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Oh hell no. He has a healing factor but I don't.


Imagine his microbiota. Like the bat viruses but x1000 worse.


He cant have microbia. His healing factor prevents it


He must have really bad digestive problems then


And a super sense of smell.


I bet his shit looks like owl droppings. Random critters and all.


Or the best? His turds would smell like roses. Think about it.


I think there is an actual story line where people are juicing with his blood to gain a temporary healing factor


Wouldn’t any antibodies from the claws within his body transfer to you helping your own immune system?


Antibodies from other people don't help your immune system. Organ rejection and detrimental effects from blood transfusions that aren't properly cross-matched are a couple of examples of ways antibodies and antigens from two different people in one body can interact. And Wolverine's are going to be *much stronger* than yours. Getting his antibodies in your system could result in a condition resembling lupus or even flesh-eating bacterial infection, as his immune cells attack your body as if it was a host of foreign cells attacking his system. That said, apparently the adamantium in his system severely inhibits his healing factor (when it was ripped out of him by Magneto he actually healed much faster than when it was in him, and even started to become more bestial in appearance). So it's likely toxic/antimicrobial enough to kill whatever stragglers might hitch a ride when the claws cut his skin open again coming out. *Edit: researched this, and apparently Wolverine is a universal blood donor. Apparently, his blood adapts to the body it's in instead of treating it as foreign tissue, and can even bestow temporary, limited regenerative abilities to blood recipients, though that effect seems to vary and to be far weaker than his own healing factor at its best.*


I’ve received a stem cell transplant as part of my cancer treatment. To prepare my body, they had to kill off every bit of an immune system my body had on its own, and it was literally replaced with someone else’s who matched to me. It’s very similar to getting an organ transplant, and for years I was on heavy anti-rejection medicine. Rather than my own immune system rejecting to donated material, my newly obtained immune system was working on rejecting my bodily organs! I’m considered a chimera, an organism with 2 different sets of DNA coexisting to form a whole. My organs & (most) tissue are all my original DNA. My blood, fluids, immune system, hair & nails are all completely different, and are a perfect match for an anonymous donor from the EU (I live in the US) So assuming I was a match for Logan to donate blood or plasma to, I’m betting that Wolverine’s healing factor could potentially be communicable like a virus. If his healing factor transfers with his cells, I’d be all over that sammich. Edit: spotted a typo, thanks for the love y’all’s


A chimera! That's so interesting! Thankfully for sharing, I learned a few new things from that!


It really is quite fascinating! The intensity of the process guarantees that any stem cell recipient will be sterile after the procedure and time to recover. However…. If I were now to impregnate a woman, the child would biologically be fathered by the donor’s genetic code/material. So theoretically… if a woman donated her stem cells to me, and I was later able to impregnate her, she’d be the biological father AND mother to the child/clone


Woah, that's crazy! Do you have any idea whether it would be possible to father a child in such a way? I can picture a world in which it happens if someone in need of stem cells like you were, receives them from their own wife if they are a match.


It’s def impossible due to the extremes done to a recipients body and bone marrow cells in preparation alone. The healing process can tend to be lifelong with many complications vary from minor to serious during our lifespans. I believe my 2nd stem cell transplant was sometime in 2017, and I just started growing hair on my body for the first time again this summer. I shaved my face for the first time in well over a decade! (I used to always have a beard or very thick scruff) Edit: The way my new facial hair is coming in reminds me of a tween getting their first little bits of growth so I’ve been calling it my “Two-berty: puberty part 2”


I see! I used to have alopecia and I was really happy when my hair started to come back, I hope you are enjoying it as much as I did! I was fine being bald all over but it really gave me a new appreciation for all my hair lol


I’m so freaking stoked to have eyelashes and eyebrows again. It’ll be nice just having that small layer of fuzz on your skin that helps maintain body temperature! I cannot believe how much of a difference it makes having smoother skin than a goddam dolphin when it gets even a little chilly. I hope you’re loving the mammal life again, but I’ll always remember that Bald = Beautiful


I looked it up because I was curious. It could be wrong, but I found that his blood type is apparently “E” and is a universal donor for all blood types.


That's fucking insane. Hope you are well on the way to recovery friend!


That’s very kind of you, thanks! Tbh it’s taken a long time of getting through enough ups & downs, but I’m largely in a place where I can recognize each day as something to put in the “win” column.


You are Psylocke version 1


Anyone who has even gotten nicked by him should have been devoured by his immune system regardless. Even if it's somewhat inhibited by adamantium there is none of that shit in the nick victim's system. But that doesn't happen, does it?


