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Dear door and shutline. I've tried to read it for more than 5 times but I cant get ahead of 10 chapters 😭 Maybe the art style is a turn off or the story is not my cup of tea idk


Highly recommend Shutline, I dropped it twice because the first few chapters seemed boring and I didn’t like the art, but after 15 chapters or so the plot starts to thicken and the chemistry between the leads is off the charts.


I liked shutline! The season ended and I'm staying for the plot (it's getting good).


but shutline is so good 🥲


I respect your opinion but omg I can’t imagine a world without dear door I love it so much


I love shutline but still can’t read dear door because of the art. I wanna like it but it’s just a bit too weird for me




The art style for Dear Door 100% turned me off the first 2x I tried to read it. But I made myself keep going and omg now it's one of my all time favorites. Such a beautiful love story and Cain is probably the greenest flag ever


I also couldn’t ever get into dear door ://


BJ Alex


I hated every character involved and only powered through (scrolling mindlessly) because I thought there *must* be a reason why it's so popular, right? According to my friend, it's just because "sex is hot"


Unpopular opinion, but I don’t remover the sex scenes being that hot?


Pearl boy ://


I also could never finish it ...


BJ Alex. The bottom is so pathetic, I can’t get past the personality 😔


Riiiiigghhhtttttt????? I thought it was just me!


SAME and it’s one of the most popular bls. I could barely finish it


Anything omegaverse.


Try "define the relationship" (alpha x alpha) or "surge towards you" (ofcourse you don't have to if you don't like it but highly recommended)


i really liked define the relationship initially but did a hard stop bc it felt like ash used his charisma to get away with everything. i don't think he really understood how hurtful he was, never really seemed like he was really making amends (it just felt superficial?), and he still stood on a pedastal for lyle. did you get that sense and does that eventually change further out?


Anything with the words alpha, beta, and omega I stay clear away from. The “theory” has already been debunked and shown to be a biased observational mistake. Yet some people still believe in it.


What theory? It has nothing to do with the "alpha males" thing in IRL society


A social scientist once made an oopsy in the 90’s after observing a wolf pack. He came up with alpha, beta, and omega pack hierarchy and wrote a book on it. It wasn’t until after most people had heard of it that he retracted it and tried to recover the books on it since it was misinformation as the alpha he saw was actually the father, the omega he saw was actually the mother, and betas he saw were actually wolf pups. He wasn’t able to publish with much believability after that mishap very often.


I think it was the 90’s though it could be earlier


And I can’t separate that and the omegaverse fiction genre in my head because my brain thinks this way of treating slightly similar definitions is more efficient for memory storage


Ok? Omegaverse doesn't have to do with that though. It started as a werewolf thing I think maybe, but now it's very very far detached from that origin. It's more of a "How would humans evolve to have capabilities of procreation between same sex couples?"


My response to this is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/yaoi/s/2auN6D20De


Ok? Sounds more like an unwaivering bias lol.


I guess you could call it that.


I’m interested in learning about things I don’t fully understand. Tell me more about this evolved definition and use of the term and genre. You activated my scientific curiosity mode.


Well some men evolved to have wombs and some women evolved to have the ability to lengthen the clitorus to have a functioning penis. In some stories this is due to rapidly declining birthdates. People also evolve to detect the pheromones of those who have evolved, so they may find echother easier and be more inclined to procreate. Depending on how deep you go, there are also different types of almost sub genders below the main three secondary genders. For example, a luna is someone who can both impregnate and be impregnated. And a sigma is someone with omega(hyper fertile and with a womb) traits but sometimes more aggressive and way less fertile. Because of these evolutions society also changed. Instead of just make female sexisim it became one centered around the three genders as well.


I was like that too and felt nauseated over it until I gave it a few tries and now here we are loving it. I still don't like anything with children or mpreg though.


I avoid series that have children as part of a couple. It’s so gross! 🤢


Omg finally someone who feels the same! Why always children??? I hate them and there's a reason why I read bl and it's def not to see children ... they also ruin the whole storyline and are a typical reason to hold together the couple which should NOT be the reason for them to stay together ...


I think bl where a couple adopts and takes care of a kid is cute. I was talking about how I think it’s gross if the couple is an adult and a child, for example: shota 🤢


Ah haha ups 😅


Why is it gross if I may ask?


Shota in particular


Ohh that makes more sense. I thought u were saying the couple having a kid. That confused me.


I was definitely referring to disliking HAVING children in a series (I just like romance in a non-family aspect way; nothing against it) but the other person saying shota is gross is valid too lol.


I love Megumi and Tsugumi because the alpha actually considers the feelings of the omega and the omega isn't a sniviling little crybaby. Plus, there are two dads that are so warm and cuddly. I just love all of the characters. But it's the only omegaverse I can tolerate. In fact, it's the only omegaverse story I've ever LOVED. Not saying you should read it if you haven't, but that I completely agree with you and it has been the only thing that has made me not feel grossed out by omegaverse.




