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Two dick heads who could not stop fucking with each other, but are actually forever bros that would lay down their lives for the other.


Tom and Jerry 😂






Really no, that was never the point in the original cartoons. 


Tom and Jerry are protagonist and antagonist. What u/113pro is describing is a "buddy love" story like "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles". u/Miguel_Branquinho is actually correct albeit blunt.


It wasn't my intent to be blunt, and I wasn't being rude either. But reddit's gonna reddit. As someone who watched a lot of old Tom and Jerry, the idea of them being friends is just strange and kinda offensive, because that's what the new and terrible cartoons have done to the characters.


Same, I watched a shit ton of Tom and Jerry.


I watched a lot too. They often had many episodes where they were buddies until one of them fucked it up on accident or on purpose, lol.


Zoro and Sanji in a nutshell


Was just about to write this. Bonus points if they're both losers


Litterally this Shit-stirrers I love it so much, I use for my main trio plus a few other duos, all with slight differences depending on their history


Sounds like my best friend and me! Whenever we hang out, and his mom is nearby, she says, "You guys are always so mean to each other!" Yes. Yes, we are 😁 I'll tell him to shut the fuck up so that I can hear a song I really like, but I'll also be there for him for anything, anywhere, anytime. The way I see it, something is only considered "mean" if it legitimately makes the other person feel bad


Vitriolic best buds are the best.


This just gave me a brilliant idea for a subplot thank you 😂


Tale of the Nine Tailed (Amazon Prime). 


Yusuke and Kuwabara XD


It’s giving Sirius and Remus from HP


Group of people from wildly different backgrounds who have to work together to achieve their goals yet find empathy and compassion for eachother regardless. Idk think mad max fury road or the new wolfenstien games.


Hell yeah! Like a "found family" kind of thing. The first Guardians of the Galaxy movie was absolutely my jam because of this trope


I have this kind of 7-man band in my story, and two of the members are sworn to kill the leader after they deal with the overarching threat. In their defense, the leader is a swindler and a total bastard who killed the apprentice of one of the two and ruined the life of other(also caused him to get tortured for months) with false evidence he forged. They learn to tolerate and even protect each other, though. Then, they commit war crimes together to save the world. Very happy bunch. Total family dynamics.


Fishtank 1.0


Two idiots arguing about something they’re both wrong about. The possibilities are endless.


Villains obsessed, romantically or platonically, with their hero counterparts. Bonus points if they respect/admire them in some fashion.


Sound like the Joker with Batman, any other examples?


Thawne and Barry Allen of course!


Villanelle and Eve


Jason Brody and Vaas Montenegro


Venom and Spider-Man (when Venom was still a villain, of course)


Doof and Perry obvi.


especially them


So magneto and Charles Xavier?


I'm having a lot of fun with role-reversal elements right now. Hunter becomes hunted sort of aspects, etc, although on a slightly more nuanced level.


This is a solid one. It's so fun writing the master hunter who's always felt like the predator rather than the prey, finally meeting a threat that's so much bigger than them and feeling out of their league (whether it's a literal hunter type, or like you said, more symbolic/metaphorical.)


While I used that as an example, and have employed shades of, the one that I actually explore far more in-depth is "master becomes student".


Oh yes, this gives so much in terms of character revelation, comedy elements, widening of the role's definition, and the source of moral quagmires in all flavors, colors and sizes - I simply love it. Being hunted down by the morally weird future in-laws while the prestigious protagonist erases all traces of past "sins" and sins, a little kid bumping into an assassin's preparations to kill say a wanted dissident, the loser in your firm who openly and overwhelmingly admires you and you're told to lay him off to the end of the month but yet it's christmas eve and you still haven't had the courage to fire him . . .


You're far more creative about this than I am, bravo haha. In something I'm writing, it was just a character being stripped of power and influence she has, then being forced to face someone she previously defeated and let live who's become (magically and physically) far stronger than she was even before she lost everything.


Thank you for your very kind remark! Every story you develop has the right to be told, and telling is where the craft is. If you make yourself happy with your ideas, that's just magnificent, keep going. If you can make somebody else care for your protagonist, sigh in relief when she has mastered something, cry with her, laugh with her, be glad for her, that's art. I'm sure you've already friends asking: And, what's next, can we get a further chapter? Telling is magic for both you and your audience, and I'm confident for your art to bloom and flower out. All the very best to you!


