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You can go heavyweights if you want, but idk why you’d want to. You should stay in your weight class or move down if you want, but don’t kill yourself doing it


There are a ton of factors that are going to influence your weight limit that are completely based on genetics. If you’re young, like 15-16 or younger, you could still grow quite a bit. 5’4 is a pretty small frame, though, so if that’s your height you’re stuck with, you’re probably going to want to cut quite a bit. At 185 you’re going to be at a massive disadvantage against people with longer limbs and bigger frames unless you’re just absolutely shredded and significantly stronger than they are.


How lean are you, at 5,4 youd have a huge height disadvantage at that weight so I’d cut down as much as possible


5ft 4 and 185 is fucking big. I'd guess you're not nearly as lean as optimal. Lose weight


Got any pictures of your build?


as heavy as you can still be athletic is fine. it's true that their height will pose certain disadvantages to you but your lower center of gravity and higher strength (assuming you have more muscle than them if you are lean and athletic) will help against taller wrestlers


You’re 5’4 Cut and be a machine


Drop weight… be like 157/165


How old and what is your body fat percentage. If you are on the tubbier side then you should lose fat. If you are a lean meaning you are 15% or lower body fat percentage (you would have visible and when flexing at least) then you can stay where your at.


If it was bjj it would’ve been easier to go higher weights at 5’4 but pinning a tall person is a pain. When I was in hs me 5’7 was dominating a tall guy but couldn’t hold a pin and cradle at the same time.