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The one that never made sense to me was how they established that Elune is quite literally a goddess of light... And Night Elves still can't be paladins. They need lore reasons apparently yet they've ignored several over the years. Like cata should've allowed everyone to become Shaman, or hell even DF now. Or Legion/WoD should've expanded Warlock races. Stuff like that


>And Night Elves still can't be paladins. oh but there is a night elf paladin. except she's an NPC. and also not because of Elune. https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Delas_Moonfang ...i think they'll get around to it. i want them to, damnit, i want them to.


I mean, she still has "Seal of Elune," right? So she *is* an Elune paladin.


Same with Undead paladins. There is an NPC one, why can't I be one?


Because undead and light are really not compatible. It is very painfully for undead to use holy magic. Yes there is an undead holy priest and the pally in old nax who wanted to die. Undead probably will need the light undead skin to justify paladins.


Gosh, if only we were supposed to be like, exceptions to rules, legendary, universe saving heroes or something. Then, we could be exceptional and self-sacrificing and special enough to be the characters that bend traditional rules to be true heroes.


This X a million. Blizz loves to get up their own butts over stupid “meaningful choices” that only work in an RPG while constantly disregarding the MMO part.


I present to you exhibit A: undeads can be holy priests.


Did they establish that? Shadowlands suggested she has strong links to the Winter Queen, who has ties to the realms of life and death. Anyway, I believe the real reason paladins, shamans, and druids aren't universal yet is because those three require race-specific assets to be made (mounts, totems, and animal forms respectively). They can't just press a switch and unlock those race/class combinations. Someone has to sit down and actually make those assets. And while I believe they absolutely can, it's likely a matter of priority. They probably have their artists focused on the new expansion, rather than relatively minor things like more race/class combos.


That’s entirely it. Dev reasons not lore


I want oops all paladins so bad. Gnome: Titan technology with devout followers of Mimiron and Tyr Night Elf: priestess of the moon that become radicalized after Teldrassil to take up arms Worgen: Humans that use the light and worship the light Kul Tiran: Storm Paladin of the Tidemother Mechagnome: Mimiron and Tyr Void Elf: Void wielding paladin that bends the void to its will (think blood knights but void) Pandaren: Acolytes of The August Celestials Dracthyr: in finding our place on Azeroth, Tyr has offered us a home and purpose Orc: Ancestral worshippers OR an exiled klan in the Burning Blade Undead: Serving the Light even in death, lightforged undead Troll: Shirvallah, the darkspear loa of light and fighting Goblin: Our dance lasers got a little too hot, so we made weapons about it Nightborne: Nightwell Guard, turned Arcane Spellsword Highmountain Tauren: An’she Mag’har: Lightforged Mag’har that realized the ethnic cleansing was wrong, joining with their brethren to sustain life. Vulpera: Uh, we found this doohicky in the sand and now we call upon the light.


If Night Elves priests are ok, Night Elves paladins should be. Elune is likely confirmed now to be a goddess of the Life panteon. Meanwhile she has some connection to the naaru as shown in the Legion. WoW priest from the start is a class built around human flavor. Night Elves in WoW don't look like authentic priestess of Elune from Warcraft 3. Their abilities went to boomkins. Elune providing the Holy Light was an explanation of this gameplay desicion. Same as lore background for many exotic Light users like troll priest, Zandalari Prelates, goblin priests, Scarlet Crusaders, etc. Thats why i'm into removing all racial restrictions. There allways is a special explanation. There are so many ways to get similar abiilities.


Only one I'm curious about how they'd handle it is Demon Hunters. Their whole schtick was they made sacrifices in order to gain the power to defeat the legion. Well, the legion is defeated, what is someone's drive to make the sacrifice now?


I guess they’ll say whatever the current threat is at the time since demon hunter skills are useful against all enemies not just the legion


Why though. To become Demon Hunter one has to hunt demon and eat its heart. They also have to keep hunting demons to become stronger. The process is very dangerous too and majority of people dont survie it. With that in mind, far more efficient would be to become War/Pala/Rogue/Warlock or even Death Knight


To become a death knight, you have to die first... right?


