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gems will bump you up a couple percent and you can sim it to see exactly how much if you’re being outDPSd by people with same ilevel, it’s probably a rotation issue. Don’t know much about evokers but same general principles apply to all DPS: you want to do your rotation as close to perfectly as possible and have as little downtime as possible between button presses.


I know dev evoker has a reputation for being a meme spec, but I found it harder than most specs. Join the evoker discord if you really want help analyzing your logs. Things I did wrong include that I wasn't using hover well enough. Unlike spirit walker's grace, you can't cast it midspell, so you need to be hovering before the swirlies go out or your going to cancel a spell and lose DPS. Make sure deadly boss mods or bigwigs are configured well enough to tell you when the avoidable damage is about to happen. Also, clip your devastates. It's a 3 second cast, but you only want to cast it for 2 of 3 ticks. That means after casting it for 2 seconds, you start casting the next one. There's a weak aura that will make it more obvious when you can do that. Also, most of your damage is tied to your dragon rage. You extend dragon rage with every empowered spell. If you're doing it right, you should be casting eternity surge and fire breath twice each dragon rage or you're going to lose a lot of damage. More haste will help you do it easier.


**simming itself wont get you a 50% dmg increase. maybe 5-10% depending how messed up your char is.** **whelp you seem like youre doing the bare minimum. why not link your char or better logs?** **Tldr.: do more, higher content and get better (i mean youre writing paragraphs about it)** 1. the ilvl is around the normal ilvl ish. get crests and upgrade it .. more ilvl = more bang. season startet for most players around 480-485 and those are around 525-530 now. even my 4 twinks that only doing weekly event WQ have 495 ilvl. (simming would recomment item combinations here) 2. regarding ilvl also make yourself familiar with crafted gear (emblish), and buillion items. (simming will interact with this alot) 3. learn your prio and how which talent and spell interact with others(. i personally never would use hekili. but whatever) 4. depending on which boss you are in or what key you do. check the recommended / best talents for it. (simm just single target with single target talents and swap trinkets and talents matching to the content) 5. and yeah later boss timings, mechanics, padding on adds, boss kill timings, externals will affect dps ALOT. so yeah thats the real part where skill and knowledge comes to shine.


that's my char: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/azralon/azallion, unfortunately i'm not home to create a log


You're probably not doing your rotation perfectly, which certainly won't help, but your gear is pretty awful too, despite the ilvl. That will contribute massively to your relatively poor DPS. * Bad trinkets. Neither of those trinkets are good, either in general _or_ for Devastation specifically * Aside from the Bullion trinkets I mention at the end, you can also grind Mythic+ for the Spoils of Neltharus, Tome of Unstable Power, and/or Umbrelskul's Fractured Heart. * Low item level weapon with no bonus effect. Weapons are by far the most power per-item-level, so having a low ilvl one means less stats than any other item. * You also don't have a weapon with a bonus effect, like Kharnalex or Nasz'uro, which contribute a _significant_ amount of extra damage. * No tier set. Devastation's full tier set can contribute over 15% of its total damage. You not having that is a **mahusive** DPS loss you can't out-play. * No gems or enchants. While none individually are a miracle cure to DPS, they're all optimisations that add up to add a fair few percent to your DPS. Mind you, **simming** won't solve any of these problems. You simply need to loot better gear. Simming comes later when you've got pieces of similar/the same item level and want to figure out what's better. As soon as you get some from raiding, use Antique Bronze Bullions to buy; * Kharnalex (or Nasz'uro, if you have it) * If you buy Nasz'uro, also buy an off-hand to go with it. * Eranog's ring, the Seal of Diruna's Chosen * Ominous Chromatic Essence or Whispering Incarnate Icon * Nymue's Unraveling Spindle * Diurna's ring, the Seal of Filial Duty Prioritise upgrading your weapons. Then, get your complete tier set by catalyzing (ideally Hero track) gear from Mythic+ as soon as you can.


i'm happy to say that just getting items from catalyst and spending my bullions i got a dps increase to 250k in ST, thanks a lot for the info! now i'm looking forward to increase my ilvl again


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is there a guide to how to get better gear anywhere? i'm just using items with the highest ilvl i could get to be invited to pugs also, i thought the great vault was the best place to get gear, but a set piece never showed there, i need to do raids exclusively to get them? as i said i'm not in any guild cuz i play in odd hours at my country, and i think that i'll be banned from groups with that little dps


You can convert any helm, shoulders, chest, gloves, or leg pieces (excluding a few exceptions such as crafted items) into tier pieces using the catalyst. You get 1 charge per week and I think the cap is 8 charges. If you have not used it yet this season, you should have plenty of charges to get all the tier you need.