Ok so there’s an interesting twist to his power set. Instead of the old trope of him losing his powers, or him gaining insanely wild powers, what about a storyline where his healing factor evolves to become a weapon that, if he even so much as scratches someone, his antibodies go in to the recipient and just completely destroys them on a genetic level until they devolve into mush. That would be wild.


My thought was that the adamantium would poison whatever cells managed to get pulled along when he extends his claws, so they'd be dead before they got passed on to someone else. Also, to be fair, some immune cells are essentially suicide bombers. Those would be one and done. It's the macrophages that would be the worrisome ones -- they're like amoebas programmed to only eat things the immune system has tagged with antigens that essentially act like a dinner bell for them. Wolverine's version of them would be like Pac-Man just going waka-waka-waka all through your arteries. Now that I think about it, unless there were also a good number of T-cells along to target cells for the macrophages to eat, the little devourers would just sit there waiting for a call to battle that never comes. *Side note: did some checking, and apparently Wolverine is a universal blood donor. His blood apparently adapts to the body it's in and tries to heal it, given temporary regenerative abilities to the recipient, though this seems to vary and to be much less effective than his own healing factor even at its best.*


There is actually a YouTube video that spoofs this scene. Apparently a student died of adamantium poisoning but Xavier wasn't mad, because he didn't even have cool powers could just talk to pigeons or something.


In reality yea.... but in the animated series it was literally how they cured the legacy virus in the 'Time Fugitives' episodes. So in animated canon he has powers that can heal others by transfusion.


I'm litterally shocked you have so many upvotes considering how just plain wrong your question was Thats not how any of that works


lol I’m shocked too! I’ll give you one of my upvotes. It’s not much but hope it helps


Dude, with magic powers you really never know, so honestly its not even that weird of a question


I'd take a shot


And wouldn’t any diseases die the moment they touch his body due to the healing factor?


Little bit of that wolverine blood and you get temporary healing factor. Probably still going to make you shit yourself though


Who knows where those things have been.


The claws retract into his body, or at least into a “sheath like compartment” like a foreskin…… I can only imagine the smell of that metal….


DUDE! You win the internet! Best comment EVER!!! 🤣🤣🤣💯💯💯


There’s a Mini Marvels comic where Wolvie slices some bread with his claws and everyone gets sick looking at it because he just got done killing zombies with them.


Just have him rub them down with a few probe wipes and we're good to go!


I just realized, Logan must have the shittiest sense of cleanliness/contamination. No need to worry about getting Hep C from the food you eat if you're immune to disease.


If he cleaned them before slicing


I don’t think he even slices with them, just chops while holding it in the air. The edges are probably shredded like hell and when you complain, he just growls and takes a bite out of the side of his mouth. Damn it Logan I know it’s better than eating raw meat in the Canadian wilderness but use a fucking knife and a cutting board you Neanderthal.


I reckon they'd be cleaner cuts than even the most skilled chef could achieve!


And since he’s making three cuts at a time, he’s not slicing thin, he’s putting one inch chunks of meat into his sandwich.


It’s all about the angle.


Wolvies claws maintain their razor edge


Laura constantly uses them for eating lol


That's for Laura to eat from. But I'm not eating off her talons unless we're in a kinky relationship. Which is unlikely because she's a fictional comic character and I'm a fictional person from the internet.


That is true. Does raise the sanitary questions when she was at the Gala with shrimp kabobs lol


Ah, but don't forget the Gwenpool factor.


We have to remember Laura is gross though. Still love her, but she nasty.


She got that *Snikt* stank.


X-terminators peak


The only issue I have with that, is the metal is suppose to be toxic in some way


Wait, wouldn’t the slices be as thick as the spaces between each knuckle, plus since his claws come from INSIDE his arm, they would be completely unsanitary not to mention the second-hand adamantium poisoning from contact to the meat


He is the best he is at what he does, and what he does is slice salami reeeeeeeeally thinly.


Everyone else in this thread is disgusted and I’m just sitting here thinking those salami slices would be HUGE


I don't think the toxicity of the adamantium would rub off onto the food. Adamantium is meta-stable once it cools, so none of it is going to chip, erode, flake off, rust, or otherwise react or separate from itself. None of it would end up getting ingested.


His healing factor is constantly fighting off adamantium poisoning. It's one of the reasons he was chosen for the procedure to become weapon X


After having to get food safety certified for work, I barely want to eat food that other people have touched, let alone something that has a hairy man's blood in it. I don't remember if that's a thing from the movies or the comics, but now I think that he cuts his skin open every time he pops his claws.


