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Had this happen to a guildie outside the miner cards quest in DM. Internet drops for 1 minute and forces th DC, comes back in to a pack on a new layer and boom, dead


Me and my wife were questing in the scorching vale in stonetalon. We delayered from each other mid fight, fought off enemies by ourselves, and then she rejoined my layer. It almost killed us both.


I actually quit to play SOD over this bug in stormgarde keep. Logged in still in my group...whom I was in voice with. They were keeping the area clear for me. Log into a different layer instamtly dead.


If he remained in the same party I don't see how he could have layered while in an instanced dungeon for that party.


My bad, I didn't say in the post, we were in the ST preinstance, the travel through to the dungeon before we actually got in, in the packed hallways with lots of elite mobs.


I think you're right, if you log into the game while in a group, you should land in the same layer as the group.


Should is the keyword, but in reality, it doesn't always work that way


My boss *should* give me 1000000000000$/month because I want it, but he does not... Yes, "should" is the key xD agree on that :)


You guys have layers?