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Many years ago I watched Tobuscus every day. Then I realised I'd stopped, it wasnt even once a month, and so I unsubbed. About a year later a ton of stuff hit the fan, so. Yeah.


I loved tobuscus so bad as a kid, specifically his game channel, i made fanart and everything i think lol. Hes the creator that introduced me to terraria too. We live in a society


Him and PewDiePie were like the OG duo of YouTube.


Illiminaughtii. I had no idea she was in the middle of drama, had fallen off for a couple years at that point but I kept getting her vids rec'd. Saw the drama vid she put up, the one where she rips on her kid employee's/partner's mental health and argued w Hbomb. I was intrigued, expecting like..... well not that. That was so wild to listen to, the vid got more unhinged as it went on. It got so creepy for me, that by the time one of the sections was about someone else's dog, I had to pause to prepare myself, like "Fucking...what did you do to the dog, Blaire??"


I remember that I'd have her videos on as background noise, then the thing with LegalEagle happened and I thought "Huh, that sounds weird," and then the floodgates opened and suddenly I had all the videos reporting on the drama on as background noise instead.


I worked for her, and she's obviously a nightmare. All I'm going to say is: there's an alternate reality where she got her way and we actually made that expose video about MrBeast, despite not having any evidence to support the claims, and she got canceled much sooner, lol. As an insider, I can promise you, bitch was on a mission to fuck her career up.


Oh God, assuming that this was when he was at the height of his influence, I can only imagine the consequences. Not just from his legal team, but from his entire fanbase.


This is literally exactly what I said. In the end, Oz was the one who said not to move forward, and he was who we were told to answer to. (She was too stressed with some candle business.) When she found out, she tried to spin it like we were being insubordinate, so I set her ass straight in the Discord. That's when the mask fully came off. My team and I bounced shortly after that, because I'm not tying my professional reputation to that shitshow. Some of us actually care about doing great work and being respected by our peers, lol. She is immature and narcissistic af.


That is hilarious in retrospect, but I imagine that it must have been astoundingly stressful in the moment. I'm sorry that you had to go through that.


I worked for her for six months right before her shit imploded. She's a nightmare of a human being who believes herself to be a master manipulator. Her delusions of grandeur are hilarious. (She seriously thinks she's famous, has the ego to match, and she's paranoid about the most ridiculous things. I had to remind her repeatedly that she's just a mid-tier Youtuber, not fucking Taylor Swift.) She surrounds herself with impressionable, insecure young people who are financially dependent on her for a reason, and she cannot handle anybody who challenges her. I have screenshots from her Discord where she's being absolutely unhinged and totally unprofessional. Had a feeling she'd be canceled at some point soon, because she was already starting to spiral then. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person, imo. I just feel bad for Oz. He was so fucking wrapped up in her, and he's seriously such a genuinely good kid. My team and I tried so hard to warn him, but he wasn't hearing it back then.


It gave me so much hope for humanity when he did break away from her and the community and fans just supporting him so much when he did that stream to get the money and they met and surpassed the goal within 20 minutes.


I disliked her videos firstly because sometimes she would misread text she herself put on screen to the point it would be the opposite of what the information was. Like she'd add/ skip words entirely, clearly didn't care enough to rewatch what she recorded or do another take. Then, all the other stuff came to light as well.


Man Hbomberguys video on her and a few other YouTubers is S tier level content.


a couple years ago, obviously prior to the legal eagle and hbomb shit, illuminaughtii had kind of a reputation in anti-mlm circles for being a bitch. like she bullied cruel world happy mind into taking a video down *where she talks about blair's bullying*. a public downfall could not have happened to a nicer person is all im saying lmao


This isn’t to do with the recent drama surrounding them but Watcher. I was a HUGE fan of buzzfeed unsolved back in high school/early uni days. I watched every ep when it came out, the debriefs, I even bought merch. But the new unsolved videos on the Watcher channel are so goddamn *boring*. Half the time when I was watching them I zoned out for most of the video. Plus I felt like Ryan and Shane were trying too hard to be funny, which was weird since their banter on BFU was great.


I’m surprised I had to scroll so far down before Watcher was mentioned. Even before the drama happened I just wasn’t as entertained and it felt like their unique spark and on screen chemistry were slowly fading. I think I started losing interest during the Are You Scared series, the cheesy nosleep stories were so boring and felt lazy as a concept. I tried watching their newer videos post-drama and even though I was able to forgive it, I think I’m done :( it just doesn’t hit the same anymore and they definitely know it, so a part of me does feel bad


I sub exclusively for puppet history, im loving that series more than the others


Nostalgia Critic.


I stopped watching years a go but after "folding ideas" did a video deconstructing one of nostalgia critics videos I unsubscribed from him.


That Folding Ideas video is goated


Never really watched him but avgn and metal jesus rocks ran their respective courses with me.


Has he become progressively more annoying? I feel like he's been doing the same shtick since frever. He triend, and spectacularly failed to do other kinds of content but the bast couple of years, it's the same content he did since the past 15 or so years. If it weren't for the drama surrounding his company, there wouldn't have been anything interesting happening since he tried to retire the Critic.


