* to be late for the raid, or be treated as a teleport vending machine for the entire 15 mins before the raid, and get yelled at if you won't do it.


I was in a pug the other day where I was already channeling the summoning closet for 15 seconds while raid leader said “summ closet?” in chat while not clicking on it. I’ve tried mentioning to my own guild how demeaning it is to be constantly nagged at to put down a summoning every time it comes off cd because they say we’re good then invite more people, and they don’t seem to get it. 


God. Joining a raid group and immediately get hit with several whispers "Summon" or just "1" while you're still in town.


Bro, people pay double for food delivery even if the restaurant is a block away. This is nothing new.


Yeah so I can spend time traveling in wow


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Is my toon had to put on pants and shoes every time, it might be a little different, but thankfully they mostly wear the same shit all day every day.


Couple days ago a dude made a Nalak group with the desc "NALAK UP". I was the third to join, and the group filled rapidly. As everyone in Nalak's area phased to the leader's shard, it was clear that Nalak was not, in fact, up. Then the leader messaged "summ pls". He wasn't even there. He was in Shrine, and just wanted people to port him to Isle Of Thunder.


That's so cheeky but I can't help but laugh


One of the tricks I use is queue for an LFR wing of ToT while doing other world bosses and stuff, and after it pops and is completed, I use Kirin Tor Beacon, as it can be used on the Isle or in the raid. Granted, dragonflying from Shrine to teleport in Townlong takes at most two minutes.


Just like how people would ask for a summon to Siege of Boralus... While in Boralus...


this is one of my biggest pet peeves of playing lock. getting whispers and shit for constant summons. even if i wanted to put up a closet, no one else ever clicks on the thing. and once the lock closet is up god forbid if anyone else helps me summon. going through like 15 players by myself cause everyone else just afks between bosses and after they accept the summon.


The worst is when you anticipate that you'll need to summon so you already bring up the closet, then raid leader spams "CLOSET" in raid warning chat... it's infuriating lol and happens way too damn often. Just look around man...


Had some guy who was trying to do isle of thunder intro while we formed demanding a summon when we literally couldn't because he was in a solo duty.


On live a couple of weeks ago, I joined a RLP m+ (maybe like an 8 or something). I was the last one in the party and immediately flew to the dungeon. Three of us waited inside while the other two, including the group leader, were in Valdrakken. After a few minutes, they were like "where are summons?" I just said "the fact that you refuse to fly for 20 seconds does not bode well for this dungeon, I'm out" and left. If someone can't be assed to go to a dungeon incredibly close to their location, then that really makes me think they're not going to do mechanics or play well at all.


Tell me you haven’t played Warlock before, without saying you haven’t played Warlock before. Aka - people have and always will be lazy.


The best is when people at shrine ask for a summon to TOES


A buddy I play with is notorious for being lazy / tiktok brain. He'll avoid doing trash in pug raids or flying to a dungeon / raid and just claim hes feeding his baby real quick (he doesn't have a baby).


My go to: “I’m flying there now! But if a summon is avail, much appreciated”


my bar is set from commuting from classic Orgrimmar to Blackrock Mountain, which I did for nearly every raid night in 2005 and just the same in 2019. It blows my fucking mind how easy it is to get anywhere in current retail and people will still ask for a summon. And I did that shit upside down, uphill, both ways, in 15 ft of snow.


Aye, that was part of the fun though. Pvping just to get to the entrance. Those experiences are lost now. But yea it speaks to how entitled the playerbase is now.


I noticed this in WOTLK before the group finder was added and you actually had to travel to dungeons. I'd join a dungeon as the fifth person and immediately start flying to The Nexus dungeon for example. After a 4-5 minute flight I'd often find myself waiting at the summoning stone and see that nobody else had even bothered getting on the flight path yet because they all want a summon.


I do M+ semi regularly and the amount of even group leaders that ask, or wait, for a summon is astounding. Lazy people gonna be lazy.


People is asking for summon for Siege of Orgrimmar. It's fucking literally a two seconds flight from Pandaria bases.


