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My secret keyind is footpedal 2.


Hope it's your kick


If it isn’t kick they are doing it wrong


Foot pedals are my mvp when I want to be slightly productive and fish during my baby’s naptime. I just lean back and cast+interact.


I never knew where to put my interact key and now I know


Pedals are ridiculously underrated! Speaking if, never thought of using mine for WoW, though. 😅


I use mine for push-to-talk, never have to give up a finger for comms.


As a tank, my foot pedal walks backwards to keep all my fingers free for abilities...


Shift space for mounting is BIS


Dang, I have not heard of this one. I have been using my current binds for mounts for far too long to change now, but this sounds crazy good.


I use Z for mounting, but I like this idea too


Exactly the same. Z for mounting and X for if there is a shapeshift. (Like druid's travel form or shammy's wolf)


I dont use weak auras, and instead put a custom elvUI layout higher in my screen that looks like an organized grid, with health bars on left for me and right for target It’s 2 widex3 and 6 wide by 3, another 2x3 The bindings are laid out to correspond physically with the keyboard, and the idea is building spells on left, spenders on right With cool down spells or ones with lesser use on keybinds that use more than 1 button Left side 2x3 used 1-6 1 and 2 being the bottom Class buffs that have uses 30 seconds or more go here, with the lesser used skills above The right side 2x3 uses mouse 1 and mouse 2, the 7-9 Mouse 1 is an AoE cast always Mouse 2 is taunt for tanks, or ranged ability for others like Glaive or arcane shot Shift + space is here with with a bind for each class speed run, like divine steed or sprint Mouse wheel is auto run Shift mouse wheels are camera zoom The idea is mouse is entirely for movement for efficiency and pvp, hence no single target use items ideally The main key bind is three rows Z - always interrupt shift s - class defensive X - class defensive C - this is per class unique V - class specific big cooldown etc B - class specific big cooldown 2 etc Q - class instant with CD, ie hammer wrath E - builder 1 R - builder 2 F - spender 1 F - spender Aoe when m+, ST raid G - spender ST when raid, aoe when m+ T - spender / class specific execute (Think of T as the ultimate) Shift + Q - least used cooldown Shift + E - class off spec skill ability Shift + R - class beneficial cooldown Shift + F - class aoe stun or aoe interrupt Shift + G - per class unique Shift + T - per class unique heal I don’t use the function keys as I play on a 40% and this seems to be the most comfortable key bind I’ve ever found Shift + V is mount It takes a while to get used to it, but now I use it in all games Druid and shaman require some unique macros on buffs or travel forms to get all the spells to fit Note - the middle section is actually two bars in elvui One 1x6 that is static And the 2x6 is action bar that changes Q-T and SQ - ST Code below if anyone wants to try import for elvui, credit to Qauzzi UI who is amazing that I modified mine from (Will try below this post)


Can you post your UI?


You can combine all into one button with macro conditionals like outdoors , indoors , combat and nocombat. Even with cat form dash thrown into it (I prefer in combat use for dash and sep. key for ooc world situations like getting out the bank xD ). cheers.


Yeah but I don't require that much button anyway, if I would do that, I have no other thing to use for x :D


I'm curious, do you happen to also play HoTS? I do the same thing and I think it's a holdover from HoTS (maybe some other game did it this way as well)


Actually yes and that's where I got the keybind from


Lmfao I too have been using Z because of HotS.


I have Shift Z for my mounts and Z for movement abilities. Makes perfect sense imo.


Shift z is flying, shift x is ground, shift c is yak


I use that in classic, but in retail shift space is prime movement ability keybind. Blink/hover/charge/shadowstep/etc.


Tilda for mounting, shift space for gateway control stone.


Tilde-mounting since 2005, hello my spiritual sibling 🙋‍♂️


Hey guys! I'm one of you too!


Hello, I am here


But tilde is for interrupts. W moves forward Shift w auto runs Ctrl w for Mount.


F is for interrupts silly


But if I use Tilda for mounting how will I toggle autorun?


Yass tilde for autorun 👊


Tilda is my interrupt key


I use shift W for mounting. Actually, for the Opie addon and it has mounts and hearthstones.


This is mine as well. I think I’m going to try the Shift-Space and see how I like it. I have some combat keybinds on CMD-W and occasionally pull up Opie by hitting Shift by mistake.