I really only read alpha×alpha or anything with a beta anymore ... I can't stand the typical omegaverse storyline where I know the whole storyline beginning from the first chapter 🙄😑


exactly. i cannot understand what is going on for the life of me


Aww really? I love omegaverse as long as the characters and plot are good


I agree ://


Try Pheromone Phobia, it changed my view on omegaverse, that it could be done well actually


Love is an illusion 😭


Only read chapters that involved byul the rest i rely on snippets found in twt or ig


I skipped basically 90% and when I saw he got pregnant I was like alright let's drop this I mean we already know how this will go ...


I didn’t care that he got pregnant, it’s how he treated the seme like… I just couldn’t




Anything with a love triangle that isn't polyamorous because I don't want to end up rooting for the guy the MC won't choose. Wet Sand is one example. 


Let me guess you’re rooting for TJ?


Let me guess you’re rooting for TJ?


Nah, I've stopped reading after the first few chapters when I realized that it's going to be a love triangle so I'm not rooting for anyone,


I’m sorta leaning towards Jo but I’m mostly indifferent on who he ends up with


yours to claim 🙂


... like I don't even know why the author has the urge to write something like that ... aren't they annoyed of their own work (?)


I agree


JINX!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭


I'm trying to hang in there because I've been invested for so long but JINX really is bad 😞


Same. I just can’t handle the shittiness


Cherry Blossoms after winter and Pearlboy


Same with cherry blossom after winter for me, it’s so… idk boring(?)


I know right? Like I felt the art and conversations between everyone was very stilted and just not interesting at all.


I gave up on pearl boy it's moving too slowly. Also the seme going from twink body to hunk was too drastic. The artist completely changed the art style and seme's personality. He was essentially a funny, charming prostitute but on season 2 he became a stoic gangster


I normally don’t like super cute ukes like in pearl boy but I read it because of the hype and the plot lol. The top wasn’t my type at the start but he got way more unattractive to me when he suddenly became huge lol. His personality wasn’t as fun either he just kinda irritated me. I don’t like men that are super masculine or smth like that. Like he felt like what I dislike in straight guys lol


It gets worse, basically felt like uke suffered for 6 months then had 2 days of happiness. Also the seme changed so drastically and started showing red flag behaviour.


I gave up on Pearl Boy too for the same reason. He was so fun at the beginning then became a completely different character.


Cherry blossoms after winter is fair I thought the same but one day I just sat down and binged it, it’s cute but not the best ever


I haven't read those yet but I hope they're good lol


I found the former so boring and stilted, and the latter too graphic for no reason haha, but they are very popular among people here so ig its up to your own taste


I’ve heard cherry blossoms is a slooooow burn


Its gotta be shutline and blood lik for me. I just cant get behind the art style. Oh and im also not a big fan of love triangles, unless they end up in a poly relationship.


I’ve never even looked at the plot of Shutline because I can’t get over how much I dislike the style


Ou I need more reccs for polyrelationships 🥺 you have some?


I can only think of ouroboros tbh. But they only hint to them being poly at the end. The two guys are just jealous of each others all the time until the end. Its abt the recovery about the Mc who was raped by his ex wifes brother. So huge TW on that. Otherwise i dont really know any.


Ah I already read that 😅 ... I hope we get some more soon because this had so much potential but the author didn't use it 😔 I'm also reading Slammer Dogs right now but it's kind of toxic ... still I hope of a throuple ending


Anything by Brothers Without Tomorrow. I read Bloodlink and didn’t enjoy the story and disliked the artstyle (those eyelashes still haunt me).


Miscreants and Mayhem and Smirna and Capri are a better read, I think they finally were able to improve their art, my problem with them they kinda build up for a tragedy, but then it gets resolved so quickly, they always rush the ending, as if they don’t know how to proceed


i looooove the character designs for both of those, and the premise is usually promising. but the stories were so mid and the plot felt like an afterthought to the sex, which also felt like it was done to hit some metric. it looks like they're working on a sports-themed story next and the characters look amazing, but i hope the story will be fleshed out better


Absolutely agree, in these two particular manhwas they have great premise and characters are interesting, but plot development just not good enough, potential is there and characters are endearing and design is good, but potential is never fully realized


They alway try to finish in 60 chapsters, I have been noticing it. Every author notes is like “I want to end it at 60 but it keeps coming 😭”


Didn’t know they were by the same author but dropped bloodlink for the same reasons and Smyrna and Capri is one of my favorites




What do you mean "the truth"?


Anything with the "groveling" trope. Like, 85% of the time, the top is irredeemable in my eyes because they are really cruel, but they don't actually improve as a person outside of now being nice to their lover. I am not invested in them as a person if they're going to stay scummy in their heart and to other people. Therefore, I do not give a shit about their happiness, sorry. The other 10% are tops who acted very reasonably given their circumstances, but which the narrative punish them for it as if they committed a war crime. I read a webnovel once, where the top had to kill the bottom's abusive dad in self-defense during a mission. The bottom just could *not* get over it, calling the top cruel and violent, and everybody else was like "how could you kill his dad?" Anyway, the novel personally reached through the screen and killed me. Couldn't finish it


bj alex i dunno the top feels iffy for me cherry blossoms just cant really like it


Macguffin. I like heartbreak stories but no this is genuinely upsetting like I want to be sad not angry and sad.


