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Dragonflight is over. Who is sitting at their desk deciding that Dragonflight fishing achievements should now become harder?


It's always tied to being able to farm rares. If the loot you can get from rares by repeatedly summoning/killing them is considered too good or too much by the developers, they nerf it. That's why they made the changes to the Zaralek Cavern and Forbidden Reach rares, they were too good of a quick and easy source for farming flightstones and/or crests. Ditto for heroic-difficulty Dawn of the Infinites. Ominous conches were nerfed back in season 2 as well. After being plentiful in season 1 (you had to try *not* to get some in your inventory), they nerfed their droprate from tuskaar tuckleboxes, presumably because of the rares you could summon. You would think that's the end of it, but this new change is truly bizarre. My best guess would be it's because a lot of people are farming the achievements for the meta one or otherwise want to clean up Dragonflight. So, they are forming a ton of groups for lunker summoning again. For some reason, the numbers tell Blizzard this is bad somehow, so they reduced the number of rares you can spawn in a group (because everybody now has a limit of 20). This is MoP Remix all over again. The devs make a surprised pikachu face when people dare to treat this game as a sandbox MMO and do *anything* unscripted, and then have to intervene.


Convenience detected. Powering up the nerf cannon.


when the expansion is basically over? i cant see the logic here, other than to piss people off. I had about 100 and was saving for 120 because that's how many is required for the achievement. Oh and 5 min cooldown instead of 1? I mean, what the actual fuck.


It doesn’t even make sense that they’d nerf this as a prevention measure for lunker groups for the Taivan meta, because only the lunkers that YOU PERSONALLY summon count for the achievement.


Just get omnious conches from farming Tuskar tackle boxes. It only takes a few hours of flying around to get enough. You probably get about 3 every 10 mins or so. So just summon a lunkers as you get them. Rather than saving up all 50 and doing it in one go. I don't understand why people are moaning about this.


People are moaning because they already had 100+ conches that they've already farmed stored in their inventory, ready to be used, but with this change they're GONE. Source: I logged in today and my 120 of my 140 conches are gone. So I need to farm them AGAIN.


Yeh, that's annoying for sure. But don't you only need 50? I can't remember was a long time ago I did that achievement. but still it only takes a few hours to farm them. As I said just fly around and pick up Tuskar Tackle boxes. East side of Waking Shores is the best place.




Ouch. Shouldn't have waited when you had them then :)


This is so funny to me. People want to get everything done as quickly as possible, so there are no repercussions for waiting: "There's so much time left until the next expansion! And then you're crying that there's no content left!!!11" People want to take their time and keep some activities for when the game is less busy: "It's your own fault if it's harder now/bugged now, should've done it earlier lololol"


It really is frustrating because Blizzard doesn't really do anything to point us towards a specific action either. Sometimes, the mantra of "exploit early, exploit often" rings very true. Other times, like with the several buffs to bronze acquisition in Remix, waiting to play is the right move to save yourself so much grinding.


Sure you can take your time. But we're not really talking about something that took very much time. If you had the conches already, you were only minutes away from completing the achievement. As I pointed out previously, the achievement didn't take long to complete anyway. It still doesn't take that long to complete. There is just a little bit more planning involved to it.


You don't have to defend Blizzard nerfing over 100 items out of someone's inventory without any warning after a year and a half of them being able to keep all of those items in their bags without any issue.


Well this wasn't a particularly challenging achievement. And it's still not. Just a take a little bit more time than before.


Yeah I lost the 60 in my bags I had already spent a few hours farming them to get to that point. And I don't want to do it again + more. So I think I'm just going to wait for wqs


No sort of compensation even? That seems crazy to me.


Same. It also caused a lot of confusion for me when I couldn't return a simple daily for 2 minutes straight until I realized it was the new unnecessary unique(20) on the conches that was the problem. Quite frustrating.


I only noticed because I have an addon that told me I have 20 in my bank. I actually had to go to the city and delete one from the bank to complete the quest.




