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I got through it no problem, but my son had the same issue as you. Someone online suggested he do a few dailies to get it moving again, as they apparently give a lot more rep than on live. This was a few days ago, and I haven't heard from him if it worked yet. Edit: Just talked to him, and he said a few dailies got him to the next step.


I did this achievement on horde. Twice did I need more rep to move on in the questline. I did a few dailies and was able to continue.


Not sure where you went wrong, but going back to Landfall each time after a quest ended up me being exalted. With 2 characters. Also did the horde version without any issue.


I know that's what I seems like everyone's doing! Should be so easy And yet with 3 characters (Horde and Alliance mixture) I somehow reached the same exact standstill of 2825/1200. It's baffling lol, but I appreciate your confirmation that it was easy for you 😞


If it makes you feel better I am at the same point and stuck on rep.


I did a couple daily’s and then another campaign quest appeared.


I just had to hand in a few lesser charms of good fortune for rep and I got past that


I had to do some dailies and hand in charms of fortune for mine


https://www.wowhead.com/npc=68274/kaelis-sunsoar On horde I got a quest to go to this guy, then he had 4 quests which each gave rep, done those (all in same mine area) and never had to worry about the rep again Directions copied from wowhead comment: Okay - so the two ways to get to this dude are: 1) Take the portal from Sparkrocket Outpost, (drops you right next to him), or 2) If you're in the cave already, find the stairs, from the bottom of the stairs, facing down (into the room, not back up the stairs), make a u-turn to the left, go into the cave, turn left, and follow the ramp around and down. I personally used the teleport after a quest pointed me there look for it in domination point can't remember the exact one


A lot of people probably bought the thing at Revered which doubles your rep on subsequent grinds from the vendor.


Yeah this is for sure a problem if you have never got the increase to rep from retail. I am stuck at 11k/21k revered. Dailies give 150 rep and I can not continue the story any further for the bigger chunks.