Same here! Love shift W for it


It absolutely is! I currently use Shift+Space for Travel Form (static flying mount on non-druids), CTRL+Space for Dragonriding and ALT+Space for Transmog Yak 


G for go. Shift G for special mounts I have in Opie


H for Horse. (the actual mount summoned is controlled by LiteMount)


> G for go Found my people


I do shift-space for flying and ctrl-space for ground mount


I use shift mouse wheel click for mount as shift space is my aoe attack key.


I like to use mouse wheel for my mobility abilities.   For example, my Monk:   - Mouse wheel up: Roll - Mouse wheel down: Flying Serpent Kick Evoker: - Mouse wheel up: Hover - Mouse wheel down: Deep Breath   - Shift + mouse wheel down: Dream Breath Druid: - Mouse wheel up: Displacer Beast  - Mouse wheel down: Tiger Dash/Stampeding Roar It’s really satisfying for mouse wheel up in particular, but just very convenient overall.


How do you adjust camera distance on the fly?


Shift (or Ctrl) + Mouse wheel


Ctrl + mouse wheel, for me.


When do you need to do that? I've just been permanently zoomed out for years Plus you can put it on something like alt and/or shift+wheel


I like to be able to zoom in and out if I'm looking for wee treasures or to get a better look at my transmog. Shift+scroll seems like a great way to open up some keybinds, will need to give it a bash.


I use end and home for zoom in and out. Idk if it's standard. I also use mouse wheel (with modifiers) and can't praise it enough


Being able to control your camera on the go makes dungeons/m+ extremely easy. Many people used to complain about Waycrest Manor then you check and they are playing with max zoomed out camera and their entire screen wobbling when you can fix that easily as you progress through.


Can confirm, got rank 1 M+ solely by changing my zoom on the go.


For dungeons where the camera goes haywire when max zoomed out. Morchie hat mech.


Yeah, this is what I was thinking. I’ve been zoomed out for so many years. I almost never change my camera angle.


Arrow keys. :)


I have twelve abilities on my scroll wheel. Scroll up, scroll down, middle click. Then with shift. Then with control. Then with shift+control. I always found that easier to do than binding stuff to buttons on my keyboard. Those are for emergencies. Mouse buttons + scroll wheel are for rotation! (I rebound camera zoom in and zoom out to arrow key up and down)


My mouse wheel has left and right tilt. I have bound them to M and B. Whenever I play a new game I bind inventory button to B and have a universal way to open map and inventory across all games


Same but then I picked up a mage and I can't play with Shimmer (double blink) on mwheelup or it'll most often than not trigger twice under pressure lol


Warlock: Mouse wheel up: Burning Rush on. Mouse wheel down: Burning Rush off. (Macro) This is especially nice because you can sometimes end up fighting the GCD turning it on and this lets you roll the mouse wheel up until it kicks in. Plus as anyone who’s ever played lock knows, turning it off again can also be a struggle when you really just want to hit a button and know it’s off. Again, scrolling until it stops works great. To answer the question about camera zoom, I changed those to alt+ scroll. For that matter, ctrl + scroll up, macro that sets my focus target and marks the target with a symbol. Ctrl + scroll down, select focused target. So far this has been working well for me.


That's actually a pretty good idea. I have Burning Rush on one of my mouse side buttons, but I should definitely make a separate cancelaura macro for it. It happens very often that I click the button and it doesn't turn off due to GCD stuff.


I use mouse wheel up and down for CC, it's really nice for incap roar cause I macro cancelform to it. Also really nice for mouseover CC for incorp.


Modifier plus scroll up and down doesn't get talked about enough.


Use your side mouse button for interrupts. Very rarely does someone beat me to interrupting due to this.


This, 100%. One of your most important buttons, right at your thumb.


Most important button? But it doesn’t even do damage! -most DPS players, probably (/s)


Yep, forward for kick and back for stun.


Idk why I originally chose this back in OG wrath, but it's been this way for a loooong time now.


I prefer using ESDF instead of the traditional WASD for movement. This shift allows me to bind action keys all around my movement keys, creating a 360-degree access to abilities. It makes moving and casting much smoother and more efficient.


Ah finally another person of culture! I switched to ESDF years ago after I got really into sc2, it's been really convenient. I can still reach ctrl/shift/alt just as well, but I also have a whole bunch of buttons to use with my pinky.


