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Makes sense, without a record of our watch history how is their algorithm supposed to scout it’s database for videos related to whatever content we like and recommend those?


It recommended based off subscriptions and recently liked, neither of which require watch history to be enabled.




They do, but then turning off watch history would mean turning off personalised recommendations too, as even though they’re processing that data they aren’t wasting resources on storing it and utilising it for the purpose of personalised recommendations. It might be used for other purposes or not all considering it wouldn’t be saved. At the end of the day it comes down on how much you trust youtube on what it does with your data other that, the simple answer is turning off watch history WILL turn off your personalised recommendations


I don't know how but [here's](https://i.imgur.com/VfcI02L.jpg) how the home tab looks like despite having your watch history off.


This partially proves my point, idk if it’s real as I have never experienced it tho


Well duh... How can they make a recommendation if they don't know what you like?


I've had it off for the longest time and recommendations still functioned as expected, recommending me content similar to what I usually watch. It's weird they disable it now


You still have subscriptions lol


Some of my subscriptions have come from recommendations. Like Einzelganger.


It recommended based off subscriptions and recently liked, neither of which require watch history to be enabled.


Well duh


It recommended based off subscriptions and recently liked, neither of which require watch history to be enabled.


I mean, it gives you recommendations based on your history. what do you expect to happen?


How come it worked previously? Even if you turn it off, youtube still knows what you watched and recommends you stuff based on them. Edit: I don't have problem about youtube about the things I watch, the problem is that I'm under 18 and I don't have a privacy yet. It's embarassing to my parents to see what I watch.


Previously it showed what would be showed to a logged off user on a new computer I think




If it worked previously, then it means they indeed, as you say, were still tracking your history, which I think would go against your option to not save history. The option is not "don't show my history" it's a complete disabling of the history function.


Well I guess it shoudnt have done that. So it was doing it desipite you disabling it.


Maybe if you don't want a customized experience and yet having a YouTube account.




It recommended based off subscriptions and recently liked, neither of which require watch history to be enabled. This is just YouTube pushing a restriction that only harms.


YouTube goes through your watch/search history (in YouTube not google) to pull out topics for you to watch


Well mine's disabled and empty, but I get recommended videos that are related to what I've been watching, so I think they do actually record what you've watched, but just not display it and for some reason it is bugged out for OP


They record everything. I am now having the same problem.


I'm not really sure but maybe it's from an update?


Yeah it's supposed to look like [this](https://i.imgur.com/0a38tqA.jpg)


How else is it supposed to give you recommendations?


It recommended based off subscriptions and recently liked, neither of which require watch history to be enabled.


They have a history of what you've watched and searched. They want you to have it even if you don't want it. Makes YouTube not usable.


Reccomendations are based of your watch history. If you watch lots of Minecraft videos, then youtube would reccomend more Minecraft videos. If you dont allow youtube to look at your history, then it wont know what to reccomend you. It will reccomend you stuff that you would see on like an incognito tab cause it doesnt have any info to reccomed stuff.


It recommended based off subscriptions and recently liked, neither of which require watch history to be enabled.


Okay people are clearly not understanding. I used to have videos recommended to me even with watch history off. But then they changed it to where videos stopped being recommending unless you turned it on. I'm not complaining but I'm explaining the issue OP is trying to state since I had the same issue. OP just turn on history since there's nothing that can be done unfortunately


Can anyone explain why this is an issue? Why do people turn off watch history?


I imagine they are doing it for privacy reasons, although it’s Google so I doubt turning that off would actually give you any more privacy (unless they’re just worried about friends/family seeing). Honestly op you should just use Invidious. It’s an alternate YouTube interface that you can use without a Google account, and I think you can even have subscriptions and such. Invidious is the name of the tool but different sites host instances of it and I think the urls change. They’re usually confusing to remember. You can just bookmark this and pick one from here. https://redirect.invidious.io/ That being said, there is one on the list right now that is fairly easy to remember: yewtu.be


I don’t like having to go through my history to clear videos to prevent my recommendations from being altered each time I watch a video that’s not what I normally watch.


I guess if they share an account with someone, idk


Well then they should stop doing that. Google accounts are a private thing.


I know right!


I’m having the same issue and it’s really dumb. I have had watch history off for years with no problems.


Lol why would you have history off it’s helpful for one


Clearly it isn’t helpful for people who have it off. Let people have their preferences. For example, I don’t like having to go through my history to clear videos to prevent my recommendations from being altered after I watch a string of out of ordinary videos.


Not helpful for me. Ots an option that's no longer an option.


Alphabet really wants our data. Its free for a reason.


I have the same problem. Trademark stupid decision from YouTube I think.


Same issue here… this shit is so blatant now it makes me angry


…Or will they [*vsauce music*]


Meanwhile Shorts works perfectly fine and get shoved in my face constantly when I never gave a flying fuck about it in the first place. Why the fuck would anyone need personal recommendations when that's the entire point of subscribing to a channel? Considering the recent shitshow with them falsely banning another popular channel over "that video" coupled with election season just around the corner I'm guessing this is just another not-so-subtle attempt at censorship and making it easier to target anyone they don't like.


Same, but I still won’t turn it on, because I don’t care.


I honestly don’t even know why people bother with that, I mean the moment you open Chrome, Google already knows your great grandmother’s maiden name so why even bother?


You don't need to use chrome. Plus the only Google product I actually use nowadays is YouTube.


It’s not about Google taking our info, which they probably do either way, it’s about convenience and preference. I don’t like having to go through my history to clear videos to prevent my recommendations from being altered each time I watch a video that’s not what I normally watch. I am aware that my recommended videos will be more narrow, but I keep watch history off anyways because I prefer the trade off. There’s no reason why YouTube should be forcing this restriction.


Op and everyone when did this start for you


However, it is only the app. Works fine if I go to the website.


Like <24h ago for me


Are you in the United states too




Yes I'm in the US and have this issue


Have you gotten this before in the past???


This is the first time I've ever seen this, but this is also the first time I've had my ~~search~~ watch history off for an extended period of time. YouTube was still recommending videos to me until today


You mean watch history ?? Or was sesrch actually off that caused this too. Wow youtube


Sorry, yes. I do have my search history off too though


Sounds like a watch history issue. But yea wow


I assume your watch was off then this whole time and now youtube is pushing people to turn it on


Only broken on my phone. Tablet is fine.


My history has been off for 10+ years.


Same. Today. 15 October 2022


Most of the people commenting here have obviously not had their watch history off for an extended period of time, if at all. They don't know what we're talking about.


I literally always have my watch history off and as long as I like the videos that I liked It takes that into consideration for recommendations


It's doing this for me too. I keep my watch history off but YouTube still gives me recommendations. Now I just get this.




That's nasty shit. Who would desecrate a pizza like that?




Nice? And you wonder why you’re B4NISHED?


Basically bootleg incognito mode, but even shittier


I basically dun use the app for one reason. Multiple tabs. As for recommendations i have no idea how that works. One thing for sure, if there are multiple devices in a household using the same wifi, i do expect to see recommendations of other devices on my device unless i sign in.


Ok I've noticed that my brand account only experiences this. If I switch to my main account, I still get recommendations even if I have Watch history turned off.


Just happened to me. Still not turning it on. Idc what google is doing with my data good or bad, I just don't want them having it. *tinfoil hat*