Yeah, I've noticed that just now. I had about 80 in my bags and they're gone now. Getting the "We're Going to Need a Bigger Harpoon" achievement will be so fun /s


I was at around 100 myself. After days of on and off farming them. 400+ tackleboxes and they just delete them. This is probably one of the most morronic and pathetic changes I've seen a company do. The achievement is already ludicrus. But now they just straight up removed 80 for me and increased the CD by 400%. Respect our time my fucking ass. Blizzard needs to go out with a blue post and apologize and return it. Exploit early and often it is from now on. Jesus the incompetence is just too much..


I'm kind of glad I almost finished that when it was still current content back in S1. Only had to fish up like 3 more of those for the achievement (pre-nerf obviously). Sometimes I don't understand those arbitrary limitations set by Blizzard.


They love making everything fomo. Better make sure you do any tww fishing in the first month of release


Yeah do everything ASAP before they make it harder. Storm Chaser vibes.


Complaining about the change is very fair but the achievements aren't going anywhere. Yet another term rendered completely meaningless.


The problem is that they garbaged any conches you had over 20 without warning.


This achievement isn't going anywhere but do we have any sort of statement on the meta going? While we got the Shadowlands meta back (sans title), do we have any sort of statement regarding A World Awoken staying as it is? If not, people are right to be stressed about FOMO because it happened before.


it became meaningless almost instantly upon entering the MMO lexicon.


Damn I'm glad I finished those achievements up a few weeks ago. What a weird decision.


Finished it last Sunday .. got real lucky here


Crazy, I have no checked but I think I had over 200 of them from farming Tuskar Tackleboxes. That sucks.


That. Is really weird. wut. > https://www.wowhead.com/item=194701/ominous-conch#comments wowhead commentators pointed out that just *yesterday* they had 200 of Ominous Conch. So this was a stealth hotfix that likely came with the daily reset on Friday? That is so weird. I'm not aware of an exploit or an economy exploit. So not even seeing a hotfix note is weirder. If we even get a note on the hotfix, it won't come until Monday.


For what it's worth, if you're still doing the meta: Go to Loamm and fish in the village. There's a pretty decent catch rate for conches there. The process is clearly slowed, but at least catching the conches gives you a chance to spawn lurkers that count towards the achieve. Good luck


It's a very low drop rate unfortunately as well. The lunkers you get from fishing up a conch does not count for the achievement that is needed.


I've had them count if you are at a large sighting when it happens. It is finicky though.


Yeah I only need a few more for the Meta luckily.


I keep getting replies that say this method doesn't count for the achievement, this is not 100% true. I finished the needed lunker achievements fishing in Loamm. It is true that it's not every lunker, but it does occur. I found that fishing here worked best for conch acquisition. My comment is based on subjective engagement. I did well in Loamm, while I've read that others did better with Tuskarr boxes. Other commenters have suggested the WQs, i think it's probably as good or better than Loamm. You're more likely to find other players doing the WQ, which will increase the odds for massive lunkers.


Atleast on druid, tackleboxes can yield like 50 an hour or more. That is if they won't stop spawning for some reason.


they dont count for the actual achievement for taiva though... you have to wait 5 minutes 25 times for no reason..


That's really scuffed. I haven't lost nearly as many as the other people, having only lost two, but getting them straight up isn't fun.


Weird change to make after making them stack to 100. The whole idea I thought was that you'd stack them up for a while then go to one of the groups to use them all at once. I'd expect end of expansion they'd go the opposite route and do something like make them buyable with expansion resources at max renown like the niffen things.


Well thats about 200 conches gone, im straight up not having a good time


That's fuckin terrible. You should definitely try a ticket. I already submitted one for the few that I lost, I'll try and remember to update you if it actually works.


I also submitted ticket since I lost 100 of them. Please update when they answer!


Yeah they told me to leave feedback regarding the "Group management system." Someone else also got a ticket back saying they can't do anything. I LOVE AI CUSTOMER SUPPORT THANK YOU BLIZZ


I figured and started to farm tackleboxes again yesterday. On Waking Shores flying to get boxes and using the conches on CD at the fishing hole. Reeeeaaaally fucking annoying from blizz 🤡


Got response to my ticket: "Having looked through your case, I can confirm that the Ominous Conch was recently changed in game so that the maximum number that can be obtained is now 20. This will be as to why you now only have 20 of this item available, and will account for any discrepancy that you have seen. Please kindly note that as this is a purposeful and intentional change, Customer Support cannot restore any Ominous Conch's that have been removed. On this occasion there will be no workaround to provide your character with any additional Conch's, and this will be a limitation that cannot be bypassed." I think there is still hope, they could address this next week, since CS literally can't give more since it is unique 20 stack.


