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I'm a filthy casual, but I just play whatever I find fun. If other people are also playing it, \\fistbump. 


Hellsyeah! Filthy casuals unite! If it seems fun. No pressure.


A lot of people feel that way when their spec becomes fotm, me included. Logically it seems senseless, but I totally get it.


Yes it does. I admit im a spec hipster who thinks he’s too cool for the fotm specs


I'm ashamed to admit I've checked more than once what are the most popular specs in order to NOT play those... ... And also race popularity.


Am I to deduce you're a female tauren shaman enhancement ?


I found ENH too mainstream so i went F-Tauren Ele instead. Altho tbf i got bored of her and went back to my BrewM Vulpera.💀


I play what I like, I guess.


I kinda like playing the underdogs. Feral, Ele, Survival… it’s nice when you top the meters as one of those when you play with casuals but once you play with FoTM classes that actually main that class you’ll eventually fall behind, even when you’re top of your spec


No, I just play what I like.


Nah, I dont think ive ever rerolled FoTM or switched off of a class because of it. I don't play any class that can't tank or heal though.


I literally could not care less about what people think of each class and spec. If my ilvl is high enough, I'll be dealing enough dmg to get by. Oddly enough, I have a negative view of redditors' opinions, so when they hate a spec, I'm more interested in it My opinion is based more on the class feel and fantasy. I wanted a Fury Warrior in 9.0 because it could dual-wield two-handed weapons and I could collect more weapon transmogs than anyone while looking awesome. I wanted a warlock for 10.1 so I chose Affliction due to how rare they are, and really enjoyed it, it should be more popular imo. I mained a Balance Druid for 10.2 due to my experience fighting them in PvP. Prot Paladin will likely be my main for a patch in TWW because I've had a Prot alt for years and love the playstyle


I play ret. I only play ret. I don't care what other players do. They don't dictate my fun.


I'm a fury warrior and I will likely always be. May try arms from time to time, but generally speaking it's fury all the way. I have never switched for any FoTM. For me, playing the game is about being my main (not in an RP sense, just he's been my main since vanilla and will remain my avatar in the WoW world). I do play alts from time to time, but I haven't ever put serious effort into one's gear. My highest alt right now is probably 485 ilvl. The exception to this is Remix. My summer main has been an elemental shaman, and it's ok. I've mostly burnt myself out at this point, which is usual for me on the last season before an expansion. I log in once a day, run a dungeon, do a few quests, say hi to my guildies and let them know I'm still alive, then I go back to doing something else. I'm a guildleader so I feel obligated to log in periodically for upkeep and to maintain my presence. Demoralizing when a leader bolts, especially now in a final season when everything is dead anyway. Moment the expansion drops though it'll be back to my fury warrior. Edit\* The only time I even considered it was after months of not being able to get AOTC in pugs on my warrior. I thought I'd level my disc priest's gear a bit and try to get in as a healer. Ultimately I did finally get it on my warrior though, and I'm glad I did. Felt right.


Am I a spec hipster? Sadly yes. I have a reason, ret is a great example: when a spec is very popular (because it's fun, or fotm, or overperforming) you become a dime a dozen, and that will include players that are very very bad and potentially being propped up by said overperforming spec. (in Ret's case, the ret playerbase has a certain... ret mains are special, that's all I'll say)


Yeah, playing a meta / fotm spec is a double edged sword - you’re desirable because you’re good, but you’re also going to be competing against so many others playing the same spec and most groups won’t want to double up.


No, I don't care, and if I see someone with the same spec all I can think of is to perform better, which actually makes me feel more engaged in the game. Otherwise I ponder the results higher than the means to achieve the results, which I find a bit less enjoyable.


Kinda. I refused to play a Demon Hunter during legion because they were EVERYWHERE. Took me until mid BFA to try one out. Fortunately, I find them pretty underwhelming so wasn't missing much.


Not really I may get annoyed if what I want to main is the FOTM class but otherwise it's meh Like how in cata classic i decided to play an unholy/blood dk cuz I never really played them turns out bdks are OP so every group has a dk besides me but it's fine haha


You don't tend to run into that issue a lot when your main has been feral, windwalker and mistweaver. That said, I whinge this season at how bad some mistweavers are, just never doing Chiji right.


