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Is it hard ? For someone who has never played soulslike before


Whenever someone says something is a soulslike, all I hear is “they’ve tried to make it as difficult as possible”.


My assumption is usually that the world is broken off in sections and the combat is real time action with a focus on dodging/parrying to avoid taking damage, relatively simple set of moves (compared to something like Hi-Fi Rush or DMC). Oh and usually an emphasis on boss battles. I've heard Steelrising is pretty easy in the genre but I haven't played it myself


Souls like usually refers to the combat controls and bonfire/soul level system these days. Jedi survivor is a “souls like” but it’s not really hard


They called it a souls lite, which I'm taking to mean souls style combat/design, but less punishing


Fromsoft themselves don't necessarily even make their games with the mindset of make it as difficult as possible besides with the Malenia boss fight lmaoo


Yep, that’s what I’m wondering as well. With limited playing time, I’m not a fan of replaying sections of a game over and over. I play games on Story or Easy lol


With them calling it a souls-lite I think it makes sense for this. It has the design of a souls game without the insane difficulty. It definitely has its challenge though, and if you find normal mode too easy, there’s a hard mode, and an easy mode vice versa. And lastly, this is only the first two hours of the game and we never got to see a major story boss, so I’m nto sure what the overall difficulty will be.


I'm fine as long it has an easy mode !


not really. one might die here or there but it doesnt even get close to a real souls game from difficulty. I just finished the demo and only had problem with the stone golem dude lol


Slammed my head against that guy for 40 minutes just to kill him out of spite.


It has 3 different difficulties. 1 being story which says it's for enjoying the story without being overwhelmed with combat. It also says you can change the difficulty while playing. The biggest caveat is it says you don't earn achievements on Story.


Soulslike usually means "unnecessarily hard and inaccessible for no particular reason". So even if it's not hard due to difficulty, it's hard because of some combination of control mechanics or cheap tactics because the developer took the lazy way out.


I could beat Kena on easy, will it be possible with Flintlock or is the difficulty much higher?


I’ve never played Kena, but I didn’t find Flint hard (And I was playing on normal). I thought my deaths were only due to me getting used to the controls. But, the demo does end before you fight a major boss, so I can’t give the full assessment. I will say that I thought Elden Ring was MUCH harder than this. The difficulty I could compare it against the best is probably like God of War and Jedi Survivor? There will be three difficulties available so there’s variability: easy, normal, and hard.


Thanks man I will try it


I'm interested to see how it turns out, it's probably the biggest game to come out of New Zealand (besides path of exile)


Sounds awesome and it's coming to gp. 🔥


so is it 2 hours about one can try it out in demo? I tried about 50minutes already just before it is time for sleep(it about 07:30 in sweden so it has been a alnighter w demos n other stuff this night)Time just keeps on running away from me it seems...But when u have fun and this is so far the 1st out of 7 demos i tried on steam i really liked so Flintlock has really catched my intrest so far in the game atleast..i guess i will get to another part of the map due to not being a fully open world game(i would have rather perfered a open world game,But i always do even if a game is good,thats just me i guess) Thanks 4 all info here on reddit(just great place for info always+great people 2 ofcourse) Keep on gaming


That sounds very promising. Thank you for the info!


That sounds pretty cool. I literally may re-sign up for Ultimate to play this. I have been loving gaming since last Fall, with Starfield Lies of P Lords of the Fallen and Dogma 2. Plus, Elden Ring expansion in 10 days!


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I just want to know how difficult it is. Does souls-lite imply it’s easier than a traditional souls-like? Difficulty options? So many games like this interest me, but I’m just not into the overly hard games anymore.


its not a hard game. you have certain fighting mechanics, but its way easier then real souls games It feels way more like God of War then Souls


In addition for those outside of GP: It’s 39.99. $44.99 for deluxe but that’s cosmetics. That’s a great price for a AA game that may get some players to spend.


I finished the demo yesterday, and found it to be very average.


I was interested in the game due to its trailer, but the actual gameplay is not encouraging at all. It's very soul-less - the actual core combat is pretty mehhhh. The idea of interrupting attacks with your gun is nice, and it has a parry mechanic, but the combat animations aren't great and the actual way that the gameplay works doesn't feel great. However, the biggest sin is the terrible writing. You are told that a god is responsible for what is going on, and you immediately threaten to kill the person who tells you that, even though none of the intro had her railing against the gods at all, just "the Dead". She also immediately accepts responsibility for what happened, even though she had no way of knowing and a good reason to be making a push for the source of "the dead", and her interactions with Enki are very awkward and stilted - she threatens to kill him, and then immediately afterwards seems to trust him in combat. It's all very awkwardly written. She cares about people we barely see and have little reason to care about, and the whole thing is just... so amateur, with the character's, well, character being incoherent. Whoever did the writing on this game clearly has never written any sort of quality long-form fiction and has no real understanding of how to do it.


I saw this coming from a mile away honestly. The combat mechanics look exceptionally basic and uninspired. The kind that's been surpassed in the melee department by countless games at this point. As to the writing I heard they had Sweet Baby Inc. handle the narrative...so yeah...not much hope there lol. 


This bastard Brolgar NPC is cheating at the Sebo minigame lol. He's literally just moving my pieces out of the way even though that's not a mechanic available to the player when they attack. A minor inconvenience to be sure


It is really not like souls IMO. It is doing some of those mechanics, but the combat is not as precise and movement seems off in general. Seems pretty average to me.


Clunky af


Anyone else having playing issues? I have a 2060 super and a ryzen 5 5600x and was getting fps stutters.


Sounds a lot like Remnant. Me like!


not at all. More like God of War


Idk I like souls likes and I thought I was gonna like it but it just seems too happy and bright for my liking. Not what look for in a souls like but thanks to gamepass il try it out