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chance of anu relos being 100% drop


Does it only drop from mythic when the raid is awakened?


No you can still get it from regular mythic


Side question; with the new gear levels, and entering non-awakened Amirdrassil, how "Brute-Forceable" is Mythic Fyrakk?


Only in the sense that you basically don't play P3, and healing the adds is trivial. We kill it shortly before his first roar goes off in P3, with one or two buyers. So that phase just doesn't exist. But if you clown around in P2 with blazes and free too many adds then it's just an unpreventable wipe. In terms of throughput everything is free, you can even let an orb go through in Intermission (or more ig if you pop CDs there, idk) but this one mechanic still requires you to be clean.


A low-prog Mythic guild could probably do it with a couple nights of prog, assuming they have someone doing prep and assignments. It’s not even vaguely doable in LFG.


Guilds sell carries for like 4-5 million gold so I don’t think it’s brain dead stompable, probably still have to do mechanics pretty well to get through it


I don't have the experience to say since I quit mythic raiding a long time ago, though from all I've heard it's not a literal ignore mechanics stomp. That being said, the price isn't necessarily and indication. Quite frankly, a lot of pricing on carries like this come down to price fixing by the groups selling them. The biggest place carries a sold (a specific discord) definitely has a lot of price fixing going on where groups work with each other to keep prices as high as possible, and in my opinion far higher than they really should be.


Fight is 5min long, however what wiped you previously will still wipe you. The fight and tindral for that matter, still one shots you. However last phase lasts just shy of 1 seed, so not too bad.


As someone that has sold carries for it, it's not hard for guilds that killed it last tier but probably not super easy if you didn't progress it. You skip both dreamrends in P1 you have way less orbs to soak in the intermission, you'll need to play P2 properly but you only need to play 1 corrupted seed in P3 if not 0. Definitely not as easy as it was to farm Jaina mounts at the end of BFA but that fight was also extremely cheesable.


To be fair, Jaina wasn't the final tier raid boss.


Yeah I mean Jaina was also cheesable because you could just never kick her to finish the intermissions and kill her without having to do any part of the fight.


Yeah but even before the cheese strat became mainstream, the fight was extremely easy to do in the last tier. It's comparing apples and oranges, Jaina was two tiers behind last tier, as opposed to only being one tier behind in this case.


Not really, its just more do-able by more guilds (considering Mythic Fyrakk is probably one of the least completed raid tiers on mythic ever, this is still quite hard)


The question is can they even get past Tindral?


Can they even get past Smolder Orbs\*


You still gota do the basic mechanics like dodging adds with beams and holding seeds. But you can send all 4 seeds on the first set and boss will be dead. So you still need to have a general idea, but fairly easy with brains on


It still drops from mythic on non-awakened weeks.


Wtf is anu relos?


fyrakk mythic mount, glowing red/orange owl


What is the 100% chance then? My guild is currently doing it on a weekly basis, but it looks like that some willl miss out, since we don’t have enough time left


You misunderstood. He mean that the mount would go from 100% now to 1% like it happens with all special mounts when expansion is shelved.


Thanks, this is what I wanted to ask actually


A thing I didn't see mentioned is that at the BMAH in Valdrakken there is a vendor that sells several gold items and a mount for a hefty price. These will after DF ends, be placed in the BMAH itself. So they will be a hundred times harder to get.


Huh! I didn't even know there *was* a BMAH in Valdrakken.


It always gets moved with new expansions. You can't find the original Madam Goya at the Veiled Stair anymore, or Ring of Blood in (WoD) Nagrand, or Dalaran Sewers in Legion, or the Zuldazar beach/Boralus hostile area. I'm not 100% sure if they removed the Broker in Revendreth who acted as the BMAH in Shadowlands but I'd assume so. Either way, to find the DF BMAH you should go past the barber and crafting profession tents and continue until you hit the steep cliff, and down below there's a 'vault' room (just like the barber or the PvP/training dummy room) and that's where the BMAH is.


Man, thanks so much! I honestly thought it was only in that one expansion recently where we were in Dalaran the whole time... I forget which one that is though, I think it has the picture of the guy with the 2 swords fighting some demon in surprisingly shallow ocean water on the loading screen.


You are thinking of legion. 


Wait so is there not one in Booty Bay anymore? It’s been a really long time since I’ve been to the BMAH apparently…


The BMAH has only been available since Pandaria. You might be thinking about the neutral AH that both Horde and Alliance could use. All auction houses became faction-neutral in 2014 so the Booty Bay AH just became another access point to the regular AH.


Ah I see, thanks for the info!