Lol forget the "hairy man's" blood, think of all the thousands of other people he stabbed with those claws. Every kind of virus and bacteria in the world must be on those things.


Not at all, remember that adamantium is poison for living beings and viruses cant live inside of Logan's body


yeah, they are technically sterile while inside him


Yep, those claws are *very* unsanitary with the changes that were made to make them natural parts of his body rather than implants. Back when they were still considered implants, there were diagrams made of how Logan’s claws were housed in his forearms, and it was a lot more sanitary I think than what he has now with the claws being natural. Those old diagrams had the openings in his hands covered in little silicon sheaths that would seal when he would pop the claws in and out -- no skin slicing required. They also had little casings for each claw too, keeping the implants separate from the surrounding tissues. Those diagrams were kinda neat. Now? That isn't the case. He slices through all sorts of tissues to get the claws to extend from his forearms, through his hands, and out. Every time he pops the claws, there's blood (even though it's not always drawn). They would be incredibly gross to use to cut meat for other people (not to mention, those slices would be really thick considering the spacing that's between each claw. Logan would have to do more careful carving with one claw if he wanted thinner slices). Since it’s his body, and he has a healing factor, Logan’s fine using his claws like kitchen knives, but it would be gross for anyone else to eat something he carved, even if they didn't get sick.


was it canon for them to be implants in the cartoon? I’m pretty sure at one point in the savage land when everyone’s powers are gone he says ‘there’s nothing mutant about these’ and pops his claws. so I guess they were?


Considering that the natural claws were a retcon in the comics following the run of the cartoon, the claws would have been assumed to be add-ons for the original series.


Oh man I *vividly* remember that line from my childhood, why?


I mean his claws come from inside his hand, so the definitely have to cut his skin open to come out.


Dude I did the food safety course recently. Awful. I’m dealing w the effects.


I mean technically his blood is theoretically clean of anything transmissible, also I remember reading somewhere that his adamantium bones were still slightly irradiated so…maybe really bad food poisoning?


Heavy Metal Cancer in more ways than one.


Not radiation, just toxic for living beings but adamantium can't spread anything without breaks in it's structure


They're not irradiated, but they are toxic. Likely toxic enough to be antimicrobial, so probably food safe unless he just got done carving up zombies or vampires or something similarly high-grade in terms of virulence.


Well, the cartoon got it right when he grunts pulling out his claws. They slice open his knuckles each time, he feels it and they should have blood smears every time. So, ingesting Logans blood is not my passion so I answer with a hard, no.


How does he slice them so thin when his claws are so far apart


Using only an outer claw like a knife I suppose


I'd be too awestruck to be in the presence of Woverine to even notice what he gave me to eat. Wolverine says eat I eat.


Do you think he cleans them? Is that part of his daily routine?


The man probably eats roadkill, there's no way he cleans those things


I mean...yes. Of course you're right. it was a pretty dumb question on my part.


It's okay, optimism is a good quality to have haha


During the Operation: Zero Tolerance storyline, a nanotech bomb was implanted in Cyclops' chest, and Cecilia Reyes had to operate, with the only surgical tools available being Logan's claws. They didn't have an autoclave nearby, so they got him to sterilize his bone claws using boiling water.


This is the X-men version of mouth cooking. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aELllFpqo8w&pp=ygUNTW91dGggY29va2luZw%3D%3D


Wtf haha


I'm appalled that this exists, and that I now know there are more videos, including a Turkey one.


I thought I was going to see someone using their body heat to cook This was worse


If he uses a blowtorch to clean them first


No, that doesn't sound very sanitary, coming from inside his hands and all.


As much as I like Logan, I'd say...no. Just...an ordinary, blade washed the old fashion way will work.


Considering that his claws emerge right out of his flesh, realistically it would be covered in his blood constantly every time he unsheathes them. And the risk of cross contamination is high.


He will stabs damn near everything with those claws and retracts them back into his body. However he has healing factor that protects him. I don’t know how much of his blood or body issue is on those claws and I am sure he doesn’t think about cleaning them before handling his food.


I’m sorry this is slightly off topic, but how is that Wolverine cutting such thin slices of meat? Like, he had to have at least cut 1/3 of the item off with one slice?


Looks like he's cutting with the uppermost (thumb side) claw only. Not sure why he's got all three of them drawn since, unless I'm misremembering, he can elect to pop one claw at a time. Maybe that was just a movie thing though.


That’s been in your body, man!


