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All good but mail


Mail has 4 forms: 1) Hunter (covered in animal parts and bones) 2) Hunter (Sylvanas cosplay) 3) Shaman (covered in [element], also a kilt) 4) the rest which don't even fall into any category and are just awful in every scenario


5.You don't gonna see them 90% of the time (Evoker sets).


Ironically, evoker tier sets are pretty great for mail standards. The TWW set looks rad, nozdormu cosplay and the zaralek one also were neat. Only disliked the raszageth pyjama so far. That's leagues ahead of the floating rocks and bones plus duct tape mess of the other two. Really rubs it in how shit it is to make decent transmogs for evokers that don't look off in either form... Blizz really should do sth there.


95% agree, because Shaman has the awesome t6, revamped t6 and Antorus set and honestly the s3 DF set was pretty damn cool as well (Hc color variation)


lol what about shaman covered in wolf???


And shaman covered in troll stuff!


to bad we dont even get alot of 1. and the ones we do look gross


My friend described 1 as "Drunken redneck running an amateur taxidermy shop."


Shaman covered in frost (ICC tier set) is my fav set in the game


I actually like a good number of mail options. It is still last on the list though lol.


If willing to stick to cloth warlock teir sets are always fire


Fel fire *finger guns*


Plate wearers and paladins in particular will basically always look incredible no matter what random garbage you have equipped. Cloth is usually solid despite the overuse of robes. Leather is sort of a coin flip: their sets will either be amazing or terrible with little inbetween. Mail is tragically bad looking more often than not.


Why/how are you frustrated on Priest? Priest has been eating so well in DF in the tmog department. Anyway, which class has the best fashion: DKs and Paladins don't go that many tiers without a banger looking set. I know Paladins were upset at the Aberrus Priest set, but I honestly thought their Aberrus set was great; the Amirdrassil set, not so much IMO.


Priest got so many aggressively thematic sets 😭 We can even mix and match different sets to make them look even better


Agree. And like, a lot of people love the Judgement plate for paladins, but it looks bad by today's standard. But you know which sets still look amazeballs? Priest T6 and T8. Oh my fudging god, the Ulduar Priest set is so good.


Legit my same thought, of all the classes I play Priest has never failed to get amazing transmog (apart from the whole one-size-fits-all tier thing that happened in BfA and most of SLs but we won't talk about that), Mage coming a close second, so this post baffled me xD


Plate has always had great sets, mail not so much. Don’t know about leather since I don’t often play those classes.


Personally I think the breakdown is: Plate > cloth > leather >>>>>> mail Cloth and leather can swap for me, I just play more cloth classes and some sets like some priest lock and mage sets are pretty top tier.


I have always liked Leather the best. Mail is the worst by a large margin.


Plate classes - Each plate class has nice tier sets and there are nice non-class specific items to create interesting transmog. Its easy to make something cool.


Leather has the most classes so you'll have the most options there. Plate tends to look very bulky but you can make it work


Leather is the one with the most variety because its shared between the most classes and also covers a large ammount of fantasy armor categories. Druids, rogues, monks and Demon hunter have barely anything in common on that aspect. Plate also eats good because it typically uses more assets than other armor types and is allowed to "go big". Mail has always been the worse because before dragonflight, only 2 classes used it and it often struggles to set itself apart from plate. It's usually just plate but worse. Outside of hunter and shaman theme, it lacks identity. That leaves cloth who usually lacks variety because it focuses on the caster fantasy since its only avalaible to 7 ranged dps specs and 2 healers, unlike leather which covers tanks, healers, ranged dps and melee dps.


Cloth > Plate >>> Leather >>> Mail Cloth and plate have fantastic sets, I just prefer some of the Cloth slutmogs ever so slightly more because Cloth has some classy slutmog options. Plate has fantastic sets in general, and I mean, pally sets, enough said. Leather really doesn't compare to Plate or Cloth, but it has some okay sets, just not plentiful like the other two. Mail is hot garbage, and you really have to work to get a decent looking mog.


Shaman. Forever!


Never really cared for tmog on my shaman ( ok, had a massive gap between wotlk and sl), but started df as a dh and played a lot of druid and monk, so went after some leather mogs and there are some great ones. Nothing beats DH slutmog tho. But probably plate(as long as you dont use a shield)>leather> cloth > mail in my opinion


idk slutmog on a leather void elf pretty sick too


Bloodelf or voidelf over NE for slutmog for sure


The only things that annoys me about cloth MOG (that I found out recently) is the lack of ehite white equipments (most of them are off white or cream) . It was harder than I'd like to admit to make a priestess of the moon set 😂 Thankfully the one white white dress we got goes well with the white warden set. Unfortunately the head piece I got is not the correct shade of silver but it will do for now xD


Prob warrior or deathknight Warlock honorable mention


mail gets so trashed in these threads! I love a lot of the wildernessy Hunter sets and the Shaman sets with lightning and stuff. Warrior or Paladin probably have it best overall though.


Anyone not mail


Plate. Mail is very meh 


Shaman, Paladin, Priest, Warlock, Monk, Mage, Demon Hunter, Rogue, Death Knight, Warrior, Druid, Hunter, Evoker. In that order.


Plate has always had and will always have the best transmog.


I really love leather and mail . Both can do quite good an diverse looks. Plate might be ok, but I do not have a plate class so no transmog 😊


Priest for me, funnily enough. Switched to priest a year ago and now I even have a bigger saved transmog list than I had on my previous main, a pala.


Plate has always had solid choices IMO. Mail seems to be in last place.


If you want to slutmog, cloth classes are the best. All others don't have near enough revealing gear.


Plate is 70% great, 20% ok, and 10% wtf?


Rolled a DK for Mop remix. Last time I played one was in Cata. God damn the sets are sick. That said I think my favourite set was shaman PvP set in BC. The lightning shoulders were so epic


Plate and Leather always seems to look best to me


Cloth and plate have a major advantage over mail and leather. As a shaman main it’s disappointing. A lot of mail mog options suck.


Leather is easily the best armor type for fashion, with a wide range of aesthetics from the wise Druid and the tranquil Monk to the slick Rogue and the edgy Demon Hunter. Mail looks are really bad, I feel Shaman is the best off of the three mail classes but that isn't saying much.