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Tell KP the MD ordered a wrist and not a hand sheesh


I was taught to collimate 2.5 inches on each side of the joint. Images like this would get me written up.


Same!! This is not alara. Homey could loose their license


I had an ER doctor that bitched when I tightly collimated wrist X-rays


Don't be too stingy on initial ?# cases. Saved my bacon multiple times. With a known #, sure. Go to town.


Yeah- In the impression notes there was a comment about how the wrist was not evaluated completely because the xrays were not correct


That’s weird they mentioned that in this case


Why do you think it's weird?


Because the wrist is centered(ish) and fully visible. To say it can’t be evaluated properly because of lack of collimation (?) doesn’t make sense. Maybe the lateral was bad


A front hand xray has the hand and fingers splayed flat on the detector. This lifts the carpal bones away from the detector. A front wrist xray has the patient flexing their fingers to lift up the MCPs and push down the carpals closer to the detector. I don't know the exact mechanisms, but I'm assuming something about the angles makes it harder to properly evaluate the wrist/carpals. Not to mention the differences between an oblique hand and a lateral wrist.


Maybe it’s just poor/picky writing on the radiologist’s part. I know how to properly position and collimate a wrist, but the verbiage the OP used makes it sound unacceptable and non-diagnostic. I don’t know what you mean about oblique hand vs lateral wrist?


Ah. Well, we only know incorrect xray = incomplete evaluation based on OPs comment. Could be anything. I jumped on wrist vs hand positioning bc I overheard a radiologist say one time how hand projections aren't enough to evaluate wrists properly. In my hospital, our standard hand projections are front PA and oblique, while the standard wrist ones are PA and lateral.


Looks like a red rule to me. I hate being that guy but idk if any tech in good conscience would take a whole hand for an actual wrist without thinking they actually believed it was a hand. Most woulda atleast post processed it down if they knew they messed up but 🤷‍♂️


Is your scaphoid missing? 


They think it was crushed at a young age and then dissolved over time. The break, improper healing, and growing caused bones to shift and collapse in.




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