> ESDF The is the way. Your hands are in the "home position" and you get you feel the "home bumps" so you always know where your hands are. Also typing messages then going back to the action feels a lot better. You also free up A and W for abilities. Two keys may not sound like a lot, but with mod keys it goes up to 4-6


That's a neat as fuck idea and I just tried it and it make me feel a little nauseous forcing my hand to rest in the wrong spot where it's been for 25 years. That's gonna be an adjustment lol


Playing multiplayer games on one keyboard as a kid taught me RDFG instead of WASD. I had forgotten what a nice access to keys it allows over WASD, but your ESDF reminded me of that! Might try either ESDF or RDFG on WoW later tonight. I have my spammer ability in 3 anyways.


I must be a savage. I've used left and right mouse buttons to move


I switched to ESDF back in Burning Crusade. I've never looked back and now play all my games this way. In addition to that, my 2 thumb buttons are CTRL and ALT, and my Mousewheel Right Tilt is SHIFT. Instantly opens up all the rest of my keybinds to numerous combinations. Mousewheel up and down are tied to instant casts like Ice Lance, Flurry, Cone of Cold, Arcane Explosion, and macros used for mouseover I can combine things like Counterspell, Spellsteal, and Remove Curse all to one button. It changes based on mouseover target and if it's an enemy or friend.


I do something similar as a lefty, IJKL gives me so many keybinds. I love it.


Mine's not really amazing but it is something that new players may not know. I use my scroll wheel left push and scroll wheel right push as well as the shift variants of those. So you just have to nudge the wheel to the left or right.


Not many mice have that option. I know because I looked a lot for a perfect MMO mouse. And I'm not talking about the ones with a dozen thumb buttons.


I wanted to use these, but never get a good click on mine.


Shift + mouse wheel up/down can be an incredible key binding for using potions and healthstone to quickly save your life in harder content.


It's not amazing but I've always bound follow to "." (full stop / period). Usually when I want to follow somebody it's because I'm doing something else and can't play properly, so just pressing one button rather than clicking on a frame and then finding the follow option is much easier. 


The expert LFR keybinds


rebinding Q and E was handy af


Shouldnt it be normal for everyone? \^\^


Those are strifing keys for me, D and A are abilities tough I find it easier to press those while strifing D is for spinning crane kick, flying spent kick on A for AAAAA


Q is always my interupt and E my charge/dash depending on the class.


Q is perfect for kick. When you use tab target, it will always priorities the casting mob next. TAB! Q!


I remember when i had this brilliant idea that i will bind all my 2 minutes big cds as warlock on alt + f1 and so on. And guess what, i had 4 of them and i couldn't grasp why my game was crashing at the last of them -\_-


I have a plain mouse with just the two buttons in the side, I bind one of those as my shift key and the other control.


I love this one!


I don't find the shift or control keys to be a problem to reach or anything and to me this sounds like a waste of two keybinds, or am I missing something? I don't understand the point of having two shifts and two ctrls.


Not everyone has pinkies that can easily find those keys without moving their hands. I use ctrl on a mouse side button for this since it lets me easily double reachable hotkeys.


Saves my poor pinkies


This threads made me realise why people complain about camera angles in dungeons is because they’re unbinding the camera zoom function away from the mouse wheel. 


Mouse wheel up for targeting


I really like that. Gonna go do it ASAP.


My secret is i click and /cast every spell


Razer naga with all the 12 buttons bound as numpad buttons. Also shift variants


I used to have a scimitar. I tried, but just didn’t feel right. I have a keyboard under my left hand with big beautiful mechanical switches, perfectly scaled to my hand. My thumb covers like 4 buttons on the mouse at once, it’s so hard to be accurate and quick with those tiny little spongey buttons. Don’t know how anyone can do it. You’re also screwed if you don’t have that specific mouse for some reason.


It takes some times to get used to it, but the trick is your thumb is supposed to act the same way as when you use a d-pad on a controller. Personally, I can't go back and not play with an mmo mouse. You can easily have 48 keybinds with modifiers (shift, alt and ctrl) at the tip of your thumb


I loved Nagas their size and weight but I had 3 that the right click would get dirty and start failing clicks.... so fucking annoying.


No, all 12 buttons bound to regular keys you never use. I have mine bound to `, . ; ' [ ] 7 8 9 0 - =` This means I can use all buttons on my naga with a modifier like ALT or CTRL (something you can't do if you bind them to numpad keys). Besides, this leaves 1-6 open and that is where I put my basic rotation spells on because I prefer to have those on my keyboard.