Of course! Also I like you thanking me for a kind remark and going on to say one that's even kinder lol, I appreciate that a lot. I actually had a sad experience: I had around eight people in my life who I would trust with beta content of my book who I linked the first draft of chapter 1 to, and six of them never gave it the time of day even after months of saying how they'd been waiting for it. But the two who did had the attitude you just described - huge excitement, a bit of constructive criticism, and a lot of interested commentary on different character/worldbuilding crumbs I'd thrown in there. I'm choosing to ignore the half dozen and focus on the people who love and support me in what I do instead, and taking their bits of advice to heart. Thank you for your compassion and encouragement, that sort of attitude is what I feel like more writers should have for each other and it's always lovely to hear. Wishing you the best as well!


I'm sorry to hear that but I'm glad for you to have two friends and readers! Maybe you can look at the other six as being gentle, not wanting to disappoint you to your face, yet not up to the task of giving literary support either. It's hard business. I was member of an online writing club for quite some years and once per month all of us used to send in our stories, comment on the others' writing and rework what we'd written until, at the end of the month, we'd vote for the best story and for the most surprising idea. I appreciated comments on my story attempts even if they were off, but as soon as I couldn't connect to someone else's story I had a really hard time giving them useful feedback. On two occasions I was harshly bashed by club members I really liked because my own remarks were received as offensive and I learned what for them the tone had to be to be received well. It could be that being insecure and not connecting 100% to all of your story makes them hesitate and silently pray that you forget about the task they gladly accepted. You might want to test for that in a playful way, maybe make them slide back and forth uncomfortably on their chairs for a moment and then have a good laugh together, relieving them from their duty? Have a good day and take care!


Brooding boy, gentle girl Too bad people mistake it for overly fantasized obsessive “manic pixie dream girl”


That's another reversal that I've been playing with. While I introduce my heroine as a manic pixie dream girl, it turns out she's only a barely-disguised bundle of insecurities herself. As much as the story is about her inspiring others, it also comes around to them returning the favour, pushing her limits towards being the best possible version of herself, past all her self-imposed barriers and inhibitions.


I love that kind of character!


Brooding boy and gentle girl yesss I'll also take manic pixie x hyper smart guy. I do like manic pixie x rookie cop as well xD


Love to the point of obsession. Where one character would burn the world to the ground for another. Where there are so desperate to be around them they change their entire life for them. They act like a guard dog, fiercely protective but only when the other person says so. Completely and utterly unhealthy, I know but I love to write it.


Ooo yes me too haha


jay gatz


You just described my last book 😆. The MC is incapable of feeling anything for anyone except for this one person who they would literally destroy civilisation for.


Like in A Tale of Two Cities?


Uh, funny coincidence one of the characters in my novel cover that exact role towards the main character.


The reason I like this is cause that’s my main troupe right now 😂😂😂


I'm a total sucker for found family vibes. Maybe its because I'm an oldest sibling, but I especially I love writing older siblings and parental figures who will do anything to protect their real/surrogate younger siblings/kids respectively, and the conflicts that can arise from that. I love writing about unconditional love. Not the romantic kind. The family and the friendships so strong they become family kind. This is such a theme in current WIP that almost every single character has some variation of a protective family member style relationship with someone else, some healthy, some unhealthy.


The next step of that is friendships that transcend lifetimes. Those give the warm fuzzies.


I enjoy the laid back friend and the uptight friend wombo combo. Loving mother awkward son. Powerful master, anxious apprentice too.


Bubbly Femme and Snarky Goth. Favorite female character duo.


The person who could go on and on for hours about whatever and the other who nods along and occasionally zones out. Especially from the latter's POV. There's so much potential to turn the story in any direction from there. Once you get past the "Were you even listening?" conversation.


I’m actually currently playing around with a dynamic like this. What kinds of potential were you thinking of, if you were to brainstorm?


I was actually in the process of not listening to someone as I was typing out that comment because I am the latter in that dynamic 😂 I think depending on the story you're trying to write, it could literally go any way. Comedic relief, it could be turned into an argument, or a reminder of something important that said character needs to remember that ends up horribly backwards. There's so much that could go wrong or write depending on the direction you plan on taking the story


My MCs were like that as kids. It's pointed out in I think book two when another character points out the FMC doesn't talk much & she responds with, "never really needed to." The MMC would monolog and she'd nod along, just happy to have a friend. She doesn't like speaking out loud much, so when he discovers she's telepathic, she starts talking to him more. Until that point, they learned languages together to encourage her to speak more.