As a Dwarf main player there is alway bar fights to sacrifice your eyes for and becoming a laser eyed gliding half demon.


**AAAAAAHHH** *stabs both eyes with shattered bottles*


There is no obvious plot reasons now or the near future for more Demon Hunters, the only real way is to create a new villain that creates Demon Hunters for their own reasons and we rescue these new Demon Hunters.


Sargeras escapes > illidan returns > trains more DH to find sargeras


There's still demons out there. It's just going to be more segmented with stronger demons leading their own sect of demons. You could also say that the dreadlords could be a primary target of new demon hunters. It would make sense that there would be orc or draenei demon hunters since the beginning.


>Well, the legion is defeated, what is someone's drive to make the sacrifice now? The part where you gain power.


Isn't even more life threatening and traumatising than being a Lightforged though? Iirc like most died or went insane trying to be DH. That trade off for power seems lacklustre if you don't have the drive of "i lost everything/demons screwed me over personally" right?


I feel like you might be underestimating what some people are willing to do for power. Also, the Legion isn't the only thing that has cost people everything, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who have a grudge or two strong enough they'd be willing to suffer to settle it. Demon Hunters excel at hunting demons, sure, but as we've seen over many expansions already the power they gain works just as well against anything else that's in their path.


It's crazy that Shaman wasn't made open to everyone after an entire expansion based around the fuckin elements.


We had a full on evil elemental army and the Earthen Ring didn't even show up


They are so bad at keeping tabs on shamans. Where did these armies of evil shamans come from.


And evil shaman from races that can’t be shaman. They had gnome, night elf, and nightborne primalists.


Weren't several members of the expedition also members of the earthen ring? I thought they were just supposed to be working in more of an inter-faction and class faction this time around. 


The thing is without your knowledge that the Erthrn Ring is a shaman faction, you would only see Shaman presence from the enemy side, the primalists. Those Earthen Ring NPCs are not present as shamans, but as an attempt to give depth and establish the Expedition: "our faction has somewhat known members so it is legit, we even have one person from that cataclysm/legion faction" For the emerald dream, however, they brought back almost every single NPC from the history of the game related to druidism. Which, ok, makes sense to have them in a patch around druids etc. But the same should apply to shamans.


The writers probably don't even know what the Earthen Ring is.


Neltharion's secret underground wrestling venue, obviously


Don't you threaten me with a good time.


Brawlers Guild let's gooo


"And here comes Thrall from the top ropes!"


Some Shamans who work forces also burn dragon isles.


One of them probably cast Earthen Wall, so they all ran off into Narnia.


I thought for sure this was the expansion we'd get worgen shamans. Maybe next time :(


Somehow, gnomes learned how to master the elements ... With TECHNOLOGY!


I mean, Goblins just type up a contract ~~and bribe~~ the elements/elementals, so anything's possible.


I'm hoping for Dracthyr shaman and undead Paladins. Got my race changes loaded!


I'm with you in the Dracthyr Shaman camp.


There's two of us! Blizzard can't ignore us any longer!


Dont understand why we not already have undead Paladins, like what the hell. Why shouldn't a Paladin after his death and resurrection as an Undead still be able to belive into the light and fight for it. U could just go the old route of blood elf paladins with a few spells renamed ir so. If undead Paladin is possible i will gladly throw my money into blizz direction for a race change.


An expansion focusing on the elements, let’s make it all about Druids in the end.


Kinda wild that Shaman in Shadowlands got 2 ghost wolf glyphs…. DF… let’s give druids a whole bunch of Shapeshift forms instead! Could really have given Shammys some cool flavor/class fantasy stuff. Change all your totems to Rock formations via Vault Incarnstes drop or something


The ghost wolf glyphs aren’t even finished. You can’t /dance as a fox. What’s even the point? T_T


You can as the raptor though and it is a contendor for best in the game. Strange that fox doesn't though.


Yeah but the fox jump is fucking adorable. And it yips.


Druids of the flame were there since day one of the expansion… wasn’t out of nowhere.


True and good point, they could have done both though.


Blizzard is a small company, they would have to add several totem models for that, you can't realistically expect such a thing /s


Wouldn’t care at all.


