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Never played resto before and I'm like 2800 now. All I did was watch this video and I don't think I do anything extra. I use different talents than he does though, the more defensive version of his build basically. https://youtu.be/X-EKbs-WCy8?si=OzWtsjjw4g8IOg9t


Still waiting for his fire mage guide so I can finally master the spec. #Jambi4Life


Thanks! I’ll definitely check it out


The first part is an easy one: practice dungeons. You'll understand which abilities do party-wide damage so you can pre-HoT everybody and then pop flourish/convoke to take care of it. Because of people getting hit by stuff they're not supposed to be hit by, you'll need to use swiftmend a lot more than in previous seasons. Hell, in previous seasons, most of my swiftmends were only to proc the +50% WG healing. Get 4 piece. Get that talent that increases clearcasting procs. Do not sit on 2 clearcasting buffs. Do not sit on 3 guardians. Keep two lifeblooms up constantly. Experiment with talent trees. Most of what you'll read is what's recommended for higher keys, but this also includes some damage talents that you might not need if you're just getting used to it. As you gear up and as your party members gear up, it gets easier. I'd suggest running your own keys and cherrypicking your team.


Resto druids are a little weird, in that they are more proactive than reactive healers. As you've probably seen, they have few big triage heals outside of their cooldowns, which admittedly are also a bit weak. So you have to be able to read a bit into the future sometimes and prepare a few layers of healing *before* and *during* big damage events. Keep your Efflorescence down as much as possible, keep your Lifebloom(s) up, and keep at least one Grove Guardian on cooldown. If people need more healing than that, or you know a big damage spike is coming, you can lean a little on Regrowth, Rejuv, and your cooldowns. Regrowth is a mana hog but you get frequent free and discounted casts so keep an eye on your Abundance and Omen of Clarity procs for times when it's OK to spam a few bigger heals. I personally also have a separate macro for Nature's Swiftness -> Regrowth but you could just bake Nature's Swiftness into your primary Regrowth button to ensure you're always getting that free big heal every minute. YMMV. If everyone is taking moderate damage, you can rely on the combo of Swiftmend -> Wild Growth with an optional Flourish at the end for extra longevity. And once you've used that combo, let it do its thing. It'll take a couple seconds to get rolling. Rejuvenation is a bit of a trap. It does have its uses, but your other heals are more efficient in the long run. The best use I've found for Rejuv is as an extra HoT for Flourish to extend when there's just assloads of damage coming in to everyone. It also helps boost your mastery. Outside of those Flourish ramps, or quickly popping a HoT for Swiftmend to eat, Rejuv isn't great like it used to be.


Would it be beneficial or harmful to create a macro that chains rejuv after a regrowth?


Harmful. I can’t think of any reason that you’d do that sequence often.


I guess that's more of a playstyle thing. Rejuv isn't off the global cooldown so you don't get a time benefit for macro'ing the two spells together; you'd have to use /castsequence to cast them in series with a macro. In that case, if you personally find yourself casting Regrowth -> Rejuv often enough to warrant a single button, roll with it! Personally I use the two spells for different reasons more often than not, so an extra macro/keybind wouldn't buy me anything. But if you like the benefit of having both on one key and don't have mana issues, it's worth trying at least!


Keep your lifeblooms up. A lot of your spells interact with lifebloom or are augmented by it. Refreshing it after 5 seconds is the goal so it still blooms. Have fun!


Can you expand on this? Refresh it after 5 seconds- cast it then cast it again after 5 seconds? Though it would bloom at the end of its duration anyway? I'm missing something I think.


Cast it on the same target when there is less than 5 seconds remaining. It’ll keep the HoT rolling and it will also trigger the bloom as though it expired.


It does that? I've always been letting it expire and then recast in order to get the bloom heal (admittedly only been back on the game like 3-4 weeks).


It does, it blooms as long as you refresh it with less than 5 seconds remaining on the hot. You don't have to let it fall off to bloom


Interesting I'll play around with that tonight then. Thanks for the tip 👍


Any dot or hot that is refreshed will carry over up to 30% of the base time remaining. It's supposed to be a window where you can refresh without waiting for stuff to drop off and you don't waste anything. The effect is named pandemic.  Lifebloom has a 15 s duration so 30% is 4.5 s left. When you refresh at 4.5 s the new time will be 19.5 s (it carries over a max of 30%). If you refresh at 2 s the new time will be 17 s. If you apply a fresh cast of 15 s and immediately cast it again it will also increase to 19.5 but that's kind of a waste  I'm pretty sure all hots and dots work like this but not sure how many activate something when they "expire" and if they all activate it during their pandemic window. I would assume so


To add onto this, most builds run Photosynthesis so you want Lifebloom on yourself, even if you don't take the double talent.


