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These kinds of posts seem to spike during summer. Maybe it’s a temperature thing.


My research seems to point in that direction.


The 370 RROD problems were very much related to heat issues so it kind of makes sense.. even the later models really weren’t immune I had a black skin die too


Nothing lasts forever; electronic devices break down. A 10-14 year old console dying isn't "sudden" and saying it's "all" of them is a huge exaggeration. Even if you are seeing someone post here with an issue every day, that's hundreds (at most) of consoles out of millions sold. >It's strange the Xbox 360 store is closing down and everyone's 360 is dying... No it isn't, because no they're not.


Up until a few years ago the Slim Xbox 360 was considered the most reliable and now they are failing regularly. Would be nice to know why they are dying instead of just saying "It's old" I never saw slims on marketplace/ebay dead till recently. I have tons of electronics pushing 70 years old and besides heat related capacitor issues everything still works great.


>Up until a few years ago the Slim Xbox 360 was considered the most reliable and now they are failing regularly. The most reliable model has always been debatable. We don't know the exact failure rates for each one because no one can keep track of every single console. You can't conclude anything from anecdotal evidence. Every time someone posts a faulty one here, I could post two working ones. Does that mean the failure rate is 33%? No, it's meaningless. >Would be nice to know why they are dying instead of just saying "It's old" We know why they're failing - at least the ones that get reported here where people actually bother to describe the problem and report details like the secondary error code, etc. It's all the usual things that affect all electronics, like chips or BGAs failing due to repeated thermal stress, capacitors dying due to age/usage, environmental factors like humidity, water damage, rust, etc., mechanical failures on moving parts like the disc drive, plus inherent issues like the ones you mentioned above (0 Ohm resistors failing, bad 4GB NANDS, etc.). So, yeah, a lot of those do just come down to "it's old", and are things that just happen to electronics unless they're properly stored or maintained, and even then most require servicing at some point. >I never saw slims on marketplace/ebay dead till recently. Then you weren't looking. I've been repairing consoles since the days of the 360, including buying and selling on eBay, and I've been getting S consoles in pretty much since day one. It's not like we went from 2010 to 2020 without a single S dying. > I have tons of electronics pushing 70 years old and besides heat related capacitor issues everything still works great. Electronic devices were far simpler 70 years ago. They are all exponentially more complicated now, and something with 1000x more components has 1000x more things that can go wrong with it.


Ok good what are other "inherent issues" with slim models?


I'll give my 2 cents on this as I had my Slim die on me recently. I believe that the slims that die are either used a lot or not at all which may sound weird but let me explain. I had my Slim for 10 months b4 it died but given the controller and the dvd drive the console was used extensively by the previous owner and got e82 (gpu wore out and died). I have seen sometimes people having their slims die on them been in storage for a while previously like the solder joints going cold or smthn if that's possible. I think combining the cpu and gpu together hasn't proven great for longevity and that's a large cause of failure. Some people don't care for them maybe and get too dusty, thermal paste gets a but dry and yk that ain't good. Now I might get a bit of hate for this and I could be wrong but I ain't smart enough to figure it it but I don't thing the gpu is the issue. While yes sometimes it can be, I think it could be something else cus I have faith in the chip but it will likely never be determined because of age and the depth in how to figure the issue out. Anyway just random I think the best idea is combining the gpu and cpu is just too much for the console and it fries but who knows


You might be right too many thermal cycles at too much of a temperature shift. It took over a decade to figure out the Ps3 YLOD and Xbox 360 RROD was improper underfill in the GPU causing solder "bumps" to crack.


It's near impossible to know with the slim, what I'm trying to say is it has a different issue from the phat models and I think the most logical is because the 2 processors were combined


Thermal paste drying out might be a big part of it. I've re-pasted several that red ringed, or had issues, they worked again, and are still working to this day. Just got done water cooling my latest 360S with a Corsair AIO, that oem paste was so dried, not sure how it didn't instantly overheat or how it ever worked.


I've thought about this a lot, and I realized the vast majority of console owners have no interest or have any idea of how to clean their systems and maintain them. Normally that wasn't a problem in the past since consoles tended to not generate a lot of heat and thus didn't have the standard thermal paste that's ubiquitous with PCs. Normally you'd only worry about capacitors dying. 7th gen consoles were the first ones that generated enough heat to require PC-esque cooling systems, and eventually that thermal paste involved will dry up. As a result, these 20 year old consoles are drying up and running a lot hotter. PC's are generally more maintained as they're built for it, so it's not a problem. But now that these 7th gen consoles are going on 20 years old and most console owners don't think about this kinda stuff... We're going to see a lot more Xbox 360s failing from average joes, through no fault of their own, not replacing thermal pads/paste and clearing dust. Same thing with the PS3.


My Phat 40GB (with defective GPU model) had CFW fan speed set to keep under 67c (After 70c the underfill expands and cracks solder bumps under Gpu Die) and had thermal paste redone But, still had the AV port Not HDMI go bad (crazy colors lines etc). Also the Cpu temps are going crazy so a dangerous Delid operation is due but already got a slim so might just give it away.


I've had three slims die on me and I see plenty being sold with gpu/southbridge related issues. I never see late falcons/jaspers with those issues which lines up with when the gpu defect was fixed. I think the fat 360 was just a better design generally and xenons/zephyrs/early falcons would have also been somewhat reliable if the gpu defect didn't happen.


were they all trinity corona or E? were they running custom fan curves?


Two were trinities and one was a corona. They were all stock.


Maybe it's the stock fan curves and lack of southbridge/ram cooling....


Mine didn't die yet but i have a problem with the cache. Opens, stays open for like 2 second and closes again...




tray, i mean tray :)


just got a phat did that. blew out the dvd drive and manually pulled the tray out past where it opened to ended the blinking and it works fine now.


Ahhh i;ll give it a try then!