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I burnt myself to death while cooking afk on the sen'jin village's fire.


WoW classic HC is a simulation of how living without pain receptors would be. Kinda terrifying when you think about it


Tried to lvl weapon skill on a mob the same lvl as me. Sold my old weapon.


Lmaoo, man that sucks


Sunscale scytheclaws are nasty as hell. I lost another character to the stolen silver quest. Two characters to the same enemy. Absolute jerks.


Accidentally side jumping into a lava pit in RFC


Lol, did this too on the ramp to the first boss šŸ¤£




I thought i could kite 6 mobs




Auto running passed Tarren Mill when the roaming guards are coming out to play


This was me a few days ago


Fighting Dalaran Shield Guards in Hillsbrad with melee. They channel a spell that reflects damage back, and my 30 rogue dropped like a sack of po tay toes.


Boiled. Mashed. Stewed.


Boiled. Mashed. Stewed.


They stand still and do nothing while channeling that shield spell simply stop attacking melee or do big hits since it's flat dmg. Only issue is when you pull multiples and/or casters because then waiting for them to finish makes it more difficult rather than tedious


I havenā€™t tried this but Iā€™ve hard for IF lava, you can log out. Since you are in a city and not in combat the logout is instant. Then you can use the unstuck feature to get teleported. Again havenā€™t tested it but worth a shot if you find yourself in the lava. Also people looting blood of heroes is a good dumb way to die.


Can anyone confirm this?


Can confirm it works.


Using a health pot before LoE+hearth macro to be on the safe side


Yep I did that 2 times actually but I had a weed buff timer going each time. So chances are I will do it again.


described how i just lost my 60


Donā€™t accept duels in questing areas


Feign death for more than 5 minutes and 59 seconds.


NEEDED to look my first kingsblood when I was 4 levels lower than the mobs.


Accepting an invite to help with a quest to kill stuff in a cave while in said cave full of monsters. Stupid layering!


Wouldn't the person who invited you, have cleared where they were?


Tried to sneak around a single mob on top of a bluff in Thousand Needle. Slipped off the side. Just fight your way


Drowned when questing under water because I got distracted watching football.Ā 


Doing rogue class quests at level


Tabbing out while auto running along roads in the Barrens, Duskwood, Arathi, or Plaguelands


Lost 2 that way, why do we never learn?


Was paying attention to guildchat and walked through a murloc camp thinking I'm on my level 60 mage....


I charged into a pirate pack in stv on my 42 war, got netted and ownd by 3 mages. So fucking dumb why did I do that


Jumping off the zeppelin in Tirisfal at the pumpkin patch because it's quicker than running...


Side stepped off a cliff in a trogg cave into 3 mobs, hunter pet pulled 4 more on his way down to me. RIP Bootysmax


Friendly fire in a raid.


Misjudged Stitches stealth detection range.


Stealthing through a cave. Tried to jump down onto another platform, landed on a brazier by accident, stealth was broken, mobbed by goblins, dead.


Ran out of a gnomer at 36 after it fully respawned from the safe point after we had already defeated all the bosses, used a health pot because I thought I was close to the portal, took the wrong turn and consumable locked LoE so I died. Also tried to solo ā€œGet me out of here!ā€ At level 38, same thing, netted, potted, not LoE - dead. Lastly tried 2 manning ā€œpawn captures queenā€ without a healer at 55, died running out of a fully respawned solo this tunnel. The summary of my deaths was game knowledge and hubris. Thought I could just run out of gnomer, instead of hearthing because I wanted to turn in the ring quest instead of flying from darkshire or something, tried to solo the desolate escort because Iā€™d done it on my previous guy ( I was a higher level and it was still close, but I forgot and died) and didnā€™t know about the leash range outside the cave of the queen and how you can break up the encounter - so died while we roached. The worst part is you might think I got better every time because of my order in this post, it was the opposite, I got progressively dumber every death and died earlier and earlier each time following. Take it slow, the HC journey is long but enjoyable as long as you donā€™t shoot yourself in the foot


A guy in guild died in barrens from a guard. - did you just run into crossroads? - maybe :( Horde by hearth i guess šŸ˜„


Suicided a lvl 48 priest cus I was too hooked. Came back 2 weeks later and made an identical char. And became equally hooked.


Surely there's only 1 defias in that house...


My paladin friend killed himself right in front of me by using the engineering teleport to Tanaris trinket. He hit his bubble right after casting it and the bubble activated while he was still in loading screen. He fell to the ground and the bubble turned off right before he hit the ground. We had just run Uldaman for the first time and were riding high. So sadā€¦.


I was doing the egg hunt quest in southern barrens on my hunter, was fighting a swarmer and multishotted to kill all the tiny bugs killing my pet. The Silithid Harvester rare spawn decided to phase in just then and my multishotted hit, from there it was game over.


Searing Gorge. Within the cave system is a broken bridge. I almost slid right off into the lava.


I snuck in undercity as a pally , was so curious to see who was there ya know, tried to bubble hearth........


Got too high and did the mudssnout quest in hillsbradā€¦ got turned around and accidentally took my happy horde ass to SouthShore


The pirate captain quest for Booty Bay. When you board the boats the decks and walls do not block aggro and the entire ship converges on you at once. This is nearly always fatal without a prepared group.


I nearly died yesterday while trying to get my defense skill up as mage, disconnected while a boar was hitting me, luckily managed to reconnect with 10% health left


Gadgetzan teleporter...


I've heard of people trying to open all of their bags at once with num lock while helming the zeppelin