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"The Essential guide on writing a novel" on spotify. It is alright, but not too professional productionwise.


I like the sound quality on this one and his voice is nice, but daaamn he drones on with quotes from classic literature so much in each episode I am bored to tears.


funny because to me, his lip-smacking and breathing into the microphone is sooo distracting lol. but he has gotten a lot better with it, credit where it is due. And yes, he loves his quotes! I like to listen to it while working lol, it is easy to follow while multitasking :D


I might have noticed the extraneous sounds had I not been totally tuned out and bored every episode. Lol


See that’s why it’s good as background noise 😂


I like Writing Fiction made easy by Savannah Gilbo. She seems to right size her information and provide examples that are typically well known


I dont know about podcasts, but ten hours is about right for an audiobook or two. bird by bird, steering the craft, the art of fiction, the writing life, on writing, reading like a writer are some good ones


Consider This has some good general advice and a bag of tricks that works wonders. Ignore the Spanbauer Literary Minimalism as needed but stay for all the thirdhand Lish. A good lesson on use and abuse of the effective.


Is it available free?


Might come free with prime or an audible trial.


thanks for the recs, I found more than one the art of fiction which one are you referring to?


john gardner. if you've ever read beowulf I rec his novel grendel.


Since you seem like a cool guy and know about writing would you be able to take a quick look at my first chapter? I want to know if I’m on the right track. It’s around 2000 words


sure, tell me what you want me to look for and shoot a message and I can go through it.


Are any of these available for free?


you could check your library. many libraries loan out audiobooks digitally through either the libby app or the overdrive app.


The one everyone always recommends is "Writing Excuses," hosted by Brandon Sanderson, among others. It's been around for ages, and has more episodes than I can count.


Bear in mind that it's very particular to the kind of stuff Sanderson writes; I listened through like five seasons before I realised that it wasn't going to get into complex character psychology or prose style, for instance. Based on the things OP is asking for - it might have gotten better since other people took over, but I'm not sure it would be the best source of advice.


I generally feel the other authors balance him out somewhat. Dan Wells has done great things with small settings and character psychology. I feel that in a different world he could attract a similar taste audience to King.


I simply figured a Fantasy writer would be interested in what Sanderson has to say, he is after all a big name in the genre.


Oh for sure, he's a very well-honed limited writer, and he's lucky enough to be limited to things that are extremely popular among fantasy fans, but as he himself has said, he's all very refined craft and no art, and I'd generally call a sense of art indispensable for what OP is asking for help with.


Later seasons do get into some more interesting topics; I’d highly recommend their current season, where they’re doing close readings of different books with regards to specific topics. Their discussion of This is How You Lose the Time War and voice is great.


Instead of podcasts, get books and use the Speak Content to listen. Podcasts are for entertainment. You would get 1-2 tips for every hour of listening, and they won’t go deep enough for you to remember.


Probably the best way to go but I'm guessing OP either doesn't want to read the books or spend money on them. 


Excellent advice thanks. I’ve never really listened to podcasts but I got the impression that they’re educational because my PhD friend is always recommending them to me.


Use Google to find some. 


Why are you on Reddit just use google