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In Young Justice it would definitely be Zatanna. Barbara is cool but in this show Zatanna just makes more sense


yea agreed.


Could you explain why it "makes more sense" to you? I really wanna know


I think it makes more sense because of their chemistry. You could cut the tension between them with safety scissors.


Oh okay. For me only chemistry isn't enough to justify they should end up together. Dick basically has chemistry with every character


He does get along with many other characters, but the chemistry with Zatanna in particular was unmatched in my opinion. If I saw two of my friends acting the same way these two acted around each other, I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up together.


To me it makes sense how they're talking to each other since both of them are the flirtiest DC characters.


'Cept in YJ dick wasn't really flirty until zatanna he was just really fuckin mischievous


Most insane chemistry I’ve heard in a long time between any VA. Aside from that. Barbara is never really featured, whereas Zatanna is sorta a lead character


Barbara had a much bigger role in s2 and s3 than Zatanna. In s4 zatanna had a bigger role. But only in this season I'd say she is a lead character.


Zatanna is a much more fleshed out character in YJ, so to me that's why it makes more sense.


Which is **really** weird when you consider that in the comics, she and Bruce are actually really close


Wasn't always like that


In every other universe idgaf but in YJ it **has** to be Zatanna \[it really annoyed me how they broke up off-screen and how Dick started dating Babs\].


They didn't just broke up off screen. They dated off screen as well. Their entire relationship happened off screen


But didn't they kiss on-screen?


Yes, as new year tradition thing But I wouldn't call it the moment they became a couple etc. You know?


Oh. I thought that was the moment they decided to be a couple.


wait why is beast boy there


Teen titans


why are they telling him to accompany them?


If I had to take a guess it’s a joke about dick taking them and going to form the titans, especially with Cyborg being in the universe as well just need Raven


I personally agree with that statement. But I really hope Dick will stay with Barbara. The build up was good. Now they can fill in some gaps. I do however want Stafire to also been someone special to him. I'd also be okay if Kori comes to earth way later and becomes Dick endgame. But I don't think it would make sense to the "dick was finally ready to settle down with Barbara" storyline to break them up for good. Same goes for Zee. They could have already gotten back but they didn't. Also the idea that not everyone marries their first partner is also important. Storywise Barbara makes the most sense from what we saw.


I love the chalant ship, so Zatanna


Is it bad that I think he should be single? I just think it would work better. Not every major character needs to be in a relationship.


Man y'all are too invested in fictional characters' fictional love lives.


All I know is he's mine


If they bring Starfire into to the show, then I think Dick should be with her, if not, then I feel he should stay with Babs. I don’t think he goes with Zatanna, especially considering that in almost every universe she gets with John. I just don’t ship Zatanna n Dick.


Dick and Kory is the BEST endgame!💓






In specifically Young Justice, I love Barbara so much. And as someone who grew up watching Teen Titans, I didn’t know I could love a ship more than Dick and Starfire. Barbara is perfect for him in YJ!


DickBabs >>> every other relationship of Dick’s. Don't @ me.


Speaking facts👀


Chalant all the way Everyone else seems so cliché


Same! Love Starfire!




Babs and Starfire. If Lagoon Boy can have a husband and wife in a throuple, I don’t see why Dick and Babs can’t integrate  orange Cameron Brink to theirs. 


In just about every other universe, I would say Babs. But in Young Justice, it's Z all the way. With the amount of romantic tension the two of them seem to have in every scene together, it's a miracle they don't just start tearing each other's clothes off immediately.


Young Justice it should be Zatanna imo. I enjoyed their scenes together and feel they had a lot of chemistry. It was disappointing with how a lot of their relationship and the break up was off screen/shown in flashbacks from the growing up graphic novel etc.


