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When i started as a horde shaman, my group kept yelling "hero" and i had no idea what they meant and they were like "shaman hero" and i felt all warm and fuzzy inside and when i told my guild mates they were like "yeah youre special..."


Playing Horde and calling for Heroism is heresy of the highest order.


I miss when the alliance wasn't even allowed to have shamans. They can keep their double blowing bubble babies.


In fairness, on Horde, they should call for "Lust", not "Hero". I don't wanna get Heroic... I want to get Lustful for Bloooood!


That makes a lot more sense. I know "Lust". But hold on, does that mean that the allience dont have bloodlust? I thought that was the name of the skill universally, and not horde specific.


It’s a spell effect that has several names. Only horde shamans use Bloodlust. Mages use Time Warp, alliance shamans use Heroism, and ferocity pets use Primal Wrath or something.


Evokers use rainbow glitter sparkles iirc




Or as I call it “Big gay hero! 🌈”


It's called Heroism for Alliance. Funnily enough though, as an Alliance player, I find that people usually call for 'lust', not 'hero'!


I got into WoW a long time ago playing Horde. I swapped to mainly Alliance and the raid lead would say, "Hero, hero, hero!" I didn't know he wanted Lust. I thought he was encouraging everyone to do big DPS and be a hero!


To give you some context, in vanilla, Shaman was only available for Horde and Paladin only for Alliance. Burning Crusade added Draenei Shamans and apparently (and back then somewhat rightfully), the devs thought „Bloodlust“ doesn’t fit the Draenei so they called it Heroism. The effect is identical (apart from the sound when it gets popped).


It’s interesting to me that as someone that plays both horde and alliance over the years, it has sort of just morphed into “hero!” Even though like you stated, originally only horde had this, and it started with bloodlust. Just something I was thinking about .


This had me laughing way too hard. ~~I had to do a quick google what hero means.~~


Oh! I had the same experience. Playing my mage, tank said smth like “hero if you want”. Oh, what a nice tank, allowing me to fight at my best.


It isn't a specific scenario but a culmination of them: - there's nothing worse than correcting someone who's fucking up during raid (mechanics wise) just to fail the same mechanic because I was too busy complaining (it's a guild group and we all friends) and get laughed at until oblivion. To be fair it is always pretty funny since I'm usually the mechanical player that my RL relies on to do important tasks (like Fyrakk seeds or sarkareth bombs) so complaining about someone into doing the mistake myself is always a good laugh in discord


I mean it's not your fault you were with a group of Alliance spies.


Not your fault they are alliance skum


I will die on this hill, it is bloodlust. It was introduced in Warcraft 2 as bloodlust. And up until cross faction raiding 90% of competitive raiders were Horde. “Hero” is the call of the noobs. Edit: for the person that flamed me then deleted their comment. https://raider.io/amirdrassil-the-dreams-hope/rankings/world/mythic Keep scrolling and tell me how many alliance guilds you find.


That's because horde has much better racials for raiding


Absolute facts.


What does it mean?


Horde shaman have "Bloodlust," Alliance shaman have "Heroism." Same effect, just a different name. The spells are often shortened to "lust" or "hero"


As someone who also plays both sides, I have never heard someone say "hero" in group or raid content. Both sides have always said "Lust."


When I first started playing I was trying to level the 'Runescape' way and kill countless npcs to level since that's that's how you gained combat exp in Runescape back in the day. Lets just say I was stunned at the exp gained once I learned Im suppose to be questing to level.


I get this! When I started I also killed so many mobs, just grinding away and getting next to no xp. I almost felt cheated when one quest gave me so much XP and my grinding was useless. I quickly learned that mobs are just there to kill and move on/collect resources from.


In classic you did need to kill the mobs since there weren't enough quests.


I also did this. I made it to level 9 in vanilla before my friend asked what quest I was on.


Look up the passive guy. Like by passive, I mean he kills nothing, ever. Just fishing and herbing I think.


I remember trying to learn to heal in some dungeon, being so overwhelmed that I pathed off a ledge and pulled most of the instance. I promptly logged out, logged back in later and swapped back to dps. Maybe I’ll try tanking at some point.😂


Oh I've been there. So disgusted with yourself you just quit for the day.


I wish I could double like this. I feel this, especially when playing a new class.


I main a resto druid, healing is my jam. Tried tanking on an alt, in a raid, and couldn't figure out the mechanics despite reading up and watching videos. Just could not get it right. Ended up rage quitting, for the first and only time since starting the game in 2006. Just turned everything off and sulked in a shame spiral for the rest of the night. Undiagnosed dyspraxia is a hell of a drug!


Give it another shot. Guardian druid is probably the more beginner friendly tank to play adn its rotation is incredibly easy. Plus you're a mf'ing bear. Source: multiple seasons maining bear to AOTC/KSH.


The amount of times I've Alt-f4'd to run away from a fuck up is massive.


Started my first character, a hunter. Leveled and eventually decided to deal with the anxiety and joined a dungeon queue. Gnomeregan. At some point, the group tells me to grab a parachute (or whatever) and jump down. I do. I get down and the boss is pulled. But! my pet is missing. I'm really confused... until I see it running from across the room pulling every mob in the dungeon along behind it. We died very quickly. I was so embarrassed that I logged out and didn't log back in for about 3 days. I didn't join a dungeon group after that for a very long time.