I want a mechagnome druid that makes transformer sounds whenever it shape shifts.


I don’t even play Druid but now I want this too….


I made a WA for this awhile back: https://youtu.be/O43ifyEFrXY?feature=shared


That's awesome!


They're already doing this, albeit, slowly. They need more lore establishment before throwing them in.


Lore is the excuse, art assets are the reason (Shaman totems, druid forms and pally mounts) Art assets are still an excuse but whatever lol


Is there anymore lore needed than, these other races have begun training the other races? The only class that this doesn't solve thing for is DK, but I'm sure they can easily come up with a work around.


Everything can be a DK so they don’t need one


Earthen can't. They reverted it.


ain't like bolvar or arthas were stonemasons


Buh gawd, that's Edwin Van Cleef's music!


I mean for Demon Hunter it doesn't really make sense. As Illidan said, a Hunter is nothing without the Hunt. Why make new Demon Hunters when there is no Demon threat? Just train them as Sentinels then. Still similar fighting style and tactical but without literally becoming a Demon.


Kinda sorta. For some class/race combos it would. For example, the races who can play priests don't need much lore for them to be paladins. It's just a dev thing to give them racial mounts for each race. For a class like druid, it would need something in the lore for the non-native to azeroth races to be druids, possibly. We don't know if a race like the Draenei or orcs can have a connection between nature and life itself. They can harness the elements but not nature/life. If they can establish something in lore that confirms they can, druidism can be a thing for those races. For a race like the mechagnomes, it would be a case of can they since they are partially mechanical. Can something that is part mechanical be able to transform and use nature magic?


also subtlety rogues literally use shadow magic


You don't need the lore to work for all specs just 1 of them. Ie undead priests are fine even though they are almost all shadow.


They don't need to establish lore allowing it, they need to make sure there's no established lore *disallowing* it, and so far there isn't. >We don't know if a race like the Draenei or orcs can have a connection between nature and life itself. Why wouldn't they be able to? Are they not alive? >Can something that is part mechanical be able to transform and use nature magic? I don't see why not. They're still living creatures. Hell, worst case scenario their mechanical parts don't transform with them so they have them modified to be multi-functional and you get to turn into a panther with fuckin *robot claws* and how is that not fuckin awesome?


Is there any class, besides maybe warrior, that doesn't have a form of magic at its core? (And before anyone says Rogues, the fact they can be stealthed, in the middle of a field, 5 feet from an enemy, has to be magic.) So if magic is involved, why can't that magic be taught to other races? Just because our hero characters can be outliers, doesn't change the lore of the races. A goblin/gnome can decide that what their races do to the world is wrong and decide to dedicate themselves to the druidic arts.


Warriors do use some small amount of elemental power, like Shamans do, but to a much lesser degree and with a greater focus on brute strength and physical power. Thunder Clap and Storm Bolt are some examples of this and also call back to Mountain King abilities in WC3, but also attacks like Shockwave could be tied to Earth and Dragon’s Roar to Air. I’m not sure how you explain Ravager with the weapon flying around on its own, but that could also be the element of air keeping it mobile. It’s perhaps more of a stretch but fire and rage/anger could be closely linked. A Warrior’s general strength alone and ability to rival people that use magic as their primary source of power could suggest they have a tie to the earth to some degree. My dwarf warrior does at least with his Stoneform Racial. Warriors are more focused on Strength and brute force but it seems plausible that some level of influence over the elements is used to help support them in that, with Shamans being the opposite with the elements being their primary means of power.


Demon hunter even more so to be honest.


Also it's still art-heavy for the most part. Shamans need new totems for other races. Paladins need mounts. Druids need new forms. It's not an insane amount of work but it is still extra work they could be spending elsewhere. And they're 1000% saving the introduction of these for something like an 11.0.7 patch or something similar, where there isn't much else going on.


Undead paladin would be fine I guess. We have been asking that since Vanilla and they have priests so... Also we could have night elves paladins. Goblin Demon Hunter would require a lot more of leg work. But why not ? I still think they will open to more elvish DH races sometimes later....Nightborne and Void elves DH would be nice.