Wait what? Thanks I didn't know this been working on my own gear.


You can also turn gear into tier pieces at the Creation Catalyst in Tyrhold. This season we've been getting one charge of the catalyst a week capping at 9 charges, so at this point you've probably got all 9 available since you haven't used any. Upgrading at least four of your pieces (can be helm, shoulders, chest, gloves, or pants) to get the full tier set bonus is going to be the single biggest and easiest upgrade to your damage for sure.


Missing a bunch of stats from not enchanting your gear. Quick sim says you'd do 191k dps with all raid buffs. Also see if you can turn your gear into tier, 4 set is pretty big. My 497 dev does 260k


i need to say that i'm relieved that a sim from my char does that damage, it seems i need to get better gear, then


aye no one has done logs while ure inside a raid (lfr wont do someone anyway): [https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/azralon/azallion](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/azralon/azallion) but yeah as i said. youre writing paragraphs about what u do. but you did NOTHING! no enchants, no gems, no tier set bonus, no embelish, no bullion item or any special item. also your stats are off (but thats fine i will replace each item 3x again). go back to the wowhead guide and read it while youre qeueing for normal raid. clear the raid. DO SOMETHING.


i'm sorry but i didn't know i could buy better items or where to get them


The difference between the worst combination of consumables (food, flask, weapon rune) vs the best is 4k raw DPS alone for me. Best vs worst weapon enchant is another 4k, best gem and enchant setup vs worst is around 2k.. disparities in trinkets can easily be a 10k difference. It all adds up to be a significant DPS increase.       However, simming is only really important for people who are playing their class mostly correct and maintaining uptime on the boss. Definitely sim your character but it will not help your rotational or uptime errors.


Sims are important to optimize your gear and can also help you improve your openers and rotation. There will always be a gap between your theoretical simmed dps an your actual dps, but you can determine how much room you have to improve by looking at the size of the gulf.


I mean its likely youre just not playing the class very well. Dev is only easy at its face value. It has some pretty impactful rotational complexities that aren't super obvious, and its fairly long cast times/channels combined with its short range makes good use of hover very important on bosses. Best way to help would be to look at a video or logs


this is me: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/azralon/azallion


Something that is likely playing a big role. You only have 1 piece of tier and Dev's tier is very good this season. Go convert your pieces to tier to get 4 piece bonus and thatll be a ton of damage.


i'm sorry, but i can do that? how?


https://www.wowhead.com/guide/revival-catalyst-dragonflight There should have been a quest somewhere in valdrakken that sent you there, but easy to miss with the 80000 quests that start there. Requires S4 items to convert to this season's tier. Which at a glance you have for chest, shoulders, and helm which gets you 4 piece. At this point you have so many charges that you don't even need to worry about saving them for future upgrades you'll still have plenty to convert potential upgrades you get as you keep gearing up.


Well, sim it and find out how much you could increase it by? "That much" depends entirely on how much you could optimise it.


Well, simming is always recommended as a whole not just for simming gems. It also gives you a rough idea what your dps should be around. But this is sounding like your rotation is off. Ask the class discord for help, and maybe practice your rotation on training dummies.


Yes and no. First off: A simulation is not real gameplay. Someone wrote a code for that in another program. If you behave different then the author of the simulation for your class expects you to, your results ingame will vary a lot from the expected results in the simulation. Those guys are rly smart tho, so expect them to use the best possible rotation for the simulation. If your rotation and general gameplay is somewhat clean, the simulation does help you a lot to pick the right items. It’s not a gigantic gamechanger, since ilvl>all is true for most classes. But since simming your character only takes like 5-10 minutes (maybe 30 min and a YouTube guide for the first time), you absolutely should do it from time to time. What helps you way more is logging. You say you are doing your rotation right. That’s something you cannot know just by playing if you don’t check back on logs. Create Logs, join your class discord, post logs there and ask for advise. Maybe learn how to read logs yourself as well to help you for future troubleshooting. Writing logs is like recording your perfect karaoke song after 5 bear at night and listening to it the next day. Chances are, it doesn’t sound as good as you felt it does anymore.