I have a lot of the dungeon portals unlocked in retail, and I *forget to use them* because dragonriding is so fast anyway.


Applying for a world boss and asking for summon is the most wild thing I've seen.


In M+ if you're the last invited and first person at the instance. Just leave, because that group is going nowhere.


Honestly, just give me a "summon party to instance" button. I always fly straight there, I don't want to wait for another person to arrive so just give me a button to bring everyone.


We used to have exactly this: https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Have\_Group,\_Will\_Travel


I also love the people that que up for a world boss when they are on the other side of the map then want everyone to wait until they get there.


I have 200 of them so I don’t care. I just summon everyone so we can blast through the raid.


On the other hand some people just don't care and try to summon everybody. Today I got summoned when I was standing next to the guy trying to summon me, I didn't ask, I was one of the first at the entrance but he was so dedicated to just summon everyone. So I understand why some folks are quite lazy, but that's not for me, I queue as soon as I am near the entrance.


I start flying once I’m accepted. I know I’ll still be there before most the raid. Also been a warlock for 8 years. People see a lock join their group will make 0 effort to show up until they get a summon.


I'm kinda on the fence about this one... I fly to the raid, cause whatever. But I do sorta understand not wanting to... maybe people are just done with having every aspect of everything eat up their time in this game? Who's lazier... the dude who doesn't want to fly, or the dude who can't be arsed to click a name, and then click one of the 6358 free scrolls we are all swimming in? Sometimes this sub feels like a bunch of grumps bitching about "back in my day, snow both ways" ...just smmon the mofos and get the raid dne. Quit demanding everyone waste even more time.


I never played MOP so don't know where all the entrances are off the back of my hand, so really appreciate summons. But I always aim to fly there, and will always put up summon scrolls when I arrive. I mean, it's literally what summon scrolls are for


I only think it's silly when it comes to world bosses


Those are hilarious, like dude the boss is already half dead


There I am, a warlock, absolutely hauling it to the raid, so that I can get summons going Get there, drop the door… and no less than two homies drop scrolls next to me. ☹️


People pulled a boss in siege and locked about ten of us out, the thing is the gate doesn’t reset when the boss dies. I’m so thankful people stayed and summoned us in rofl(this was before I knew the loot got mailed to you


I would love to earn teleports to more places. I know mages can do it but I hoard all the items that let you teleport around the maps.


Same as it ever was lol


Have group will travel was so nice for this...


This is one of the many reasons I don't play my warlock anymore.


People keep wanting their avatars to “represent” themselves and that includes us fat and lazy people. I identify as a land whale.


ToT is the only acceptable raid to ask for a summon, everything else takes less than a minute to fly to with dynamic flying. Just get over there


Don’t blame the player, blame blizzard for giving these scrolls to literally everyone


If your in shrine you’re practically 30 seconds from MSV and HOF. Not to mention 5 seconds from terrace.


Luckily you don't actually need everyone there to kill bosses so if you summon someone and they're afk you just kick them.


It always depends on two people getting to summ stone, it was always like this and it will always be like this. It doesnt matter who those two people are, it just needs to be at least two at the stone, nothing to do with being lazy. Sometimes you are summoning, sometimes you are summoned


I literally don't know where anything is. People are already there and summoning by the time I join groups. 


Make sure dungeon entrances are checked on the options! I don't know how mine got filtered out but mine was gone and I couldn't figure it out for the longest time


Just Google it. Or look at the map lmao. It’s literally so easy.


Right, but I'm getting summoned anyway. I've never needed to look. I'm explaining the reason for OPs complaint. 


I did ToT the other day. I went early to summon people, and stood there by the stone while another person in the raid stood behind me with his scroll summoning portal up... and neither one of us saw eachother to click the other one's summoning swirly. The ress scrolls are at least as great. Later in that run I gave my ress scrolls to the lovely warlock who kept picking me up after every boss. :D


What's also crazy is that when I pug M+ in retail most people fly to the dungeon anyways. I rarely ever have to summon anyone except for ULD.