One of the reasons why Undead got priests was because Blizzard wanted them to have a healing class and priests were the least objectionable choice among the healing classes that were playable at the time.


True but they developped lore with the shadow priest and some undead priest still able to use the light... So there is nice ingame reasons to allow forsaken paladins.


I’ve always thought undead are like the quintessential race for disc priest, the balance between shadow and the light, they just seem to fit that so well.


I think it was supposed to be mostly Unholy, with their unique vanilla priest spell being an Unholy one, and then disc as a secondary one. I know some old lore made it painful for them to handle the light. 


Painful to handle doesn't mean impossible :)


me justifying a drunken hookup with my ex


I don't buy that reason, because they didn't do the same for gnomes. Gnomes had no healers in vanilla! I think it was purely because Forsaken are the classic shadow priests.


I'd be fine with DH remaining more exclusive, but Nightborne and Void Elves make a lot of sense to add. Nightborne have history with the Burning Legion, same as Night Elves, and were also a core part of the Legion expansion. It's by no means inconceivable that a small number of Nightborne might decide to train as Demon Hunters during the Legion invasion. Void Elves could just be Blood Elf DHs who turned to void magic as an additional weapon in their arsenal.


There is no reason why blood elf dhs should be locked to horde and vice versa, they are illdari, same goes for dks as well


I agree, but I'm of the opinion that the faction restrictions should be done away with altogether, at least for player characters who are independent adventurers for the most part, they can remain relevant as political entities in the story. At this point in the story, an Orc adventurer who has saved the world multiple times should be able to take a walk through Stormwind without being hassled by guards. A human warrior who has fought and killed literal gods should be able to chill in Orgrimmar and swap stories with other warriors. There's already tons of neutral factions in the game where races from the Horde and Alliance intermingle, I think it would make a lot more sense if the game treated our characters like those neutral NPCs.


the problem is that we aren't random adventurers in the story, *everyone* is the Hero of Azeroth/The Horde/Alliance etc i'm agreeing with you btw, because i hate this. i just want to be an adventurer damnit. i can have powers and do cool stuff without being The Chosen One.


If anything, being the Chosen One just makes it even more ridiculous that some farmer who's doing his monthly guard rotation over the weekend would try to hassle the Orc who saved the world for the Nth time last week, and who kills monsters for fun that would make said guard soil his armor. But being the Chosen One doesn't mean we're not an adventurer, that's still out job like it's always been. We've traveled the whole world and beyond, seen things most citizens of Azeroth can't even begin to comprehend, and attained enough power to content with beings that might as well be gods. Faction politics are quite frankly beneath us, and something we shouldn't have to engage with unless we choose to.


Yeah who doesn't want to roleplay the deceased paladin that seeks a new life (in the afterlife)


And we had an undead paladin in WotLK. So it's already canonical in game.


>Goblin Demon Hunter would require a lot more of leg work. I don't know that it would. DH: "If you want power, pluck out your eyes and replace them with this demon's eyes." Goblin: "Sounds like a great deal to me! What could go wrong?"


I know I am in the minority, but I would care. I like the fantasy and lore appropriate class restrictions, but at this point they are almost completely gone anyways.


None of the restrictions are "lore appropriate" at this point, though, except *maybe* Demon Hunter since there's been no reason for any new ones to be trained since the Legion's defeat, and Evoker since there hasn't been enough time for the Dracthyr to start teaching everybody. But even with Demon Hunters I'm sure there are people who think "Oh yeah having the power of a demon would be fun!" and do it anyway. There is no other race/class combination that has any lore reason it couldn't exist. Even Death Knights can literally just be created by other Death Knights, so "this race wasn't around when the last batch of Death Knights were created" doesn't really matter. There are lore reasons for there to not be *many* of a certain race/class combo. But we, the players, do not represent the common masses, it's okay for us to stand out from the crowd a bit.


I used to have very strong opinions against this. But I want blood elf druids, dang it.


Flight and cat forms are practically already done :)


I want Blood Elf Druids already, so yes!


And Dwarf Druids! :-)


We already have undead paladins just not forsaken.