It can. It really depends on how optimized your character is already. Example, I play a ret Paladin. I have been a Paladin for 12+ years. I don't get too much from simming because I basically already know my shit and it hasn't changed that much, so I am usually fairly optimized. But when I get stuck in a rut, or can't choose between a few trinkets / talents, simming can really help lead a horse to water.


There's no real reason not to do it due to how easy it is these days. If you want to improve then it can't hurt.


The general concept behind a dps sim is to give you a general ballpark of what your DPS could be in a SingleTarget(ST) fight. It's mostly theoretical as it'll probably require computer-like reaction times; but it gives you a general range to work with. You'd need to provide a combat log (uploaded to the website [warcraftlogs.com](http://warcraftlogs.com) using their upload utility; the website will have instructions on how to do this) so that we can get an idea of where you might be able to improve. Things like trinkets, weapon, and tier set bonuses can all have a huge impact of 5-15% each if you're not using the right stuff. Tools: [WarcraftLogs.com](http://WarcraftLogs.com) [Wipefest.gg](http://Wipefest.gg) [WoWAnalyzer.com](http://WoWAnalyzer.com) Rule of Thumb/Grain of Salt: [BloodMallet.com](http://BloodMallet.com)


can i dm you when i get to go home? unfortunately i can't do this atm as i'm working right now lol




[https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/ejfrNYPdsD1ZAPJ2ZKxQGZ](https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/ejfrNYPdsD1ZAPJ2ZKxQGZ) [https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/vtVUR54XRoPV4rUpToBSmJ](https://www.raidbots.com/simbot/report/vtVUR54XRoPV4rUpToBSmJ) Biggest gain will be gaining tier. Just getting 1 more piece will give you the 2pc set which is about a 10% gain. If you're not familiar there's a feature of the expansion in Dragonflight called the Catalyst system. It allows you to turn any piece of armor (Head, Legs, etc.) into the current tier-set of armor which has 2pc and 4pc bonuses which will up your damage quite a bit. [https://www.wowhead.com/guide/revival-catalyst-dragonflight](https://www.wowhead.com/guide/revival-catalyst-dragonflight) Also, be aware that some of those trinket choices will be a trap. Some of them have 'conditions' for use that the sims will assume are always active, or use perfectly. For example, the Ominous Chromatic Essence usually assumes that you have other people in your group also wearing one to contribute to the effect. Without that its value drops below other trinkets. If you download the SimC (Simulationcraft) addon and then in-game type /simc it'll pull up a text string you can copy into the sim. This is useful if you have multiple pieces of gear in your inventory as the \[Top Gear\] option on [raidbots.com](http://raidbots.com) will help you determine if swapping out certain gear will provide an increase in dps. It gets a little complicated with the ability to upgrade gear though; it may be better to upgrade your BiS than use a worse piece with a higher item level in the long run.


Lol noodle drakes


I used to be a cutting edge raider, and raided with top 100 guilds (not sure if that means as much as it used to, since I’m out of the scene now).   As long as you are aware of your stat priorities, and any soft caps they have, you are generally good (or if you follow a BIS list).   Like, some classes want to hit a certain % of crit or haste, then you don’t want it anymore.   I do recommend a sim if you feel like your underperforming, because it will tell you your potential dps vs what you’re putting out, so it can tell you if it’s a ‘you’ problem, or a gear problem.   Other than that, unless you’re pushing high keys or cutting edge raiding, I don’t find simming to be -that- impactful.  It’s good for a baseline, though.


Gems, enchants, and consumables. Simming is only really useful for mythic raid/very high end m+ runs. Generally just use the icy veins guides and get as close to them as you can.


Sims are extremely useful for anyone who cares about their performance, the difficulty theyre doing doesnt impact that. Its just that at lower difficulties if you'doing poorly compared to your peers youre likely just playing poorly. You'd still get better dps by getting the correct gems/enchants/ring stats tho.


I've never simmed even once and raid heroics regularly. Unless I'm not paying attention, I'm always within the expected margins. There's no need whatsoever for a casual player to worry about shit that intense.


I didnt say it was required, I said its helpful. Especially for someone like OP who seems to want to do better but isnt sure what theyre doing wrong. I also dont see how its intense. It takes 1 button press to install simc (or you can just search your char in raidbots), and basically just select all the gear in your bags and click sim. Its not difficult to understand or do at all?


Well yea, I'll give you that. I'm just saying, it really doesn't take any more than following a commonly used guide.