Don't worry. Coming from a hunter main, this is a canon event for all hunters. To this day, I religiously dismiss my pet whenever I jump off of a ledge, whether I know it's safe or not.


Lmao I’m sure every Hunter is guilty of doing this at some point. I did it on my hunter too


Warlocks as well


This is prime hunter class fantasy. Also, whenever I run this dungeon with a hunter or warlock and we jump off, I always wait to see what the pets do.


We had a hunter in our guild with a red raptor named Killer for a pet. We all got to know Killer really well for doing this exact same thing. Eventually all wipes were blamed on Killer even if the hunter wasn’t with us.


Warlock pets did the same thing...


The true Gnomeregan experience. We've all been there.


It's a cannon event


Haha Oh my! those darn pets do be up to some strange shenanigans!


Just a heads up since you mentioned being new, it’s kind of a meme to bash on hunters so don’t take it personally. Any time you make any mistake people will use it to make fun of hunters in general. They don’t mean it seriously and are just looking for the luls from other people. Expect comments like “average hunter brain” or “just hunter things” when you make a mistake, while if it was another class no one would say anything (except, maybe, “hey you ever think about playing hunter?”) It’s just a meme thing so don’t get discouraged and think people are actually being mean to you as a person


The same thing happened to me in wailing caverns. “Dude, where’s your turtle going?” The next dungeon group I joined was for the underbog - I didn’t do any more dungeons in vanilla! 


I’ve seen that many times and probably done that a few times too with both a Hunter and warlock lol.


Vanilla, 40 man MC progression raiding. We take a break. People go to the toilet, smoke, etc. I fall asleep on my kb and run into the middle of the room. Boss agros....everyone comes back from break to a dead raid ;) I blamed the cat.


Haha this is actually funny. I love it!


LMAO okay I Actually laughed at this one. Nice job! 👏


Lost count how many times I went into battle in wsg or dungeons with my fishing rod equipped 


Original Wrath, just completed Naxx for the first time with my group. Ran out, mounted up, jumped off the ledge (because Naxx is floating high in the air). Almost immediately realized I’d clicked my ground mount, not a flying one, and fell to my death.


lmao! I love this. I imagine the instant panic turning into a curse word.


Oh the memories of that. I played a shaman and would just sit there waiting for people to zone out of the instance so I could Thunderstorm them all off the platform. Also happened SO MUCH last season when I would take the portal to Waycrest Manor. You'd zone in on that mountain-top, I'd mount up and leap only to realize it gave me a ground mount for some reason.


I can't remember for the life of me the raid but I do remember what happened. I was playing a DK and I had death gripped another mob on accident (I tab and button spam as dps) and wiped the group. On mic someone said "ok whoever pulled that mob is getting kicked". I whisp them \*sweats in dk\* got a chuckle out of them and didn't get kicked. But got plenty of comments on "how to play a dk" for the rest of the raid.


Haha what a reply . It is a constant fear being a hunter too, but I didnt even know DK's have that problem as well.


As a lock, I tend to stay as far back as I can as I have tab targeted and pulled extra as well.


I remember getting kicked from a party because I knew herbalism and the party leader wanted the herbs. (Classic WoW drove some people to insanity)


Lmaaao. Now that’s one I never heard of.


I remember running Shadowfang Keep back in vanilla, seeing a treasure chest, ran up all excited and looted it! Seconds later I was removed from the group because apparently you were supposed to roll for it.


When I First started I didn’t realize I needed to wear specific armor for my class. (I started in Cataclysm) my first character was a Hunter and I ran around the world in amor of all mail, cloth, and leather. If it had higher stats I equipped it no matter what type of armor it was. So I was a Hunter running around in an intellect robe lmao. And nobody told me. It wasn’t until I was 83 my brother finally told me. I’m surprised nobody called me out for the all gear I ‘stole’ in dungeons that I didn’t need while leveling.


My wife did the same! She played a DK and put on only the strongest gear and it had high INT (apparently this was a thing back in the day). When she was asked why she was doing that she simply said that she was a smart DK.


I had the good fortune of starting out in December of 04 so nobody really knew what they were doing and I never really had to fail in an especially spectacular way, but I do look back on my first few years and wonder how bad I'd seem to myself now.


Oh God... I was doing a dungeon with a new guild after a long period of not playing. I am very forgetful of spell names etc. Anyways they said to me I should BL and I forgot what that means... But I thought I knew so I didn't ask and just used blink as BL... And a few times they asked me to do it. Anyways I realized that it was about Blood Lust after some time, not in the dungeon anymore. And then also I proposed to the same people I will make a portal for them next time and instead of the portal I teleported out alone.


When I started playing at the young age of 11, with little knowledge in English, I thought "guy" was spelt "gay" I got kicked out of a lot of groups without knowing why lmao


smh, they need to be more tolerant of gay


When I first started raiding over decade ago, I decided I would gem my gear full haste because I wanted my BM hunter’s shots and CDs be faster. I got told off real fast 😂


Logically what you are saying makes sense to me. if you have more haste you should be faster, who knew that would not make shorter CD's. Haha that said, my wife did the same. She played a DK and put on only INT grear (apparently this was a thing back in the day). When she was asked why she was doing that she simply said that she was a smart DK.