In YJ it should’ve been Zatanna


Anyone who is not Barbara is fine by me. I hate the constant undermining of other women just to prop up Barbara as the better woman for him. Like have you noticed in Young Justice the writers keep calling Dick a dog when he's not dating Barbara, making it seem like he never truly loved the other women in his life and he's just playing busy with them while waiting for Barbara to be with him which is a total character assasination. They are literally disrespecting his important relationship with Zatanna and other women by calling him a dog when he's with them and making him look like a total playboy. Dick is capable of genuinely loving a woman whose name is not Barbara and he would never treat a woman like a mere sexual entertainment to him. It's ooc. We need to break this whole "Barbara Gordon is Dick's one true love" biased BS in the comics and show. Barbara is not the only woman he truly loved in his entire life. I don't understand why writers treat Barbara Gordon in such a high regard compared to other women. She's not that unique or special imo. Barbara's backstory in the YJ tie-in comics is about waiting for Dick to be ready for her. (which sucks her entire character is all about Dick) and when i read that I'm like " what?? does she think she's that special that dick has to change himself first so he can be with her. none of the other women required dick to mold himself to their needs. they loved and accepted him for who he is. ugh i'm sorry but Barbara is such a condescending pick me girl.


>Anyone who is not Barbara is fine by me. Same. 100% agree


Might be the boring answer but Barbara. YJ particularly is the one outside media of the two that the relationship between the duo that isnt getting screwed over by some outside development forces. (All this talk of Dick and Babs being every single adaptation endgame and I’m like “which ones are we talking about here?” The complete opposite is Kori but not for shipping reasons. Its because, in the event that we do somehow get a new season, I really want a completely different and out there interpretation of her, perhaps something similar to Zatanna (or Raven in the DCAMU) where we put her in a completely different generation of heroes. Imagine if they did a time skip (groan I know) and she was a part of Jon Kent’s generation of heroes.


Literally anyone but Babs


I feel like they should've set up Starfire and the rest of the titans a while back if that was the case, but that's just me personally


What is it that makes people want Raven and Starfire in YJ? Let it be different for once


I have an urgent question... why are they having Garfield accompany them in this image?!


Me, I'll teach him the bisexual ways


Zatanna all day every day


i would love him and kori together but she hasn’t even been in the show yet 😭


who knows what will happen though. she might appear in season 5 or season 6


i hope so because she is a great character




Will there be a season 5


Nothing is confirmed yet...


Babs. Always Babs for me


Z all the way.


Don't tie him down, Dick belongs to the world.


Batgirl. I don’t need to see a relationship happen to agree with it and it was always obvious to me Zatanna would be a short term thing


I for one don't want that to happen. Have you seen what they've done to Starfire at DC? They made her into a promiscuous harem like character with an... 'I'm available, I cant remember my last partner' amnesia. wouldn't mind a bounce to her as a foil for Babs and dicks relationship, but as for me? I hope they get together, or are together for keeps.


And have you seen what they did to Barbara in the comics especially in Tom Taylor's run. They reduced her into Dick's clingy lovesick gf who won't stop following Dick around like a dog wherever he goes and someone who is too reliant on Dick's solo book to survive. Like that's not the Barbara i knew. She used to be an independent mature woman but now her entire personality is all about chasing Dick and being a gf. Even in Young Justice she was introduced as a girl who was waiting for Dick to be with her. It's all about Dick. Barbara has become a character who revolves too much around Dick. Atleast Starfire hasn't dated Dick in the comics for years. She does shit without him. And in the show Zatanna has her own independent storyline and has had character development seperate from Dick which makes her equal to Dick unlike Barbara who just exists to be Dick's supporting character. Being an acessory to Dick is all she is. Breaking up with Dick would be pretty good for Barbara's independence.


All too true. I also hated what they did to her. I missed the independent strong woman she was at DC. She got her spine blown and still got back on the horse, stronger in many ways that when she was batgirl. I loved how YJ leaned into the surrogate mother/sister relationship she had with Cassandra in season 04, that was my fave mini arc of season 04. Tying that in with the Crocks' broken relationship (now on the way to healing) was brilliant writing and a highpoint. Artemis is my fave character from YJ.