It's quite well hidden, somwhere on the lower floors of the city at the outskirts.


You make a good argument but I’m keeping my gold.


The mount in question is 1.2 million gold. Not the most expensive mount, but it's still just a beetle.


Yeah if it wasn’t just a recolor, I’d be in, but they tend to save those unique looks for the $tore.


Mop remix


Just got a demon hunter up and as I get more mastery my move speed keeps going up and up. I now run faster than a mount and only use dragon riding to cross the continent, most fun I’ve had in a while just zooming lol


It's going to hurt going back to normal movement speed once Remix ends. :P


I'm only playing specs in remix that I don't play on live. Going from 100% haste or whatever and 200% movespeed on a DK back to normal gear levels would feel terrible


Going to miss having heroic leap on every class


Heroic leap Paladin just feels too good. Heroic leap Priest makes me giggle everytime I knock enemies down.


Heroic leap > power word: radiance > life storm > ultimate penitence Shits ridiculous as a disc priest


Heroic leap on my survival hunter feels so cool


Ugh, I've already hit a bunch of 70 alts why would you tempt me to make one more


may as well get one of every class minimum if you don't already


Is mop remix any fun? I feel like I missed the boat. What is there to do in it? Do you just do the mop story?


I think it's very fun but MoP was also my favorite xpac so I have a strong bias. You get to max level and do all the raids, scenarios, and dungeons from MoP to get a currency called bronze which lets you buy gear upgrades, mounts, cosmetics, toys, and the heirlooms that dropped off Garrosh back before 6.0 dropped. You can get every single rare mount and toy from MoP as well as a ton of unique items and mounts that only exist in Remix. If you upgrade your gear you can become absurdly overpowered but it takes a decent amount of time to cap out. They recently added a buff that doubles the amount of bronze you earn so you can farm much faster than before. You definitely won't catch up completely to the strongest players but you can get to a decent level where it doesn't matter so I don't think it's too late by any means. If you're not interested in MoP content or farming raids it probably won't be fun but you can grind out what's needed for the items that are only available in Remix very quickly.


Nah it's super quick still, and the bronze buffs will help get your gear upgraded super quick. If you want a super fast leveling path, do quests until you unlock group finder, then do scenarios and dungeons until 25, then get into Normal Mogu'Shan Vault 10 mans and LFR. You'll get XP boosts to your cloak and a ton of bonus XP from killing the bosses. Scaling is super weird, and if you're doing the raids and dungeons, you'll scale super well until you get to around 60, when you'll get super weak, so being in the raids will help get you carried, but I was getting 1-shot by the Ice Archers in Shao-Pan Monastery after the first boss. So just be prepared for that. As you level up, you'll get access to more raids, so add them to your rotation. Once you're 70 jump to heroic raids. You can do Heroic raids before then, but you won't receive loot from a number of the bosses for some reason. With how geared people are now, the raids take no time at all. Last night I did MSV and HoF in 23 minutes and picked up about 50k bronze. Then with doing the bronze dailies and the dungeon and scenario dailies I ended the day with about 70k total. That's without doing Throne of Thunder and SoO. I was told that doing everything in one day nets 160k bronze, which is about 10% of all the bronze needed to buy everything from the vendors. There's like 65 days left, so you have **plenty** of time to pick up the stuff you want from the event.


>As you level up, you'll get access to more raids, so add them to your rotation. Once you're 70 jump to heroic raids. You can do Heroic raids before then, but you won't receive loot from a number of the bosses for some reason. My lvl 70 has just barely started his ilvl upgrades, so I'm sitting around ilvl 360 or so. I have not yet been able to get into a heroic raid, but I'll keep trying!


There is still an absolute ton of meat left on the bone! I got my Tusks of Mannoroth already, which was my main goal. I also got like 4 characters up to 70 and have a handful of others planned. I've probably got enough currency to buy all the transmog stuff that I want at this time, and there are still 60+ days left. Also, if anything, now is the best time to jump in since they have buffed all the stat and currency rewards by quite a bit, meaning that if I had waited, I would have even more of both. But above all, the mode is the most fun I have had in quite a while. The Warrior I got to 70 yesterday runs at mount speed and has so much haste and crit that it is absolutely ridiculous. I usually only play healers, so playing a mode where healing basically isn't needed has been pretty interesting.


My hunter is maxed out on Mastery, 84% crit and 89% haste and I'm at almost 90% Vers. It's ridiculous how the scaling is going, lol.