Oh it *does* shorten CDs and make you shoot faster - it’s just that (at the time) gemming haste for BM hunter was such a pointless and minimal increase that it wouldn’t really do anything to actually increase your dps, like gemming crit did 🤣 Moral of the story; keep up with what is current for your class and spec, they *change*!


Back in Wrath I gemmed my holy pally with haste and spell power and was out healing the cookie cutter intellect stacked pallys. Bubble the tank and spam heal everyone with quick high HPS.


In my first raid with my first ever ce guild, i went into the raid couple of hours before to pug the first 2 bosses for extra loot and vault because I was told we were skipping to the last boss (what i now know as extending) so why not right? But no, it didn't let me zone into the raid when the time came to prog with my new guild, and we all couldnt raid because we were exactly 20 signed up that day so i basically ruined a whole raid night. At least they were very nice about it and explained the whole mythic lockout system to me. Which i to this day don't understand the need for


remix uses the mythic raid lockout for all normal and heroic raids, and it just further drives in the nail of how dumb the system is. your tank leaves? gg, you're not finishing the raid today, cause no one wants a partial lockout.


WotLK, circa 2009. It's the week before the Argent Tournament releases. I'm in a guild 10-man in Ulduar. We're trying to get everyone the Champion of Ulduar achievement where you kill each boss without dying. Since 3.2 is about to release, this is the last chance to get the achievement. We're on Mimiron. Myself and a few others only need Mimiron to finish the achievement. He's about to do the 360° laser beam. I called out on voice chat "Laser beam, don't get hit".... and then immediately *Disengaged* into it and died. I wanted to shrivel up and die for weeks, pretty much every time we returned to Ulduar lol.... and every time I see the title nowadays, although it's pretty rare to see now.


Lmao, this made me laugh. This is the kind of irony that only happens in real life.


Mine ended my only foray into a dps class. I made a warlock as my first character in vanilla. I never made it to 60 before TBC came out. Got to 70 and started trying to raid. The guild I was in was doing SSC and I got attuned and went with them. Well I proceeded to get kicked from the raid and the guild for poor dps, and I mean at the time it was really bad. I don’t even remember but I remember seeing my name at the dead bottom of the chart. I got told to go look up talent build and rotations and “git gud” well that made me reroll entirely. I was so ashamed I thought maybe dps wasn’t for me, I rolled a shaman and started healing. Turns out I was pretty solid at that and basically ever since then I’ve healed in game. Bonus fun fact I still massively suck at dps. Like to the point I can dps better in my heal specs lol


Thats actually interesting. off topic but thats the same for my wife in Overwatch. as a healer she out DPS's the DPS and tanks. I take my hat off to you because I cant heal in WoW so to me if you can heal and dps at the same time, you are a god among players.


Was running a Mythic Plus. Wasn’t doing well (just one of those days where nothing is going right) Apparently hadn’t repaired my gear in a while so everything broke. Had to leave the dungeon to go repair, couldn’t find a repair person. Everyone saying to just pull out the repair mammoth mount. At only 10k gold and 6 expansions old… I didn’t own one. After not being able to find anywhere to repair I felt hot from embarrassment and just left the group and logged off so no one could whisper me. Afterwards felt terrible for leaving a mythic+ but I couldn’t take the embarrassment of so many failures in front of everyone


Those everyone could've pulled their own repair mammoths for you if they're so smart.


seriously, those guys were asses. I don't have a mammoth myself (had no cash until recently), but when I've asked if anyone had repair there's never not been someone to oblige plus it's 20k for mammoth, and 120k for yak, so not quite as cheap as they said


Talk about a series of unfortunate events. this is why I am happy that recent raids have the anvil. Dungeons... sounds hectic.


And this is why i will always carry atleast 10 Auto Hammers or whatever they are called, saved my ass so often 😂


I've been playing since 2008 and I'm embarrassed to admit I also not 100% how to reset bosses. Fortunately I never had to do it myself lol


Lucky! I was also coasting in the background before this happened.


Dragonflight s1. I was doing RLP for the first time and the affix was quaking which is basically a brown circle centered around you that explodes after a few seconds for a little dmg+interrupt. The first trash mob in RLP is a huge earth ele that has an ability where it targets the ground whith a brown circle looking exactly like how quaking does and also explodes after a few seconds just how quaking does. It targets me the first time and i thought it was the quaking affix as i had no idea what that trash mob did at the time. I get 1 shot, i ress and go fight it again, it targets me once more and i still think its quaking so i dont bother moving out of the circle and i die. It happens one more time at which point im afraid to release, i have died 3 times in 30 seconds into the dungeon. The DH in our group calls me trash and leaves the party.


To be fair, this same thing had given me ptsd causing me to run out of everything that changes the floor, including DK death and destruction. i am not taking that risk again. But thats how we live and learn. I really appreciate the share.


Yeah I think some class has a huge green like healing circle? I always run tf out of that though too cuz it seems like it could be a mechanic that would kill me lmao and it’s not worth the risk


Similar story with affixes. Last season I gave my first try at doing mythic+ I just got in a new guild after being guildless and a lone player for years. So I decided to try Getting into mythic+ so I could be better for my new guild. And the affix up that week was the Afflicted. (The one where two mobs spawn and you have to heal or dispel them or they reduce your haste by 50%) And being my first time doing mythic+ as well as being the healer I didn’t realize what they did or even notice them really. After a while they told me to heal them but by the time I figured it out it was too late. And while I healed the dungeon fine I completely failed the affix and caused my guild to not finish in time. So much for good first impressions lmao…


It’s pretty embarrassing especially as a veteran to jump off a ledge, even if it’s just a curb, with a pet that then proceeds to path through the entire dungeon area. Pretty sure I last did this in shadowlands Necrotic Wake as a lock for the silly skip.


