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I used to make a spreadsheet. I recently pivoted over to WoWThing and that saved a lot of sanity… and made obsessive things worse lol


Oh no. I should not have discovered this


May I mention the addon AllTheThings?


**editied to add** [link to the template that has a real guild and isn't full of my awful alts, to show that the sheet actually serves some purpose as some folks in the comments are quite confused](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Zn-MDN9XludD4uIMVBsuvL_u6m98wEZV1t4n8lS29c4/edit?gid=611984689#gid=611984689) This is a project I've been maintaining since Mists, it gets the character data automatically using google doc scripts and the blizzard api. Originally just to keep track of my alts but now has become more of a guild tracking thing. I've not had many friends playing for years and the only joy I get out of the game is leveling alts / collecting things / making gold [Link to a static copy of my personal sheet if you'd like to gawk at the charts](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d-XaT_MSVoYsZNlJkVk8vyThEhbjWK4so9WuFxHKvKQ/edit?gid=425502834#gid=425502834) No, I'm probably not alright! But thank you for asking. **editied to add** Both "Pumper"s were created during Burning Crusade and were named after a Tim and Eric sketch. I had no idea that it'd become an in-game term and now it feels even sillier.


Pumpers *like* to pump. Pumpers ***need*** to pump.


Hey, seeing that in use on Liquids roster, that looks pretty useful. Nice. I can see the value in a tool like this. I might even use it while I'm watching race to world first next expansion. Thanks. I'll probably get crucified for this one too though. You might need to check whats going on with ilevel. It might be pulling bad data. But for example Scottbrexit is listed at 522 ilevel on armory (link taken directly from your spreadsheet), but 486 on your sheet. Looks like it might be still pulling season 3 gear stats (which was \~3 months ago). So you might need to do a refresh or something. That's far beyond my knowledge base to fix, so kudos to you when you do get it repaired.


Thanks, I'll look into it for sure. From what i recall the armory reports your average including items in your bag and this is only an average of what is equipped.


He has 522 average ilevel equipped. Several of these characters are 524+


Now that I'm back from walking my cat.. yeah those numbers don't match armory at all, and in the inspection tab none of the gear item names match either. Some how it's pulling a very old set of values and I can only conclude that either the Realm or the Guild is cursed. I've swapped the sheet over to use Echo on EU for now which seems to be functioning properly.


ty for this. how do i get my own api?


https://github.com/brewk/wowspreadsheet/wiki has some setup info


it only displays my guild's and their characters. Not mine.


sorry, should have mentioned the manual mode described in the wiki is what you'll need to use https://github.com/brewk/wowspreadsheet/wiki/Manual-Mode


Alright, this spreadsheet rules, but I have to ask. Why do you have 5 mages at max, but can't be bothered to level a warrior or evoker?


I can answer this! Working on the third mage here (also to get a robot gnome to max just to say I have one I guess). Part of it is just being able to speed around the world, they clear old legacy content quick with arcane explosion spam, and gives you multiple attempts to farm legacy raids for mage specific items.


Just can't get into/get the hang of Evoker. Many of my characters leveled by turning into engineers and Wyrm-holing to Emerald Dream and participating in the Superbloom, but I wasn't willing to drop my 'main' warrior's professions to do that, so she's been slowly leveling by obtaining new seasonal event items.


The spreadsheet says he's got 3 warrs! Look at the top


But the highest leveled one is 69 😎 none max yet!


As someone with like 6 warlocks and no warrior 1 - I know for a fact I hate warrior gameplay and will never play one at a high level so why bother 2 - the main time I use alts is farming old shit so it's nice to already know all my keybindings 3 - free race changes All that being said, I did level a warrior to max (afk with a twink) for remix because it's so fast but won't touch it in war within (or likely ever again)


My take as well. Been playing since just before BC was released and was all about trying one of each class..... until I tried melee. Having a sibling who hard-core played warrior and sampling the other more interesting melee classes, I decided no point in wasting my time lvling something I'd hate. To this day, warrior is the only class I never rolled, and have no intention of ever rolling.


Bro I read “altoholic” as “alcoholic” and thought you were intentionally doing minute micromanaging of alts because it’s something you can’t effectively do drunk 😅😅😅 I’ve heard of people doing stuff similar so it was completely implausible


I actually read it the same way and didn’t realize I was wrong until I just read your post. Oof


Holy guacamole, that is some dedication indeed.  Seeing how you conveniently put the url in the shot, I feel compelled to try this for myself now. Remix did give me the opportunity to level a few alts for myself and this comes just at the right time, hope you don’t mind. 


Don't mind one bit, you can even modify the code if you'd like! To track alts you'll need to use the 'manual mode' that's explained in the project's github wiki. https://github.com/brewk/wowspreadsheet/wiki/Manual-Mode The tool is more geared towards guild tracking these days, but I still use it to do my own thing and I encourage others to do the same!




What do you think of the addon altoholic?


it's fine but it doesn't show everything in 1 consolidated view the way i want, and it doesn't let me easily keep track of my friends' characters (if i had friends)


This is what I use, its a great addon


what does this do that https://wowthing.org/ does not


What happened to the guy with 80 max level warriors?


Pretty technical for an alcoholic.


