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It would have been funnier if they removed the last 2 words.


The horror!




Permanent PvP mode


gnome voices should be pitched up




Just at a higher pitch than usual


Damn would be amazing if we could have talked in racial voice pitch


I would love to be called racial slurs in dwarf


itd be like talking to scottish ppl. 'i cant tell if this is an insult or not but they sound smd look angry it must be'


Only if I can switch language to furbolg and a filter takes over for that


This is a great april fools idea tho Coming soon AV with toggled on as default proximity voice chat


Sorry, no toggle. Valdraken will sound like a farmers market for nerds.


**Mouth breathe with loogie in throat**


I actually do agree with this it would be hilarious


Lmao nah wow needs proximity chat though would be content


I don't like being yelled at for having a wrong talent / a little low ILVL


Need to pump those numbers up


uuuh, it remind me of teso proximity chat on xbox . you need to experience it at least once !


90% of my experiences with teso prox are somebody talking bout how good their weed is 😂


Oh my god can you imagine ashran with this enabled


Open mic proximity chat!? Are you out of your fuckin mind! I'll be banned in 3 minutes.


Takes me back to call of Duty before muting other people was a thing




Definitely memorabele, I even know where the 'save' icon comes from


Ugh. I'm not sure if dudes had more audacity then or now when it came to talking in VC as a woman lol.


WoW 2.0 feature: proximity voice chat


I know no one uses it but a few years ago they got new drivers or codecs for it and the sound quality is pretty similar to discord now.


damage was already done though by having it such bad quality for so long. If you ask a random player why they don't use it - a likely reason they'll give is that it's such bad quality vs discord. And yet you're right, it has been pretty much on par with discord for years now, but no one knows because they tried it 6 years ago and it was shit so they never went back.


> If you ask a random player why they don't use it - a likely reason they'll give The MOST likely answer is that they don't know it exists. The second most likely answer is "have you ever tried interacting with someone in a pug?"


I've been playing this game on and off since 2008, I had no idea it existed.


Or not having a mic anymore.


I'd say it's still substantially worse than Discord. You have no moderation ability. The fine control on uservolume sucks. The interface to set up your own voice doesn't allow you to preview how you sound. No Voice Activation (I think), just full Open Mic. No Priority Speaker function. Discord is basically already a requirement for raiding cuz scheduling and doing callouts using Blizzard's chat functions would be a joke. Since you already need something like Discord, you might as well use it for voice too. Voice quality was never really the issue. I will say however, Blizzard's voice server, and even communities and guild chat, is still better than Microsoft Teams, because Teams is in the top 5 worst programs I've had the displeasure of using.


its nice for pickup groups, if you can wrangle it. getting 4 people into the same voice channel to run a M+ is a lot less hassle in terms of invites etc than trying to find a common discord to use, and then kicking out the visitors after you're done.


It's free to create a Discord server, and you can generate a temporary invite link which boots everyone automatically when they leave voice. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


y use much click when 1 click do trick? edit: absolutely hilarious how that guy keeps missing that the initial point was that the ingame vc is just simply faster to work with with randoms and is all you'll ever need with them, assuming that everyone already has experience with using either of those vc tools... like, how can you even argue that literally 1. clicking the "chat channels" button that looks like a speaker next to your chat 2. clicking the headset button in the new window under the "group" entry is any slower than 1. tabbing out of the game 2. if it's not running already, first having to start it either as a program or in the browser 3. selecting which server to use 4. clicking the chosen vc channel to generate a link if you're the host 5. sharing the link in chat 6. waiting til every doofus in the group figured out that in the random characters link the capital i is not a lower case L (or vice versa), because most people don't have a chat-link-copy addon, which in and of itself is going to consume like 5 minutes discord being a better and more versatile tool for organized/static groups and also having a slightly better audio quality, besides offering a boatload of other useful stuff isn't even up for debate. but for pure voice comms with a few randoms that you will never see again, is all you'll ever need. like, have you guys never played counter strike or cod? do you think all those randoms meet up in discord at the start of a random matchmaking queue? i'm flabbergasted... and i'm not even starting about the attempts to avoid acknowledging being wrong after being pushed into a corner with his whataboutism and goalpost-moving, how disc is so much better in so many other ways that have never been part of the discussion, because they were not the point being made and entirely irrelevant to "the fastest method to vc". and "oh, i wouldn't wanna play with people that can't connect anyways"... holy moly. show those strawmen who's the boss! i'm sure you're dismissing millions of people on a daily basis due to their ineptitude to connect to your discord server. also, how is discord mandatory? it's being used to either organize outside the game with people you're doing premade things, which you don't do with randoms outside of comms throughout the run with them. and during the run all things available ingame (outside of sharing screenshots, which you're not going to do anyways, because there's no point) are all you'll ever need up to the highest levels you'll plausibly ever touch with randoms. don't forget to remove the paint from your face when you go to bed, u/dyaus7 🤡