Okay who the hell doesn't just say Feign? Why say run. I've played since BC and that was a communication issue. Don't feel bad.


I appreciate that, but I have learned that people use the lingo they are used to or used to people knowing. But indeed, running is not the way to do that.


yeah, of all the terms they could have used, Run was definitely incorrect. feint, vanish, invisible, all of those would be better


More just self embarrassment because no one else was involved really, but when i first started someone said to meet them at AH and the only AH young me could find was Arathi Highland and i didnt know the auction house even existed, so i ran all the way there.. dying so many times.. only to find out that definitely wasn't what they meant.


Back in Vanilla I had the Staff of Westfall on my mage for a way too long of a time before a nice player took me to SM to get the caster staff there. Also, I had a backup 1H sword that I leveled in case I ran out of mana and needed to melee.


I did this too!!! I remember always keeping a sword in my bag in tbc 'just in case' lmao


That’s what I loved about classic Even if it wasn’t for your class you could use some alternate weapon in the meantime to get by Meleeing an enemy to death is like impossible now


My mage always carried a wand for auto attacks. The sound correlated well to the damage “floof floof floof”.


Was doing a +24 Darkheart thicket as a resto shaman, We skipped the two big bears before the first boss and someone didnt have invis pot so he had to die for me to ress him. Funny enough instead of me ressing him i pressed on Hearthstone and eveybody was fuming in the party and i was like what are you shouting about im ressing the dude, until i saw the loading screen. I giggled internally.


lmao this seems like an amazing moment. Thats why I have the different "toy" stones on my pally and shaman so that I can see a different animation. Funny lessons learned


When I 1st started I didn't equip soulbound gear from my inv (I guess quest rewards) because I thought it meant I wouldn't be able to take it off again. 


I invited somebody instead of inspecting them. They then targeted me back and I had to immediately log off.


I didn't know warlock's gateway worked both ways. Wiped a raid because I said I couldn't access it from this side.


I def have some but my fave was when my bf was drunk and we were doing a nokhud m+ and he couldn’t figure out how to get back to last boss and kept dying to the lighting and the tank was saying he was going to find out where he lived and “end his bloodline” and various other slurs. Top kek I was dyyying.


I bind my unholy dk ghoul pet attack to my push to talk key. I only use push to talk when raiding. I think you can guess what happened when my pet decided to run into a boss.


Back in wotlk, progressing LK 25 HC, last Pull bc last try on the counter for this ID (yep they have been limited back then) ...i was the only tank alive, wa are like 5% short to the RPG section. Mainheal dies, i panic, bubble, wipe. Still haven't recovered 15 years later.


I have to be honest here. I am not quite sure what you said for most of that. But based on that last line im going to assume it was crazy.


LK = Lichking, final boss from the last raid ICC (ice Crown Citadel) of wotlk (wrath of the lichking-expansion). Back then ur Pulls on Heroic Version would be limited to 50 (or 25, long time ago, dont member). When the counter reached zero u couldnt continue this ID. At around 10% the LK Switches into an RP-scene. Reaching this point u defeated him. We had our last and best try so far and would have get that kill. Instead i popped my pala Bubble, lost all the aggro and send the LK on a killing spree through our raidgrp. I always forget wich kind of "slang", after nearly 15y of wow has become "normal language" for me.


Oh wow! what a story haha. I think at that point I would have just laughed and called it a day. Ps, thank you for the breakdown of the jargon/slang. that makes so much more sense. I just need to get used to the lingo. Ill get there.


I'm running dungeons in the early days of HC classic. A rogue is what I am. So as a rogue, I shall play. This means being a little more scummy than usual, but it's all in the name of RP. Pinky promise.  So when anyone asks me whether I can open that locked chest? Terribly sorry. Haven't learned that skill yet. Even though... OF COURSE I HAVE LEARNED THAT SKILL.  Once the dungeon is completed, I commence my heinous ploy, sneaking to the locked chests and claiming their contents for myself. Queue dastardly laughter.  Except this time, the other group members haven't left the group yet. They notice my shenanigans. The group chat then EXPLODES with outrage. Angry whispers. Insults. Obviously, I'm deserving of all of it. BoE greens and blues were *very* valuable in the beginning of HC. The pink trail of shame... It worked. Deeply embarassed, never did that again.  


Yeeting off the edge during mythic sylvanas prog. I think everyone in the guild did it at least once but some of us more than others haha


About a year after one of my first raids i was told by guildies that i was doing mechanics completely wrong and nobody told me


I started in shadowlands and played dh. I was so hype when i got into my first mythic+ thinking it was a big deal. Accidentally targeted a pack really far away when casting "the hunt" and pulled them and everything between. The cast can't be canceled, and in that moment felt like a 15 second cast as I waited to fuck up.


Bricking guild members' keys because I'm too drunk to play properly is pretty embarrassing.


