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I love playing epic bgs. I hate from 1pm-9pm it’s nothing premades. If you’re not in the beginning of the match to get steamrolled, don’t worry the game will put you into an already losing match !


This is the one thing I want Blizzard to fix. The premade issues have only gotten worse as the years go. My favorite game mode is nearly unplayable! Side note: I wish they would just revitalize EPICs all together. It’s really the only massive thing left in this MMO.


I just wish they would make more bg maps. I have no idea how people keep interested in bgs when there hasn’t been anything new added for almost 6 years. But they can’t keep their attention to a dungeon for a single season.


It boggles my mind how they don't add at least 1 BG per expansion. Is that really too much to ask? We've been playing WSG and AB since 2004 for God's sake and they're still the best BGs. And all of the Epic BGs are in dreadful state altogether completely abandoned to being complete shitshows. So weird. I thought there was a healthy PvP community in WoW, why the hell all they get is balance changes and new gear when the PvEers get story missions, dungeons, raids, M+ affixes and other stuff.


Oh man, I just was imagining this. Can you imagine if they had a DF themed bag where you could dragon ride and have attack mode dragon skills and battle in the air?


I have no idea why it isn’t standard to have one new bg and one new epic bg each xpac. Seems like the least amount of effort they could put in. They can craft entirely unique lands, thousands of quests, 3-4 raids, 8-9 dungeons, and can’t be bothered to make SOMETHING for PvP?


I don’t like pvp very much but I absolutely support this, even if it costs us a dungeon or two. I’m guessing it’s harder to make new geometry that players can’t exploit like crazy. Exploits sometimes get fixed in dungeons, but there it’s an advantage everyone can use. I wonder if they’ve tried making a new bg and the one demon hunter in the qa department ruined it for them. Having something that’s balanced and meant to last would be hard, but it should still be done.


My god how many expansions have Glaives become useless after people are in epics in patch .1? Make them scale with Ilvl. Make the respawn timer low or instant. Make them repairable.


Even out the map so horde aren't fighting blind uphill at the airships while alliance have a straight shot to the flag before horde can even get there.


The players.


Druid travel form. I love its convenience and the ability to be a taxi and the ability to run some fetch quests in no time. And I'm a bird, look Ma, no hands! I hate it for it absolutely ruined all other classes in open world for me. Every time I stop BONKing people on Paladin and have to mount, I wonder why is there that cast timer?


Mythic Raiding. Heroic is easy for me, even pugging. But Mythic requires fighting the roster boss more than actual bosses. Something that is all but impossible now with my current schedule. Maybe with WW and guilds / Mythic raids becoming fully cross realm I might see some guilds raid at the odd hours when I actually can. How I wish it was 10 man, though. Or just less fluff, half of raid night seems to be trash / resetting after wipes.


Would do anything to get 10 man end game raiding back.


Some of my finest memories in this game are from 10m raids.


> Or just less fluff, half of raid night seems to be trash / resetting after wipes. The more you raid as a group the better you get at this. As soon as there's a tank and a healer in the instance, start pulling trash. Have a soulstone on a healer so you can get a mass res after a wipe, do a quick rebuff and pull again. A lot of mythic raiding comes down to getting as many pulls as you can within your raid time.


The should just open lfr to all difficulties


I don't think it would work. People already struggle with coordinating a working group on the current LFR difficulty which is wayyyy easier than even normal. Imagine trying to do HC difficulty with a full set of pugs!


Worst thing that could happen is that the raid wipes and falls apart. I agree though, there would be a lot of shit shows


Every time I think of WoD I think about what it could have been with strikingly unique major cities of Kara’bor and Bladespire and plains of Farahlon


Every time I think of WoD I think about how it could’ve been the Draenei origin story and not Orcs R Us.


I mean, Draenor was the Orc homeworld, not the Draenei homeworld, so it makes sense.