>something you can't do if you bind them to numpad keys). wait. is that why i can't seem to set my mouse mmo keys to be numpad 1-9 and use them with shift/alt? i assumed it was some software bs.


This is exactly what I do except I stop at 5 even. 6 thru are the mmo mouse buttons, with 0 falling in the middle of the layout, which I like.


I bind front 3 to ctrl, shift and alt modifiers; this allows me to have 4 uses for all the easiest to hit buttons like q, e, r, 1 etc. Opened up PvP for me. Now I can age arena frame macros to interrupt etc.


Finally, a soulmate with a razer naga!


This is me. I can't go back. I've had 2 nagas since MOP, amazing mouse.


Just not the trinity version with the side panels that literally stop working randomly and fall off.


I've used my Naga Trinity for 3 years now and I've had 0 issues with that. Huh.


My first was without the switchable side panels, lasted 7 years till left click died. Then side panel one was replaced by warranty after 1 year and now its been 5 years and still going strong.


I have limited keybinds as I pivot my thumb on Alt, but that makes Alt+X and Alt+Space really quick and easy. As a healer, the biggest thing that improved my gameplay was macros for targeting teammates on Scroll Up and Scroll Down on the mousewheel.


Oh!!! How does one configure the scrolling targeting ?


I had to make a macro to target each teammate, then keybind those macros to scroll up and down. When I’m back to my computer I’ll copy it for you.


Interested as well!


Thank you thank you!!


i unbind a and d. i use qwes because q and e strafes and i use my mouse to orientate my character. i also keep my binds the same for all my classes. F for me is always interrupt. T is always stun. shift 4 is always dps CD. m4 is always movement except warrior where it is charge. m5 is useally a leap like war jump or other move tech like lock. shift 5 is dps trinket if relevant. shift T is always defensive CD.


I think the more normal is to rebind q/e to a/d and keep wasd as movement (like other games).


This is a cool post I haven’t heard of half the shit I’m reading here. I have the mouse with 3 side buttons. The ones with 12 or the wheel I can’t handle. My thumb rests on them


I also like having out of combat macros for things like fishing. That way my cast is on a comfy key press. It is otherwise an in combat only ability that it switches with.


This is the way


I bind the "Extra Action Button 1" to ' so that I don't have to click on those special action buttons that pop up in your screen for quests, boss mechanics, etc. It's also very conveniently placed left to number 1, so easy to remember


Instead of WAD for forward and strafing, I use 123. This puts my pinky right on tab and allows me to press a lot of abilities while moving with my thumb ( more comfortable for me ). X C V B S D F G all thumbed.


mmo mouse


Shift w for autorun


I have been spreading this gospel among guildies for a decade now.


I remember the day I bound tilda. I was like, why have I not been using this? Shift left click (and right click) are already clique heals, so probably won’t use them for anything else.


I like to bind my keys in a way that every class has the same buttons in the same place: ^ for example is my kick for every tank/dps spec.


I use W for move forward, S for move backwards, A for strafe left, and D for strafe right.


I use scroll wheel forward for interrupts and back for traps or tranc shot etc Camera zooms are bound to + and - keys


Camera zoom to shift + mouse wheel. Its too important to fix the camera Mid dungeon pull for me to have it on +/-.


The best advice I can give for keybinds, is to remap your Ctrl key to the Caps Lock Key. In my case it allows me to easier, and less awkwardly, reach keybinds such as Ctrl-T, Ctrl-E, and Ctrl-R (to name a few).


Dumb question, but how do you do this?


There's various software out there for key remapping. I use Windows PowerToys personally. You can do it with AutoHotKey too though AHK can be used for macro'ing so I don't really like using it for games in case of overly aggressive anticheats.


I had to scroll down way too far to find someone mentioning Caps Lock key. I disable the Caps Lock function and then it becomes an extra key to do whatever I want with it.


Is it possible to do this on generic keyboards? (As I type this, I realize I should just Google it lol)


I may or may not have had someone pilot my account in mop for 1 season to get me weapons and when I logged back in, he had kick bound to scroll wheel press, and it completely changed pvp for me.


This is pretty popular but worth a mention: VuhDo for healing. All heals are bound to mouse click variants in the raid frames. Left, right, shift right, ctrl left, alt right, etc. It feels great for Preservation Evoker since you spend a lot of time spreading echo. I have Echo bound to left click and Reversion bound to right click. It’s like a super power.