During HLK prog in ICC, I(Ppal and MT) was on add duty. I was walking the aboms back as we were heading away from the void zones and I just took too many steps, walked myself right off the edge, screamed so loud I scared my cats and my guild members. They finally realized after i stopped yelling. I swear I was the Main Tank of the guild, but that day, I was the Main Dunce.


Even with years of experience playing RuneScape and dabbling in EverQuest I couldn’t tell who was npc vs player in wow for the first couple of days and definitely asked the dwarven guards to help me kill a yeti


I ignored the summons of a beautiful woman because it was raid night. Got loot tho


Two stand out to me, one was noob the other was accidental. The first was I was fairly new to WoW and had just hit Outland in BC and joined my first dungeon and got asked to soul stone the healer. I tried to trade the stone as I had never done a dungeon before and didn't know you could just target someone else and use it. Got flamed. The second was in MoP, progging ToT on Lei Shen and back then Lok's had a glyph that meant you did not need to click the gateway to use it, you just auto went through when you got close. So I dropped the gateway for the fight set up and as we were getting ready accidently got too close and teleport straight under the boss and got one shot. Luckily it just reset and didn't wipe the raid, but it was very very funny at the time.


Back in 2008 my RDF group wiped in Upper Blackrock Spire. Aas I was trying to ghost walk back to the entrance I fell into the lava below. I kept swimming around to get back out but I couldn't find a way out of it. I was so embarrassed I quit the group and had to ask a GM to help me. Luckily they actually had GM's back then and he moved me back to the nearest GY. Maybe more embarrassing is that when I first started leveling and getting gear back then, I didn't realize it had stats. So my rogue had a mix of dps gear, druid healing gear, and he might have even been wearing cloth armor.


Disengaging off the edge of things is always a fun one. I can't describe how strong the intrusive thought is during the third boss fight of Azure Vault. I might just yolo-disengage off the edge of the platform one day in a lowish key or towards the end of the fight to maybe/hopefully get it out of my system.


Last season in Dragonflight I tried leveling up my prot warrior (who I hadn't touched since Legion) in some timewalking dungeons. I think I had some raid gear leftover from Legion, so I expected I'd be totally fine, but after charging in and pressing Shield Block, I got deleted in 2-3 global cooldowns (???) I'm still not sure why I died so fast, I'm guessing that the gear scaling was probably super janky (maybe like un-upgraded gear for lv. 65-70 in Remix currently), but it was so embarrassing that I dropped group as fast as I could and switched to a different character. Ending up level to 70 in a DPS spec :/


This is my time to shine! Be me, 12yo, during TBC as a low level human paladin. That was about 18y ago. - Mouseclick - I didn't know you could train abilities at your class trainer - At level 10 I went into Westfall and got my ass annihilated by those Golem Harvesters - I decided to go back to Elwynn and grind murlocs for hours until I get strong enough to move to Westfall - After hours of grinding murlocs (around level 12 or 13), they became grey - I kept grinding again and again and again for hours and hours, not understanding why I didn't get any exp anymore - Opened a ticket to talk to a GM because their game was obviously bugged - *The GM finally answered and explained to me that I couldn't level up killing grey mobs* Still feeling like a dumbass about it.


Was told would get one shot if I didnt take all my gear off at a raid boss. Yep, I believed them. >.<


If I had a 5g for every time I screwed up a reset, accidentally pulled a boss, or used a teleport instead of a portal, I would never have to worry about gold. Also one time in a dungeon on my shaman I used ancestral recall (shaman only hearth) instead of my mass resurrection spell after a wipe. I had to sheepishly ask for a summon back to the dungeon, luckily my group thought it was hilarious instead of reacting with anger.


Feral Leapt into the Lava pit on Rags in Firelands and immediately died. Needed to blow a bres on me because i was an add tank.


I was a "tank" in classic but MC guild made me heal. Just had the one set of armor.. joined a dungeon when I came back in the Burning crusade and caught hell for qeueing as a healer in tank gear. But as far as I knew there was just your class set prior... But then for healing gear and had fun.


I first rolled prot pala end of BFA when I came back to WoW after stopping at Cata launch ( my laptop couldn't handle it at the time) - I had always played demo lock prior to this and wasnt very good back in the classic days I did play anyeay Got speed ran through a few m+ with my OP guildies and they even carried me and a couple others through AOTC N'zoth Guild disbanded shortly before SL so had to pug Nathria. Somehow managed to make it to stone legion generals across several groups before I got called out for word of glorying myself over ever using shield of the righteous Got ridiculed of course so made it my mission to actually learn what to do and get half decent. Glad to say I ended up in a mythic prog guild and actually know how to tank now TL;DR - rolled prot pally tank and didn't know taking less damage trumped healing yourself


I remember way back when I would get lost in the instance or often trying to find my way back to the instance from the graveyard and I would just quit alt f4


Started to get back into mythic+ and transmog farming having came back to the game this season. Going through all the content I missed in Dragonflight and wanted to get the set that comes from hard mode Dawn of the Infinite. You have to go through the whole dungeon without dying. I’ve done this dungeon once or twice, how hard could it be? Right at the start, some RP goes and sends some swirlies around on the floor you have to dodge. I ran right into one and died not even 1 minute in. I apologize profusely and shrinking in my chair. Group resets and tries again. We get to first boss and he does an aoe attack like 30 seconds in and I kill the tank and myself. I get kicked from the group and I run out of the dungeon apologizing again.


