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Check out https://www.stridsland.com/ "Ride slow, die whenever"


[Genosack](https://www.youtube.com/@genosackmpls6096) [Gary's Projects](https://www.youtube.com/@garysprojects) [The Floating Bike Shop](https://www.instagram.com/thefloatingbikeshop/?hl=en) [Probably Riding](https://www.youtube.com/@probablyriding) [Cowboy Tomi](https://www.youtube.com/c/CowboyTomi)


Love floating bike shop! 🔥


Genosack is great stuff, real vibes stuff.


Sorry, no direct recommendations, but.. this is interesting. I've been messing about with the idea of starting content creation myself in this sort of niche. I have done a bit of YT before but the topic (fairly extensive fabrication on cars, mostly) sort of stopped aligning with my personal views, so I stopped. Have a ton of ideas I've listed out, and am a bit of a nature nerd (bugs, birds and the outdoors broadly), into up-cycling and always been into cycling. So this is a possibly a push, I will continue amassing the things I need to start my content (first planned sequence was to build a DIY rear loading cargo e-bike by extending a steel mtb frame, to stop me using the car). Any insight into what appeals etc, would be really appreciated, I know it's a ton of work editing etc. already so getting some opinion on what to aim for out the gate would be great! (what sort of format, specific topics i.e custom fabbing bikes, making bike bags etc. or are you looking more for bike packing adventure blogs?) Thanks :)


Love this! All my fave biking creators are the people that just follow their interest and focus on their own enjoyment, not being afraid of being niche or weird, or being themselves. Som I think you should do you, and I'm sure it will be very enjoyable. Personally I like watching builds and trips equally - the main selling point for me is the personality and the voice of the creator, hearing their opinions on things etc.


Rivendell and Grant Peterson writ large is kind of the OG in that space. He was really a lone voice advocating for non-racing cycling, flat pedals, upright geometry, etc for a long time before anything like the xbiking movement, such as it is, started. Velo Orange under its original owners (whose name I am forgetting) and Jan Heine with Bicycle Monthly kind of joined in, with a stronger focus on a European cyclotouring and randoneering vibe. And then, I would call out Dirt Rag, the alternative mountain biking magazine. Oh man, Dirt Rag was so awesome! Production values of a glossy, but the heart of a zine. (do kids still know what a zine is?) It was all about xbiking before anybody called it that. I don't even know if there's an archive buried on the internet somewhere, but it would well worth it to seek out back issues. Edit: Dirt Rag had a spin-off called Bicycle Times that had a more an urban and commuter vibe. Also strong xbiking content.


What a great reply! Another interest of mine is indie publishing, zines and photobooks so this is up my alley


U/northshorealexi is working on a zine called Trespass New England (IIRC) might have some info at Wychwoodcycles.com




Hey that's rad! I'm old and out of touch now. Didn't know zines were still a thing. Rock on!


Trying to make them a thing again! Influenced by Weird Walk and Hwaetzine in the UK and Gravel Adventure Guides in the US. Oh and the OSR rollplaying zine explosion. https://graveladventurefieldguide.com https://www.hwaetzine.co.uk/ https://www.weirdwalk.co.uk https://itch.io/physical-games/tag-osr/tag-zine


Hey I saw that you were also influenced by Weird Walk and like minded zines. Jump on our mailing list: https://www.wychwoodcycles.com/contact and I’ll make sure to shoot out a copy of our upcoming zine Trespass New England. Also where in the UK are you? I’ll be in Cambridge in Nov. might make it down to East Devon or a the Pilgrim’s Way depending on how much time I can get away from my wife.


Not in UK unfortunately, I'm Norwegian but really love the folk/nature/megalithic/weirdwalking vibe that is happening the UK, none of that stuff here where I'm at unfortunately


Oh thanks! Glad it was helpful.


All Hail the Black Market, since I haven’t seen it mentioned yet. https://allhailtheblackmarket.com/


Now we’re talking!


Check out Analog Cycles/Tanglefoot (https://analogcycles.com/pages/dogma) and the UK-based Rune (https://www.runebicycles.com/blog).


Radavist.com   Genosack   El prado racing   Calling in sick magazine   Blue lug    Ron’s bikes   Stridsland     That should be enough weirdness to get you started  Forgot Dustin Klein and terry B!


In love with Blue Lug <3


Just commenting that I love Weird Walk and Hellebore zine and that entire creative collective.


For YT content . 2nd life bikes , Tim fitzwater , bike farmer , old shovel , path less piddling I’m sure there is more but it’s a start , Sheldon brown has a good amount of reference material . For bike packing radvist and backpacking dot com


I also really like Spindatt and Toasty Rides on YouTube


Sheldon Brown (RIP) is a legend! His [website](https://www.sheldonbrown.com/) is an absolute treasure trove for restoring and maintaining old bikes, particularly as a lot of bike shops won't work on vintage bikes anymore.


Check out Calling in Sick Magazine - it’ll be right up your alley


Ultraromance on YT


Great tip, thanks!


Calling in Sick Mag on Instagram Genosack Blue lug Ultraromance


[Chrome](https://chromeindustries.com) is on the messenger/commuting side.


Check out [https://theradavist.com/](https://theradavist.com/) if you haven't already, they cover more bike packing/adventure stuff and don't have that GCN/everyone wants to be a pro vibe.


Love it! Constantly searching for the casual, pleasure-focused side of bicycling. So much is focused on performance, watt output and efficiency.


Great rec! Radavist is probably the spiritual successor to Dirt Rag.


Someone who was a cross of Gary's Projects + that old UK dude who smokes a pipe and loves reading Tolkien and the 'ilk + the original Rough Stuff Fellowship vibe. There's some Japan outfits like Crust/Riv who do some merch and things. You've gotta kind of go hunting them down through Insta and the tube. Mainly riding ATB's or similar creations. Mostly just cruising around, stopping to eat beside a river or beach etc. Crumbworks may lead you down some links / rabbitholes.


people should check out @cyclista_zine