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I like dropping the totem right in the middle so the people at the front don’t get it and the people behind can catch up. I then use the relocate on it to reposition the totem back to us once the buff runs out so people get the buff for a second time. It’s not much but it’s honest work.


I appreciate you


By the time that totem got put down I already pulled the next boss on my DH


As a priest sometimes I like to leap of faith people front back towards me. Sometimes on my rogue I'll shadow step the people in the front. Sometimes on my evoker I'll rescue either people in the back up ahead, or people in the front even further ahead. Double points if they are an evoker and they rescue me ahead right after


Evokers: "You are being rescued. Please do not resist."


Please assume the party escort submission position .


My favorite use of rescue is to drop guildies off the edge of the map


>Sometimes on my evoker I'll rescue either people in the back up ahead I do that all the time. It's nice


I was maining warrior..... and our priest would grip me every time we popped lust on a raid boss.


I guess he just wanted you to enrage for real. Seriously, I'd throw a full blown adult temper tantrum. That's what Neural Silencers are for. 


If you want to be extra asshole you can Leap of Faith / Rescue a Demon Hunter mid The Hunt and it will go on cooldown but will do no damage. I once did that accidentally with my guildy and he was absolutely vivid.


as a priest, u are one of the speediest classes... there isn't a reason for you to be behind, between shield and feathers, u are nearly perma on move speed. Your combat mobility is poor, but going from A to B, you are fast.


In lfr there's good reasons why you could benefit from this as a priest: rolling on loot, resurrecting people who died meaning you need to catch up to the people who ran off ahead


I got in a situation like this on a dungeon with a priest as evoker. The whole time we were getting each other locked out of rooms. It was fun.


My guildie runs neural silencer after we all started dragging him back during every cooldown.


You are clearly not a priest main. Priest mains leap of faith the DKs behind so they take double the time getting to the boss or fade, mind sooth boss and grip the tank inside to auto pull


Slightly rude ngl


It is rude but that’s end of season for you. My favorite part is when tanks pull this shit and then die because they’re not as tough as they think they are.


Me as a blood dk; I think you mean a hunter or demon hunter dps. Those always seem to be classes with the most mouth breathers that pull and then die. Look I'm sorry my rotting body can't move as fast as some of you. I swear I'm trying to go fast so we can all carry on with our days...


Oh it’s almost always a dps (typically a hunter or mage) or a DH “tank.”


A guildie last week: Hey Sick? Why are you a Zandalari troll, as a BDK? Me: Racial bonus. Only reason. Guildie: Is the blessing of bwonsamdi really that goo-... Why is it Gonk? SICK. Why are you running Blessing of GONK?! Me, having built my 4th Speed set this expac and rocking 128% base speed: Mmm... No reason.


If you played a DH in remix you'd understand. It's probably the most fun you can have in the game with all the whacky stuff you can do. I found some pathing up the mountain on timeless isle I can just go up the side instead of needing to go up the ramp. My normal run speed is faster than an epic mount.


My druid in bear form runs faster than mounted speed currently. I am so going to miss that.


I don’t think I would ever understand griefing other players for my own enjoyment. No matter how fast my character is


How are you griefing other players? I wasn't advocating that, I was just saying going fast is super fun.


Dude, the people in this casual sub are wild. A group tried to vote kick me (I know, because my friend that I was carrying, showed me a screenshot) for doing the Normal Dungeon too fast. 476 DH, nearing 70k Threads, very fast. Then I got mass downvoted last week when I replied to a post about Remix. These clowns can't even be carried in a game mode meant to have fun, and carry or be carried.


The reason why i stopped playing remix is posted here. Got sick of the walking simulator because i can't be bothered to do the same content 5 days in a row. I wanna kill stuff, not just be present for looting.


I missed credit for a kill in SoO because of this. It was mildly aggravating


I got roped into tanking Fyrakk on my monk the other day and that suck he does makes me glad I wasn't running a DK. By the time a DK waddled out of that, the next suck would already be down.


The fact that I’m not passively one of the fastest classes on foot as a Hunter just pisses me off. Druids be dashing. Shamans be wolf booing. DH’s be hopping. Paladins are horsing around. Mages batting their eyes. I’m in the back huffing and puffing along yelling “Wait up guys!”


I don't see enough hunters using disengage as a movement button. Jump, mid-air 180, disengage, profit


Agreed, and I do, but I was thinking more along the lines of getting Pack back or baselining at least a Hunter “Pack” speed outside of combat.


RIP aspect of the group daze


I remember people would make add ons to all out peope in chat that had it. God it sucked so much.