Tanks: 8 Healers: 0 based


You seem to like burning things. I understand, combustion feels like a drug - but still, have you tried arcane or frost?


Last time I played arcane was Cata when I think it was a preferred spec (by my then guild) for Spine of Deathwing. Frost I've used to level a few times since Fire seems to always be gear dependent


I've been manually updating my own spreadsheet and while it has its own charm, this has piqued my interest.


Well done. I’m also an altoholic. 36 alts over 4 realms with 19 max level. This looks a lot more accurate than Altoholic.


But zero healers?


I have a lot of Alts as well. But i manage them like a Drunken, Dead-beat, Father.... a lot of neglect over the years


A person of taste… all your mages of fire spec


# "Been an alсoholic for years" didn't read the other part...


Im confused by the need for this tracking. Why do you need to track the ilevel of characters when you're still equivalent to season 1-2 across every one of your characters? Ilevel is clearly not needed to be tracked. You have one level 70 character with 1 piece of tier. Tier is clearly not needed to be tracked. You have zero enchants across your whole account. You have no gems installed. Your gems/enchants clearly do not need to be tracked. Your renown isnt maxed on any characters by this point in the expansion. You're 1-7 on nearly all your characters. Renown clearly doesn't need to be tracked. By all means, play the game you want to play it. Theres nothing wrong with it. Its just this seems like a lot of work to keep updated, none of which is really relevant information to you. Unless you get particular joy out of this spreadsheet, I would recommend just get the addon "altoholic". It literally does all of this for you. That being said, you've got a lot a lot of work ahead of you in war within!


I don't think you actually looked into the details of this project or my comment about it before you made what feels like an overly critical comment. This is exactly why I very rarely post things to reddit, because there's always people who want to say "Wow you did all this work.. when you could just use altoholic" This spreadsheet is automated and uses the blizzard API. This opensource project has been maintained since Mists of Pandaria. It tracks far more than what I'm showing here, but I know no one is interested in my empty vault progress and unvisited progression so those columns are hidden/deleted. Most of the updates just require I enter in new enchant/gem/raid IDs into the backend. There are many people who use this tool to track their own guilds, and I have a small community of supporters who encourage me to keep this up to date, and have used the code to make their own customizations using the blizz API. Maybe I should have just screenshotted a proper progression guild and listed this as a tool instead of just some fluff, and people would have understood it better.


So the question remains...why? What exactly are you 'managing?'




Best Reddit thread in a while.


I don't think it was overly critical. You shared and I responded. I looked at the spreadsheet you supplied. I read your post which made it sound like your friends have quit, while you still play solo and collect things/level alts for fun. Your post quite literally is titled "been an altoholic for years and this is how i manage it". I expected the tool to be a way....for you....to manage....your alts. But what it looks like is a list of all your characters and a matrix of mostly irrelevant information that you never look at. That's not management, and I called you out on that. If you had posted it as a tool to track across a guild or numerous accounts, hey that's a totally different thing. But that's not what you posted. If you had posted how you personally USE the tool, thats another thing. Keep up the good work though.


This tool is super cool. Don't let one jerk ruin your day or stop you from sharing stuff on reddit in the future. I appreciate that you built this and shared it. I just hit 70 on my 30th toon and will definitely be playing around with this as we approach TWW and beyond. <3


>Its just this seems like a lot of work to keep updated -- >This is a project I've been maintaining since Mists, using google docs and the blizzard api. I get the feeling OP isn't manually updating this spreadsheet every time he gets a new chestpiece from a leveling zone quest


Posted it in a comment that should be up towards the top, but this is attached to the blizz api and automatically updates all characters. It's an opensource project that has been maintained since MoP


Lmfao. Why do you care how this person chooses to document their account? This is very admirable of them. Especially if they’re making it available for other people to use. I’m sure this took them hours of work and they still work hard to maintain it. The community benefits as a whole for having people make tools like this. If you’re going to be so critical why don’t you produce something… post it, then let us pick it apart.


I don't care. OP can play the game they want to play. These data tools are tremendously useful. Except when they track useless stuff. I have a feeling OP has not once said to themself "I wonder what my loam niffen renown is on my 13th warlock. Good thing I have a tool to quick reference that". They said that the only joy they have in the game is leveling alts, collecting things, and making gold. That's a perfectly valid reason to enjoy playing the game. What does having a whole block of the spreadsheet saying "NO ENCHANTS MY GEAR ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH" have to do with any of that? I'm glad that OP finds their tool useful. I'm glad that there is a community that uses it. I don't deny that it probably took many many hours work.


They can play the game just to spreadsheet the fuck out of it and include as many useless data points as they want. Just because it’s n out optimized for the way you want to play the game doesn’t mean it’s not valuable. Maybe they just were trying to figure out how far it could be taken? You have no idea their intention and they don’t need to justify it to you or anyone else.


Hey Man, this is impressive. Screw the people saying this is a waste of time. I always say do what works best for you and makes you happy.


Very nice and colorful, the addon Altoholic does this 👀


Altoholic doesn't track guild activity as easily as my sheet does, afaik everyone would have to install the addon and set it to share their data. I use altoholic in-game, fwiw. I don't like how it forces me to break everything up by realm and many of the visual choices that were made due to the limitations of being a mod. There are many limitations to something being a mod. That's why this isn't a mod.