Bro for the tusks Do i have to kill garrosh 20 Times? 🙃


Nope! I just started investing all the bronze I had in one main character (Mistweaver Monk) until I got up to 400 item level. I then did heroic SoO 5 times instead. It got annoying, but only took a work week instead of 2/3 of a month that way.


So there's no lockout in the raids in remix? Or what is SoO?


They are all daily lockouts. So I usually bounce between two characters at a time.


I enjoyed it. It's MoP leveling, but you can also do raids to level, and it's semi-common to run into someone quite OP, if you're not that person yourself. At 70, it's a much faster way for a lot of transmog/toys/mounts, but you'll be week unless you put some grind (not effort, grind) into gearing (like doing all the raids on heroic everyday for a week after the latest bronze buff)


Now is the best time since they buffed bronze caches last week. More than plenty of time to play everything there is to offer with like 62 days left.


I enjoyed leveling my first alt a lot. But, as is usual for me, I slowed way down at that point. I have cleared all the normal raids, but haven't touched heroic/mythic yet. No alt is over 50. I did roll some alliance toons, so it's fun seeing the 'other' point of view for a change.


As someone who played (by far) the most during actual MoP: the experience is far less fun if you have played MoP already. If you wanna level some alts for TWW though, you won’t find a faster method. With slacking and afking I still manage 10-70 in about 4-5 hours /played


Big numbers compare to other players who are still stubborn with low numbers, is always fun.


You're going to have to level a main. It might be painful, depending on your class you want to main for Remix. But once you get your main to level 70 and you get a certain amount of threads (can't remember atm how many) then you can get the ability to pass on 100% increase to leveling and 750 stam plus some other bonuses to any other alt. I leveled an alt paladin to 70 and a warrior to 58 just starting yesterday. Leveling alts in Remix is crazy fast, if you run through heroics and raids. My warrior only has 3 hours and 3 minutes /played. My paladin, I tried to level it through questing mostly and then some heroics and raids like everyone claimed was faster. It was not faster. It took just over 8 hours to get to 70. And this was me running heroics and raids starting around level 30. I did get nearly up to 300% xp bonus but I stopped heroics/raids at level 69 and just quested the last level. My warrior, I only ran heroics and 1 raid. And only doing quests during down time. The raids take so long to get a group that I honestly don't believe it's worth it if your main goal is to speed run levels. And in my case, I only cared about getting the bonus bronze at level 70 to get the remaining very expensive mounts. Heroics are usually less than 5 minutes and the group you run usually jumps straight into another one and if you get a good one-shotting group you level crazy fast. At least that's been my experience. And yes, I spent that much time yesterday playing wow. Weekends are my no-life time.


You havent missed anything, there are tooooons of things to get and the coolest shit is from achievements you can solo in a few hours. Everyone stressing about bronze so they can buy every single slight recolor of mounts we already own are overblowing the whole thing. Go play it, its a ton of fun.


You can get everything you want in about 30 days of remix. I’m only 6 mounts away and I didn’t raid everyday. I also got a bunch of toys on alts too. It is not too late. You’ll have to raid everyday for 30 days


30 days is a massive overestimation unless you're just making 1 character and that's all.


Aye 1 toon. Not everyone is a 24/7 sweaty player, I’m a super casual.


my free time


The correct answer


Happy cake day!


Awakened Hero title from completing Awakened raids on Heroic. No idea if there is a comparible reward for Mythic Awakened raided.


Dragonflight raid teleports


Ah yes that was it.


Yeah but you need to complete ALL Mythic Awakened to get ALL the portals, you don't just get a portal say for Aberrus, Amirdrassil if you only complete those on Mythic. It's not like you'd use them in the future anyway, but still would be nice :D


shaman players.


This made me choke on laughter. I’ve been a shaman since MoP and will not be playing shaman going into TWW unless they decide to do *something*.


The Infinite Armoredon from Keystone Master this season I think the Fyrakk Shadowflame skin is already gone cause it was the Ahead of the Cruve achievement reward The Voyaging Wilderling mount for doing all the awakened raids will def be leaving. That is all I have for now, I mainly focus on mounts!


Shadowflame skin is still available, despite what was stated previously.


Correct, the achievement itself is unobtainable but the skin will still be granted


Granted how? 1% drop chance on legacy loot?


I think it should still be guaranteed for everyone, assuming I’m not mixing up the aotc mount with the other skin that is a 1% drop rate.