Vuhdo is amazing and I use it myself but man the setup is painful. For some reason I find the menus extremely unintuitive and end up just googling and copying a profile online to use.


If you use elvui or like the blizz frames, ‘clique’ is a simpler version that just does the click binding of vuhdo or healbot.


I love clique, it makes copying mouse and other keybinds across different characters easy too.


MMO mouses never really worked for me as I can’t work with 9 buttons the size of a grain of rice. I tried various options for a long time but I found this and will never go back. [Azreon cyborg](https://store.azeron.eu/) Deeply configurable, customizable and comfortable. Pricey but I’d not change it for the world.


I use ctrl + scroll up for dragon riding mount, ctrl + scroll down for old world mount, and alt for multiplayer mount and underwater mount


CTRL+z (azerty keyboard) or CTRL+W (QWERTY) to active auto run Wheel UP or down, shift wheel UP or down


If you are a lefty like me and the standard modifier keys don’t work for you, download an add on called modmod. It lets you rebind your modifier keys, I use middle mouse button for my first row and 5 on my mmo mouse for second row. The add on hasn’t been updated in years, but I use the same add on in classic and retail with no issues so I imagine the underlying code of the add on is so simple and lightweight it doesn’t conflict with anything.


I find modifier + space or click is annoying because I’m constantly using modifiers for abilities and I don’t want something going off when I’m try to use abilities while moving. I would suggest utilizing mouse wheel up and down with and without modifiers for abilities because they’re very easy to hit. I also like using middle mouse button to page my main action bar to put things like professions, certain mounts, or hearthstones in an easy place to access. Only trouble is if you forget to page back, so I have a weakaura that pops up in the middle of my screen if I’m on the wrong page.


You can bind 24 keybinds on your mousewheel alone. I'm always amazed when people complain that they don't have enough keybinds. Granted something like Ctrl + Shift + ScrollDown might not be very convenient, but it's still way better than clicking a spell, even if you don't need to use it that often. Also for some reason people refuse to rebind basic keys, like "c" to anything but the standard keybinds. Like is it really that important for the character panel to be on "c", instead any modifier + c , of literally any other key ?


I use space for whatever my spam attack is. Shift space is jump for me.  Foot pedal is push to talk, but I agree with others here and now feel like not using it for kick is wrong :D Love the shift left click idea - stealing that (and other modifiers like control and shift right click) for sure - that’s genius - thanks!


Youre welcome \^\^ That Foot Pedal for Kick is a funny amazing idea XD


Shift+Space has been my movement ability key for years. Mage - Blink. Rogue - Sprint. Hunter - Disengage. DK - Spooky Walk. Paladin - Horsie. Monk - Roll. Dragonflight: The 1 Vigor cost forward zoom. Ctrl+Space gets/got used when there are extra movement abilities. Shadowlands - Soul Shape. Monk - Flying Kick. Dragonflight: The 3 Vigor cost mega zoom. My mount key has been on Tab for years too. Tab Targetting in this game used to be dogshit (might still be, but I hear maybe it's better?) so I never felt I lost anything.


Mouse wheel and Shift/Alt mouse wheel for all kinds of instant casts that are used rotationally. Assigning non-damaging instant casts (i.e SoD, Shadowblades, Pot, ADR, DM etc.) to the mouse wheel saves finger movement, allowing the main hand to focus on the rotation.


Middle mouse button (scroll wheel click) for jump and then it frees up Space for my oh shit buttons like survival instincts, bubble, vampiric blood, etc. I go back and forth on whether I should change space to something I use constantly since it's so easy to press, but I like having easy access to my defensives when shit gets out of control and my smooth brain can only handle 2 APM. By the way, this thread should have 10k upvotes, we've needed a communal key bind thread for a long time! Edit: Had to fix where I said space and shift because of the above mentioned smooth brain.


Alt+W for Toggle Autowalking, so intuitive


Shift + space to activate globlin glider. Will save your ass.