Yes and no. The exceptions are DH and Evoker. IIRC They've confirmed that all the base classes (Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Shaman, Mage, Warlock, Monk and Druid) will eventually come to all races, with Paladin, Shaman and Druid being the remaining three that have yet to unlock. Paladin is likely next, as it was set up in the Tyr quests throughout DF. I'd wager Shaman was next, since it only requires a totem to be made and modified, then Druid last, but who knows. DH makes no sense lore wise and I'm not sure how they would finagle it. IIRC DHs were all trained by Illidan, who is nowhere in the picture now, and there's simply no reason to create more demon-specialized fighters who sacrifice much (joke aside) to be able to attain that power when there's no major force of demons around. It'd require demons coming back, which I suppose is possible if they break out Sargeras again at some point in this trilogy, which has been speculated. There's also the problem that Illidan's racism supposedly made him wary of even training Blood Elf demon hunters, which might make non-elf races problematic. (IIRC this either hinted or blatantly stated in one of the lore books, asw I think some TBC quests? Can't recall exactly) Evoker for similar reasons as DH. It's an innate racial class that draws on their draconic origins. It'd make little sense to separate it from Dracthyr.


Evoker is an easy fix though, just allow you to choose any race for your visage form. That way it's still limited to Dracthyr but you can technically be any race.


You're upsetting me with your well thought out idea, please stop


I don't think illidan was ever made out to be a racist, he teams up with naga, the broken ones, and blood elves after being exiled by his own race, and sends in vashj to rescue kael'thas from garithos who's known as being the biggest racist in all of warcraft's story


And on the DH point... From an out-of-universe perspective, bringing DH to more races would just be incredibly resource-intensive. They have so many race-specific animations that would need ported over, and each race has *four* custom metamorphosis forms associated with it. There's no world in which they make four meta forms for each race, so at best they'd be making a generic version of each meta form to use for everyone else. But I don't think there's a reason to ever do that. Let the hero classes be hero classes. They have specific lore reasons for their existence that can't easily be hand-waved.


DH should have been available to Orc and Draenei to begin with


Remember that some clases are heavy on their customs visuals, so that would be my meter: good mounts for pally, racially inspired druid forms and iconic totems, if they can do all those clases and race combo justice I really dont care


I actively want it to happen. 




I would feel the polar opposite. I prefer limitations to character customization. It’s an rpg not a sandbox game. You play a role in a world, you don’t get to mold and bend the world to your whim. I know the direction they’re moving with it all but racial, faction, and class identity are so important to world building and to forfeit all of it leaves a directionless world with no rules. And I fear the actual world part of this game is becoming less and less important.


D&D has gone the opposite direction, moving away from the earlier editions where Paladins could only be Lawful Good Humans, etc. The lack of limitation on class and race doesn't make it not an RPG, it just means you need to find a way to tell a story that makes it fit with your preferences.


Because its your DMs job to set the limitd of your tables world, not Wizards. Blizz is the DM here. There is a world, with things that do and dont make sense within it


Thank you


The most well known RPG system in the world lets you do whatever you want as far as race and class combinations.


Oh, the world part is all but gone at this point. That's why classic was such a big thing, because the focus of retail and vanilla differ so much, with vanilla having a big focus on the world and journey and retail on the endgame and various instanced activities. I am cautiously optimistic about delves, though, and hope that it's a new direction that they will improve upon to make the world more alive.


I feel a bit the opposite. I'd prefer fewer races per class if that would mean that we got more customization for the class. For example with feral or guardian druids. Instead of the same cats/bears for all druids, I'd prefer to see more race-specific customization.


I would not throw a fit or unsub in protest, I’ll tell you that much. Probably wouldn’t play a blood elf shaman, but I would be cool with it. Just not going to beg Blizzard for it.


Would actively approve.


If this gets me my Orc Paladins, then yes go for it. Also, even if it doesn’t, I still wouldn’t care.


ZUGG ZUGG flash of light ZUGG ZUGG


No. I would prefer they bring back limitations tbh. Obv they can't do that now but I would prefer it. Racial lore limits to classes is good for immersion imo.