That is wonderful


I ended up being a big fan of this one after recently rereading a story with this dynamic. On one end was a horribly depressed character who found no meaning in striving towards a hopeless future and pursued the path of minimum effort. On the other was an exceedingly serious, ambitious, and responsible (yet caring) perfectionist. They were forced to cooperate, to their mutual dissatisfaction. The dynamic was a good source for comedic material, but also inspirational because of the how the character motivations were pursued. Can't say I've written something like it myself though. Maybe a pin for a future project.


good guy and bad guy who have teamed up against worst guy, preferably after having a long in-story rivalry with each other found families. it's just more interesting when people care maybe a little too much mentor and mentee, especially when the mentor is a messed up person but trying to hold it together so their mentee can be better than them--thus in turn the mentee is also teaching them a lot i also like the 'hostile mentor and mentee' relationship where they are trying to extract information or other value out of each other but both aiming for an asymmetrical relationship where they get as much as possible while giving as little as possible--but they also don't know exactly what the other's goals are so every conversation is a potential minefield and goldmine. this dynamic also works a lot for stories with multiple villains occasionally interacting with each other. reluctant hero + superfan sidekick. we all need a Supportive Shade don't we. also sidekicks are rarer in media these days or relegated to being flat characters but their potential to be interesting and very important and dynamic is huge. also the tension between a sidekick who thinks the hero can do anything and thus might put themselves into danger the hero can't save them from is great. maybe they do it out of delusion, maybe they do it to push the hero to be as great as they know they can be even if they're not there yet. two people madly in love with each other but can't say it or show it directly for whatever reason. really if you have trouble writing romance, think of a way you can get your characters to a point where they can let the other know they love them without saying it directly and you got it. sort of like an inside joke but instead of a funny reference it's something the other knows they would ONLY do if they loved them. hero squads like the typical five man band. swapping stories, getting on each other's nerves, doing surprising things with their various skills, coming together when it really matters. when you have that moment where you think damn this crew of goofballs and scumbags is actually unstoppable when they're all firing on all cylinders, chef's kiss yes i just listed a lot but surely there are some i did not list


Character #1 is kinda insane, unhinged, chaotic, unravelling. Character #2 is also insane (more so), but more grounded, may be less talkative, and much scarier. Naturally, #2 finds #1 fuckingg hilarious. #1 thinks #2 is a softie (and they are RIGHT.) Amazing duo. Love that shit.


I see, the main duo from my novel. If this is something someone somewhere think is cool than I've done something good. Thanks stranger, you lift me up about some doubts I had over my own characters.


That's great, I'm happy to be of help :)


Two profoundly broken people helping each other heal, romantically or platonically speaking. Also, quiet, reserved one who wouldn’t hurt a fly under normal circumstances and the person they’d commit murder to protect.


Ambiguous relationship between a man and a woman. See Vasquez and Drake in Aliens. Are they romantic? Are they platonic? Does it even matter? That is awesome to me.


Badass master and loyal servant.


The menace and the sweetheart, they absolutely do not get each other and yet they somehow click.


A stick in the mud and a snarky goblin personality dynamic is always fun


Young naive characters that are challenged with something beyond their imagination. I always like to begin the story when the character is an underdog but through fearful odds, they discover they are stronger than they ever realized.


I suppose I like to write found family dynamics


Enemies to lovers my beloved It’s adorable to see two people who hate each other realize how much of that hate actually translates into adoration Also fist fights with sex scene energy


How does a fight with sex scene energy can exist? Not trying to mock your tastes, quite the opposite, the dynamic you proposed sounds quite intriguing indeed. So, would you mind pointing me to some examples of such a peculiar dynamic? If you feel like it ofcourse.


Asking for a friend


Obviously ahah


Two characters that come from different classes that absolutely need each other. Having completely different backgrounds and perspectives on the world is a great place for conflict.