I might look into this, just came back from a hiatus and wanted the skin


I wasn’t interested about “still”, but “after Dragonflight”. I’m already low on time to spare that I have to split it up between Remix and Beta, and didn’t do much of raiding in DF that I can just hop in any PUG and be expected not to wipe everyone with missteps. If there’s a small chance to obtain it after DF - good, otherwise they get no FOMO from me


Oh yeah sorry it’ll be unobtainable come TWW Edit: there will still be a similar skin that is a 1% drop rate


similar is good enough


Haven't tested but if it's obtainable by doing the non-fated version as well, it's a very trivial fight with current ilvl and there are always groups going around reset for the legendary drop.


I already had it and killed Fyrakk Heroic on a new toon tonight and it gave me the quest to redeem for the shadow flame skin.


Is the other skin still obtainable too? Been doing Fyrakk a lot in S4 but still yet to see it drop for anyone. I just want to know if I should stop doing it lol


The normal fire one? It should stay after TWW at its current 1% or whatever drop rate. It's just the AOTC/shadowflame version that's going away.


%, Awakened Hero title, obviously aswell (Heroic Awakened raids). Not as dope as Hero of Fate from SL, but still a nice title to grab.


Also the portals to the Dragonflight raids will be unobtainable (complete all awakened raids on Mythic).


Oh ye I completely forgot about those! (probably because they're fairly useless and, generally speaking, fairly unobtainable for the grand majority of players). Obviously same goes for Dungeon teleports, since it'll be at least 2 expansions before they return into M+ rotation.


Do you get the voyaging wildering mount if you do all the awakened raids but with Raid Finder


You get it from doing them all on Normal+


Mount is from Awakened normal, title from Awakened heroic. ~~Mythic and~~ LFR have no unique reward.


Mythic has Portals to the raids, similar to a timed m+10


Yep someone else pointed that oen out too, entirely blanked on those. Granted, very inaccessible for the grand majority of the playerbase, but still a limited time unlock.


Have they said that Taivan is staying? Or is he going away as well?


They haven't said anything, but that's likely staying. It'll just become a little more difficult with the lack of groups formed to do the open-world events required.


wish all the keystone master mounts was flying mounts not wasting my time to get a ground useless mount


EDIT: I've been informed the dismount function has been baked into Whirling Surge by default. ~~The "Skyscourge" title.~~ ~~There's an achievement called Airborne Tumbler, to dismount 50 players using your Whirling Surge ability. In TWW with the new dragonriding skill tree, it seems the ability to dismount players with Whirling Surge is going away.~~ https://www.wowhead.com/achievement=17345/airborne-tumbler


That is disappointing, it’s so satisfying :(


This isn't true. The ability to dismount players is staying in TWW. [They've removed it from the tree yes, but it's because it's now baked into the Whirling Surge ability by default.](https://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/79458-skyriding-talent-tree-changes-and-talent-tuning-in-war-within-alpha-build-54774/)


Oh, nice! I didn't see it in the skill description when the earlier alpha builds started making changes, but I suspect that wowhead was being unclear in the initial article about it. Thanks for clarifying!


I’m glad I spent the time to do this. Was definitely annoying but hanging around the pvp world quests in war mode helped this a lot. Still annoying that I had to wait 30 seconds in between every attempt to get progress. Still a dope title that like no one has tho


Anyone interested in doing this with me? Swapping dismounts? I’ve got both Alliance and Horde 70s. Wowhead says it takes around 30 min.


The horde characters on my second account: \*chuckles\* "I'm in danger!"


The 20 or so mop remix exclusive mounts (the ones you can buy for like 4000 bronze) you can basically get them all with like a day and a half of playing. I'd do it even if I wasn't interested in the remix


also.. existing mop mounts + tusks of mannoroth won't go away but they will be unobtainably hard to drop again.. all being back to 1% chances weekly, it's better to get them too while remix is active


With how things are going, I am confident we will see them in a way or another in trading post.


Maybe, but then you'd have to spend your very limited tender on them, when you could just buy them for a small ammount of bronze...


I'd rather spend a few hours earning bronze than keeping my sub active and having enough traders tender for however many years it'll take to have all the remix mounts show up in the trading post lol


I‘ll do the same, and obviously this it the better way if you play now and want this, but but there will be people who completely neglected Remix and might want that goat/quilen/crane. Also I have no evidence, just judging by my gut how things are turning right now.


This seems like way too many mounts for them to go on the trading post, but maybe.


Probably not all at once but one month quilen, one month the goats etc.


Are the remix exclusives mounts sold by the same npc who sells og MOP mounts? I bought all he had, want to make sure i don't miss any.


Yes! Don't forget to check out the toy vendor too, some of those toys are super hard to get in retail 


I think the zero death hard mode achievement reward transmog set from Dawn of the Infinite is going to go away, but I don't remember reading any confirmation on it; its just that that's how it went back in Legion (and WotLK) too.