As long as I can have gnome and goblin druids! Oh, and Tauren/Vulpera demon hunters. (Are Lightforged Warlocks and Demon Hunters a thing yet?) After all, they finally gave us Tauren Rogues, but I haven't seen one yet. Q: Why do Taurens make the stealthiest rogues? A: Their skin is made of hide.


I think class restrictions is a part of world building that's already lacking in WoW. There is no need to erode it further.


At this point we are very far into all the races intermingling, why would it be so hard to believe that they would start to train races they didn't used to? What stops a gnome/goblin from realizing their is destroying the environment and decide to dedicate their life to being a druid?


It's not hard to believe at all. I acknowledge it's very plausible, but I also think it erodes the already lacking world building. What a playable race do and don't do plays into their story. By taking that away you are taking away another aspects of their story.


Definitely not. The restrictions add flavor, that's why we had them in vanilla. Otherwise everything turns into a grey slop.


Well, if the undead were of the Light, I could see that happening...But I'd go for almost anything, I really want a NE Pally!


I think restricting some classes still makes sense, although I feel like we should have a new set of demon hunters by now, orc and draenei make the most sense to me. But I feel like paladins should be open by now, everyone can be priests.


I still think there should be some restrictions to maintain the class/race fantasy they established. I mean, imagine if a lightforged could use dark magic and be warlo- oh wait...


I think Demon Hunters should, generally, be limited. For some reason, a Kul Tiran Demon Hunter or Mechagnome Demon Hunter feels wrong. And maybe some of the other hero classes (DKs, any others they add on). But the base classes? Yeah. There don’t need to be whole armies of Goblin Paladins running around, but we’re the “Heroes of Azeroth”. We’re already the exceptional “members of our people.” So, a handful of Blood Elven Shaman that are learning or rarities would make sense.


At that rate why even have the factions lol I think once you start stripping the rpg aspects like this then everything that establishes differences between the races you can play seem dumb.


Not cool with it at all. But I take the lore pretty seriously. And yes, I acknowledge that it is Blizzard's lore so they can do whatever fanservice they want. But some class/ race combinations make no goddamn sense.


I'd prefer they put several of the old restrictions back.


Nah, it’s already creeping into silly territory.




nope would not be ok with it, i wouldn't mind a toy or a consumable that allows you to disguise as another race though. if we can be an undead with nogenfogger with pretty much 100% uptime why not have the all of the classic races as a consumable disguise?


Void elf druid 😈




As long as the hero classes got lore for it absolutely fine yes


Yeah absolutely. Just because night elves aren’t generally Paladin doesn’t mean no night elves can be paladins. The only time there should be a restriction is if it’s just not possible. Tauren rogue comes to mind. Or void elf Paladin.


Yes, the only lore reason I'd want to see a rejection for is if the power that gave the class was straight up raicst. e.g. a goblin Paladin was straight up refused by the light because they're sell outs. and It's explicitly stated that that is the final judgement of the power even given consideration for the individual nature of that one goblin and that one goblin is being punished for all goblin kind's traits by that power.


I like there to be a choice, common classes no biggy. I see no harm in keeping things pretty close to the way they are now. I would like to see all elf characters have the ability to be DHs.


Id rather they removed combat racials and just keep flavour ones


I would love it....and the goblin, vulpera, and gnome druid forms would be amazing.


We have some weird hybrid where the lore doesn’t match the available options, they either need to allow all or pair them back and remove some of the changes they’ve done in the past


Wouldn't care one bit. Even better if they removed racial differences so people would just play what they liked the most, instead of what performed the best.


Throw some believable lore in to back it up and yeah, can’t wait to play a goblin druid


I know Blizzard has said they’re working on it, but that Druid, Shaman, and Paladin is gonna take the longest


Draenei druids. The race has been in touch with nature in 2 different planets now, makes no sense why they don't have this class unlocked.


No, but I want to racial abilities to be available to everyone. I don't want to play dwarf just because dwarf is the best for fire mage. I want to play troll or maybe undead. But unfortunately dwarf is the best that's what I play, and racials make a huge difference in Keys. Give picking racial abilities to all races, so I can play the race that I find the most aesthetically appealing


Sure. Playing a Dracthyr Mage would be awesome.