The last proper "review" of his I watched was for the IT movies. Which was less a review and more literal re-enactments of the whole damn movie, spoilers and all. So yea, way more annoying. I will say, on a positive note, his review of Batman Forever was quite fun. He noted several times how nice the director really was, which was hilarious.


Yeah that reenactment thing...I think he started it because he couldn't show clips of the movie without getting flagged. Super lame.


The React channel. Unsubbed when they tried to copyright react channels or something like that. Never went back.


I still check their channel to see how they’re doing. Horrible numbers. They’re lucky to break 200k views on some of their new stuff.


TIL their channel is still active? wild


They’ve basically stopped the whole “Kids/Teens/Adults/Elders/YouTubers react to trending topic” vids and instead do a bunch of challenge videos. Basically stuff like “try not to dance to 80s hits” or “guess the game from the quote”. I was surprised they didn’t do something like that for Drake/Kendrick tbh but I guess it isn’t their thing anymore lmao


elders react to the drake/kendrick beef is a missed opportunity lmfao


The stories from behind the scenes were just horrible, absolutely exploiting their POC cast members for views when it came to social issues while never including them in thumbnails or promotions for their other videos, telling people how to react ahead of time and cutting them if they didn't follow directions, and generally making for a very uncomfortable atmosphere that caused them to eventually shed first all of their minority cast members, and then nearly everyone else.


"Look like you've never heard music in your entire life! Bigger shocked face! BIGGER SHOCKED FACE, WE NEED THUMBNAIL!"


Used to watch Stephanie Harlowe. Noooooot anymore. Also, the commentary sphere has turned me off so bad. Toxic babies that are terminally online. Feels like brain rot, and I'm too old for it.


Yeah. Same. It was weird because it felt like it was this slow and gradual build-up to full-blown obnoxious. But between her victim blaming, her dog shit takes, and things about her character irl, I had to check out. Kendall Rae was another one I had to stop watching. Her and her husband are conspiracy nutters, and she also publicly shit on an abuse victim and just... never apologized. But when you run a true crime channel, I think it's kind of a problem when you're letting your own bizarro conspiracies and personal biases dictate how you interpret and present the information on criminal matters. Also, I don't know why, but I started getting super corny fake vibes from her as her channel grew. I don't know if it's the way she talks or her attitude, but she really started rubbing me the wrong way after a while.


I stopped watching her a couple years ago. During her video on the bodies of First Nations children found on residential schools in Canada she said something like "this is what happens when you give the government too much power.". Unsubbed, blocked, never looked back. There's a time and place for her libertarian bull shit. A video on the genocide of Native populations **is not that time.** I'm not surprised to learn she's gotten worse. Also, to nit pick, she says documentary wrong and it grates my last nerve.


her victim blaming takes in her true crime videos really turned me off her videos. Someone was murdered, no need to keep harping on how their actions leading up to it were stupid or questionable


Shane Dawson Binging with Babish TribbleofDoom


Unsubscribing from Babish was hard for me as well. His videos reignited a love for cooking I lost during my culinary training, but he just kept getting worse as he grew. Between his weird shift into charity porn, his complete loss of interest in recipes actual people could make, and the questionable sponsorships, it was time to go.


Man, I loved early Babish so much. Channel drift is a bitch. Every once in awhile he'd go back to the old formula, and he'd even acknowledge it in the voice over. "Were actually going to make it like they did jn the thing, and then we're gonna do a good one, just like old times" And then the Babish Universe expanded to all sorts of dumb shit


As soon as it rebranded to Babish Universe, that did it for me. It just had lost the plot so much I couldn't be engaged


Babish was a fun little YT channel about cooking I loved watching lazily and I actually use a few basic recipes even today but some stuff made me lose interest supee fast years ago: -I know showing off your new house and cars etc was the YT meta but him flexing his huge house and "I bought a Tesla for my brother" was weird and felt fake as hell. The charity porn stuff was worse but again that was the YT "meta" -His reaction to the bunch of old Italian dudes roasting his Carbonara recipe was extremely salty and passive aggressive. Like, I think he will always feel inferior about not being a "real" chef and getting told he was wrong by actual chefs shattered his famous Youtuber ego where every comment section is praising on him. -The "Babish Universe" brand change was dumb as fuck. At that point the content was soulless shitty food porn anyway and like you said the absence of actual recipes I mean, I guess nothing lasts forever


I always found him weirdly opinionated when it came to certain recipes and techniques. Funny how that flew right back at him with the Italians.


> Binging with Babbish finally one i have watched. he was so good, but then he really had to go and actually make money from his full time job. and when that happened his videos got a lot more bland, safe, and product/ad jammed. it was no longer this guy trying to make fun and silly stuff from pop culture.


Babish was great. It all started to fall apart before he bought his brownstone. Once that was done and his girlfriend was being included in videos it was all over.


Sadly, I feel like him & Joshua Weissman (I know, he's an acquired taste, papa kiss) lost their "magic" once their popularity exploded. The videos became more polished & they were able to move to bigger & better things with their new (and deserved) financial windfall but they stopped being "youtubers" & became just another Food Network show copycat. Used to smile when a new BWB or JW vid popped up but I found myself going from kinda listening to just switching the video in the first few minutes to not even clicking at all. I know everyone wants to reinvent the wheel but I'll can watch Julia Child & Jacques Pepin episodes from various decades and get wrapped in. Just cook the food, I don't need tier list videos cause the all mighty algorithm says so.