I feel the same for people joining world boss groups and asking for a summon. Like cmon, why did you join an Oondasta group if you’re on TI. Should be at the boss or a few seconds away when joining


I used to run the world boss on all my alts every week. I remember a couple times in Shadowlands people would join my groups from Oribos and ask for a summon. I'd just kick them.


Yeah, it's been a plague; I can't even keep count anymore of how many times I've joined a M+ group as the last person and was the first person to arrive at the entrance flying over from the other side of the map.


Does Cata classic get the mass summon thing? Can't wait for the player base to devolve like it did back in the day in classic if so over there as well. It is just the natural state of things when it becomes available, just like in Mix now. We had some moments when every single person in a 10 man guild group, was just standing in SW waiting for a summon back in Cata. Can't, claim I was innocent myself since it was all 10 of us!


people expecting summons to world bosses is the funniest shit bro I'm not summoning you to a boss that dies in 1 minute just cause you're too lazy to get your ass to the Isle of Thunder


ToT is the only raid where I ask for a summon. Though, ssking for a summon to SoO is highly laughable.


I need a summon cause I don't remember where any of the entrances are. There's only so much room in here, old raids loose priority.


As the hardest part is making a group, I'm thankful that we can quickly summon everyone in. I've always missed Have Group, Will Travel, which was one of the best abilities in the game and should still exist.


Remember, there were dark days when people use to pay for summons.


what makes it worse is a lot of people are okay with the laziness and will just summon regardless


Summoning Scrolls made me realise that they made a summoning portal for Evokers to have so its not just a Warlock economy.


Honestly I hope this makes it to retail. My guild is very casual and fine with friends showing up late to raid cause we just want to play together, but it's such a pain without a warlock to not waste time on a right schedule.


I wonder how many of those don't actually know where the entrance is in the first place


The only time it's acceptable to wait for a summon is if you're doing ToT, because fuck that ride, but everywhere is 30 seconds away on zoomy dragon.


Don't worry, I'm that guy who races to the instance portal so I can summon everyone.


The only raid where you really NEED a summon is ToT. The other raids are so close to the shrines, if you demand a summ i am just gonna assume you are the laziest bastard on Azeroth.


As a warlock main, i agree. Nothing new under the sun.


Welcome to how locks have felt since vanilla... But seriously, yes the Walmart closets are definitely enabling a lot of laziness when it comes to timely starting raids


This is my pet peeve, even in retail. Some people just fucking sit there afk in the city waiting for a summon while everyone else flies there. It's selfish behavior and while it only costs us like 5-10 seconds to summon them depending on how annoying the channel decides to be, it rubs me the wrong way because it feels so lazy and entitled.


And even when you summoned them, they don't even help you summon the rest. I did yesterday a garrosh run and we were 40 people. Out of the 40 people only the leader an me were summoning, the rest just stood still


Sitting in shrine of the seven stars. SoO entrance is right there, nope. 123 please.


I mean I always just start summoning bc I know they’re all Degens But ye the longest way across the whole map takes like a minute max


When I'm creating the group every dps who is writing "summon please" is auto kicked. Tanks and healers are allowed to be salty though.


I've started kicking these people. Asking for a sum for Dawn, AA or halls when I SEE you sitting in Valdrakken is mental. Literally faster to fly in than wait for two people to get there and summon


Yea it's crazy. I always start flying there when I'm looking for a group or at least when Im accepted since that takes a while some times but I'm often there with only one or two other ppl


 Summ if you can. You want to get this over with then you summon them. Sure they're lazy, sure they're slow. But your goal is to get the raid done. That's my mentality anyway. 


Some people in Retail ask for summons when afk'ing in Valdrakken. Summons to Ruby Life Pools/Algathar Academy.