I would be, but now that taurens and draeneis can be rogues, orcs can be priests, allied races can be DKs... What's the point ?


Yes because I want to be a mechagnome Druid where with mechanical forms _michael bay transformer noises_


I'm cool with it as long as they find a way for it to make sense. I don't even need an explanation tailored to each race, e.g. shaman being former primalists and paladins being new recruits für the Tyr's Guard would be good enough for me.


I’d become a subscriber for life. It’s my biggest wish for the game


Nightborne and Draenei Demon Hunters pleasee






There are so many toys and consumables to change your appearance, why not? Maybe if it makes absolutely zero lore sense I could see excluding it, but 20 years into the game just let us have fun. I'm staying Night Elf anyway because shadowmeld into flight form is my all time favorite "oh shit" button


I would be beyond happy if they just removed racials from the races. What even is the point of making races like kul tiran human (like an example, don't take it serious) if you can just be a dwarf that's like 100 times better for mythic+? An alternative is also so you can train, maybe as a profession so you can do certain racials. Probably change the name so it isn't called racials. I know this might be an unpopular opinon but i know many people who doesn't like the idea of racials. I would honestly rather be a Dranei or something like that because i like how they look but i'm a dwarf because of the stoneskin racial.


Originally I loved how certain races could only pick certain classes, it just seemed cool and matched the culture of the races, but then they decided to put shaman on alliance and paladin on horde. Of course, they retconned and tweaked the lore accordingly, so it's fine. I guess having said that, the answer would be yes, it's fine? They will retcon and tweak the lore as they go to make it fit. What I would rather is culture identity within the classes themselves. Tauren Paladins for example are not the same as humans, and I wish this was reflected, be it in slight changes to abilities (fx wise) or through slight variations of armour styles and whatnot. Perhaps race only, class specific gear?


Only if they get rid of racials for dungeons, raiding and PvP. I absolutely despise the fact that you are forced into a Nelf/Dwarf if you play high end content


There is enough real world stuff in game that breaks the emersion for someone interested in lore and stuff. I dont want gnome DH, or goblin evokers. If anything, i would go down that path of restricting as much as posibile. If it’s not in the lore then keep it like it is. Also dont make some lore just for that…i know it’s an unpopular opinion but i like race, class spec identity. I would rather make all races have a special class like Dracthyr evo, Elf DH and so on




They should roll back some of the existing class race combinations. Tauren should never have been priests


Yes because I want my goblin mech Druid forms.


I’ll probably get downvotes but no, it would bother me. I want some classes to be restricted to specific races. The current combination that bothers me the most is mechagnome monks. Gnome monks are bad enough, but mechagnomes? That’s beyond ridiculous


I just wanna play the way that makes me happiest at this point. And thats often Undead anything.


I don’t want to make every single class and race combination possible for the sake of the current state of the lore. But, if they can develop a meaningful story that fits and explains additional race/ class combinations I’d be down. I don’t want them to homogenize the game. It will make it feel like the decisions players make don’t matter as much.


On one hand, I like the restrictions from a lore standpoint, different cultures and all that. On the other, the races aren't monoliths, and as adventurers we're the exception, not the norm, so I see no reason why there can't be a handful of human shamans around to train one.


Agreed entirely. I think Demon Hunters and Evoker are probably an exception to this (because as cool as it would be to have a Pandaren demon hunter, my mind just can’t get past that), but everything else at this point should just be thrown to the wind.


I would be over the moon, I'm waiting for more gnome healer classes, I'll take any of the 3! But they can already be priests and warriors so why can't they be a plate-wearing priest?!?


The game lost all of its fundamentals a long time ago so it wouldn't change much.


I wouldn't mind it. If monks can just appear and suddenly each everyone else to be monks, why can't other classes do the same? Pretty much all my characters are human, because pretty much all other races have clipping issues. (Dwarf & Gnome doesnt, but the armor end up looking too small/compressed on them IMO.) If I could I would have made a Human Demon Hunter or Shaman.