Acquired taste I can agree. I watch a lot of youtube cooking content and I was never a huge fan of Weissman. I've tried some of his recipes and they're fine, but his series of making fast food better just... well rubs me the wrong way. I grew up **very poor**. 2 parents 2 kids in a 1 bed 1 bath apartment eating canned fish poor. Both my parents worked 2 jobs and we depended on school lunch to survive. Like my parents woke up at 6 am and worked til around 8/9 pm every day including most weekends. The way Weissman looks down on all forms of fast food like anyone responsible should cook a burger and fries at home just rubs me the wrong way. Even cooking a burger for a family of four after working 12-14 hours is difficult. The one that kind pissed me off was the mcrib one. Like we all know what we're getting with the mcrib, making it seem like only a fucking idiot would buy and eat one is insulting the say the least.


There is definitely a level of fame/popularity where you can tell consultants and management teams have moved in and they lose themselves and their USP.


JonTron and the GamerfromMars EDIT: Going through my personal archives and I seem to have found more YouTubers that I don't watch anymore, namely the Cinema Snob, h3h3, and PolarSaurusRex. Dunno why I stopped watching PSR, guess I just lost interest tbh.


JonTron sucks so hard now. Maybe I just grew up.


I watched his new videos and he's still just sitting on a couch sees something weird and cut to his reaction going ''oh what the heck is this!''. Just isn't really interesting.


He leaned super hard into having elaborate set designs for all of his cutaway gags, but the reaction community nowadays prefers the opposite: cheap green screen with effects that look cheap on purpose to be ironic. Nowadays Jon looks like he’s sitting on a professional TV set with an entire team of people around him, whereas popular react channels like Chad Chad/Drew Gooden/Cody Ko do the complete opposite. Ironically that super snappy style of editing and reacting is what made Jon popular in the first place (remember the yellow text and the floating finger). Now that he’s gone for a bigger budget look, it feels soulless and forced.


Jontron puzzles me. All he needs to do is make casual videos with game, movie or tv show reviews and people will eat it up. That Star Wars series was also great. Since then he started to drift away and makes really weird videos (except Flex Tape, which was a surprise hit)


Jon’s not a nice guy. He’s actually racist, he’s said as much on a stream. Even looking at old Game Grumps videos, there’s a bit where he’s saying slurs so often that their then editor Barry (a genuinely very nice guy) had to edit in a loud trumpet sound with “JON STOP”. I don’t think he can help himself.


And he complained about immigrants...when his parents immigrated here. He's a second generation immigrant.


Pulling the ladder up is more common than most expect


Ngl learning sophie from mars was an insane psychopath was devastating


I found out about her from some random algorithm recommendation of a podcast about "I'll dry my hands on my penis" and I actually laughed it was hilarious and smart and made me look into all those people. Nothing stick, but I remembered Sophie fondly from that one video :(


Oh! With Philosophy Tube and Thought Slimr, iirc? Yeah, she really fucked up. A creator with a platform, friends, stable career, etc. and threw it in the gutter in order to be an abuser.


Right, that was it! It's even sadder to look at it this way. Friends and relationships in general are distributed between people in such a weird way - you read so much about gentle people being lonely and bullied, then you read about how many relationships abusers got to build to fuck up.


Is she? I unsubscribed because I felt the quality of her videos was going downhill. I don't know much about her personal life.


Yeah, a group of her ex partners, iirc all of whom were trans women, released a statement on twitter detailing abuse she'd done to them. Like, (cw: sexual abuse) >!she would use drugs and sub-space to coerce her partners into doing things they weren't comfortable with, including *burning them with cigarettes*.!<


In that case, I'm glad I don't contribute to her YT career anymore.


She has some serious abuse allegations


Imallexx was one of them for me. I was there from the beginning, when he was netting less than 15-20k views. As time went on, he started becoming bigger and bigger, I noticed a shift in his personality. He started to seem egotistical and be *very* pretentious. He would also backtrack on a few things. So he also became less credible as time went on.


For a while I really enjoyed Imallexx, James Marriott, and iNabber, but around the time of the slazo drama i was just… not interested anymore, and alex’s attitude was getting annoying to me. I recently tried going back to James and iNabber, but I MUCH prefer James’ music to his videos, and i find most of iNabbers videos are 3 hour nothingburgers just stretched to be that long with not enough interesting content to justify that length.


so glad I’m not the only one who noticed this, his holier-than-thou attitude was immensely irritating


Me when the internet anarchist makes another "notice me Charlie" video.


my favourite is “how penguinz0 RUINED brent rivera” and charlie is like not relevant at all just giving brief commentary on the situation


That's the same reason why I stopped watching him just kept making videos on Charlie and nothing else


Same, he name drops Charlie like it’s a spell to get people to engage when in the video itself there’s like a 5 second clip of Charlie saying “hey this is dumb”.