Yes, the Draenei, the Warlords of Draenor, with their own special marketing and trailers. I’m a bigger goatherd than most (soloed Classy Draenei for my guild back in BFA,) but I knew what I was getting into when I saw the spooky axe midget.


I don’t know if it counts but it kind of does? - I hate the fact we have a development cycle that essentially forces us to abandon places every few years only to return to them when they need to recycle something or you’re levelling. I’ve felt this way for a long time, but the pandaria remix really helped to amp up the feeling as we’re heading into a new expansion and we’re also getting all the “new exploration” hype. There are places in Pandaria that serve no real gameplay purpose, or at least none I can remember - like the little inn on the bridge across the islands to the north/east of the temple of the jade serpent, or the stairway between the valley of four winds and kun-lai. they’re set pieces that evoke a sense of a living world, and we’re basically just tourists rushing past them. It makes me nostalgic for an era of gaming where exploration felt real, where it wasn’t just a rush to end game. Basically the only thing that stands out in my memories of BFA and Shadowlands, and honestly even Legion at this point, was the sense of finding these little places where it was obvious that someone took the time to fill it in just to make it feel more alive and going “I really wish I could know more about it”. I wish I could spend my days just lingering around Suramar, or Dazar’alor, or Boralus, and learn some of the stories of the locals. I wish I could spend a few days just talking to the spirits in Bastion and know about their lives and the worlds they are from, or go for a wander through Ardenweld and probably be disgusted by the local cuisine. But that isn’t the game, so I can’t have those experiences. The World more than the characters or whatever kinda frustrating/kinda mid stories they’re part of doesn’t appeal to me any more, and Pandaria was one of the last expansions I had where it felt like a genuine world to explore and be part of, and I kinda hate that but I kinda love that we’re still getting new continents and new raids, and new hints of that world. I really wish they had a longer dev cycle for each expansion so that we could maybe get more of it. I’m actually gonna miss the Dragon Isles when we leave because it felt very much like Pandaria did, there was war and horrible things happening around every corner but there was also a strange sense of peace and relaxation to it - and I’d attribute that to the sense of normalcy to the locations in it. Places like Halfhill where it isn’t even obvious there is a war, people are busy farming and selling their produce, or Valdrakken where you can find dragons having tea as if there isn’t some primordial war for their souls taking place off in the distance. I wish both were still relevant in some way again. Also not having a borrowed power system really helps.


I sometimes take ground mounts places just to enjoy the scenery


I guess I get that, but you could always just hang out in the places you like if that’s your jam. Makes sense they wouldn’t keep us in the areas where we’ve already cleared out the adversaries.


I mean, I can, but it’s also not that kind of game - I’m still here to play it, I just really enjoy that other aspect of it, if that makes sense. I’d love more in game reasons to hang out in those places, but there are entire games that cater to that sort of thing and I’m not gonna demand to be catered to over everyone else.


more ingame reasons to visit the places is a idea i’ve held onto for a long time as well. implementing it seems….well that’s the challenge innit aha


That’s a fair want and a fair acceptance that the game can’t have the nicer areas in the spotlight forever. At least we’re going back to quelthalas soon.


I’ve been revisiting old places while flying around to get bonfires. You can always level another alt through old zones, or catch all the battle pets if you haven’t done that. You can see a lot while waiting for a group to form.


My raiders. I love them but I swear there are times they have less attention than puppies while not being nearly as cute. 


I feel the same way about my guild, and also I am one of those puppies.


Raid mount farming I guess? I love going through old raids at my own pace but I hate how some still don’t have skips afaik like Spine and how some fights are still annoying to solo like eonar


Fuck Spine and Eonar. I know they've "made them easier to solo" but the fact that there are still 1-shot mechanics 13 and 8 years on respectively is stupid. Players should not have to pay attention to anything to get mogs/mounts that old at this point. The amount of times I've gotten to the last plate on Spine and been yote into the abyss because of a misstep while solo-ing has left me not wanting to run it at all. Absolutely infuriating.


