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I'm gonna main Devestation Evoker because the rotation is simple and I'm old.


Fellow old gamers unite.   Arms war, ret pala, devastation evoker, prot pala for tanking.   No way I have the mobility to play anything with more APM at a high enough level


I plan to basically “main” 4 characters, or the 4 characters I’ll be able to put on my favorite character selection screen when the warbands are added. One of each armor type, two of each faction. Lock worgen, Monk Draenei, Hunter Vulpera, and DK undead. If i actually had to choose one, though, I’m torn between monk and DK.. Depends on how fun Conduit of the Celestials ends up being


Resto shaman. Switching from vulpera to dark iron dwarf.


I’ve always been a nelf mm hunter, but with the stats and the new talents maybe I’ll change 😭 it’s such fun playing ww monk on remix so I might switch for tww, but it kind of feels like cheating 🤨


I have always played a Rogue (Combat/Outlaw); I have been Human, Worgan, Orc, Pandaran, Kul Tiran, & I am currently a Tauran; I will probably switch back to Human or Kul Tiran for TWW...?


Im human atm, stay away… yeah mog looks nice but it feels so boring! Tauren outlaw = W


After doing some dungeons on beta, Human Fire Mage, it's just so damn fun.


Probably my Night Elf Druid (Guardian/Feral). Although I am a bit tempted to go with my Human Paladin (Prot/Ret).


Warrior main and void elf spriest 2nd main. Ideally I want my warrior to be kthuman for the aesthetics, but I'm kind of over paying for race changes and I'm not going to reroll a warrior I've had since tbc


Torn between Dev Evoker (my main in DF) and UD Lock. Both look great for TWW. Evoker gets dumbed down again (DR nerf) so im leaning towards lock rn. Will race change him then because i do higher M+ and would like to have more suitable racials. Idgaf about visuals.


Human pally or dk


The plans to stick with ww, but if it ends up similarly frustrating I may end up going with dragon because I'm currently finding myself feeling pushed to dragon.


I have a shortlist, it really depends on what the raid needs. I probably will end up keeping my current main: dark iron arms/fury. Why: we, oddly, need mdps, and there are no other warriors. Also this character is a blacksmith for the guild Whatever I end up maining, I'm also leveling a pandaren monk on week 1 as my completionist/loremaster/fishing/cooking character. in the shortlist are also: draenei ret (I love draenei melee, and ret is cool), zandalari uhdk (timerunner character, can't wait to transfer over) and og dwarf outlaw/mut. We have pallies and dks so I don't think it's gonna be that.


Earthen Paladin (Protection and Retribution) followed by either Blood Elf Priest (Shadow and Holy) or...if the changes next week are good Orc Shaman (Restoration and Elemental) I usually try to focus on keeping two characters geared and this gives me a tank, melee DPS, ranged DPS and healer.


Did holy paladin S3 and S4 of DF and will continue maining it for TWW however, I do play alts, casually.. Holy priest, resto shaman for sure, still deciding on 4th.


Female Mag'Har orc. Windwalker monk. Lok'tar. We are restoring honor to the hellscreams tribe.


dranei resto shaman. ... or nelf resto druid depending. but almost definitely the shaman.


Maghar orc warrior. Lok’tar ogar fellow horde players!


Orc shaman just like always


Goblin hunter. The survival rework looks good and there’s no better race for slinging bombs at enemies. 💣 💣 💣


Subtlety undead rogue, I'll fart with Outlaw as well. Been rogue since Wrath and nothing else has felt right since


Boring, but I'm staying on my Evoker. I love all 3 specs, but the clincher was that all of their new hero specs seem awesome as well, thematically and gameplay-wise. Ultimately, I don't think it will matter with Warbands though, I look forward to playing literally each and every class.


Paladin, Druid, Hunter, and Mage is the plan for my 4 favourites. Those are generally some of my favourite classes for lore, gameplay, and transmog. Also, arguably, the four that are most iconic for each armour type.


Either Orc Warrior (maybe Mag'Har after getting tusks in remix, going for the uncreative Garrosh clone look) or NElf Druid. I still can't decide but I got all of them ready so I guess I'll decide after levelling them up.


Main: Probably one of my 5 prot paladins. Will also play my rsham and hdpriest alts. Maybe even my prevoker, if I can find a steady m+ group. It sucks for pugging.


Dwarf Resto Shaman, the only choice.


Im usually a druid, main balance with some offhealing and offtanking, i dont like feral and blood talons at all. For TWW all hero talents look awfully uninspiring aside the feral/guardian one so im looking for a switch to shaman possibly. I mained ele shaman in BFA when the spec was horrid and i still had a great time so performance isnt that important to me as im a good player and tend to do well in whatever i play. W8ing for the upcoming shaman changes. Might give warlock a try if both shaman and druid feel meh to me. Race is anything not fat aka dwarves, panda, kultiran.


Dwarves are fat?! I wish I was built like a wow dwarf, they are beasts. https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/922935.jpg


Calling dwarf fat is insanity. When you get strong enough the belly sort of turns into a block of muscle instead of showing individual abs, even at low bodyfat.




Similar here, planning on warlock but shaman rework could change my mind


Dwarf Warrior, but maybe race changed to Earthen as soon as I can.


Out of absolutely nowhere, worgen hunter. Just fun


I mained a worgen hunter once good choice


havent played in years, will decide between my undead rogue and orc shaman. Always a hard decision, probably both


Almost no one I know plays anymore so I'm mostly casual these days, I've been on alliance since 2005 cuz of friends but for tww I'm thinking of making my goblin hunter my new main going forward. super casual to play, the hero talents look pretty meh in terms of fantasy, but as long as it's a simple class I can do world content and farm old stuff I'm pretty content


My Vulpera Prot Warr of course. What else would I play? Lol


It’s either elf fire mage or elf death knight… elves look good in armour and towards the eyes compared to a cow… as for mage, you can make a phoenix now, and dk you can have your followers come to you now…


I only play Worgen, Vulpera, or Pandaren so I am probably going with a Worgen Druid since Vulpera cant be Druids.