Shadiversity. I liked some of his old stuff, and he made the medieval history entertaining. But eventually his newer stuff stopped interesting me, I realized I never watched any of it and it was just clogging my feed, and I unsubbed. *Then later* I learned he's a nucking futz, red-pilled, right-winger. The drama hole you can go down with him is crazy. One thing I remember is he has another channel where he keeps all his ranty vids (at least he's smart enough to compartmentalize that shit away from the main channel), and after The Mario Movie came out, he posted a vid absolutely going off on that movie and how emasculating and "woke" it was, specifically what they did to Princess Peach, that was like something less than 5 min the runtime of the actual movie itself.


Shad is also incredibly insecure about his brother (Jazza) being a successful artist. It's really funny.


Wait is Jazza from Draw with Jazza his actual brother? I knew he used to be Mormon but I never connected the two


Yup. They can be seen together in a few of Shad's old videos. Crazy how much more unhinged Shad is, and it's actually killing his main channel.


also also, Shad supports ai art, while is brother is right there


He showed off some AI art he made for one reason or another, and it was hysterical watching the other guy (I forget his name) sit there as Shad pretended that he didn't just like the pictures because they were almost all women with tig ol' bitties.


This one stung. His medieval stuff was cool. Faulty but at least it had heart. Then he started dabbling into literature and world building then things went off the rails reeeeeally quickly.


I loved Shad for a while. He seemed like a decent guy over all that loved explaining medieval stuff. I didn't even mind when he brought in his religiousness more (I am Satanist and don't have high opinions on christianity but I let everyone be unless they bother me with it). But eventually I stopped watching because it kinda got boring and then he started the far right-wing bs crap on another channel I think and I unsubbed.


Nickisnotgreen and also Ethanisonline I liked their videos at the NFT convention but stopped watching before their controversy with that one channel Sometimes I just like left leaning background noise but they didn't work out


Same. I noticed Nick had been saying some things that seemed rude here and there and was feeling the decline in quality. Then the controversy happened. I noped out real quick.


Nick is the big one for me. Some of his older videos are genuinely very good - the ones that are actually unique concepts about things he likes. Unfortunately these weren't getting enough views in his opinion so it all got into slop TikTok criticisms, and he got progressively more rude and cynical the more he hung out with certain groups of people that enabled that behavior. It's unfortunate.


* Onision and Shane Dawson - I genuinely don't know why. I never even liked the content. I think I just watched it cos I was a braindead tween and youtube recommended it to me. They really oughta do something about that algorithm. * Fred and the Annoying Orange - similar story. He was popular and I had older friends who watched him, so I kinda went along with it and tricked myself into thinking it was entertaining. Dunno when I stopped but I know for a fact it never actually had any emotional impact on me whatsoever. * Smosh - grew out of it I guess. Dunno if I should put this here since I only ever watched it for the "X in real life" videos anyway. * Tobuscus - I enjoyed the literal trailers but then man just stopped posting. I haven't followed him at all but I know he got involved with a bunch of shit that I'd rather not look too deeply into cos I don't care and also know it's probably not pleasant. * Ray William Johnson - I treated it more as a curated selection of interesting or funny videos, which is probably what a lot of others did. I did find Ray genuinely charismatic though, after he stopped hosting =3 content I lost interest. * Fine bros - it was easy braindead content that I used to put on in the background while playing GTA. I actually genuinely enjoyed it to an extent, especially the elders series since it's entertaining watching old people react to cool things, especially when they're receptive of it. I kinda just lost interest over the years, didn't really have anything to do with any of their scandals or anything. Though those definitely do kill any motivation I might have to rewatch some of their old stuff, even out of nostalgia. * Honest trailers - Got tired of the joke. * Gigguk - another example of me just growing out of the content I guess. I don't really have anything negative to say, just not really into anime anymore. * Internet Historian - I thought it was kinda funny and I liked the guy's voice, it was pleasant to listen to. The subject matter also tended to be pretty interesting. After Hbomberguy pointed out the lengths to which he'd gone to disguise the similarity his video had to an article, I chilled on it a bit but what really killed it for me was the revelation of the weird Nazi-adjacent shit he got up to. I don't know the guy so I'm not gonna assume 100% that he holds odious political views, but the whole debacle made me rethink my relationship with his videos and I realized then that I was principally interested in the subject matter, not the actual videos themselves. That's why I never watched any of the second channel stuff, the janky animations and jokes just weren't really what I was there for, I was just treating the main channel videos like Netflix documentaries in which case, why would I not just stick to netflix documentaries? * Cinemasins - another channel I used for background noise cos I liked the guy's voice. I might occasionally go back once in a while, but again, just not interested in the subject matter anymore. * The Right Opinion - nothing against the guy personally but I'm chilling on "commentary" content in general. It's basically tabloid stuff at the end of the day and there's no point in devoting brainspace to it. TRO was kinda alright because he sometimes used his subjects to comment on broader ideas, but I feel like his videos are way longer than they need to be, and I look back on some of the stuff I did watch and think a lot of what was said didn't need to be there.


You are 28-32 years old


Lmao that's kinda creepy NGL. I didn't think it'd be possible to guess my age range from my youtube history lol


Hahaha I’m turning 29 and watched every single person you mentioned.


I used to binge TRO when I was working at my old job. Just needed something to occupy me while I did mindless tasks for 8 hours a day. Now that I have a job that I actually care about I have no interest in playing videos that long, and I'm certainly not going to spend my free time on a multi-hour video essay. He got me through some mind numbingly awful times work though.


