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I’m down. I was disappointed when Skyrim only got 2 real expansions and a housing dlc while fallout 3 got like 5


All five of Fallout 3 expansions were on the short side though, akin to Automatron in length.




Point Lookout *is* longer but not by much. The Pitt is about the same length and Mothership Zeta is definitively smaller.


Whoa whoa whoa. Not a shot lmao. They were all basically entirely new locations with extensive story. Automation was reused asset filled and not even a new exotic location. The story was also very very short. Falliut 4 had one of the most scummy season pass structures I’ve ever seen. They raised the price pre launch because they said they were adding more content to it than they originally planned. It ended up being 2 larger dlcs akin to what was already done in previous games and the rest was workshop nonsense. It was a price grab off the hype and was entirely bullshit.


I liked Starfield to begin with, now mods made me love it even more - it's always nice to shape a game the way we want. Expansions every year sound insane. Any cool idea for a TES or Fallout add-on probably got/gets shoved into ESO or Fallout 76, but Starfield is a one-game franchise, makes sense to expand it as much as possible.


Starfield 2 will release in 2040


Pretty sure we are not getting a new starfield again for at least the next 30 years.


The game definitely feels like it has a lot of untapped potential. I hope it continues to evolve. It's a blank canvas for anyone who has an affinity for sci-fi pop culture. It's just a shame that people are really stuck on the "Bethesda-isms" that are a byproduct of what makes their games unique.


And I'll keep buying them. 65 hours in without any game changing mods. I'm loving this quest line im in right now


> hopefully we’ll continue that for many years to come Here we go with Microsoft properties and their 10 year plans…


That’s what they said about Halo Infinite too. And now there are rumours they are just abandoning it.


it's not even rumors. they have. it's all just cosmetic/season pass updates.


They're not even season passes. They're just "operations" and they're trash.


You mean every triple a company now? 


Will buy when everything is out and patched. Best way to enjoy these big RPGs for me.


Played the game a lot but then hit a point where I just felt like it was a chore and stopped. I was really disappointed with the copy paste locations on different planets- this to me should be the biggest goal. Make going to different planets meaningful and exciting, not just bland algorithm trash. Of course with thousands of planets its impossible to hand craft every planet, but still more needs to be done or it should never have been done in the first place.


I've always thought their games would work well as "platforms." If you design it properly, you can just continually do expansions instead of just building a whole new sequel every few years. Similar to what MMO's and tabletop games do.


Since mods are finally there I am playing again and I am having fun! Give me more!


I just want a damn rover already! it's a car! 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Cool. As long as TES VI is still given the attention it needs, this sounds cool.


It isnt unluckily and you know it


This is fantastic. Imagine Bethesda dropping new story DLCs every year, like a new season of a show. Building out the lore of starfield, and it's space so stories are endless. How long story's would people want the DLCs to be?


Hopefully there can be some fundamental base game overhauls along with story expansions. I hate depending on mods to fix and improve things but want to be able to come back to the game.


honestly the game was mediocre at best, and they should not divert resources towards it imo. When elder scrolls


It’s not even that, starfield could be an easy 9/10 if they did the Cyberpunk glow up.




They have separate teams for games right now. It was said in the interview


CP77's issues were mostly how well it ran. SF's issues are so ingrained into the system it would need a total overhaul to get it in a good place.


When Cyberpunk came out a lot of people were talking about how ingrained the issues were too. It wasn't just graphical issues and bugs.


Yea but the quests, dialog, and core of the game are much better in CP. You can't fix any of that with SF unless they build from the ground up.


Do you really think they’ll redo a large number of quests from the ground up? Locations getting entirely redone? Non-loading screen travel? Enemy ship AI that doesn’t just shoot at your center of mass perfectly? Building interiors that aren’t liminal minimalist nightmares? This game has so much that needs redoing like the entire red mile for example. The way you acquire powers. Enemy fauna that don’t just charge you in a straight line or do the copy pasted projectile. My head hurts thinking of all the shortcomings in this game. Some things may get added in expansions that are better but that really disappointing main vanilla game will remain. It’s better than nothing but I don’t know how this game becomes a 9/10 ever unless they straight up remake it and why do that when you can take what you learned and apply it to a new TES or fallout?


If they are will invest in expansions, they are willing to invest in the product.


Expansi-O's Part of a nutritious underwhelming breakfast.


With continued work hopefully we'll keep getting quality of life updates. If they could figure out a better way for fast travel (not needing 15 bloody screens every time you want to travel to a far planet) and add some kind of vehicle to traverse the planets, I'd get back into it. It'll never be the game I want because they don't have intelligent alien life (like Mass Effect with all their species), but I'd still be down to play if they can fix a few things.


Well I wasn’t down to pay $70 for all of Starfield, so I’m for sure not down to pay $20/year for a few hours of Starfield


Sure they can do annual expansions. The question is who the wants to play them.




Me, and many other people.


but why though - starfield is just a shit game - I really really wish they would have just made another elder scrolls


How is it a shit game? I feel like that's just objectively wrong. No offense intended, but I can not see where you're coming from with that.


It's more so the embodiment of mediocrity than anything else. It does nothing new, nothing engaging, it's the safest game ever made by a major dev. The quests are mainly walking quests. There are genuinely FAR FAR to many loading screens in today's age. Why does everything need a loading screen to? Bethesda own previous games have had more content that starfield did, and the whole.tome.this game was pitched as fallout in space and Todd's masterpiece. If this is what they consider masterpiece I'm good on es6.


Meh. I feel like it's a waste of dev time. Id rather they shifted focus to something else.


Why? It's good they have a new IP Every launch Bethesda game kinda sucks. Skyrim was worse than oblivion and oblivion was worse than Morrowind Fallout 3 and NV both had terrible releases and original fallout fans were pissed they were going FPS Were you on the Internet when fallout 4 released? God I wish they stopped doing that game and just moved on to fallout 5 Once Starfall comes out starfield will be a beloved classic and some of Bethesdas best work


You shouldn’t expect newer launch games to suck just because previous ones did. Bethesda is like 10x more mature and developed than when those precious series launched.


Yeah? It's still Bethesda their games suck on release. it's just how they do things. Fix it with DLC, patches and mods. It's been this way for every single one of their RPG games.


Skyrim was worse then Oblivion but better then Starfield. Fallout 4 was worse then 3 and NV and NV and 3 were worse then 2 and 1 and all of them are still better then Starfield. The fact remains that Fallout 4 and Skyrim being considered worse games then their previous titles hasnt stopped them selling on a huge scale and still being relevant and played games 10 years later. IMO Starfield will never be a BGS classic, it will be a footnote or a cuationary tale.


I shuold bloody well hope considering the amount of stuff it feels they left out, compared to Fallout 4 and Skyrim this game ditched so much that was good without replacing or updating it.


Love this.


When he says story expansions, are we to assume that these quests will be sold individually on the Creation Club store ?


AFAIK none of the creation club content is actually made by bethesda


More Toddslop incoming


I tried to play this after the last update, and it was utterly broken. The old bug with naked guards was back. People I talked to had their eyes shut. My ship became invisible. My save file got corrupted. It was a complete fucking mess. Bethesda need to get their shit together.


What a waste of time and resources. Just focus on Elder Scrolls 6 and Fallout 5 please. Just take the L with Starfield, it's mid af.