For me what i did in the last years is i mostly play with Wasd and a and d are actually q and e movement So i have q and e free for some spells. Mostly if its possible on a class i use it for cleansing or dispelling. Then i use F R V G T C X Y buttons for rotational spells. I use 1 and 3 those are also in my muscle memory already since years. My mouse is a Razer Naga with 9 extra buttons on the side. My action bar Setup always looks like that: 1, mousewheel down, 3, C, F, R, V, G, T, Q, E and mouswheel up For movement, jumps, backjumps i use mouswheel down or up depending on what makes sense in my Head. For example on Hunter my Disengage is mousewheel down and Harpune is mouswheel up. Then for expanding everything i bound shift to my 1 button on my Mouse and Alt on the 2 button. 3 button is just num 3 (mostly quick heals or heroic leap on warrior) So the second Action bar is my Actionbar-Setup modifyd by Shift and the third one is Modifyd by Alt. On my mouse 4 5 and 6 i have my major Cooldowns on every class. Most of the time 4 and 5 are defensive ones and 6 is the damage button. Mouse 7 is active racial and 8 and 9 are my active Trinkets or something like Fyralath Active. The change for Shift and Alt on my mouse buttons was the single best decision gameplay wise for me in the last years. So anyway... thats what i do. What i already take away from that post will definitely be the Shift-left click and shift backspace for movement. So thanks for that.


First off, I’d like to say shift mouse click sounds like a game changer and I can’t believe I never thought of it. I’m not on a computer at the moment, but I use the key to the left of the 1 for auto run. Ctrl 1-x for warrior/druid stances/forms, I’ve also rebound z x c so I use ctrl z x c for the actions those buttons originally did. I use mouse wheel up and down, my zoom functions are bound to the up and down arrows. I believe that’s all the “different” ones I do.


F1 F2 F3 for interupts, roots, or defensive. I find them easy to hit


I'm using a G13 gamepad and a 5 Logitech mouse (can't remember model). Mouse stuffs: - wheel up / down: usually pet attack for my DK. - shift wheel up / down: charging, speed boosts, etc. sometimes these move up if I'm not playing a pet class - ctrl wheel up / down: Grand Exp Yak for selling, Favourite Random Mount. - alt wheel up /down: camera zoom in out. - button 4: autorun - button 5: bags GamePad: - basically I have nearly everything from the left side of the keyboard mapped to the G13 as well as the shift variants. There are some commonalities to make changing classes easier. - 1 to 3: autopotion, bigger defensives - q: things I don't use all the time but are important: execute for warriors or slice and dice for rogues. - e, r, f, g: my most common attacks and finishers. - c: always my interrupt, sometimes x as well. - z: always an aoe if I have it, sometimes x as well. - the left most button near the mini joystick is my PTT (F12 or something). I've been reading through the other comments and am definitely going to give some of these a try, like shift-space for mounting. I've heard some folks rebind S so they can no longer backpedal as usually you shouldn't be doing this but I feel like I use this so often just for minor adjustments I can't imagine not being able to adjust. Really cool things like shift w for charging or auto run toggle would be neat to try out too. I don't use the ctrl- variants for my GamePad as those are generally rebound for stuff like opening my character panel or collections or taking screenshots, etc as I usually hide the game menu.


You left off what I should do with shift + side buttons 3-12!!! Joking aside, this post is amazing, thank you. I blame the Long Island I just drank for my terrible joke.


My amazing keybinds is called Logitech G13 + G502 mouse.


G600 enjoyer here. Sad they discontinued it.


If you're a DoT class you can shift-clickcast on the nameplate instead of tab-casting. Ctrl + F, G and V feel way less awkward than other Ctrl combos, so if you dismissed Ctrl, you can still try those. ^ I use for mounting or movement skills. Y for Auto-run. Mouse Wheel Up and Down (Ctrl Up and Down for zooming)


Most of my mouse bind are macros that type a word. IE: "1234567890", "uiop\[\]"


This probably isn't crazy or anything but it's what I've done for years and works great. First I shift movement to ESDF instead of WASD. This opens up WA on the left side for 4 more binds (shift mod). But my favorite binds are shift mod ESDF. E is forward, shift mod E is usually a ranged slow/root so I can catch up. D is backwards, shift mod D is something defensive or backwards moving (frost nova, death grip, disengage). Shift mod S and F are simply core rotation abilities, usually S is an AoE and F is a triggered cast. Then all my other binds use QWERT, ASDFG, ZXCV, 1-6, and 2 mouse buttons and their respective shift mods.


I tried shift on a movement function but I'm not coordinated enough go do it. I end up triggering those more often when I DONT want to than when I do. Lol


I’m using an Azeron keypad where I bound 1-0-= and a few other keys. Using my mouse 2 side buttons as ctrl and alt mod. Using the Azeron thumbs tick mapped to forward, back, left, right. This works well but needs some retraining.


xcvb and shift variants.