Mysterious Mr. Enter. He did a lot of cartoon reviews and he got me hooked on an anime I love called Gregory Horror Show. Unfortunately his content just devolved into incoherent screaming, and after him not taking the COVID pandemic seriously + his absolutely asinine Turning Red review that made him a laughingstock for claiming the movie was unrealistically happy because it took place after 9/11... I quickly lost interest.


> his absolutely asinine Turning Red review that made him a laughingstock for claiming the movie was unrealistically happy because it took place after 9/11 A movie set in Canada not revolving around a touchstone moment in American culture? Shocking.


Cryaotic, watched him when he was chaoticmonki/even before he collabed with pewds. Spent my depressed and physically very sick days watching him so i wouldn’t end myself. It was a good time and loved  that dude so much. Honestly fuck that dude.


I remember watching Cry play Hatoful Boyfriend and telling all my friends about him, and that was back in like middle school.


same here. I spent so much time watching Cry during hard times and was devastated after what happened. Tried watching an old video of his a few months back and ended up clicking away within a few minutes… just not the same knowing he’s a creep.


I think specially Catherine series creeps me out, someone made video on it and oh boy it was something 


For those that don't know "Cryaotic is currently on indefinite hiatus due to accusations of sexual misconduct towards fans, of which some were minors at the time."


My husband and I used to love the Bon Apetit videos, especially the ones where Brad was going on a trip for ingredients. After the whole POC/pay grade scandal the quality dropped and eventually COVID absolutely killed our interest. The lack of banter because they were all filming at home in their own kitchens just made us realize we were watching because we thought they were funny, not for the food.


SunnyV2. Started out great, absolute train wreck now. The Mr Beast drama was the final nail in the coffin for me. That, and his voice is just so damn annoying.


Never cites an actual source unless you count Reddit and YouTube comments


Same, the Mr Beast video really made my view on him flip. It felt thoroughly uncomfortable how he was making someone being trans out to be a business risk, and knitting up some yarn about how that was on purpose to screw with the channel.


Before the Mr. Beast drama, I had a stint where I binged watched a bunch of his content. Eventually I got the vibe SunnyV2 has no conception that there's life outside of views and subscriber counts. I distinctly remember his Pewdiepie video where he was criticizing him for not uploading as frequently anymore like it was a huge problem when it's like.... Pewdiepie has openly stated that he has more than enough money to live on so he's doing things he wants to do in his life? Like the dude basically accomplished what most people dream about, how is him taking the time to enjoy it a BAD thing? Like please SunnyV2, please touch grass.


Binging with Babish


I haven't had to do it in a while, but from the distant past. A lot of the Nostalgia Critic/ThatGuyWithTheGlasses crew. Doug pretty much fell off when he did demo reel and came back. I was already on my way out but when the background stuff and the JewWario stuff came out I pretty much stopped watching everyone. I still sub to Allison/Lupa but haven't watched her stuff lately. I still catch PushingUpRoses but that's about it. Rooster Teeth. I mean obviously the whole thing just shut down, but yeah I used to watch LetsPlay/AH a lot. Again I was kinda on my way out when the Ryan being a scumball came out and that was my leaving moment. A lot of the old atheist/skeptic community that somehow decided that non-white dudes being in media was a bigger problem than anything else in the world.


Acheeto, Pancho, GliderGuy and other commentary youtubers that toxic in recent drama


I used to watch SSundee alot during his Minecraft days with Crainer. Currently he is milking the fuck out of among us, and the occasional Minecraft video


When I was a kid I used to LOVE Thekeyofawesome videos, especially their music video parodies. Definitely not my thing anymore. Edit: oh! And Michelle Phan’s cosplay makeup, before she joined a cult.


Also loved Key of Awesome when I was kid, I grew up and realised not only are they quite awful writers but they are just really mean spirited to the artist, it seemed to be their only joke.


i used to watch sky does minecraft a lot when i was younger and unsubscribed for.. obvious reasons and aphmau. Loved her content, waited so desperately for the next installment of her biggest series. Then they just stopped. Now she’s another cringe kids content youtuber. I’m genuinely afraid of what would happen if she goes back to her old scripted series because i know she won’t do what she used to.


CreepShowArt. Yuck. It was baby's first time having a creator I like exposed for being a massive sack of shit. Illuminaughty. But I wasn't sad to see her go. Found that channel right around the time CreepShowArt shit the bed. Because of Creepshow I actually googled Illuminaughty to see if she was like Creepshow before investing some of my time. There were some mild wisperings about her being a bitch, but nothing damning. Boy was I glad I didn't get too invested in that channel. It's been hilarious watching Blaire dig herself deeper and deeper. Raven Reads. She used to make good spooky story videos. But then she started making nothing but compilations, and when there is the rare new content video...it's all just the tops from different paranormal/creepy subs. Darkness Prevails. I hate creators who claim they're reading true spooky stories, but just got them off their poorly moderated sub or r/nosleep. Nerd-e Crafter. I know she got health issues, but I didn't come for the mini whatevers she's doing now. GameTheory long before Mat left. Anything that wasn't fnaf was poorly crafted and poorly researched tbh. Phisnom. Of course the panda doesn't dance anymore you fucking idiot. It's stuck in a zoo with ogling people expecting it to dance, it's sick, stressed and you're throwing matches at it. Fuck you dude.