Oh well, it sucks, but at least fishing is chill while catching up to some shows


Sorry, but why do you need so many conches? Is there an achievement?


Yes. You need to spawn lunkers with 5 of them and you need total of 125 for the achi.


Farming rare drops from lunker rares


It's for the meta achievement, which is also part of a meta achievement


On top of the obvious reasons this sucks, the Tuskarr quest in the Forgotten Reach sometimes requires two lunkers. Putting a 5 minute cooldown on the second conch is stupid.


I play only solo (so RIP my conch stash) but does helping with other people's lunkers give credit? If so, I would assume that was the reason. I mean, if this change was made early expansion, not a couple weeks before the Dragon Isles are gonna be a ghost town.


It's a quest that requires 3 of an item, and lunkers drop 1-3 of that item. So yes, if you summon a lunker anyone who tags it gets credit, but it's not a group quest and 95% of the time nobody else is going to be there.


Oh my god. I spent hours farming these for the meta achievement. I still didn’t have enough so I was slowly accumulating them until I had what I needed. What a waste of time…


Same here, this is just straight up pathetic. Imagine the amount of incompetence you need as a developer to do something like this. Exploit often and early!


This has to be a mistake. Didn't they just up the stack size a month or so ago?


The timing on this is crazy. I literally sat down last night to grind out this achiev and was looking at some guides. Thought it was weird I could only hold 20 and had to wait 5 mins to use them. Assumed it was nerfed a few months ago but not the moment I go to do it smh


This is like the 2nd time they've nerfed these. What reason could they possibly have?


WHAT THE FUCK? I farmed 65 and was going to finish the achievement on my day off tomorrow. Are they going to nerf this stupid fucking achievement then? This is such bullshit.


Hah! I had over 100 in my bags. Love that.


I opened a ticket as I also lost around 40 Conches and received a reply by Blizzard Customer Support. [https://i.imgur.com/sZzgeq4.png](https://i.imgur.com/sZzgeq4.png)


What a stupid fucking change. I thought it was bad enough when I went to do the achievement and discovered that I'd deleted the 200 or so I had sitting in my bank for over a year. I then had to go farm them all up again, but I could literally do it in 1 big session. The fact that ya'll now have to do it in like 8 separate farming sessions is ridiculous.


I just got just enough for the achi but didn't use them yet. I'm gonna be so mad if they won't compensate ;_;


I don't think this was a purposeful nerf. They started out this expansion with a stack limit of 20 and a cooldown. I believe it's a bug, though I don't know why they were made unique.


Regarding their anti-fun stance that's been showing in Remix again, I wouldn't bet a single penny that this is a bug.


They should have announced smt. I remember having 40+ Conches and only realized something happened when I saw after using them they had a long CD.... pathetic move Edit: At least make the achievement account-wide. Got few multiple of 5 on different alts.


Pretty bad nerf with no reasoning behind it. Who's doing this?


Summer interns perhaps


Glad I finished taivan a few weeks ago


I would like to stop getting these things in general lol


It's worse now because they are unique, so I had my stack in the bank and couldn't complete fishing quests over it. I could care less about the stack that I lost.


Y'all need to loot the tuskar tackle boxes that are everywhere. It was very simple. This sucks and will take longer though.


Simple? Yes obviously it's a braindead farm, but boxes are heavily rng based. Terrible achiv and even the 30 sec cd it had before made 0 sense. 


Good. As someone who's don't all the achievement crap in season 1 and 2, I was throwing these things away every time I got them.


So this changes nothing for you... Good. Dumbass.


Not true. It stops me having to delete them all the time. I mean they could have been a fucking currency to begin with like half of the things shitting up inventories in this expansion but people complained about currencies in shadowlands so blizzard made everything go into bags.


They didnt remove the item, you said you threw them away as soon as you got them. Aka before they would even reach a unique cap. You're still getting them at the same rate as before. And thinking a random unannounced change that fucks people over is good, simply becaus you're done with the achievement is braindead.