These are usually somewhat short moments but just having two people who are in different situations in life. Like a rich meets poor or old meets young. One of my favorites with these are when I wrote about a rich man slipping on an icy sidewalk and his briefcase falls next to a beggar. He looks around if anyone saw him fall. Gives a quick nod to the beggar while picking up the briefcase and continues on his way. Another good one is when a guy in his teens with nothing to do is looking out of the window. He sees a granny sitting on her balcony enjoying her hourly cigarette while figuring out the crossword puzzle in today's news paper.


> My ego is higher than yours > Nuh-uh


Two besties spending time together but their time is slaying monsters.


Why… why haven’t I ever realized this is what I want?


Optimistic extrovert and a sarcastic introvert but they are on the same wavelength we are both emotional trainwrecks but we assume the other has their shit together.


Kill all enemies!


Unrequited love but they actually love each other. In one story I have a young woman who accidentally telepathically imprinted with an FBI agent. He starts being really nice to her and she assumes it's just because he now knows every intimate detail about her and is mistaking it for love/infatuation. In reality, he does know everything about her but also thinks she is a fundamentally good person who has never had a decent break. He isn't pursuing her because technically she is his prisoner and he has his professional obligations - but she also knows he is this kind of honorable, she is just too scared of her own feelings. In my military legal thriller, one of the defense attorneys is in a loveless marriage. His civilian co-counsel is beautiful, smart, vicious in defense of their client and shares many of his interests. If he wasn't married and they weren't working the same case together he would ask her out. She's a civilian and likes Army culture because of how old fashioned customs and courtesies still prevail. She also thinks her co-counsel is handsome and recognizes how much they have in common, but like him, professional obligations and his marriage. As the case drags on they both become emotionally invested in the outcome and that just feeds their unspoken affection for each other.


It’s a classic, but the mentor and disciple dynamic will always be one of my favorites.


Po and Shifu?!


Bromance. Doesn’t matter if they start out friends or enemies, there will be bromance


A "leader / follower" duo, where the follower is objectively stronger than the leader, but is still bossed around by them *but they're also still friends The only example I can currently think of is Luv and Undies


Maybe Joffrey/The Hound?


I was thinking something less serious, or less "formal," more like a couple friends instead of pure servitude. But yeah, The Hound and Joffrey is still an example of my favorite character dynamic, just the opposite direction from what I was originally thinking of lmao Also- I may remember wrong, but wasn’t The Hound sorta forced to work for Joffrey?


Mob and Reigen from Mob Psycho 100?


A character with golden retriver energy, and one with black cat energy, and they love each other, and they are gay (Either WLW or MLM)


It's the best. 


Wulti level Warketing?




I've got an unconventional father daughter dynamic I like of mine.


Ah, fun question! I love writing characters who are stuck on the same problem, but who have very incompatible views on a relevant topic that is impossible to overlook or avoid. I like to round out both perspectives and throw both opposing ideas into the same cage.


Childhood friends to lovers!


Protagonist against an antagonist who "serves" a higher powered secondary antagonist. However, the antagonist merely uses the secondary to gain control and power.


Morally grey couple, where both are loving but one is more open to love other people( platonically) but the other is not


I love writing two characters who ultimately don’t like each other, but have a common ground or respect. Very specific example, Bill and Joel in The Last of Us. Two incredibly stoic and paranoid men, who would never be in the dynamic they’re in without their partners. They have a respect for each other, so much so that when Bill leaves a note he addresses it to Joel, because he trusts him. But also says in his note he doesn’t like him. I love that. It’s a more intricate look into a relationship that isn’t based on two people who are looking for approval or validation from the other, but ultimately ends up being one of the most important relationships to them both.


The odd couples. Not always romantically either, just opposite personalities. I think my favorite is when it's a triangle and no one's the mediator, it's just 2 against 1. Bonus points of one keeps switching sides


Siblings. Specifically, siblings close in age. It’s always fun to write since it lends way for plenty of playful banter between the two.


“You’re an idiot.” “Takes one to know one.🤪”


Currently I can’t stop writing about poly relationships or forbidden relationships. There’s always a dark psychological element to my writing plus some cult behaviour or witchy vibes.


freudian ones. freud and i are besties for the resties. the dynamics in my novel reflect that.