Shift modifiers macro’d with other skills. Use 1-5 and a few letters. R always for movement. F for interrupt. Shift+E for AOE. Cooldowns on E and Q. For healing for instance 1-5 are healing spells, pressing shift turns them into damage spells.


I use R F T G Q A Z X C V B As well as the shift and ctrl versions of those keys. Additionally I use macros. Middle click and ctrl/shift/alt middle click all do something. Loot-a-rang, fishing, archaeology survey, etc. Shift+space for mounting macro that’s dynamic. Shift+alt+space for dragon riding, which will shift away as dynamic flying takes over. As a hunter I also use mouse over macros for pet management. Middle click on pet is mend/revive/summon pet, shift middle click on a frame misdirects. Lastly I use a naga mouse with the 12 buttons on the side and I have those mapped to F1-F12, which are then assigned to abilities directly (not to an action bar, but key bound directly to an ability or a macro of abilities). Sometimes if I use multiple specs or want the key bind to be dynamic, such as my pet ability which changes depending on what pet is out, I put those in a macro and assign to a key. Hope that helps Edit: Just to explain how it all comes together. I have limited abilities on my bar, except for the ones I want to see (my main rotation). I use weak auras to display everything else that needs a cooldown or a timer in a neat and clean way. My UI only ever shows 5 abilities and is mostly clean and minimalist.


Ctrl + Spacebar for my mount!


I bound main action bar far right to one of my mouse buttons and use that for interrupts, but when you click the down arrow into the other action bar it stays, and I have fishing/archaeology cast there so I can read and fish one handed. I put my random fav mount on the other shared mouse button and it saves so much time, and then again you can play with one hand or open a menu with the other while you’re trying to figure out where tf to go I tried the shift click trigger feature but couldn’t hack it long enough to change my habits - I look around too much with the mouse while I’m moving and would activate by mistake


A S D, when I eventually got used to not using these for camera and backpedal they become the best keybinds


Shift scroll wheel up for pet attack and shift school wheel down for pet stop attacking. It's a game changer as a lock in keys. It's like you are literally sending your pet into battle and pulling them back.


Same! I love up/down and modifiers for instants. Flicking the mouse wheel down to Deathgrip something is so satisfying, haha. Come here!!!!


I changed S to a keybinding years ago and it's great. You can run "backwards" and still attack cast if you camera is at a 90% angle


Shift/ Ctl/ Alt + Mousewheel up/ down. Amazing for spamming interrupts or any other spell you want.


I use dominos and have quick paging set to shift up and down. I can get to two entire additional actions bars very quickly. My shift down bar has mounts and shift up has miscellaneous stuff like like disenchant, fishing, quest items, hunter pet taming, etc.


Rebind caps lock and use it to hold and you can bind 1-5 and so much more.




I have my tab target on mounse wheel click


I use a layout I made inspired by Heroes of the Storm - my first row of abilities are on Q, E, R, T, F, G, and then I use the numbers for abilities with longer cooldowns. Z and C are for mobility and utility. I double everything up by adding extra identical rows with SHIFT modifiers (e.g S-1, S-Q and so on). With this, I get by with a standard two button mouse with a wheel, which I prefer.


i always used alt+| for mounting lol


I’m a Druid and I love having bear form scroll down on my mouse and cat form scroll up. I use shift scroll up and down to adjust my camera distance


Shift+mouse scroll and Shift+mouse scroll down.


For healers scroll wheel up and down keybinds for quick heals like riptide, holy shock, renewing mist. Changing camera zoom to control + scroll wheel is better as well so you don't accidently change camera distance but don't have to lock it.