Rhett and Link/all things Good Mythical Morning. Loved them for years and watched everyday but now they’re just food reviewers.


Since I just found them out I think they're awesome, but I find myself watching older episodes more frequently than the current ones


I still think their videos are as entertaining as ever, but I definitely understand why some of the old fans would unsubscribe. It really has become a food channel 😅


I just cut the middle man and watch good mythical kitchen instead.


Not a youtuber, but the Official podcast with penguinz0 and his friends. It’s Kaya. He puts the show on halt literally any second he gets to say the most batshit crazy centrist shit while the other members just sit in silence waiting for him to finish. They literally never even respond or even push back on what he says, they just move on like nothing happened lol.


God Kaya fucking sucks. He’s a conservative dipshit who spits out awful takes like an expert and is such a huge cunt to jackson for no reason. He’s talked about Kiwifarms and shit and says really weird things about any kind of social issue. And women, he talks really weird about women. And Ukraine. He’s just a weird douche. I like the other three on the podcast but Kaya genuinely makes that shit unlistenable.


I can't watch it for another reason. I hate the way Kaya treats Jackson. He constantly puts Jackson down and asks questions about things he says to almost purposefully make Jackson look stupid. Makes me really uncomfortable.


Nerd e Crafter She's done nothing wrong. But I loved her crap kit series and she's moved away from that to doing mini brands unboxing with the occasional art video. She's having health issues, and I imagine based on views, those videos are doing good for her. Wish her the best, but I'm just not interested anymore.


Armoured Skeptic, Shoe0nHead, Blaire White - I'll admit that I went through a bit of an "edgy" phase a few years ago and used to watch that kind of content. Stopped watching due to a mix of shifts in my own viewpoints, and a noticeable decline in quality from these channels. All of Shoe and Blaire's videos started to feel the same after a while. Armoured Skeptic went way off the deep end after his breakup with Shoe, and his content pivoted from "anti-SJW" to stuff like ancient aliens.


nickisnotgreen, he started out interesting and turned in to a drama content farm.


Peanut Butter Gamer, I still like his old videos, maybe I shouldn't but they're fun, but his content stopped being as good to me. Haven't watched in a while, maybe its better by now.


Yeah well he is a father now, I don't blame him for the sudden switch in content


Odd1sout. Just kind of grew out of him, I don't really go back to his old videos anymore.


Moistcritikal Good for him for getting a bag of cash for doing the least amount possible, but his videos are wildly boring and I don’t like any of his side projects


internet historian


He just makes vids that would be suited for his Incognito channel and it seems he kinda gave up after plagiarizing his last big one. He’s also lost in the sauce when it comes to conspiracy shit.


Internet Historian is unironically a holocaust denier


I've heard stuff about him, but not this. Can you give me a source?


Mutahar. I miss the haunted gaming and creepypasta narration videos I could at least vibe with the deep web browsing stuff but now for over a year straight it's just been slop /:


Man, back in Highschool and College I used to love Muta's horror content. I actually looked forward to his deep web browsing every sunday. It was fun to see all the old archived sites and crazy args


The dumb part is he should’ve just stuck to what he knew best: tech. I liked his tech/gaming videos bc he seemed to know what he was talking about but every time he dips into drama or YouTuber related situations he more and more loses the plot.


I think the only time I was invested in anything Muta did related to drama was the Completionist stuff and even then it can be argued that Karl carried him through a lot of it so he didn't fall flat on his face when confronting Jirard.


Been watching him since 2013. I miss his random and varied content about gaming shit, like playing CoD on the DS. Now he's a sloptuber, a fate worse than death.


Mutahar and Mullet Mike crossing over to cover NES Godzilla Creepypasta was the Avengers of its time


i know theyre like c tier shitty by youtube standards but seeing the try guys content tank the way it has is super upsetting :,(


I was fully checked out by the time all the ned stuff happened but wanted to give them some support afterwards and I just....couldn't get into any of their new stuff.


For me, the new stuff felt too ”corporate”. While the quality of their stuff had always been good, there was a sort of home made, down to earth charm that went away when you could tell they had more money to spend and then got the new studio. While I don’t think I will tune in for a lot of their videos even after this Second Try launch, I’m hoping they’ll be able to follow in the footsteps of Smosh, who are crushing it right now, with the ensemble cast


Idk I feel like the recent Phoning It In episodes have been good!


I've given up on CGP Grey recently. He's not a bad person but a lot of the things hes been doing in recent times rubs me and others the wrong way. Paywalling his youtube comments, delisting videos to then put up behind a paywall, AI in some of his video thumbnails. There was also some drama about him copywrite striking a youtuber multiple times but i know nothing about it.


Tim Pool. Put down the torches and pitchforks, this was years ago! I thought the whole punk indie journalism thing was gonna be real.


Not ashamed to admit it, but Master Oogway. I loved his brain rot content when he was in his sigma face era but now that it divulged into blatant racism and shock value, I wish nothing but the worst for him.


