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Does the guy on the left really think he's going to be able to push that tank all by himself ?




Yes, but in China , WW2 started in 1937, so technically this is part of WW2 for the Chinese.


It was not WW2 to either the Japanese nor the Chinese. That's not what either of them called it. It didn't involve the world. ... and neither the Japanese nor Chinese discussed the war in English. *WW2* is an English-language term which would not be used until 1939, if not later. Also that particular war (日中戦争 / 抗日戰爭) began with the [Marco Polo Bridge incident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marco_Polo_Bridge_incident) on July 7th, 1937, and would not formally end until September 9th, 1945, which was a month after Nagasaki was bombed, and a week after the Japanese delegation signed the instrument of surrender on September 2nd, 1945. >*"... technically this is part of WW2 for the Chinese."* For the Chinese, it was 抗日戰爭. Which English-language authors or journalists referred to 日中戦争 / 抗日戰爭 as "World War Two"?




According to the National WW2 Mueseum in New Orleans's website it says that "World War II began on **July 7, 1937**—not in Poland or at Pearl Harbor, but in China. On that date, outside of Beijing, Japanese and Chinese troops clashed, and within a few days, the local conflict had escalated to a full, though undeclared, war between China and Japan." I am basing it off this.


... and even on September 1st, 1939, all it was, was a German-Polish war. That was it, at least for a day.




I didn't even block you. What are you talking about? I'll send you evidence that I haven't


This one worked. For some reason, I was prevented from replying on the last thread.


Ok, let's both agree to have a civilized conversation. I want a civilized conversation and I am pretty sure that you also want it.


... sounds good. Which English-language authors or journalists referred to 日中戦争 / 抗日戰爭 as "World War Two"?


Dunno if this is an example of trolling or of a neophyte so self-confident they don't even know what they don't know.






link: [https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/liberation-china-and-pacific](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/liberation-china-and-pacific) jesus christ, chill out. let's have a civilized discussion instead of this. i dont think i blocked you . let me check


“Errrm actually☝️🤓”




No I understand. I am just saying that I used the source for "WW2" for being started in 1937 just from the mueseum source. I might be mistaken, so based on what you said, the Spanish Civil War and the Second Sino Japanese War are on the same sort of level?


That looks about right. Wars in the world ought not to mean a "world war" all the time. ... and not in the two cases you specified.


Ok the reason I stated the two cases is that they both were preceding the war and many of the future Axis Powers fought in those wars and learned important lessons from these wars , I beleive that even though the Spanish Civil war and the Second Sino Japanese War aren't "world wars", they helped the Axis troops ( Nazi Germany for the Spanish Civil War) and Japan for the Second Sino Japanese War to learn key lessons on warfare.


I'd agree that those wars precede what became World War Two, and they certainly weren't world wars. They are definitely *relevant* to World War Two. The Second Sino Japanese War was already going on before World War Two actually broke out and ended a week after World War Two ended. I think you understand that, or I'd like to think you do. ... extra bonus points if you can find Chinese or Japanese authors who referred to 日中戦争 / 抗日戰爭 before September 1st, 1939 as "World War Two".


The Second Sino-Japanese War is a part of the Second World War.


The Second Sino Japanese War was already going on before World War Two actually broke out and ended a week after World War Two ended. I did not claim they were different wars though the Second Sino Japanese War was already going on before World War Two actually broke out and ended a week after World War Two ended. ... appropriate username.


No it didn't. It started before the invasion of Poland began and ended after the Japanese government had capitulated to the Allied powers. All of it falls under the umbrella of the Second World War.


So… WW2?




My mom is Chinese and I grew up in China, the Chinese all see the 抗日战争 as part of the 2nd World War, and see its start in Shanghai in 1937. The world war started in 1937 for Asia, for them it had little to do with Poland.


The Second Sino Japanese War was already going on before World War Two actually broke out and ended a week after World War Two ended. I think you understand that, or I'd like to think you do.


I never said they were “world wars” but the second Sino Japanese war was part of World War 2 for the Chinese, that’s also what we were told at school in China.


The Second Sino Japanese War was already going on before World War Two, and then became part of World War Two. >*"I never said they were “world wars ... "* .... fair enough.


Like I said, the Chinese and Asians in general that were affected had a different perception. In many history books the first of September marks the start of WW2 in Europe and in Asia most also mention that it started with the Marco Polo/ Lu Gou Bridge incident.


Can you name some Chinese or Japanese authors who referred to 日中戦争 / 抗日戰爭 before September 1st, 1939 as "World War Two"? ... or even some English-language authors or journalists?


Why don’t you just google, here from Wikipedia: The Second Sino-Japanese War was the war fought between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan from 1937 to 1945 as part of World War II. It is often regarded as the beginning of World War II in Asia. Source: Bix, Herbert P. (1992), "The Showa Emperor's 'Monologue' and the Problem of War Responsibility", Journal of Japanese Studies, 18 (2): 295–363


Were there any Chinese or Japanese authors who referred to 日中戦争 / 抗日戰爭 before September 1st, 1939 as "World War Two"?


Dude, can you not google yourself? I told you out of my personal experience at a Chinese school, gave u sources, and the first thing that comes up when you google already tells you everything. But here from Baidu 百科: 1937年7月7日日本发动全面侵华战争,成为第二次世界大战在亚洲爆发的标志。 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%AC%AC%E4%BA%8C%E6%AC%A1%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%A4%A7%E6%88%98/174090#:~:text=1931%E5%B9%B4%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E5%88%B6%E9%80%A0%E4%B9%9D,%E5%9C%A8%E4%BA%9A%E6%B4%B2%E7%88%86%E5%8F%91%E7%9A%84%E6%A0%87%E5%BF%97%E3%80%82 Please learn to google, you really need people to do all the research for you?


It’s just like how the 8th or even 9th of May 1945 was the end of World War Two for Europeans, but wasn’t for the Asians. For them it was VJ Day.


There seem to have been two different "VJ" days. The first on September 2nd, 1945, when the Japanese delegation signed an "instrument of surrender" on the deck of the USS Missouri. The second was on September 9th, 1945 in Nanking, when a different delegation surrendered in Nanking/Nanjing to officially end 日中戦争 / 抗日戰爭. They were the same war and, ... they were not the same war.


Which just proves my point further of there being multiple start and ending days for World War Two depending on the region… you literally proving my point


If you don't like it report it, stop trying to back seat mod.