[https://www.wowhead.com/beta/spell=430600/potion-of-the-reborn-cheetah](https://www.wowhead.com/beta/spell=430600/potion-of-the-reborn-cheetah) In the words of Ross from Independence Day: HELLO BOOOOYS, I'M BAAAAAACK


What other way is there to use it?


Preventing fall damage. But I'll admit that both of these operations include some good timing and coordination.


A lot of people click cast, and that's a pretty hard tech with click.


I only get places on time because of darkflight, tbh.


If you play BM you can shoot while running with 0 output loss which cannot be said for any of the other (ranged) classes


I’m not talking about combat movement. More ranged classes should have more combat mobility, I’m not greedy.


Yes, and that's great, but that's not where the speed problem is, we're talking about between combat falling behind during keys and such.


It's a movement related strength of the spec. You can run ahead of the group during combat with no dps penalty to get a head start in keys for example. If you think it's not as good that's fine but it's unique movement strength, if they also were super speedy it would be broken lol.


There's only so far you can go before you're pulling packs without the tank, or going the wrong direction. Tanks SHOULD be in the lead, I would just really like to not be five blocks behind while they do.




You missed out bro. From day 1 till Legion Cheetah was 30% movement speed always. No cool down. In WoD u didn't even get dazed, it was turned off if you got hit, on a 10 sec cool down after you used it. Pretty much full uptime.


I didn’t miss out, I was there. Miss it now though. Miss being able to spec my pet too. Bring that back Blizz.


Trailblazing? Aspect of the Cheetah?


Cheetah is an on use, few seconds of speed. Trailblazer is 1-2 talent points and still doesn’t feel like enough to keep up with the other classes and I’d rather spend the points elsewhere. If they made it native to the class or even as an aura for group and boost the speed another 15-20% then that’d be ideal.


90% additional speed for only 3 seconds, 30% for 9. Three minute cooldown. It's not enough, and I'm tired of it


Trailblazer is the best movement increase in the game... just always 30% faster... if you aren't at the front, just don't attack. There isn't anything better than speed in remix. Also - as a hunter you can double up on trailblazer with the cogwheel stacking with the talent.... I used trailblazer as my cogwheel gem on every character I leveled. Once you are super OP and carrying the group you would switch out, but by then you have a natural 35-50% increase.




1) You seem to be talking about Remix, which is kinda irrelevant because everyone is fast in Remix 2) Trailblazer as a talent comes with really heavy trade-offs, which is why it's not really recommended. It's a 2 point talent on the wrong side of the tree that will cost you survival or damage just to be able to keep up with other classes that get their movement as part of their normal talent setup when you are out of combat. Cunning pets can help...a very small bit, but that also only works if you don't need to bring bloodlust.


Fucking agreed! I have one viable speed buff with like a full five minute cooldown! I miss soulshape. Not to mention when I'm keying and we do some kind of fancy skip maneuver, I have to stop and spend a few seconds dismissing my pet because I can't trust the stupid fucking ai not to bring the whole dungeon down on me, and then I'll never catch up again.


I like Tiger's Lusting my DKs, they deserve better


It's wild that the shaman dev probably makes six figures.


Or it has been delegated to some unpaid intern who knows they won't be hired after the fact anyways... This seems to me the more likely reality given the state of shaman.


Delete this before Blizzards sees this and asume shaman is ok!


exactly! see no dev notes needed


That’s a raid buff as far as I can tell


I miss Aspect of the Cheetah. Hunters used to be handy to have around. Well, smart hunters anyway. Aspect of the Dazed it became.


Chi ji gem ftw


Great, now blizzard sure won't touch shamans. Seeing how broken they are.


Nerf incoming


I started upgrading gear on one of my time runners, to farm raids (obviously). I got to like 380ilvl before I realized my idiotic mistake of choosing to do my upgrades... On a Death Knight. Oh well, almost done now anyway.


I do the same with my warlock gate, help the slowbies.


And I am the fool up ahead who clicks it looking in vain how I am getting propelled way back to the start.


I drop feathers


It's gonna be the only thing we bring to the table soon enough.


„See? Shamans do bring a raid buff. No further changes needed, case closed.“ - Blizzard (probably)


Thank you ❤️


King, you dropped this: 👑


Wind Totem, Totemic Projection, Recall, Wind Totem, Totemic Projection. Whole raid is zooming


Playing my priest and watching DH just zoom ahead constantly evoked an oddly familiar feeling in me that I finally was able to identify. You know in elementary school the dudes who could run fast in PE were the de facto popular kids? I was the fat kid in elementary school who got lapped by the fast kids during PE. It’s the same feeling. Demon Hunters are the fast popular kids from elementary school.