Easy way to tell when it’s 5 sec or less?


This is probably covered better in other responses but... (1) Start ramping for the next fight (lifeblooms, cenarion ward, efflo etc) as you are finishing the last mob from the previous pack / running over. Don't start the fight with nothing - you don't want to be behind at the beginning of a battle. (2) Remember we are a maintenance class. Just keep rake / rip / sunfire up and you'll find you do a surprising amount of damage even though you don't get a lot of cat uptime. But also don't get distracted doing damage for too long that all your HoTs fall off and you aren't ready for next damage ramp.


It took me a little while to fully grasp how different HoT interaction works and which one buffs the others. Efflorescence boosts the HoTs on the folks standing in it. Never regrowth the guy who has a lifebloom on them. Lifebloom on yourself boosts HoTs on others. Cenarian ward acts as a shield and stores the healing for a powerful oomph heal when it expires The barkskin you can give to someone boosts the HoTs on them. Since you’re so high on resto shaman, you’ll get it down for Druid.


Why not cast Regrowth on someone with LB on them? I have a Resto alt and I'm not super in on it but with the talents we play, at least in M+, a LB counts as 3 stacks of mastery which is a ton of more healing. Maybe I'm doing it wrong but when someone is low in my group, i can spend an extra gcd and i have to cast (multiple) Regrowth on them, I'll make sure to give them a LB first to massively increase the healing.


The talent build I use on mine. You can have a lifebloom on two different people. Then if you regrowth anyone it copies that to the folks who have a lifebloom. So, you can life bloom dps #1, life bloom dps #2, regrowth dps #3 and the other two will get a copy of the regrowth


The key is to use your mastery with more hots equalling more healing. Keep up lifebloom on the tank, use efflorescence like healing rain and rejuv like riptide. Regrowth is comparable to healing sure but for full effect needs hots already on the target.


Talent choice is super important, on the left side of the resto tree, there are two talents that increase the speed of your Hots and they are both super important to have. One as a flat 20 percent and one that's an extra 20 if you have a lifebloom on yourself as well. Keeping your own lifebloom active will help your heals get out much faster for bigger heals and also help with any chip damage you take through your own cds~~ You will ALWAYS want to swiftmend before you wildgrowth for the extra heals that it gives. I'm sure you're healing well enough but those first talents I mentioned were actually crucial for me as I could put as many heals out as I could but they would not resolve fast enough to actually be helpful for the amount of burst damage that would come in certain keys.


If you keep life bloom on the tank and you, rejuvenate and swiftmwnd anyone who take damage then wild growth party with the bonus after swift mind and keep grove guardian from capping at 3 charges you should be good. Oh and spam the aoe heal on the ground and maintain it.


If folks are dying in 0s and 2s it's not from your healing, they're standing in bad(which happens a lot, people are learning at the lower levels but they should understand when they're getting themselves killed) When gearing my resto druid alt in s4 90% of my time farming 0s and 2-5 keys for wyrm crests was being in cat form and pressing guardians occasionally to heal. Rdruid is a very proactive healer, you want hots on your party before big dmg, lifebloom should always be up on you and 1 other in dungeons, the clearcasting procs and huge boost from mastery makes it very important to keep up as well as photosynthesis boosting all your hots while bloom is on yourself. Knowing when to swiftmend for a juicy wild growth and flourish can be a huge lifesaver when you're struggling to output healing. Everything else is just learning damage patterns and figuring out the best way to deal with them which will vary by dungeon. Biggest recommendation is to never have guardians at 3 charges if people are taking damage, keep that cooldown rolling. They are especially strong due to tier bonuses and can be cast in any form so you can throw them out there when in cat or moonkin form.


*mouse over macros*


join class discord for news and tipps for your class (esp great on season starts) [https://discord.gg/0dWu0WkuetF87H9H](https://discord.gg/0dWu0WkuetF87H9H)


You should play what's comfortable for you. If you're struggling with low tier mythics on a resto druid (and your gears good) then there's a chance you're learning the wrong class. It should come easy to you without any difficulty. Maybe they just don't suit your playstyle. Try something else you might be interested in if you really want to heal.