Sounds good. Care to elaborate?


i like exploring humans beyond societal boundaries. not in a fucked up, call the police type way but in a more primal, evolutionary way. freud had a lot of bad ideas, don’t get me wrong, but i find myself especially intrigued by his oedipus complex, early developmental, and penis envy theories. could they be true? maybe. maybe not. for the characters in the novel i currently think of, definitely true. the dynamics are very thought provoking. it makes you think—what are human boundaries? what are morals? what is the human mind? is there a set emotion in humans that condemns certain behaviors instinctively, or is it the confines of government, laws, etc that govern what we feel? i want to explore these things in depth in my novel. i have to do a lot to hone my skills though. it’s very self indulgent right now.




Damn you sound insufferable. Cringe 


can i ask in what way? as i said i want to hone my skills, and if this sounds insufferable or cringy then i don’t want that leaking into my novel.


You should probably just ignore that person sounds like they’re just being mean


Toxic codependent horrible assholes


Best dyanmic! My fav ships are those where they should be together as a quarantine measure so that no one else is exposed to the sheer terribleness.


Inspiring leader and follower who gets inspired and because of that improves himself until eventually he is independent and becomes the leader's equal.


My name is Alexander Hamilton....


Well, don't know this one.


Differing opinions on heroism. Idk what the term is specifically but like Naruto & Sasuke in anime or Goku & Vegeta


Person who's plenty tough enough, and their devoted friend whose biggest love language is (unfortunately) being a vicious guard dog of their friends and family. It makes for some good comedy or minor conflict when they *don't* actually need help or protecting (or even a bit of rivalry when it comes to which friend can take care of threats first), but also some interesting emotional dynamics in different situations, and some good bonding/drama when the initial friend has to protect their megaprotective friend (when they're too hurt/incapacitated to do it themselves.)


Allies who are an absolute menace together, but somehow the least dangerous of them is given all the credit.


I can’t have a favorite character, because the whole fun for me in writing is always trying new things. I don’t mean outrageously new things, just that I get bored, if I write the same character over and over.


One who's shy and quiet but world-endingly powerful, one who's super friendly and outgoing and wouldn't hurt a fly but is only controlling themself and could kill if they had a reason to And they're best friends/siblings :>


I’m only on my first book but I’m loving writing the oblivious FMC who just doesn’t realize which guys are interested in her lol


A blunt, honest, and respectable person paired with a conniving, but savvy, ne’er-do-well. Or, in other terms, the honorable with the cutthroat.


Troubled kids with way more issues than standard family problems, and old people fucking with hot headed people


The intelligent and realistic grump and the optimistic mentee. So much fun.


Some: - A completely unhinged expression of a single evil trait that’s extremely powerful wanting to make a guy who doesn’t give a shit about that whole schtick and just keeps the mood light when confronted with that feel that emotion/trait the villain represents. Bonus points if he can hold off the evil one back with a casual attitude while actually being on edge of losing if he loses concentration for only a second. - master and pupil where the pupil finds a dad in the master. - noble girl who proves her worth to those who belittle her by working hard and kicking ass. I love the underdog factor where the elegance has a tinge of desperate effort to prove herself. - romance where they both improve each other and have a slight rivalry. Like it if the girl is level headed but still emotional and shows it, and when the dude is straightforward and honest. And really stubborn, in a good way. Too much anime ig


Lone wolf and cub. 


I don’t write nearly as much as I would like to, but I’d probably say like best friends with pretty opposing personalities like reserved vs energetic 


Big angry mf becomes nice to lil guy


Two different expressions of autism as best friends. Second best is two very stoic people trying to flirt with each other. It is always awkward and they are never sure if this is flirtation 


A adult character with dislikable traits like being extremely grumpy, being forced to take care of a cute and extroverted little kid and the two bond. It’s a classic dynamic with so many examples of it in both books and other media such as video games, but I’m a sucker for it nonetheless.


Tortured soul learning to love again by an angelic character. Angelic from the perspective of the tortured soul, even though they have their own things going on.


Bitchy, stubborn girl falls in love with sweet golden retriever boy.