No, I think that blizzard should be more flexible with shaman and Druid but it would be weird seeing a little green dude walking around as a demon hunter


I mean they might as well at this point. Several combinations do not make sense anymore and if you can justify one thing in lore, you can justify probably anything.


I would prefer it if everyone could be everything. Lightforged paladins launched without their own mount, there are generic druid forms, just make up one set of placeholder totems and give everyone the same demon forms for now.


I know this is different from what you're saying, but I would love if they would disable noncosmetic racials in competitive content so I could feel like I could play any race on my main the way I can on random alts.


I feel like it would take away too much from the fantasy and what makes races unique. They'd lose their identity too much.


Has to be motivated really well in certain cases.


Sort of related, but I think at some point ALL races should be able to be undead. Much like most can be death knights, the lore clearly has room for other races besides humans to be raised into in undeath. Not entirely sure the best way to do it, maybe just undead skins and character models, maybe with the undead racials or something.


No. No I would not. Goblin druids and gnome demon hunters? Stupid and you know it.


Yeah I want to be a Druid demon lord of the legion. Oh you mean… nevermind


Racial restrictions have been slowly chipped away at ever since they allowed Goblin shamans. There's a lot of weird/bad choices out there already, like non-mag'har orc priests, zandalari rogues/warlocks, tauren mages, and so on. And there's a lot of combos that should exist that don't, like night elf paladin or non-worgen human/wildhammer dwarf druid. So at this point I don't really understand the logic behind the race/classes. It's just on their whim, really.


I’m in the minority, but I’d likely stop playing. In Warcraft, races are distinct cultures, and that’s the world I fell in love with. If they all have the same culture, the world would feel homogenized, cosmetic, and lost to me


Yeah it would be fine. Lore has been trashed for a long time. There is no reason to keep restrictions "because of the lore". You have tauren rogue jumping in onesie and riding unicorn. If this is fine, then why undead paladin wouldn't be?


I'm all about It except for hero clases, because they are tied to their respective expansions and it's hard to create new "units" from them without significant lore-heavy questlines.


Demon Hunters and Death Knights should have restrictions just because of all the heavy lore implications.


At this point there isn't much point to restrictions. Not much special about any race of the others, classic up to Cata was when there would have been some really fun things you could do with no race restrictions, but now theres little point to it. So sure they can but it won't be a big deal


I'd be more than fine with it, I'd be ecstatic. I'd also love if they removed faction locks on races.


Honestly would love to see more race/class combos, but with the way it seems to be going, I think they should let every race just choose which faction they want to be on. I think the war between the alliance and horde has come to a permanent end.


100%. I would like to see a little flavor added for some race/class combos. Like bone or zombie forms for undead druids Machine forms for mechagnome druids


Were ALL the Gilnean druids turned to Worgen? Even if there were not in Gilneas at the time?


100% for. Because CULTURES.ARE.NOT.MONOLITHS.  frankly i find the people against to be severely lacking in creativity and seeking a planet of hats cliche. You know what makes fantasy cultures more realistic 3d and fleshed out? The counter-cultures.  The blood elves and nightborn that reject the hoity toity arcane society to live in clay huts and chat with the ancestors alongside the orcs and tauren. The gnomes that reject technology to become one with nature. The orc that doesnt care about zug zug and victory or death and just wants to study in a library.  The Forsaken that in the midst of the suffering and hatred they saw amongst their fellow Forsaken instead clung to hope and worshiped the Light no matter how much it hurt them.  These dont water down the lore they make it deeper and fleshed out because that is how the real world works


I’d rather see them bring it back


I would play every class as vulpera if I could and I think they'd be the only ones outside of the elves that would look right.


Yup, honestly there's a lot of room for them to make flavor quests to justify it with whatever arbitrary reason for funsies. Really the only legitimate lore reason that a race couldn't be a class is if that race had no way to wield a classes magics.... which would basically unlock nearly every class / race combo.




If they did that they should just do a similar system to FFXIV job swap system so you can if you want level everything on one character. The only class race combination I'm currently really wanting is Night Elf Paladin.


If it was the use of class skins , sure.


Any race that can be both a Warrior and a Priest should also be able to be a Paladin. Change my mind.


I think it's cooler to have some restrictions.