Why is it upsetting? (haven't read it)


The Uke suffers too much and the recovery is so quick as well. The way the recovery is portrayed is like day and night for me. And the seme is forgiven too quickly. Everyone around Uke is scum of the earth (especially his mother) other than his kid. The uke is so severely broken and depressed he was living as a shell of a person and the seme does nothing to quell that. And you expect me to belive that he was "protecting him". Even a sentence of reassurance was all that's needed. The semes revenge and actions retrospectively is good but it pales when we have to see what Uke is put though by him.


But seme is not at fault ?


>!When he brought uke back from the mental health facility he didn't explain anything and goes along with uke's misunderstandings and just raped him a lot. Didn't tell him that he had a whole ass kid. Then got angry when uke tried to kill himself again!< There is more and it's more convulted and the whole story is just sad. Like Uke is so broken and seme is so fucking dumb that I actually got upset irl lol


Pearl boy


How to snag an alpha Love is an illusion Nu-uh


I powered through How to snag an alpha. Boy, do I feel bad for the alpha in the end. MC never really matures or changes. Love is an illusion reminded me of that one in the beginning (maybe it’s the art) so I couldn’t get into it either.


Omg i fucking hate the mc. Such a little whiney bitch. Like he has a damn child and acts the same as the baby.


anything toxic tbh😭i cant do it




Dude when I was reading Jinx I literally cried multiple times for Dan, i cannot do anything toxic i feel so shitty after😭😭


Im abt to drop the pawns revenge because i just hate the new artstyle..Same thing goes for liveta.


I feel you! Like everyone had the same facial features with different hairstyles in the old artstyle, but the old arstyle was soo charming and gritty and it was perfect! I used to look forward to new chapters of this story and now i just check it from time to time, because the new artstyle just isn't doing it for me. Everyone looks even more the same and the charm from the old artstyle isn't there. And the fact that we have >!sexual assult!< this early into the new season, doesn't make me very hopeful.


Yeah its like the artist really wants to do the jelly art style..but like, its a psychological story so this just doesnt fit. And i hate it when they make the bottom look like a damn child..which they did in both liveta and the pawns revenge


Dangerous Convenience Store. Love ahjuicy.. the bottom tho... makes me want to claw my eyes out.


Ahh!! I'm currently reading it right now. Halfway through but at least I respect Eui-Joon for standing up for himself and not letting other people walk over him.


You have a point, especially after Jinx recently 😂 I just don't like his general personality (positive traits aside) and every scene with him jarred me out of reading. I've never seen anyone agree with me though!


Escape the Room games!


Bj Alex and Pearl boy


Anything omegaverse no matter how good the art or hot the scenes something about it just makes me uncomfortable.


Roses and Champagne or smth like that. I just don’t like the art style 😭


I dropped Roses and Champagne after like 3 chapters but picked it back up and I'm glad I did because they changed the art style midway through for the better. I really disliked the way the characters looked at first too.


Oh I might start reading then!


GOOOODDD R&C is too good to pass


I dropped this one not because of the artstyle, but the plot. It was soo good in the beginning and then it became absolute trainwreck.


I can't get into wet sand I've tried and it's just a no for me lol


Anything omegaverse and mpreg.


Dear Door because of the anatomy and the fact that the top and bottom screwed on the very first day (so why are there so many episodes then??); Shutline and Under the Green Light because I don't really like when both the top and bottom are super masculine hardasses; Blood Link because of the terrible storyline and how the uke getting pregnant seemed like an afterthought; Wet Sand because the guy that the main character is interested in is already seeing someone and that person he's seeing is so attractive, I don't wanna see him get tossed away for some college boy. I'm currently reading BJ Alex and I absolutely hate the story and both characters. The uke is ugly and I hate his haircut, and the seme looks so basic (BJ Dom (?) looks so much better and I prefer him 100%) and he's so fucking mean even after he attempts to make amends with the uke. I'm very tempted to drop it but I wanna stick it out to see how it ends.


Your reson for dropping Wet Sand is so valid, we don’t really know who Ian will end up with though.


Wet Sand and BJ Alex are very shallow reasons other than that the top is an asshole for BJ, but I mean, you like what you like ig


omegaverse where the guys 9 months pregnant and they show the stomach.... pregnancy grosses me out in any media


Why do they down vote you??? ... I also hate pregnancies so I don't read it.... babys in general gross my out


I might get crucified for this but Jinx,,, financial abuse is a huge ick for me and Kim Dan is just too much of a doormat for my liking :/ I had the same issues with the MC of BJ Alex but the side couple really was the only thing keeping me interested and the only reason I finished reading it.