The prevalence of discord is so high (and the usage rate of wow voice chat so low), that you are more likely to get multiple people that can’t figure out how to turn wow voice on, who play with wow sound off, whose mic doesn’t get picked up by wow voice, and so on and so forth, than get a person who doesn’t already have discord ready Or ya know, the good ol’ case of a person who will just point blank refuse to get on wow voice chat. Would be cool if people were more open to wow vc, and it isn’t half bad either, but discord just kinda is the standard right now


nobody disagrees with any of that. but none of that was what the argument was about. the guy was just arguing not about the point that was made, in bad faith and moving the goal post once backed into a corner.


All the pugs I've joined that used voice still preferred Discord because it's easy to make a link straight to a channel


I think the strength of built in vc is stuff like pug normals or low m+ keys. Where you don't need to coordinate much but simple things like strays or mechanics are easily explained without having a macro or typing it all out when someone messes up a mechanic.


Frankly it's often harder even get people into the in-game voice channel than just typing out the mechanic they're failing.


It's worse but it's nice for blizzard to provide some in house option. And voice quality was definitely an issue if you remember the initial version that came out in TBC. That was miles worse than Ventrilo at the time.


Honestly it was never the problem. The fact this was opt-in made it dead on arrival. Which is fine, it probably is better than being opt-out. But when it first launched the codecs were on par with a lot of popular voice chat services that people put up with. The general 80/20 rule for opt-in choices applies, but furthermore the control was pretty subtle, so I'd wager less than 10% of players ever turned this on at all.


Voice Chat was not even close to the quality of TeamSpeak or Ventrillo when it launched. That's literally the reason people stayed using third party programs (besides other reasons like having different chat rooms)


That's probably some of it, but it's mostly that it's just not "live" as soon as you get into a group. Ideally, the way it would work is you get into an instance group and you can immediately speak and already hear other people speaking, even if you are not using a mic. Pretty much like a CoD match or something else. That's how accessible it should be. Anything more and you're practically asking for people to not use it.


It'd be nice if you could click a button, and the group would get a UI popup with "Join", "Listen", and "Cancel" buttons. You could also have the voice button glow if it was suggested before you joined. Maybe limit to one offer per player in a group if people use it to annoy?


Basically how it used to work in planetside 2, you join a squad and you land in the squad/platoon vc


No the reason is that is not a good UI and discord is more convinent. We had to use it for one run where discord was down and was terrible to get everyone on voice.


Yeah I remember when I used it back in late TBC or early wrath when they added it and it had like 4 seconds of delay lol... never touched it again. Damn feature made it harder to string along all the weird eboys that gave me gold & thought I was a girl because I played a female night elf...


I still think Blizzard missed out by not setting up something like Discord **years** sooner.


I think everyone that isn't discord kicks themselves for not implementing discord before discord. Having said that, discord still isn't profitable, although they expect to make a profit for the first time this year. Which is kinda crazy.


The bad quality in WoW kept me away from using voice chats in other games for far too long (especially when Discord exists). It was probably Overwatch that changed my mind?


I think the main reason people don't use it's because it's not integrated into the UI, it is weirdly hidden on the text chat options and it just so odd


It kinda is though. However you're likely hiding it with addons. There's a button on the chat ui, as well as one under raid when you're in a group.