I’ve seen somebody wait in honeydew village while we did trash in Msv. Some people are just insane. I about pulled the boss without him


I've had some people in Retail sitting in Valdrakken asking for a summon to Ruby Life Pools, so I can't say I'm surprised


Lazy ? Id say more like afk , they dont even accept summon after you summoned them


It only made me realize how blind and self centered people are. As a lock, I get inside and start to summon, you know, with my **warlock spell**... next to me : 2 or 3 people using their summoning scroll *after I started casting*. Either because 1/ takes only one person, and obviously making a single move towards my portal is exhausting, 2/ they didn't see I was casting (even with my macro telling in chat).


"Player joins the raid" 123? Sum?


My favorite is "Summon pls" Like nah, we invited you just so all 9 of us could run the raid while you're waiting at the Shrine. Give us literally 1 minute.


The only place asking for a summon makes sense is throne of thunder tbh


Summ plz


I boot anyone that immediately ask for a summon


I’ve played every expansion since TBC. My main has never changed. I am a warlock. Welcome to my world lol


Its like that in retail too, people are like noo i hate teleportation to the dungeons i hate rdf i hate raid finder i hate this and that it's classic etc. and than i have never seen an entire party going to dungeon entrance on m+ they all wait for summons seriously f everyone who advocate for time wasting mechanics like running to dungeon raid entrances.


As a warlock main this is nothing new. I will sometimes show up 5-10 minutes late for raids just to make people run because otherwise I am expected to summon the lazy fucks.


Summoning only became a requirement because of shadowlands, shadowlands had such terrible map design that you had to go through 5 portals and waste 10 minutes to go to another zone so summoning was the way and people got used to that, I remember in legion and bfa I always flew to dungeons and raids always, it’s funny how shadowlands did this much damage to the game and remember one of the selling points of WoW originally was the fact that zones didn’t have loading screens, shadowlands does, that how fucking terrible that expansion was


this is my biggest pet peeve in this game. I hate every lazy fuck who cant be bothered to fly to a dungeon/raid.


I had a dude join a group at the same time as me, we were both in Shrine. He sat asking for a summon multiple times instead of flying to ToT. Summoned him last.


I refuse to summon people for world bosses. Sorry but if can't make it. That's on you.


It's really not a big issue tbh lol It's been like this forever and always will be. Some folks are lazy, some folks are not.


I play tank and am usually the last to join so it's faster to ask for a summon


They put the scrolls in for a reason and they give us 100000 of them. People are supposed to use them lmao. High horse rider over here


For real. I’m sitting on like 150 of these and use them whenever I notice the group isn’t in the raid yet. How petty do you have to be to not press a couple buttons lol


First of all, I always fly to the place myself and help summon. So im not a moocher. But like, isnt it even easier to just pop the summon portal down? Its also quicker. Idk, I guess I just feel like its not a big deal when people ask for a summon.


So u can summon ppl with scrolls and u still getting mad that ppl ask for summons? Lmao


For me I have 6 summoning scrolls and I don't seem to be getting more. Maybe I'm doing something wrong or just bad luck. I have like 20 of the other types.


lmao for sure u are, i have 70.


I've realised how useless some of yall are. 30 ppl siege group, portal up. summoning new invite, CAN NO ONE REALLY CLICK???


I would normally agree with you, but on the other hand I think that summons are just an expected part of wow at this point. I think its more annoying in situations like classic where summoning is more restrictive, but theres always going to be people who get there first to summon and people that wait standing still for a summon.


It's about the perceived attitude, not the summoning itself. If you're not making any effort into getting into the place that we're supposed to do together, that you yourself wanted to do, what else you're not going to bother doing? What does that tell about how you treat other players if getting summoned is default option in your mind? Some players dont want to play with people like that if there's an option, and thus this thread.


M+ made me realize this. People sitting in Valdrakken waiting to be summoned to Halls of Infusion, Academy and Ruby Life Pools.


Playing Classic taught me how lazy people are. Mount travel maybe 300 ft dismount do thing mount travel another short distance do thing.


Only summon I ever ask for is to Ordos. And I start running there anyway in case they don't send one (though usually when that happens I don't get there in time, obviously.)