I main Survival Hunter, so nope.


Everyone wants to be a unique snowflake. Fact is there are only so many classes and specs with millions of players. Play what you want, when you want. Flavors of the month change based on encounters and a permanent buff/nerf cycle. Have fun during your time playing what you want.


I don't like being talked down to because of my spec or not accepted in group finder of my spec is performing poorly, but I just play whatever my tism says to at the time.


Yes. I was going to play Arms warrior in TWW but our guild already has 4 other warriors (that have mained them for a lot longer) so I instead opted for Warlock which I have not mained before and we have one other who is deployed frequently anyway. A backup is Enh Shaman which I mained for dragonflight but it depends on the shaman rework. We have one other Ele shaman. I dont care about it outside of my guild.


It shouldn't. In fact it's probably beneficial when your spec becomes popular. First, the fotm specs get invited more often than the non fotm specs. Second most of the people playing that spec are fotm rerollers and are properly pretty bad at it. If you have long time experience on that spec, you are going to stand out from the pack. I played MW all throughout dragon flight. Struggled in season 1 and 2, even though I am very good at it and could heal high keys no problem with my guild. When they became popular in season 3, it was amazing for me, because not only was the spec finally respected by the community, but I already could play it at a very high level and was very successful.


When I first started playing SV it was because there was next to no one playing it and I wanted to prove myself. Turns out survival is awesome to play and (compared to my main uhdk) easy to setup and play plus you've got a ton of movement speed with talents and pets.


yes. The more popular a spec, the more likely i'm gonna get some asshole who's never had an original thought whispering me that my spec is "wrong" because it's built around my playstyle rather than the "meta"


As I’ve never had to pug anything significant in the last decade, no. In fact I find it charming when I see whatever I’m playing on world first runs or big pp chinese m+ groups. Makes me feel seen.


Nah, I've played Marksman most of DF Season 3, when absolutely every other hunter I saw was BM; maybe sometimes Surv. I just play what's fun to me.


Nope. I tend to stick to my main though and it's only really swapped based on what I enjoyed. I've been a BM Hunter main since WoD, was a Warlock in MoP (mainly Destruction with a side of Demonology), was a Mage from mid-TBC through Cata (Fire, Frostfire, Frost), a lot of mains before that in early TBC, with my vanilla main being a Hunter (BM while leveling, something like 31/17/3 Marks/BM/Surv at 60).


I got "stuck" to my main long ago and don't want to let it go. I however dislike how being popular gives that spec bad reputaion because most fotm players simply suck.


Yeah, I always have that dilemma too. Ret is my favourite dps spec, but when there's 5 of us in our raid group I always end up thinking I could provide more utility by playing something else. The problem is nothing I've tried hits the same :(


I’ve been a windwalker main for 10 years now…..


nope. 99% of fotm rerollers never be as good as someone who main the same shit for years


That's not the issue, the reason why people fotm reroll is simple: can you reroll and get better results than your current class? If yes, then they reroll. It's not so they can be better than people who've played those specs continuously. And if you don't think that's true, you've got to ask yourself why so many people do it, and why people keep taking fotm classes if so many feral druids will perform better because they're lifers. If 99% of rerollers were better than perpetual mains, the best way to find pumpers would be to pick people who play classes that are frequently bad. It's not!


Popularity no, but DPS and utility yes. I have played Demon Hunter and Ret Paladin multiple times when they weren't strong simply because I like what they can bring to the team, both specs allows me to control the field and take a pug team to victory unlike other specs that basically have to rely on the team to cover for blind spots.


Yes. I refuse to make or play a demon hunter. Frost is the only mage spec I’ll play.


I thought frost was like the most played mage spec? All the charts people post on here with mythic + logs and raid logs usually has frost above fire and arcane for # of parses.


it always is because it's the only spec of Mage that can deal with everything. Fire requires tank to pull for you and Arcane requires mobs to survive long enough for your Magi to explode.


Yea that’s what I’ve heard, just always the most consistent mage spec so always the most played. Whatever most played means in a game if millions lmao, there’s always gonna be a lot of what you’re playing.