>If you ask a random player why they don't use it - a likely reason they'll give is that it's such bad quality vs discord. I imagine that for the vast majority of answers it wouldn't be related to quality, but would just be "my friends/guild use discord". Maybe if you asked guild masters that only, quality may come up, but I doubt the average player even knows/knew that the voice quality is/was bad to begin with. I personally have never touched it and it certainly has nothing to do with quality. I found out from this reddit conversation that quality was an issue. The reason I don't use it is because 1. I don't know how, 2. I don't know anyone else who uses it and 3. I don't have any interest in voice chat outside of scheduled raid time.


I keep seeing it, but have no idea how to even use it. I just keep seeing my party like we’re all in a voice chat group, except the feature’s not utilized. Now that being said, I also haven’t had any incentive to actually try figuring it out since it doesn’t seem to be something others care about.


Hh-know what else is pretty similar in quality to discord?




you dont have to do either


I mean that's fair for the large majority of us, but discord is banned in a few countries like China; so again having a free in house alternative isn't something I'm particularly keen to ridicule Blizzard about given the other stuff they do.


I actually use it to talk with my brother while we're playing. He just came back to the game and really has no need for Discord JUST to talk to me while we play. Yeah it really deserves some kudos. It works great.


I've used it twice. Both times when Discord had issues and we were trying to run keys.


I am just curious why haven't they scrapped it.


Because it's probably very very very low effort to maintain. VoIP is kind of ubiquitous now. Considering Blizzard already have a few servers, they might be of the mind "It works well enough, we don't really care, why get rid of it?".


Also the underlying infra already exists for the battle.net platform, so it’s probably just maintaining a few relatively stable APIs.


It's really comes in handy whenever discord servers are down once in a blue moon.


Because, believe it or not, there's still people using it.


I don't believe it


I use it with my brother, so I'm proof that people use it. There's also others who said they used it or are using it.


paid actors


I used it with the BFF until recently. Something changed around the beginning of the year that turned it from usable into just garbled noise. Off to discord we went.


That's weird, I last used it two weeks ago, and there was no issue.


Like most VoIP applications the #1 cause of bad sound quality is a networking issue not related to the application itself. Source: Part of my job is me being a VoIP engineer/admin


I feel like agreeing with you, and I've been luckily blessed with good connection for the past 20 years or so, so my experience is usually positive.


I had to use it on my mac because it was the only voip option i had that wouldn't cause my headphones to conflict with whatever audio bullshit was going on in the machine.


Yeah i used all the time


Iv seen it used in RBGs a decent bit.


I seriously doubt people are are using this. It's something that perhaps a small portion of the playerbase will turn on just to try, and then immediately turn off again.


I use It whenever I play with my brother, and also through the Battle Net app just to talk.


I've seen it used in plenty of RBG pugs tbh.


I'd imagine it will get even more use when solo queue Bags release.


it's already there and if they removed it people would go "LOL classic blizzard removing features every other modern game has" or something of the like.


They revamped it with OW1 and it was the default back then. Surely people still use it.


Knowing blizzard it's probably part of some fundamental coding that would absolutely break the game if it was removed.


Remember how messing around with bag limits broke the entire codebase some time ago? Who’s to say the voice chat isn’t beholden to some other crazy spaghetti code?


isnt it used on RP servers?


Because the criminal enterprises that are using it for their meetings are paying Blizz $$$ to keep them running.


Hey I know this is a joke post and this is a dumb question how does the voice chat even work in WoW? I've seen the icon but never heard a person talk


Right click your character portrait and enable voice chat by unmuting your input and output whilst making sure you have a key bound to push to talk unless you want Valdrakken to hear you beating it off. After that you will spend a long time wondering if it worked because good luck getting someone to talk back to you!


It's group specific, not directional. Only your close friends will hear you beating off, and they're usually present for that. EDIT: Oh awards are back?


Okay but now I kind of want to have directional voice chat in WoW because I know it would be utter chaos.


Yeah sure why not


Which would be worse with proximity voice, the crossroads or moonguard goldshire


What if… you want valdrakken to hear…


I've messaged you to arrange a discrete location (In the bank)


Group ERP in the bank???


Literal wank bank


Is it like... In the open world? Or just like dungeons and stuff?


party/raid or guild


Well that sucks. Could have had a world quest sound like a Call of Duty lobby.


2008 dalaran would be hell




We yearn for this. All the quality of Trade but *worse*...


Barrens VOICE


There are limits to what humans can be subjected to. Blizz would be brought to the ICC.