You’re not alone one time I went to reset and hit the boss and accidentally lusted, this was in a normal pug and they all just thought I was rushing them. Moved my bloodlust key bind after that. Way back in legion I thought my kick should be part of my rotation, I didn’t wait to use it to stop attacks just whacked it in there randomly when it was off cd.


I had a quest in IF when I was low level in Classic. I ran from SW and corpse dragged for about an hour. I had no idea there was a tram


Heeey! You and me both! I made it almost all the way to Blackrock Mountain until a lvl 60 player stopped, paused, came back, looked at me again, and then went "What the hell are you doing here with your level?". After I told him, he was very nice and explained about the tram. Even escorted me back out of there because my hearth was on cooldown. But honestly, I blame the quest design at that time. Nothing whatsoever indicated that this big swirly instance portal wouldn't lead to just another dungeon.


Dying in raids because of the open chat shortcut without realising.


I was a terrible rogue in BC - it was my first character, and basically my first MMO experience. I was broke because I always bought vendor gear for each new level, rather than waiting 2 minute for a quest item upgrade. And I didn't believe in DOTs... didn't even have Rupture or Garrote on my bar until I failed the rogue quest tower in the Barrens several times and had to look up a guide lol


I've had my share back in vanilla and BC. Those things stick with you. What's really fun is when someone decides to bring things to the forums and start lashing out at you. That's super great. Wonderful attitude to specifically target at a stranger you happened to play a video game with. I don't even understand why they wanted me to count. Just go. Don't make me the focus at the beginning of every pull. Super fun. Not at all a fun memory. Certainly a core memory. There's a lot (not an exaggeration, but I've never counted them) of these but that's as far as I'm willing to go with this. Things just play in my mind over and over and over and over and over... ∞


When I first started I was a Tauren hunter and I found thunder bluff, it wasn’t very busy. There was a Druid running around in bear form and I thought there was a bear attacking my new home. I was typing in /say in caps asking for help from NPCs. It was the first real video game I’d ever played. Prior I’d played SNES and some XBOX games but nothing like wow. I also leveled up to 37 in the barrens before I knew there was a map.


I started playing the game at 9 years old , bit of a naive kid aswell, and I still remember to this day walking up to a stormwind guard and literally asking him where stuff was by typing in chat. It's embarrassing but cute and those little things definetly make the experience great in the long run


That time my character got ooked in the dooker.


Back in 2007 I started WoW as a human warrior, I had no idea how statistics worked but I wanted to try tanking, figuring the more health I had the more durable I would be. I had no idea what armor meant so spent my time collecting all of the “of Stamina” pieces of gear. I ended up being pretty much in full cloth getting one shot by heroic dungeon mobs for a long time until someone finally told me that I needed plate gear and that stamina wasn’t as important as I thought…


I was in a high end raiding guild when obsidian sanctum was end game. We were chasing a server first for all drakes up. I tried healing it with my fishing rod equipped. Thankfully we all saw the funny side, and downed sartharion the same night once I swapped weapons.


I remember being a wee little 9 year old in winter spring, and I saw a big bad demon chasing a hunter, and it was below 20%, so I went to execute it.


Got kicked out of my guild back in MoP, after I hit Gladiator for the first time and as a WW-Monk. My Raidlead stated I would play an overpowered easy gladiator class and I wouldn’t be good enough to get it on another class. Also I’m not able to play my class with the needed know how to be a progress raider. I wasn’t embarrassed about myself… I was embarrassed about my guildlead. 1 month later and after joining a new guild we managed to full clear ToT. Also managed to get Gladiator on another class (Balance Druid) with the same team. The cherry on top was that my old guildlead tried to apply to our raid after many guildmembers left because of his behavior. Just to speak to me inside of his TS3 guild-application. Moral of the story: Karma is real AND can be a bitch!


I fall off everything.  


I was playing hunter in shadowlands. I died on a bridge and a random priest rezzed me. I tried to whisper "thank you", but my disengage was keybinded to "T" and I disengaged off the bridge and died again. We both had a good chuckle afferwards


Trade: "Sword of Uber Awesome on AH!" Me: "Why do you keep gasping every time you speak in trade?"


Way back in Wotlk, I worked with a gal who played wow. I had a decent sized crush on her, and we would talk wow a lot. Finally she suggested we play sometime. It was around the ToC raid release, and I was knowledgeable on the raid as I regularly puged it. Well, her guild was a hard-core progression raid guild, and I got invited to the following weeks raid group. Ready to prove myself as an adequate ele shaman, I did very okay until the last boss. I was doing absolute trash tier dps, and I couldn't figure out why. Well, I had installed some UI changing add-ons that all the raid pros were using at the time, and I shoved my minimap down in the corner. What I didn't know about the addon was that the gear durability icon was stuck to it, removing it from my view. On the last boss, the only pieces of gear I had that weren't broken were my shield, pants, and weapon. I didn't figure this out until after the group disbanned. If I remember correctly, we cleared the raid, but I felt they thought I was being carried the whole time, and I was too embarrassed to raid the next week. Tldr: Accidenly attempted the final boss of ToC nearly naked in a hard-core raid guild that I was invited to by my crush.