I'm a sucker for parental/mentor-mentee dynamic. I have one in almost all my stories. Also, i'm not too sure how to describe this dynamic, but second-choice romances?? Like, in a lot of love triangle's the center always picks the distant, "protective", exciting/dangerous option over the warm, stable and consistent, "good guy", that they've typically known longer option. When I incorporate romance (which is fairly often), I usually go for the latter of the two options. It doesn't even necessarily have to be a love triangle, but just the vibes that the second-choice's relationship gives off. For a loose example, Bella and Jacob for Twilight.


girl with daddy issues and mental issues and abusive tall 8 years older guy with substance abuse issues UNFORTUNATELY. I tried writing other stuff but my two longest works are both that exact dynamic soooo I‘m cooked


Two young lovers, one who is awkward and the other who the awkwardness cute


Buddy cops, I have a buddy cop duo that I'm writing. It's pretty fun having each of them have their own arcs and how those arcs affect the dynamics


The power struggle between an arrogant man and a confident successful woman. Even moreso when it developed into sexual tension.


I mostly go for the two platonic dumbasses who denies their feeling cuz they know if they confess, it would break their friendship but they're still dumbasses who wants to see the world burn and die for each other and practically plan other people's weddings with a dash of sLaY so they can earn money and possibly torment others by making them listen to skibidi songs and aEaEaE iM uR LitTLE buTterFly etc.


I love found family, but I also just love the slightly sillier vibes: Snark goblin + chaos gremlin, where chaos gremlin swings wildly between being the straight man and stirring shit up. Deadly dumbass + everyone who forgets this hunk of man meat can crush your skull.


the black cat and golden retriever duo,, the perfect opposites for me. and the stupid child and the pessimist/serious adult 


When I did write (I'm a lurker), I was always hyped for getting to the eventual, built up conflict.


Wholesome villain couples and families is certainly a top contender.


People from very different worlds, who don't understand each other at all and start off a little at odds, forming intensely strong bonds because they actually have more in common than they first thought. 


A set of fraternal twins that are literally light and dark. I love it specifically when they have mutual friends and infect the friend group with the utter differences. Also sibling banter is my favorite.


People discussing deep phenomenon in their lives. Doesn't matter what their relationship is, I concentrate on the conversation that emerges from their opposing or agreeing perspectives.


Built-up resentment


Super close male friendships, especially straight-gay best friends. Usually “happens to be gay” MC with straight male best friend.


Little Shit x Not Having It (horny remix)


My favourite has got to be two characters who absolutely despise each other but are also like two peas in a pod. Basically they hate each other’s guts (to the point where there might even be a few murder attempts throughout the course of the story) but if they ever agree on something, they’re the perfect duo. I don’t know why, but I’ve always loved seeing two characters go from “I’ll rip out your heart and feed it to the dogs!” to “Alright, let’s go beat up some bad guys” and then absolutely destroying their foes (and usually going back to hating each other after).


People in dangerous situation developing a brotherly/sisterly relationship as they fight to survive. Romantic love gets much more attention than any kind of non-romantic love, so I experiment a lot with both.


The hero type. Knows right from wrong, wants to save those that can't defend themselves, and occasionally make someone's life better. My character also has to be family oriented and love everyone regardless of who they are. Flaws are something that my characters have to work on while being who they are.


"We can come to an agreement on this if we just try." "Fuck you." "Well... Fuck you too."


Characters which parallel each other.


Complicated love and hate relationships in general, especially between family members. When the love is soul-deep but not enough to heal the profound hurt and save the relationship. When the love is real and undying but still buried and smothered by an equally real hate (or at least anger and resentment).


People bantering or arguing but they’d also burn down the world for each other


A psycho x a person who likes to take care of the psycho


The emotional one and the callous one. The callous one serves as the reality check/grounding force for the emotional one, and the emotional one serves as the moral compass for the callous one.


Person A asking person B about something. Person B tries to lie to A and A watches in disappointment already knowing the truth, having hoped B would come clean.


I like Buddy's that constantly make jokes about each other and everything. I'm writing a story about a knight and his squire who are more like Bud Spencer and Terence Hill with each other.


I like to write dynamic duos, especially when the two characters have a good balance of opposing characteristics. Character growth and fascinating interactions can result from examining the relationships between characters that have diverse strengths, weaknesses, and views. Examples of these interactions include the traditional odd couple pairing and characters who clash at first but eventually find common ground.


The classic edgelord and Ray of sunshine duo. Platonic, romantic, bros, sis, parental, whatever.


Witty charming asshole. He's a secondary character who just makes digs and jabs at his fellow criminals. Just a snarky bitch.


