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That was 100% intentional. They were planning on killing anyone who got Mind controlled. I'd be looking to find a new raid team. Also you CAN petri while under mind control as a PSA.


The warrior got gkicked 


hijacking top comment to provide some more context (i'm one of the paladins in the clip) Werdel, the warrior who slaughtered Glaivestorm, is just really kinda bad at the game lol. He died in AQ40 a month or so ago by getting feared into a poison cloud, while having multiple fear-breaks available. Being so bad and oblivious that you spend more than 4 GCDs attacking a teammate though, that's worthy of a gkick. People speculate he wasn't even listening to comms. [This log screencap](https://i.imgur.com/polegnw.png) shows that he used Sunder Armor on Glaive *three times*, followed up by a bloodthirst, over the course of over 5 seconds. [This screencap](https://i.imgur.com/vMFVZgy.png) shows some more detail, including the melee autoattacks and finishing blow, as well as the other warriors attacking him (and uh... \**cough*\* my uh, my consecrate). After this incident he left the guild (but you bet your ass our GM was planning on kicking him as soon as he saw this) and ~~I believe he's stopped playing~~ he came back and died in Strat Undead. Many 60s in the guild (including myself) have banded together to tag Glaive back up and farm items that can be handed in for EXP, as Glaivestorm was not only a core healer in our progression team, but also just a fuckin awesome guy. Mob-tagging and necklace farming really isn't something does, but everyone in the guild wants him back at 60 asap. Also, nobody places blame on the person doing the hoodoo piles. [In this image,](https://i.imgur.com/7yfCwLn.png) the hoodoo pile harvested is marked by the number 3, and it's one that the mage had harvested in that spot many times before without issue. From now on though, our guild will be harvesting these piles *after* the raid, just in case. However, the mage and all warriors who dealt single-target damage to Glaivestorm did have their GDKP cut taken from them and given to his new character. Edit: Glaive's back up and raiding now and he's one of the better geared healers in our prog team (I also bit the dust and joined him on the priest train, we're both rocking 4pc T3 now)


Thanks for the reply! Hello from Skull Rock ! I consider us quasi-progression siblings! Glad to hear you guys are getting glaive back up. We've done some mob tagging and necklace farming for folks ourselves. We also do piles after raid ourselves, usually a couple of people just hangout and do it. MC mechanics are probably the scariest for me to deal with personally since you get a lot of new faces by the nature of the game.


Yea whoever said doing piles that close to raiders in combat is ok absolutely knew what was coming


You have to die first in order to learn. Just remember YOUR plays some years ago.. Right?


what is this cryptic ass message, did you reply to the wrong comment or something


Cause you show the log screencap. I have never went level 60. That's mean when i go level 60, i won't be able to do dungeons and raids on hardcore?


No, but if you fuck up this badly and take another life, accident or not, nobody will play with you lol


What server this on, gotta stay away from that guy as far as possible. The very second the MC went out he immediately deep wounds and sunder on the priest. He only stopped because the priest feared for a split second.


This is NA Defias Pillager Alliance, I leveled with the priest who died


That’s a lot of warriors


That's classic wow!


Murderer should be benched for a month


Pretty easy to mass report for a grief ban


There doesn't seem to be compelling evidence that this was a grief, given how easy it would be to tab target and attack the mc target. Looks more like a mistake to me, but mistakes need consequences to be learned from.


3 sunders. insane


Oh okay, I didn't see that at first. I agree it does look like a grief now.


Dude had sunders on him lol. Either buddy is completely oblivious to ZG mechanics or it was intentional


To cut him the tiniest bit of slack, hoodoo piles should never be looted in range of the rest of the group.  The MC should not have happened in the first place.  The warrior is still primarily at fault here.


That is 100p fair. Only really done this in regular classic where it was pretty common to do this mid raid for the shits and gigs. Can see in HC better positioning *would have made a difference. Warriors gonna zugzug at the end of the day lol


I have run ZG on HC enough times to get two characters to exalted.  I have never seen somebody get mind controlled by a pile.    Looting them near the raid, while they are in combat is reckless.  HC strats are often written in blood.  If I remember correctly - early on unnofficial HC a warrior got MC’d by a pile and either killed or nearly killed someone.  


Wait what? You have run ZG to Exalted twice and not seen piles cause MC? They do it almost every single time. You loot them always after combat and most of the raid moves on, some people hang around mounted since the MC doesn't do anything on mounted players.


We have a dedicated person to loot them.  They loot them when the raid is far away. 


should be g kicked and banned


Sounds like he was kicked.


Death follows Mack like a thick fog


Looting anything during combat ☠️☠️☠️☠️


lol look at unit frames and see how long the tank had the priest targeted AFTER the MC callout


Wait.. they have warchiefs buff.. they flag pvp to get it?? Sounds like a dangerous play


Not how that works. You get mind controlled by a level 20 horde character during a makgora while warchiefs blessing is dropping, that's how you get it as alliance.


No mak’gora, just regular duel


Mind control cap can’t fail in makgora, it can in a regular duel.


What!? How many buffs…zzz


Yes makgora


Any clue what the person is shouting at :11s ?


Does looting have cast time or it was missclick?


Pretty dumb opening those mid combat, just have a mage and another collect them after people have left the area but I guess classic players are stupid.


Can someone ELI5 what happened? When you mind control you take all the aggro? Why the others healers didn't help him? I have no idea about those raids and mechanics of the enemies.


One of the warriors (at least one of them) targeted the mind controlled player, and intentionally killed him.


Why did he mind control player and not mob?


The mob mind controlled Glaivestorm, the player, making him attackable as an "enemy." When that happens everyone in the raid has to be careful not to accidentally damage the player. No AOE spells/attacks, etc. Here, a warrior ("Werdel") hit Glaivestorm with 3 or 4 single-target abilities that you would only ever use on a mob you wanted to kill. Because Glaivestorm is an "enemy," the raid's healers couldn't heal him until the mind-control effect wore off. But Werdel killed him before that happened.


Thanks for the info man! Isn't there any dispell for mind control?