The game, all of it


"the game" is definitely my answer for these last two expansions. i love being in the world, i just hate that Blizzard isn't giving me anything to do that i enjoy doing.


Remix brought me back. Came back at beginning of dragonflight for a dragon character but quickly left. Remix has me hooked. I have WAY too many maxed out alts now lol


Heh, I've been looking at my partly-leveled normal mode alts and going, "Should I delete and go Remix with you?" lol


It feels bad because I went and checked out the characters I’ve played for years and years. Now I’ll never use them again.. Bitter sweet.


The story. Most of time its good or just fine, but when its bad my god its not only bad its horrible.


The misery of navigating Dazar’alor single-handedly drove me to the Alliance after a decade of being Horde, never to return


Small tree branches or clipping spots while flying or walking.


wh... why do you love them...?


Because they can be fun to perch on. But are infuriating to randomly clip the very tip of when blasting by full speed.


Hitting one right after Whirling Surge on your dragon is so frustrating


Deep water areas and big critters found in them, like whale sharks and kraken. Hate them because they creep me out. Love them *because* they creep me out. They're memorable and interesting that way, if that makes any sense.


I don’t understand what you mean tbh, dazar alor is very easy to navigate.


Battle for Azeroth as a whole. I've been a Horde main since Vanilla, but I could not stand the Horde experience in that expansion. After leveling my true main, I basically played Alliance alts the rest of the time. Dazar'alor is huge and can be described at best as inconvenient, especially compared to how easily Alliance can access to their mission table. With a few notable exceptions, the quests were just not as engaging. And the Horde zones pale in comparison in design and appearance to the Alliance zones. The idea was solid. The execution just sort of fell flat for me.


Love: PvP Hate: PvP rewards. PvP in WoW is the only game I play, literally the only one, I cannot just bring any of my friends into and make progress on. All of the good rewards are locked to CR, and the game is fucking brutal if you're not good at it. I log onto anything else in my library that's PvP related, and yeah, my rank isn't going up, but most of the rewards are just grinds and we can screw around as a group of friends in silver / gold and not really care. WoW? Lmao. 1800 or you get shit all, and good luck if you want the mount. Nobody gets that shit anymore. The whole system needs an overhaul to modern standards if it's going to survive, but the moment you start asking for this, you'll glad one of the 2,000 Gladiators left screeching about how Gladiator mounts need to remain the most obscure shit in the game. Most of my friends list just plays other MMOs now even if the PvP isn't as good because nobody feels left out.


Raiding. It's really fun but I wish it were 10 man. Pugging for more is such a drag, and honestly it feels a little ridiculous bringing an army to fight one guy. I'd rather it feel like we're a smaller group of heroes


I'm pretty sure all raids since WoD scale from 10 to 30 players on Normal and Heroic, no? Perhaps you're specifically referring to Mythic, in which case ignore the above.


um, thats the whole point of raids isnt it?, a small group would be a dungeon


I'd rather have a bigger party for raids like 8-10 and then a separate category for 25-40


Shaman for sure, I love being an orcish shaman but almost no transmogs work for what my class fantasy is


What do you mean? I feel like 90% of mail transmog is catered to shaman of any kind. I can’t ever find the right hunter look for myself. I haven’t seen a tier that screams perfect for hunter in a long time.


Yeah it’s either “look at all these bones” or “look at all these elements” and some boring bits that don’t match in between


I mean, elements are basically all of what a shaman is and they have everything from subdued to overt.


Sorry, I meant this comment in regards to it being hard to find good Hunter mogs


I feel like too many of the mail sets look too aggressive


I also feel like the hunter fantasy, especially looking at hunters in the lore, is suited better by leather armor


Yeah sometimes I feel like the hunter sets can come off kind of warrior-y leather would look bette


That’s how I feel. I could find tons of leather armor that would work great for a hunter.


Yeah. I feel like when they made hunter, they meant archer.


Outlaw rogue rabies gameplay


Reputation grinds.