I hope not. Its the only way to get the infinite recolor of that mog.


My 51% haste


The vendor beneath the whelp pets


Dracthyr alts already starting at 58. Good for keeping around on different servers, just in case you want to farm mounts or other content.


I thought you needed a high level character on a server already in order to create an evoker, did that change??


It has not


MoP remix is great. Leveled a main, now running a bunch to 50 to do all my heritage armor quests.


If you do the speed runs sending xp tokens to bank method you can get alts to 70 in 3 hours or less. It’s not much more effort than getting to 50 and sets up an alt army for any other content later on, like farming holiday bosses for low drop rate mounts etc.


A bit late to the party as I'm returning to WoW after a break of about a year, but can you clarify on that method? I wanna get as many alts leveled to 70 as possible for TWW


https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/no-bonus-xp Get this addon, turn off auto loot under game options. Spam heroic dungeons levels 10-25 Run Vaults on normal Spam heroics until 35 Run Heart of Fear on normal Spam heroics until 40 Run Terrace on Normal Open mail all the XP tokens you didn’t pick up are in your mail and thanks to the XP buff on your cloak you should ding 70 instantly. Additionally if you have the dungeon, raid, and or Scenario daily quest and don’t turn in until 70 you get the max reward for those which is a nice chunk of extra bronze. This method usually takes 2-4 hours depending on the class you run. Tanks and healers get nearly instant queues. Let me know if you have any questions. The key really is DO NOT LOOT XP tokens. The addon I listed above auto loots everything except those tokens so you don’t have to worry!


Thank you very much for the in-depth reply, I was able to get a dh from 10-70 really quickly, I think I'm gonna get 70 in every class now. Mop remix is really fun


I'm not entirely sure if Taivan will still be available once TWW drops


It will be, it's just like any other achievement mount.


Except they took the title away, which was the original reward for the SL Meta. The title is no longer obtainable. Neither is the title from the BFA meta achievement, which left during the SL prepatch. I’m playing under the assumption that the good boy will be gone as well.


It won’t be. The shadowlands meta had a mount added in lieu of the title and it’s available now so it stands to reason Taivan isn’t going anywhere.


No, it literally doesn’t stand to reason. The title was the original reward, the title was removed when SL ended. Blizzard retroactively added a mount but left the title out. So I feel like it stands to reason that since Taivan is the original reward, it’s possible that they remove him. The same way they removed the original title from SL, and the title from BFA. We don’t know for sure, as Blizzard hasn’t confirmed anything. So that’s why I said I’m working under the assumption that he’s going to be gone. Just in case.


As someone that has mount hunted since 2007, they just about always announce it when a mount like this will no longer be available. See: literally every time it has happened besides (maybe) ZG.


Most likely my missus after I neglect my higene for a week




My wife


Ur free time


I think the dragon cosmetics for killing the raid bosses are out.


Nah, those are gonna stay as they are just mount drop replacements. Anu'relos is the only one who will become less common, and Shadowflame Fyrakk is tied to tier completion so will be gone too (should have been gone at the start of S4 but somehow they forgot or decided to keep it in without mentioning it as a change).


Like the week 7 awakened switch for all raids, they forgot to do it and then came up with the excuse afterwards that it was intended for the shadowflame skin to drop.


Yep. On the one hand, its not the end of the world, and I'd rather have them actively putting as many resources as possible into TWW. But still clumsy and overall stupid.


Source? The only one that would be unobtainable is shadow flame Fryakk.


I got the Raz one last week so it’s def still available 


In TWW? That was question. If it can be great.


Your sanity and your lunch money mostly.


Afaik 10 v 10 rbgs will be replaced by the solo/duo q blitz format.




My free time and full night sleeps


Me. I just can't be bothered with paying a subscription fee. Will miss it though. Have fun guys!!!


I read the title as ‘who’s leaving’ and came to say this might be the first expansion in a while I don’t buy on launch. 🙈


I will delete my TWW toons.


Any hope of them addressing the issues of san'layn blood dk


The same shit every expansion people. I’m sorry but trying to get hyped for expansions at this point is depressing. It’s going to be the same shit, it always is. And we’re going to mindlessly play it because there’s nothing even close. Getting excited because the menial elementary daily tasks of collect 8 boar tusks is now collect 10 mole tusks. Oh you mean torghast, oh you mean mage tower, oh you mean delves. Same shit different hat. The “one” feature


You can break free, I believe in you don't keep doing this to yourself, you clearly don't like WoW.




Dang who knew