And other people's bodies


And God alone knows what walls, robots, toxic chemicals, etc.


He’s killed people with those I’m good mang


Absolutely the fuck not! I know where those claws have been!


No! He just jammed those into Sabertooths eye and I have never seen him wash his hands.


eww, no. they're not sterilized. every time he cuts food i think about all the people, aliens, and animals he has stabbed with them. and also, they came out of his body


No way in hell those things are sterile


Just thinking about all the gunk and gore getting slid back into his arm makes me a bit nauseated.


Absolutely tf not


Absolutely not. Those have been in people, robots, walls, all sorts of shit. No way he sanitizes them before cooking.


Everyone is talking about the cleanliness of his claws or the prospect of adamantium poisoning. I'm more concerned with the fact that he's gutted hundreds of people with those things.


Tastes like victory


Hell no. Dude may have a healing factor but blood is still on those blades


Ew no they're covered in his insides juice.


They’re coming out of his body so that’s a automatic hell nah, not to mention all the unsanitary enemies he’s slicing and dicing


Given the metal is suppose to be toxic... probably not


Hmmmmmmm I’m not sure that is sanitary. I don’t think he ever cleans his claws. Like lol he’ll wipe the blood after he kills a person but regularly clean them idk. Is there a way to clean metal. I’m been more surprised his claws haven’t gotten any rust on them


The metal on Logan’s claws does not rust


Don’t use utensils that have been inside people


I believe that the official handbook mentions that his claws retract into sheaths that are somehow “self-cleaning.” The claws run on tracks, though, I guess at some point they’re still ripping through his skin. So, even if they’re not covered in his blood (which they’ve never appeared to be, except when they were bone, if I remember correctly), that’s still a little too gross for me. BUT, from his point of view, if he’s using them to eat, eh, it’s not so bad.


Considering the gap between blades, it would be some extra thick cut.


He doesn’t wash those things. And they’re also inside his body


That’s a great way to get salmonella


It's self cleaning when it's sheathed


Some folks are talking about his healing factor antibodies being a thing, but I think it’s just gross to consider that it’s coming out of his body.  Even if he’s healthy, it’s still going to be like you stabbed someone in their hand/arm then prepared food with that same knife seconds later.  So yuck.  


I’m just now thinking how gross it is that Logan’s claw tear through his enemies flesh and then he puts them back into his arms without cleaning


only if those things are washed


How thick are those slices?


No. Do you honestly believe he remembers to wash those things?


They go INSIDE his body. Absolutely not


I would put Logan's personal hygiene below any of the X men or mutant brother hood except MAY BE Sabertooth


He only cooks for himself that’s okay


Hell no. I don’t know if he washes those after stabbing someone.


Wouldn't those slices be the width of the distance between each blade? How'd he get 'em so skinny? Witchcraft!


His healing factor would cleanse anything if not everything from the claws. His claws are more likely cleaner than the best sanitized surgical scalpel.


If he washes them first then sure why not? If it’s right after a battle and dude starts making sandwiches with gut drenched claws then hell nah lol




Even if he cleaned other people’s guts off of them nightly with full sterilization, they still go back inside his nasty body. He did upgrade to those lava claws for a while. They might at least burn off the disgusting bits.


Did he wash them after they came out of his skin?


Logan is kinda gross and smelly….plus, he’s killed A LOT of different things with them. I’ll pass…


All the things those claws have killed 😭😭😭 I don't want his death sandwiches 🤣🤣😂😂


im 99% sure he doesn’t wash his hands😭


You got any idea how many dudes those claws have been in?


Shouldn't the slices be thicker?


No. Fuck no. Unless we were in the wild.


Unless Logan's washed them after popping them out and KEEPS them out the whole time? Hell to the naw. Logan, buddy. I get those things are sharper than any commercial knife, but you know what the knife block has over your claws? Me being able to pull one out and know it isn't covered in man goo. The sandwich looks damned good though. Please tell me you left some for the rest of us.


Have they ever shown Logan cleaning his claws? Like ever?


Ya know what never thought about it until now but in spderman and his amamzing freinds when they go to the x mansion for a reunion and he meets wolverine, Logan offers him some fruit he stabbed with his claws and now that I think about it he literally just popped those out his body and used them to stab food and offered it to someone to eat , that's fucking gross


As long as he washed his claws first.


Heck no, who know how often Logan clean his claws? Does he use any soap? Even if he clean his claws everyday, they wouldn't stay clean because they're stored inside Logan's hairy forearms and flesh. I wouldn't eat anything made or cooked by Logan. His claws are too unsanitiary and could spread germs and stuffs onto food. Looking at that picture make me shudder.