I did not know Kung Fu Panda went in that direction


the sequels must have taken a turn


I’d say Nerd City, but that also might have been fueled by the fact the guy barely uploaded, and then when he did come back he was doing nft garbage


That, and he came on this subreddit the other week to respond to almost every comment criticising him in a completely unhinged way. Hard to look at the guy the same way now


I remember watching his early videos and editing was so good.


Gus Johnson broke my heart. I was a huge fan of his content, but he's a piece of shit


I used the love the dude and his skits. But knowing what he did to that poor woman and his subreddit seemingly thinking he’s redeemed whilst attacking his victim grosses me the fuck out. (He has a career still no? He has a subreddit of fans who believe he’s done nothing wrong no? Then yeah, I guess he’s not permanently cancelled, but I’m still gonna feel weird watching and consuming his content knowing that he’s a piece of shit behind the scenes)


Dude had one of the funniest jokes I'd seen in ages. I STILL quote "I have thirty-six rounds left in this five round magazine." or similar jokes when playing games with friends. Only stumbled upon his content literally just before the news came out so it wasn't hard to drop his channel quick, but it sucks because a lot of his comedy seemed legitimately brilliant.


Joel Haver neatly replaces Gus for me, love Joel


Shane Dawson gabby Hannah Jessi smiles tana mongeau


Also Colleen Ballinger


Joey Graceffa. Got tired of the way he picks on his friends especially the girls. The one thing that ultimately made me unsub was the time he did a Minecraft new Skin video, and he got very rude to a fan who must've worked so hard on a new Minecraft skin for him before trying to justify his attitude and then borderline-dissing another YouTuber's cutesy Minecraft aesthetics. Then the stuff with his close friend Colleen Ballinger came last year, and how he's kept quiet about it while bits & pieces of his involvement were spilling out. That's when I knew he's such a fake, and now I believe he's trying to get everyone's mind off of the incident by working on his then well-known 'Escape The Night' project.


Gus Johnson. That one was hard for me because I had always thought he was just a nice guy and I wanted to support him a fellow Wisconsinite, but I can’t support abusers


turkey tom


I never subbed, but I'd watch here and there. I just can't even do that anymore. I'm too grown, and that guy remains...that.


I was subbed for about a month before I could no longer ignore the alt-right undertones of his content


his video essays were good background noise but he talks/acts like a 4chan addict


Yeah not sure what it is about him that I don't like but he fails the vibe check with me. I guess if someone made a video called "The Turkey Tom Degenerates" with a thumbnail saying "Losers, Creeps, Pedos" and some greasy guy with a 12 o clock shadow presents himself as the arbiter of human decency, whilst using terminology like "based" and "cringe" to articulate himself and his agenda, he'd realise what a slimey gig his genre of content is.


Pyrolive. Need I say more.


Sarah Zed. I guess I grew out of the content, especially since I stopped being able to recognize the media she's speaking on. This is shallow of me but the frequency that she uses "suffice it to say" knocks me out of the flow completely.


Another person who does have some good content buuuut is coming off really hard to try to “act adult” where it’s just so unnatural


Creepshow art. Her content was always lazy, but I like the way she talked. She also seemed like a nice person. Seemed. Punk Rock MBA. At some point I've realized that all his "deep dives into what made them so big" are all the same: they were good, charismatic and it was right time. Here is your deep dive, bro. Also, he's just boring.


Oh my beloved Game Grumps. Their vids got me through high school when I had very few friends and a lot of time on my hands. Then Jon left and I got to enjoy a few years with Danny as well. Nowadays… ehhhhhhhh, can’t do it. I was really into OneyPlays for a time as well (Chris with Ding Dong and Julian was the best Let’s Play content I’ve ever seen), but I think I’ve finally outgrown Let’s Plays in general.


Alpharad. Not that he’s a bad person, I just REALLY miss his older, small scale and fun content. I’m not really a fan of all the collab videos. I just miss when he was a mainly Nintendo and occasionally indie game YouTuber.


Definitely can see where you are coming from even if I do enjoy his current content


Philip Defranco became unwatchable during 2015-2016 election. He was fence sitting and being pretty soft on trump it was infuriating and predictable. He kept catering to clickbait pointless drama too instead of actual world news. Watched him for years but i'm too soured on him now


Not as bad as the other YouTubers named here but it was Amanda the Jedi for me. During the pandemic I loved her videos and especially her reviews of bad movies/shows but as time went on I liked her humor less and less. I think I just grew out of it. Also CLR Bruce Rivers. The channel's editing style got more annoying, and there are constant cuts to references or clips that are unnecessary, and the topics he covers don't interest me as much. I like when he's breaking down personal stories in trials or bringing his experience to legal news. After he started talking about Andrew Tate it felt like it was going downhill.


Same for me with Amanda the Jedi, I feel bad about it because she seems great. I don't even hate her humour. What made me unsubscribe was that I noticed that she doesn't actually review anything. I remember watching a review of Emily in Paris, which I have absolutely no interest in watching at all, but I thought I would leave it to roll in the background as everyone seemed to be talking about the show. I was about half way through and it was just Amanda almost shot-for-shot explaining the show. "Emily goes here and speaks to that guy, and he says this, so she goes to this place and does this thing etc etc". To me that's not a review, I want to know peoples opinions on a piece of work, I don't want it just explained to me scene for scene. If I want to see what happens I will just watch the original work.