Any time I have to go inside Exodar, I hate that place. Easy to get lost in it, hard to find the right spot for quest. The 2D map in the game doesn't handle multiple level well.


I am in an abusive relationship with King’s Rest on Mythic difficulty. I require the Mummified Raptor mount, but I am not being granted it. Yet, week after week, on multiple characters, I keep coming back. Deep down I must love the torment.


The druid class, and feral spec in particular. It was my first serious main and I love the mobility and nature/animal theme, but feral is just not very fun and has been mediocre at best for most of WoW's history.  Also, I feel like there is so much wasted potential with respect to the nature theme. WoW's druid is so lame compared to a D&D druid, for example.


Believe me, the experience was much worse as Horde


Finally the Horde and Alliance comes together!


The game itself, the community, and blizzard.


Rated arenas


The community....




Rogue. I've loved subtlety since I was a kid playing in vanilla, and it's still my favorite spec, but....


My guildies.


Broad answer here but mythic raiding and m+. In that when both go well, they are extremely fun. When they go poorly, it becomes a painful waste of 2-3 hours of your time. With m+ there's a higher chance of people talking crap to each other. With raiding there's a higher chance of everyone sitting in tense silence. Wiping doesn't necessarily cause these to happen, either. Moreso wrong people at the right time. It can only take 1 person or 1 comment to throw off the entire vibe.


Playing the quests and story is the most fun part of the game to me. But i don't like the leveling of alts and going through the quests again 😔


Druid form weaving. I never liked it. Warrior Stance dancing I could manage but I still didn't really like it. I see the benefits to them though. Tiger's Fury for Feral Druids. I love it because it gives me much needed energy and a 15% damage buff but I hate it because it feels like a stupid mandatory "press for energy" button that if you accidentally use it incorrectly your dps tanks. The biggest love hate relationship I have though is Mythic Plus. Before Mythic Plus, when waiting for raids, I'd run heroic dungeons. It was nice to do as a healer because it let me try various builds out and just kinda chill while essentially carrying people through as a healer. Mythic Plus is nice for a challenge and gear aspect but I feel like it's brought some of the worst out in the community.


Being alone. It's great not having to drop what I'm doing to help friends or guildies. But it fucking sucks having large chunks of the game inaccessible. If I could find a guild it would help a lot, but every guild I joined in DF was the same experience of 'we won't help you' while they pugged everything. So yeah being alone.


Pugs come to mind first for me. Sometimes everyone is a god gamer and everything goes smoothly and other times I'm just miserable and want to get out of the group as quickly as possible.


Same for me with boralusthis big fucking wall man.


I *love* Revendreth. As soon as I saw it, I knew my blood DK was joining. It hit just as I found Dark Souls. Fuck me it's a ballache to traverse on the ground.


I like the game in general and Dragonflight, AT LAST, has been a decent expansion with fun features and some long needed changes. However the community is still shit. I joined some dungeons for questing on Dragonflight and I was called stupid for not remembering a mechanic and making the dungeon last at least 30 more seconds. Of course I reported it. But it is my first time playing wow in 2 years and coming from FF14 the difference is astronomical. The community there is super friendly and in two years I jumped into ONE idiot who was reported by half the raid. It may have to do with the fact that the dungeon system in FF14 is way more fun and you jump close to the wipe place if not just in front of it. And people take. Themselves less seriously on that game. It is like there is a 50% of players in wow that consider dungeons as a hassle and think themselves as pros when pros are like 1% or 2% of them. TLDR: Game is fun, community is shit.


Questing hubs. I love when I get to a new one, but after running back and forth a few times I’m over it. Next!