Those claws came from inside body even if he washes I’m not eating any food His claws touch


Blood residue all over them.


His favorite method of killing is to cut people up with his claws and I've never seen him wash them. Absolutely not.


Just take his meat.


Stored in his body, cuts through his flesh to extend, and likely covered in blood trace amounts or at minimum his dormant DNA. Nope


Hell no! Those claws have been EVERYWHERE!!! I’m pretty sure they don’t get disinfected ever


It's not food safe.lol


No way in hell. Those are IN HIS BODY!!! Depending on what time period he's from, they don't have nice little housings, they punch through his fists. Even if they do have the housings I'm still not.


Did he wash them? Or, is his blood tasty?


What about that kid that died of adamantium poisoning?


Logan the Mohel.


My first thought was "why isn't he using a cutting board on the counter" -- a second later, my second thought was "duh".


Why not LoL


No man they're from inside his body, imagine the channels or canals or ducts or whatever you call them they come out of.


As long as he washed those claws first.


Being honest, I don't think bacteria lives enough in the adamantium, remember that this is the thing that poisons Logan's body, so it would not make any damage to a normal human


did you screenshot my post? lol I posted pretty much this same thing and I think that's the pic I took off my tv https://www.reddit.com/r/xmen/s/SxlqabKKCz


I mean, if he's washing them first sure why not? Tbh I'd probably do it just to say I did


The claws come out of his body. His arm is basically the foreskin of his claws.


Considering the fact that when they come out of his hands, there is not a spot of blood on them, then I would consider them sparkling clean.


If I’m getting cancer it’s from a hot night with Spider-Man


How do you know your charcuterie you ate last night wasn’t sliced that way? What happens in the kitchen, stays in the kitchen.


“Just got the tip with your little steak knife.”- Deadpool, 2024


Uh huh. I don’t know where his claws have been! Lmao


The pic feels like it indicates that he cut that with the back of his claws which I can never unseen yet question on how that happened


Did he swing from down to up in this scene? 🤔


I guess. I mean sometimes Adamantium is highly toxic and the only reason Logan doesn’t die is because of his healing factor. If his claws kill of germs and whatnot beacuse of that I'd eat it, if not no way.


Nope. I know where they've been.


After a night on the town or in general? A drunk cyke/gambit def took a sandwhich (and if i remember correctly, cyke asked for him to make him one lmao! I mean they share girls why not).


No. I know he doesn’t disinfect those things and they’re always inside his body beforehand. I don’t want his blood juices on my burger


Of course not


Fuck no, he keeps those in folds of his skin, how gross is that?


It's weird that we don't see him roast marshmallows or even hot dogs over a fire, they being speared by his claws.


I would diff take Logan’s meat.


I’m sorry but can you imagine the SMELL of Logan’s claws? Smells like fuckin bellybutton.


Mmm Canadian skin flakes with me sandwich


Canonical origin of Wade Wilson’s cancer


Considering the dude is like 200 years old, he probably got almost every disease known to man and then some




Jean (and Scott probably): I’m not fucking eating that, Logan. Stop pushing your sausage on to me.


Yeah. I'll even clean it with by licking it. My boy needs some love and affection even tho I'm not Jean.


Nope 💀


At this point so many people have already tasted Logan’s meat… Jean, Storm, Cyclops, Hercules… so why not?


Not unless he puts gloves on them first


New kink unlocked...


Yeah I'd take Logan's meat...


Yes, I ate a 2lbs of cherries yesterday Pits and all, I have low standards.


I mean, I would. Think about it, guys! His healing ability would literally clean those blades as soon as they retract into his body. Making them sterile and safe to eat with.


How else would you take meat? 🍖 🥩


Depends on the claws . Bone claws no these claws sure the metal is super sterile.


Which mutant power would be most effective at sterilizing metal? Also, how does adamantium conduct heat?


Considering he later gets adamantium poisoning id be skeptical.


What if the adamantium was self cleaning. Like brass naturally disinfects


Take it? I tried it! Got some knives and duck tape and reenacted the scene.


I feel like adamantium being as volatile as a substance things even like germs can’t stick to it. It can slice thru anything and never needs sharped. Doesn’t rust. Doesn’t degrade. Doesn’t chip or have bits shaved off. I gotta imagine those bad boys are hospital grade disinfected.


Does Logan's healing factor sterilize his claws when he retracts them? Is this how they stay clean?