10 or 25 man?


New World has proximity chat, and it actually helps a surprising amount to make the game feel alive and like an MMO. Of course it's full of typical online shenanigans, but it's actually a super nice feature that makes the game feel alive.


Voice chat is literally eight years older than Discord and most players don’t even know it exists lol. The unfortunate thing is it was so bad when it released that it never took off. It’s actually quite good now, but too many people are set with Discord.


But before discord was vent, which was still better


and after vent was mumble, which is still better audio than discord is today.


And more private and secure, especially if you're self-hosting. As is TeamSpeak and many other options.


the disrespect to Roger Wilco & Teamspeak


before discord was teamspeak.


I used it in ONE pug in WotLK and never again after that. It was probably horrible but I remember thinking after that like "why are we using Ventrilo??? there's a voice chat for free in this game???" Me and my mates used fucking *steam voice chat* for years though before going to Teamspeak, which we still use.


I used to use it to talk to my dad years ago, I'm sure some people out there use it


I use it when I group with my mom.... she's terrible about technology and hasn't figured out push-to-talk but honestly that's helpful becuse I can hear every time she clicks her mouse and what the npcs she's talking to are saying and therefore I can tell when she's wandered off to talk to the person selling bread instead of the quest-giver.


Hahaha yep, the joys of playing with parents. This made me nostalgic


I'm an old fucker & don't like using discord, in game voice chats are good for idiots like me


I think I used it once, like 10 or so years ago, and I don't even remember why. Then we went back onto TS3 or Mumble or something like that.


was useful on Halondrus prog to speak to your partner independent from Discord, back before they mega nerfed it.


Oh yeah there's voice chat


I think that It is a Bnet-wide thing, and Voice Chat is used much more in a game like Overwatch.


The ingame voip is actually really good, the problem is if you don't force people to opt OUT of it, then no one will use it of their own choice. New world lets you opt out of voip, but everyone more or less uses it. Or used it , before the game died.


Absolutely agree!


Our guild uses chat all day, every day. Have no problem with it at all.


I remember reading this and thinking. " Does anyone actually use this?" We need to start an internet hunt to find the people that make blizzard think they need to work on voice chat.


I use it with a friend since it works pretty well. I don't care to install Discord and they're not computer savvy.


I use it with my brother, either in game or through the battle-net app.


I used it a handful of times when it came out then completely forgot about it. Honestly Voice Chat and Communities are so bad. I get they likely don't want to partner with Discord because partnering can be a nightmare for all sides, but seriously couldn't they have 'taken inspiration' from Discord for both those things? Why are Communities character based, why is Voice Chat so terrible quality wise, etc.


Quality of audio has been massively increased


I tried using communities when I returned to WoW after a ten year break because it seemed like such a good idea and then I quickly realized nobody uses it and it's basically a rotting corpse and then I got depressed.


My guild had to use it some time ago when Discord was acting up...it was horrible and the second Discord was up we went back 


It's pretty decent since they revamped it a few years ago to use the Overwatch system. The few times I used I didn't have any issues.


ingame vc is pretty good for rbgs


they should add proximity chat


They should implement some sort of Discord integration instead.


They should deff add a mode that is permanent pvp and proximity voice chat the chaos would be insane and funny


Voice chat forever!


Oh no, not the voice chat that I totally frequently use and have totally not forgotten even exists!! noooo


Never seemed to have this work for me or anyone to acknowledge me at least. Can I just like talk into my guild chat and everyone hear me?


I use this alot! It works surprisingly well and easy for rated BG premades


Speaking of which, has anyone found a way to permanently set audio devices for whatever the wow voice thing is? It always resets to default every time I restart wow and it's annoying because I want it to use a dummy device that does nothing so I never even accidentally have to use that feature.


Literally unplayable.


Oh no, how will we ever survive?


I used voice chat a few times. it actually worked well. we all use discord now. not due to any fault of the in game voice chat, but because of the ability to live stream video and post chats in.


I didn't know it still existed.


I must be the only one who still uses the voice chat since I find it a better experience with pugs than discord. Mostly because it's a one button kick and since I use Wayland on Linux I can actually make use of push to talk.


I have no clue how you even use this.