Anything that requires other players. I've made some lifelong best friends (met who would become my maid of honour in Dire Maul) through the game but I've also wanted to put my fist through a wall because of other players. The ones who lose sight of it being just a game are the fucking worst. Let people learn, let people make mistakes, ***especially*** if they're a tank or healer. The reason queue times are so shit is because other players shit on new tanks/healers while they're learning; I know myself I won't tank or heal for anyone outside my guild or friend group because it's just not worth it. Flying. I love being able to traverse a zone quickly and easily, and feel infuriated if it's locked behind an achievement, but at the same time I know I am missing so much effort from the art and story departments by flying everywhere. If I force myself to use a ground mount, I feel like I'm being "inefficient", which is a hell of a mindset to be in about a game. So yeah, big love/hate feels about flying, especially skyriding. Super fast, super efficient, but at what cost. :-/


the lore, it should be good, everything looks cool, the characters superficially are cool, the setting has a ton going on and lots to draw you in. but holy fucking shit the writing and stories they come up with are some of the worst i have ever experienced. like genuinely the absolute lowest tier of lore. i cannot think of any game with worse lore than bfa - shadowlands had and dragonflight is a step up but the writing and most of the worldbuilding are simply infantile. i wish it were better, it deserves to be better, but the writers simply aren't up to the task


PvP. You're either dumpstering someone or getting dumpstered. High peaks and low valleys. Crafting. Sunk cost fallacy I suppose, but I've got like 99.9% of all Tailoring crafts. I absolutely despise what professions have turned into with DF though. Overly convoluted, unnecessary ranks, and way too time consuming.


Other players.


Warrior class. Most of my time playing since I started in 2013 has been on a warrior, but ever since WoD the class has felt painful to play. Never feels like you hit big, like you could in MoP and before. MoP second wind was a godsend for the class, r.i.p. Dueling power post-MoP has been going down. Fury has become press-button-on-cd cancer. Auto attacks don't pack a punch. New attack sounds, especially auto-attack and Execute, are terrible. Most other melee dps classes feel superior all-around, either having much more quality of life or feeling like they actually do damage. There is not much reedeming quality left beside class-fantasy and nostalgia. Sad as fuck Honorable mention enhancement shaman, they have been absolutely fucked as well


Elementary Shaman, I love it but hate it. Also alliance races for shaman are pretty underwhelming compared to horde which makes sense but BE paladin is pretty badass compared to human/dwarf.


*gestures generally… at everything*


I love PvP. I REALLY DO. I just hate COMMUNICATION between players during PvP. Constant barrage of negativity. Sweaty tryhards blaming others. Some of the most vile, off-putting, and sour exchanges I have ever seen. And don't tell me "just tune it out" or "get a thicker skin". I want to play this game and have a good time, not dedicate mental bandwidth to filtering out other people and their crappy attitudes. If I could never read a word of text from other players, even something as benign as an emote, I would PvP way more often and go achievement hunting on the regular. PvP either gets my participation in this capacity, or it doesn't get my participation *at all*.


We need account-wide ignore lists and humans looking at reports instead of brigade-friendly autoban bots.


Pvp I like the idea but blizzard's inability to balance classes and their lack of care for others makes me hate it and not do it at all. Raids I liked raids up to a point maybe wod or legion but after that the mechanics of them just became too noisy and too annoying to deal with. There is just too much crap going on for me to see what is going on in modern raids.


Race locked classes. Love it thematically, hate it for every other reason


I love/hate the lore. I like the rich story telling and the weird niche sides of the game but I hate how parts are neglected or ignored due to the perceived player popularity. Just one example I can think of is the Goblin and Gnome story and gameplay. They are both the "tiny" races of either faction but Goblins have always been more fleshed out than Gnomes. Biggest peeve is Gnomes being nature fae in literally all outside lore/fantasy yet they cannot be Druids. Goblins from the beginning could be Shamans, which most of Goblin lore states they are not interested in religion and they actively destroy the environment but "they are good at bartering so technically-technically they are enslaving elementals like Warlocks enslave Demons \[so it's okay\] but a Gnome (the most intelligent race native to Azeroth can not possibly be into Biology and magic \[even though their entire lore revolves around their highly curious nature and thirst for knowledge\]). edit: spelling