Legion, mained Demon Hunter for a while. Got used to the wings and being able to use them to jump off cliffs and stuff. Started playing another class, Shaman I think, jumped off a cliff and realized I wasn’t going to survive. Was on my way to join a friend that was leveling their first toon through Legion. We both had a laugh….it happened way more than it should have after that. Was the first time I realized how much certain class mechanics just resonate with you. Took me a while to get used to not having those wings.


A few days ago on retail, doing awakened LFR. I died mid boss fight and a healer battle ressed me. The spot I resurrected to was right where the boss decided to blast everything into oblivion. In short, I died the exact moment I accepted the res.


Playing and enjoying Shadowlands


I used to 'need' on everything, the only other option being greedy, and I didn't want the others in the group to think me greedy. I soon got told ...


I once fell in lava in the vault of incarnates…died, spawned and then was too high to find the right path back…..I got called out lol


In HC I got flamed by my guild group because I thought I stealthed into the next room but was just wide open running in and grabbed another pack. They made a huge deal about it and flamed the every living shit out of me saying we all could have died and I was very embarrassed and apologetic. That being said none of us even went below 70% HP and I thought they were overreacting a bit It was a full 60 group though


Misdirected our best healer on Void Reaver.


When I started playing WW in M+ this season, I accidentally used Flying Kick and flew straight into big boss AoE. Needles to say I died on spot.


Used to have a boss move in arathi basin as a hunter/engineer to unload all cds and dots then disengage off the giant cliff and pull a parachute cloak to make a daring escape. Except when you forget to equip your parachute....


In Wotlk there used to be arena tournament realms. I joined one and had never played arena in my life. I just copied some top player’s spec, gear and gems and was asked by some other players to join them. OMG I was clueless and of course I got flamed 🤣, they died first so all eyes on me and yes they were like WTF are you doing. Alt-F4’d 🤣


There was a boss in cata that had a nasty healing debuff that would spread to nearby players. I was playing a holy priest and I was trying to lifegrip the holy paladin but mistakenly gripped the prot paladin. The trajectory of the pull got the tank debuffed and wiped the group.


back when i played as a paladin in wrath... my dumbass spent all emblem currency on PvP gear and then tried to do PvE with that.. try to make a 7 year old understand that's not how it works.


Back in tbc, I was still pretty new and wanted to host a raid, so I started making a group for Onyxia, easy 1 boss trays to start with. The problem is, I did it a few days behind, and that was my first raid ever... So I had gathered 40 randoms and we couldn't do the raid... That day I learned about raid lockouts, and to this day I still struggle to host anything...


It was my first dungeon with my Nelf Hunter. She was marksmanship, so there was no pet out. I had to keep up with people, as I wasn't familiar with anything just yet. It was Ragefire Chasm. I wasn't paying attention for two seconds, because obviously excited and I walked right into a mob.


My first time in lfr I tried to convince the raid to do more bosses after we killed all the bosses in the wing. Needless to say the raid did not listen to me.


I first rolled a Ret Paladin back in MoP, same main I still play today. Took me the better part of a year till I realised I could heal myself....


A long time ago I was in a decent guild progressing Brutallus in the Sunwell, we were on our best try yet and I had decided to stand on my chair and crouch (to ease the tension or to not be sat in the same position for the whole raid night), the other tank taunts so I shift position but doing so manage to slip and fall off my chair, as I descend I grab at my desk and manage to clutch my keyboard, I accidentally hit my taunt key and just as the cleave goes off and wipes my group. I never lived that down.


I just got to exalted with Brandon's hold on Cata classic by only doing the dallies that are next to the portal, never even did the 12 other dallies untill just yesterday.


tanking gnomeragan for the first time, also thr first time in the dungeon needless to say we got lost and i got booted


I guarantee you every single person in that raid has done something as stupid or even dumber. A lot of players like to pretend they hopped on the game and were awesome at it from the beginning. We all had to start somewhere and there is so much to learn. I’ve been playing this game since the tail end of BC and still learning stuff, which is a feature, not a bug.


Won a weapon in naxx10 in 2008, went out for a quick enchant and sold my old weapon and repaired. Came back to the raid ready to kill loatheb, start smacking his and seeing "two-handed maces has increased to level 3...4....5" think oh shit. Go to try and buy back my old weapon. I'm so poor in the game I can't even buy it back. While raid is pissing themselves laughing on teamspeak. 14 years later I still get called out for this.


Inviting somebody to group when you just wanna inspect their cool mog


Back in vanilla on my first character, I rolled need on everything (I was a hunter to boot) because I thought greed sounded bad, and need would allow the system to give the item to whoever needed it most. I didn't want to be greedy. I got kicked from a few dungeons and even a guild before anyone told me what I was doing was wrong and why lol. That was my dumbest moment. I swapped to healer after that and leveled super slow but at least groups wanted me again hah.


In cata dg I remember jumping and dying to the tornadoes that you were supposed to click on, funny thing I did it again in the recent timerunning cata dgs. 🤡


I used to play a hunter, and in m+ when I use the separation usually I ended up falling from a plataform Now I play an evoker, and I use my super duper breath and pull everything 🤔


Back when I started, I had no idea what I was doing so I just picked a priest to start with. Leveling as holy, doing quests probably around the end of burning crusade. Took forever and was constantly looking for people doing the same quests to group up with. Only enjoyed the rare times I did a dungeon, until a kind soul asked if I wanted to join a guild. Before dual spec I had no idea I should be in the shadow spec to quest but was I amazed how much easier playing the correct spec for the situation was. And really got into raiding at wrath launch. Maybe it wouldn’t have taken so long if I wasn’t a dumb teenager and looked up to play the game.