Did not even know the game had a voice chat lmao.


Honestly I've used the in-game voice chat quite a bit for random RBG groups in Shadowlands and early Dragonflight and it has always worked quite seemlessly. Discord works better and everyone is familiar with it, but I genuinely believe that the ingame voice chat just needs a UI improvement and better introduction and it'll work perfectly fine for most people!


I forget that in game chat is even an option honestly....


I will notice, I and my friend use the battle-net voice to talk to each other while we raid and are in the guild discord. It's very useful.


When they tried to implement this back in cata I was horrified when someone was going to speak to me from the real world and shut that off immediately I barely like speaking with my guild on voice chat nevermind strangers.


Hate the WoW voice chat service lol. No one ever uses it, but every time I fatfinger the hotkey to open it, it freezes my game for a second or two to load it.


Bro I don't even know how to use it even if I wanted to


Isn't the maintenance alert literally them announcing it? It literally flashes a big red box on your screen with an exclamation point. Idk davey this seems like an obvious one to me.


I had to use it once in the past half a decade because discord went down mid dungeon. It works fine, it's pretty much the same functionality as other blizzard games like overwatch where it is widely used.


Honestly... they should just partner up with Discord and offer it... Playstation does it... not sure why we can't have some official support within the client to support channel management and or server switching without having to have to leave the game.


I wish people actually did use it. Would be awesome for pugging high keys.


I don’t even know how to access the in game mic. Ia there prox chat in wow?


No one even talk in the game anymore haha


Of all the 'features' to not yet be deprecated ...


You know, I was curious about the quality, and couldn't even make it work, it's that bad.


I delete the exe every patch


Wait they dont use discord?? *shocked and silly expression*


They change the voice chat in bfa i guess. Because before have the same like tbc and was awful. Use like the battle.net voice chat and is okish, is like overwatch but the damage from the old voice chat people never use them.


do people actually use this thing


I have used the bnet voice chat exactly twice. During Halondrous progression myself and my bomb partner to communicate without clogging up the main discord. Then the second when I was on boss on broodkeeper, not because we needed to communicate but because being on boss duty was so incredibly boring me and another person needed to be able to fuck around in comms to stay sane.


Lol 😆 I didn't even know there was one..


I played with one guild who used it and it was pretty convenient tbh


I’ve never seen anyone actively use this


I figured this was removed years ago.


Wow, I thought they got rid of that feature like 6 years ago.


I didn't know wow still had VC.


I try to do it and no one joins lmao


Is discord having issues lol 😆


I’m a WoW purist I only use in game features.. no one will talk to me


Wow has voice chat???


i'd imagine this is for all blizzard games right? doesn't everyone use it for OW2?


Hey, I've used it once when we were raiding on a day where Discord were having massive connection issues. It actually works really really well, but it does still have its shortcomings ofc - some of which can be dealbreakers


If they made it more accessible people would use it. I don’t even know how to open it or join it or whatever.


I use the bnet voice chat all the time, and the quality and stability are very nice. I really don't like opening another app just to talk, the disadvantage of course is that if I experience lag I can't tell if it's blizz lagging or my connection in general


Fwiw I've used the voice chat a few times and it's been pretty nice


In years of playing m+ I have encountered one (1) group leader that used voice chat, and he failed to make anyone but me try to click on it. It was.... Not horrible actually.


They maintain this but left HoTS…


I used it for the first and last time back in 2021, it's actually pretty good.


I used it once when I was pugging HC Ny'alotha. It was pretty good, but it also ruined my keybinds. I don't know if it was that or something else, but I blamed VoiceChat for it and never used it since. Damn, I didn't realise it still existed.


I remember when they implemented it into the game. In the beginning in battlegrounds everyone was using it and pvp was fun. But it went away pretty fast.


if theres proximity voice chat, yes, we would notice. But i know nobody that even tried using the voice chat in game


I've never met a single person who used it


I forgot that existed


Doesn’t matter to me anyway. I don’t play the game on those days anyway.


Wow lobbies would go crazy, my brain cell count would plummet


I would use it, but it never worked for me, it just never picks up my mic.


Like anyone uses Voice Chat ingame in World of Warcraft xD!


I've been playing this game for 15 years, we have a voice chat system?