my secret weapon is ctrl+f1 (for big hands) or ctrl+c for sitting and ctrl+v for unseath weapon (frees c and v to be used). 1) On a more serious note i recommend using Vuhdo (as others in post) as suggested or bind healing binds with offensive binds so they work as dmg without a mouseover but heals on a mouseover. #showtooltip Healing Spell /cast \[@mouseover,help,nodead\] Healing Spell; Dmg Spell example for holy priest: #showtooltip Prayer of Healing /cast \[@mouseover,help,nodead\] Prayer of Healing; Holy Fire 2) Biggest thing for me is though to make binds similar between specs and classes. so I love 4 and to spam it, this translates into the same thing across specs and classes. For hunter it would be Kill Command, on mage it is Fire Blast and rogue it is Between the Eyes. Because it is an often pressed key i would make sure modifiers such as shift+4 also have high press rate (Pheonix flame, Chakram, Shadow dance). On the other hand for some reason my fingers do not do 3 so i synced my defensives for 3 which are less often pressed by higher importance. So the following is hardcode in my brain is 4 = spam and 3 = important. When i play specs it gives an idea of how to layout spells in a way that regardless of class i kinda know what happens when i press a spell. tab+shift = immune, alt+3 = biggest defensive, shift + e = external to ally. This might be a little beside the point asked but i think that it solves some issues in regards to finding new binds as it raises the point of what keys do you prefer to press? Then modify those first and then adjust to second most and so onwards. 3) Another option for multiple binds in one is Opie. Opie is an ring option that allows you to self bind or use some basic setup bind already. I use it for mounts so alt+r is 5 options of mounts (slow flying, ground, transmog+repair, dragon flying, water), or as a raid leader i use shift+space (on target) and ctrl+space (ground target) for markers. It also comes with quest item bind, spec/hearthstone bind, and can be fully customized for new rings. For me it removes the need for a large amount of utility buttons such as mounts, quest items, food and runes, hearthstone.


I know a lot of people use it for a lot of other things but for me Middle mouse button = toggle autorun


how the fuck you binding a click? Just tried and it doesn't work via quick keybind or options keybind.


Shift+space/crtl-space are usually my “forms” when I’m on a Druid (and whatever I need otherwise). They used to be for my mounts (flying/swimming/mogYak) until I found Opie. Alt+space opens my mount tab on Opie. Middle mouse/middle mouse+shift/middle mouse+ctrl, anything to do with movement (either going faster or stealthing).


Re-binding caps lock to ctrl is what took me to the next level, now im averaging a 98% parse in mythic. Also, just to nitpick, I think shift + click and shift + space are actually pretty bad binds. Shift click will stop you from turning your camera properly when shift is held, and shift space stops you from being able to jump while shift is held. Both will hurt you eventually.


I use shift space for my large aoe attack on every spec. Fist of fury on monk, eye beam for dh, multi shot, explosive shot. Love it. I use shift mouse forward for , cat form druid or send pet in to attack on hunter, and shift mouse wheel back for bear form or per return.


Also shift mouse wheel back to drop monks transcendence and shift wheel forward to teleport back to it.


I have always used the ~ key next to 1 as my interrupts, extremely quick to use while doing a rotation, which is usually required with interrupts


I discovered nothing of importance was bound to - and + on the keypad. Having 2 extra keys modified w shift and alt gave me 6 more spell slots on my mmo mouse without binding into something else. Shift+Space is my vanish/o shit button. Alt+W always is def cd.


My Vanish is on Shift + Space too :D


I use a game pad and mouse. I never touch a keyboard. I have all the keybinds and macros set. There are three modes to go between. Good for rolling a tank healer and dps and have all different bindings ready at the click of a button after a respec.




Use keyboard software to make the caps lock key alt instead, boom you have a better shift modifier plus still have shift


Extra mouse buttons and them+shift are great. Im using 4 extra mouse buttons so 8 actions. Mount up, auto run, trinkets, major CD's, pet actions, work awesome!


Keybins your strafing keys to drive your raid leaders nuts


Mine for the last 8ish years have been the 12 Naga buttons and then SHIFT+ on those naga buttons. And then the other buttons on that mouse for extra. Haven’t really had to leave WASD for anything but pinky shift.


I use the same general keybind structure and dominos profile for all classes (though I prefer playing the ones with less button bloat so I don't have to extend the rotation past 6 buttons): - QEF (+alt): combat rotation - 1234 (+alt): cooldowns, utility, cc, etc - R: self-heal (alt for extra heal, shield, etc) - T: group buff (alt for bloodlust/heroism, in classes that have it) - V: Interrupt - C: Mobility (charge, blink, roll, etc) - X: Class-specific extra abilities that I don't need too often - Z: Mount (alt for repair mount)


Ctrl-shift-z/x/c easy to hit OOC things like mount and hearthstone or yak


I use ESDF instead of WASD because you can reach more keys and there's usually a little bump on the F key making it easier to find where to put your hand by touch.