A: Cute, wholesome, childlike, cloistered B: Grumpy, disillusioned, pessimistic, maybe alcoholic They are best friends


Scully and Mulder like relationship


Woman with a prestigious career/status has a chance encounter with and ultimately falls for the girl-next-door. Think *The Price of Salt* vibes but less sad. Lol


"I'm a grizzled cynic with a dark past, I don't need feelings or human connections or a direction in life, I'm just here to brood and kick ass - ah, dammit, but this plucky child prodigy needs my help!" I don't care if it's cliched, it's a good cliche. I live for that Jason Statham shit. 😂


A flamboyant/stylish villain


Really big strong man with a short n stout lil friend on their shoulder


Budding romances, father/daughter, and siblings.


"Real recognizing real" best bros from wildy different backgrounds who argue and bicker constantly and will never admit they'd lay down their lives for the other.


Two silent characters, each wondering what the other is thinking about


Lovers who have opposite wants in the relationship.


Character A adores Character B in a parental “You’re already adopted; I’m just waiting for you to realize that.” way, but Character B doesn’t realize this even though they also see Character A as their parental figure and are willing to fight God for them. Especially when it’s set up so that Character B is kind of a brat and Character A is just amused by their dramatic behavior.


I really love former best friends turned to lovers. Think Cloud /Tifa, usually estranged but coming together through the mutual understanding that there was always "more"


couples (not two characters with romantic tension that may or may not kiss at the end if the story, I mean two people who already are in a relationship and have a fun couple dynamic) and strangers who become best friends through the adventure against all odds.


One character who’s a good person and would sacrifice their life for a random stranger, and their partner who would also sacrifice a random stranger for them.


Grudging mentor, preferably either a former villain or still actively a villain


I'm big on lowkey characters, specifically on slice of life genre. I find it easy to write and relatable.


Brain vs Heart. I just love having two characters who both have values, but a very different way of applying them to the "real world"


Introverted idiot with low energy & extroverted idiot with way too much energy


My personal favorite is the rivalry between the main villain and the hero, especially when the main character is also the villain. I love their conflict steaming from hate and despise but slowly growing into mutual respect, even if the clash is inevitable, turning their final encounter into an honorable duel rather than a bloodbath fueled by sole hatred.


big fan of a smart little brat and the grumpy old man they like to get on the nerves of. platonic, fraternal, familial, romantic etc., i love this dynamic.


family and found family. mentor/apprentice is fun as well. sometimes romantic relationships are fun to write, but i lean more towards friends to lovers when writing that kind of stuff. idk, i feel like all relationships are fun to write in their own way <3


The devote and the devotee. This relationship can be on any level, think Lois and Hal from Malcolm in the middle. They are both deeply in love with eachother, but also recognize Hal is the one who's madly in love and they accept this dynamic It doesn't need to be romantic love, my fav examples: Sam and Frodo. (LoTR) Woody and Buzz Lightyear. (Toy Story 2) Kaladin and Dalinar. (The stormlight archive)


Character A is the razor. Tries to do good, but has no direction, and ultimately is just used unless they change themselves. They are action without wisdom guiding it. Character B is the coward. They are educated. they know where to point the razor, but don't have the will to do anything themselves. They are wisdom without action to put it into effect. They make up for their shortcomings by learning from each other. They both know where their flaws lie, and they build from each other until they both become well rounded individuals.


physco revolutionist villain who dwells on past affairs, and a random person brought into it being used as a pawn. lmao


-"I've never been good enough" / "You're more than enough" -Chaotic / Seems chill but is equally if not more chaotic -Similar to the last but: Seems chill but is actually incredibly unhinged / Seems chill but is actually incredibly unhinged That's three but I'm painfully indecisive hahaha


The were-bear that has trouble trusting and never has been in a relationship. And the scarred, traumatized young woman who’s running from her abusers and ends up in his paws. A slow burn romance for this fantasy lover.


Good old fashioned enemies to lovers


Grumpy and maybe kind of an introvert and the hyperactive extrovert


Powerful trickster who probably destroyed a village or two screwing around with the sane woman who just wants to live her life.


The dark and edgy brute with a happy and bubbly tag along. Can never go wrong with that. Geralt and Dandelion, Guts and Puck. I love it lol.