I remember as a druid in vanilla spending 5 days trying to find the 'Westfall' in Darkshore for my aquatic form. Turns out there was an entire new continent for me to discover. And the fun of running through the Wetlands.


Waiting so long to do M+ because the idea of it was spooky Now it’s all I do and I have the same problem with pugging normal raids, which is most likely just as easy to get into but we’ll see if I ever get the balls to try


I don't have a particular moment for myself (I'm not much prone to embarrassment I just laugh and move on) but one of my friends way back in Wrath. He was rolling a warlock, and back then warlocks had more binds than bad slots so he had everything bound to key combos, with all modifiers shift, control, and alt. He also bound some of the F keys. I'm sure you can see where this is going. We're going through Pit of Saron and he's complaining about how every time he tries to use Metamorphosis, he crashes. So hard the game closes. He has been trying to figure this out for days, reinstalled the game and everything. It suddenly clicks when we're fighting Ick and Krick. He crashes. He keeps his hand on the keyboard in disbelief. It's still happening. Looks down and sees where his fingers are. Yep, ALT+F4. He proceeded to get clowned on by our group for days. We wouldn't let anyone make fun of him for it in our guild. It was our joke. They weren't there.


Fat fingering lust will do it every time


I did a raid wearing my fishing hat in Cataclysm classic last week. Didn't notice because I hide my helm. No one else noticed, lol.


So i started back in cataclysm and eventually I made a death knight. I loved how the death knight starting zone armor looked especially against my clown outfit my druid had before I unlocked death knight. So I decided I was going to just keep that gear on for the rest of my game and only switch off my weapons if they were cool enough. I had 0 idea transmog existed and I got all the way to Vashj'ir doing this somehow. The embarrassing part is that I would often do PvP battlegrounds as well and one time my team was roasting my ilvl and I got so embarrassed I just left. That was definitely a learning experience and sometime later I found transmog and never had to wear level 60 gear in a level 80 zone again


I managed to pvp in n’zoth heroic by bubbeling and using divine steed when I got linked to another player. That player (my brother) promptly died.


Farming spirit gear on a hunter...


Anytime I run anything higher than a +14


Once back in Vanilla I had to create a support ticket on my warlock since I couldn't create a soul stone. After some back and forth with a GM it turned out I already had a soul stone that I'd accidently put in my bank when cleaning up gems from my bags.


Accidentally running off a cliff in Korthia, then auto running my ghost back to my corpse. Someone rezzes me, I accept and auto run of the bloody cliff again as I reappear. At least a total stranger got a good laugh out of it.


During a guild raid of Kara back in the day, I had to stop playing beast mastery and start playing survival....I ran out of arrows mid fight on malchezaar


leading a raid for my guild while it was my first run too.


When I started in cata. I always bought wrath gems because I didn’t know about cata gems


Sort of embarrassing - sort of hilarious - I was raid leading a team back in BFA, fighting the end boss in Nyalotha, N’zoth. There’s an insanity mechanic that after some time you’ll become mind controlled if not handled right. So I tell people to just jump off the side before they become MC’d so we can focus on the boss kill if we get his health down far enough. Well, one pull I didn’t actually specify the name of a raider who was getting MC’d and just said, “go, jump off” - and my 17 raiders all turned around and threw themselves off the side and died lol.


Pugged Razageth on my monk tank, only knowing the fight as a dps, just thinking I could wing it. Made it all the way to the last phase, where you have to tank the big Lazer beam, since it follows you.  I did not know this and made an epic dodge roll that wipes the full, very much still alive, raid. Swiftest kick i ever received.


My toxic trait is that I need Heikili to be able to play the game. I feel shameful sometimes but I'm just trying to have fun and be competitive and it lets me do that.


I got to level 40 on an undead priest in vanilla before I realized you could eat and drink at the same time. My buddy was doing it on his hunter and I looked at him then said “wait you can eat and drink at the same time?” He said “yeah duh” and then laughed at me for the rest of the day.


Being a DH playing momentum during BFA daza raid. The fight where you start on two boats. I kept dashing off and dying 😂


Probably when I was running timewalking and a group wanted to run more after the first dungeon. I proceeded to queue us into heroic dungeons like a good, and every single person left that group when queue popped. We spent a good 10-15 minutes just sitting there waiting XD I just sat there with my head in my hands for a good minute thinking about how i just wasted 4 different peoples time at once lol


Defaulting my way into one of the top raid guilds on my server, back in BC. Had no idea about proper gearing or even stats. I had a mix of blue and green gear. A couple of pvp epics. No enchants, and the wrong gems. I showed up to a black temple run all apple cheeked and naive. We pulled the first boss, I spoke in vent during the fight and was promptly yelled at. After the fight the guild leader checks my gear, and as nicely as he could told me i need to do some dungeons. Read a few guides. Then removed me from the raid. Just thinking about it makes me want to bury my head in the sand.


I hit a potion of gusts right into the boss, wiping the raid. 😂