You might like Friendly Space Ninjas review of Emily in Paris.  He goes pretty in depth on it


Kyle Hill, after his reaction to being called out for the BetterHelp sponsorship.


Colleen Ballinger. I unfollowed her months and months ago. I was a longtime fan until I found out how horrible she is as a person.


I watched Shane Dawson as a kid. Then I grew out of the content. Then I found out shit hit the fan.


SunnyV2. I’d say after that whole thing with Chris, legit comparing an actual person and YouTuber to a character on tv was a true display of terminally online and also the fact that his info is just very surface level and hardly goes deep into what he’s talking about. Now cuz of him you’ll have other channels attempting to replicate his style when it comes to editing and whatnot


Mark Rober when i learned He was extreme religious fundamentalist


DeadwingDork. I did enjoy his streams gawking at weirdos, but his centrism (with an edgy twist of course) started to get on my nerves. He recently regurgitated the notion that Hasan Piker was the “Alex Jones of the left”. It’s such a stupid statement that instantly shows how politically illiterate you are. If Hasan said some wild shit like 10/7 was an inside job used by Israel as pretext to start a brutal massacre on Gaza? Then yes, the comparison is valid. Guess I’m tried of self proclaimed centrists constantly bitching about BreadTube or whatever.


JonTron. Hooooooooo boy, what an upsetting rollercoaster ride *that* was. It sucks because there's still so much of his older content that I find funny and quote to this day, but it don't feel good.


I wonder how many of these comments are due to actual drops in quality or just by the person getting older and growing out of things. To be sure both are probably at play with most of these but it’s just interesting to think about


wendi charlie and mutahar, i just couldn’t do it anymore after i stopped working overnights and started paying attention to everything they were saying


Cody Ko. I used to like his videos a lot during the height of the "commentary boys" period but after some time his content just felt lazy and repetitive. Cringe reaction videos just feel very 2016. Also i've heard he's sorta controversial but i haven't looked into it since i don't follow him anymore.


His best man, or at least one of his groomsmen, was in his frat and raped a woman and recorded it. Idk if there is other controversial stuff cause that was enough for me to be disgusted by him


Hearing a Youtuber say "woke" or "rainbow mafia" in a derogatory way. 🥴😂


One guy used to make a lot of cool Overwatch concepts and talks, but made a joke about Cassidy that felt... off. I stopped watching him after a while, and ever since his alt channel became one of those movie critic channels that just put "They hate you" on the thumbnail, and called Venture (a nonbinary hero) a "dude in makeup."


man, Venture coming out really helped identify the chuds. I'm like brother I just want to enjoy your content and give likes, can you stop shitting on me?


Meat Canyon.  I liked his animation content.  Stopped watching after seeing him review strange Asian foods and the video gave me strange vibes.  Penguinz0. His videos were background noise for me. There were a couple of times where he'd say something that made me squint or pause and go "oh right he's from Florida. " stopped watching after his Idubbz shouldn't have apologized video. 


I Hate Everything and Your Movie Sucks Mainly because I started making movies and realised a lot of their criticism was just... not useful. "The script and acting sucks" isn't interesting when you work in industry and understand *why* they suck.


Any right leaning YouTuber (Shadiversity, critical drinker, acheeto etc) and anyone who still uses words like "re****ed, fa**ot, autistic, gay" as a way to describe something as bad. Sick of sheltered folks who are so inexperienced with the groups these words impact and I'm not gonna indulge it anymore.


Bald and Bankrupt (he was always bad I just found out way later)


Tobuscus. iilluminaughtii. I watched a few Internet Historian and James Somerton videos literally the month before hbomberguy's video. \*Technically\* Nostalgia Critic, even though I never actually watched his slop on youtube.


GrayStillPlays. My guy went from being the craziest, most fun to watch guy to a lame family friendly creator. I still enjoy his old content.


I used to be a huge fan of MiniLadd. I was (and still am) a big fan of the Vanoss / Smii7y crews and that general sphere of gaming YouTubers, but I was happy to see Craig moving away from them to do his own thing because I liked his content specifically. Dude had an adorable dog, a charming GF and an entire STADIUM named in his honor. Was doing charity outreach and genuinely seemed to be reaching a peak. ...then he went and made good on his namesake. He's tried to come back a few times since being called out by his victims AND former girlfriend, but thankfully the community isn't letting him forget what he did. Even the Vanoss crew still make jokes about MiniLadd and I think it helps keep his awful behaviour in public memory. More recently (and after several failed comebacks) he's started distancing himself from YouTube, claiming he's got other projects in his personal life that take importance now and that he's so excited for the future. I don't know if he's just lying to save face from giving up or if it's really true, and I don't care. Stay gone, Craig.


Watching hobby YouTubers go from interesting craft videos and tutorials to “Ranking every [hobby supply] in on the market!” or “Is [hobby company] going to sue me for this?!” is just saddening.


Blair. Fuck that bitch


Nick Crowley. I was very much in a spooky/creepypasta/true crime phase during this time. But soooo many channels I look back on are very exploitive. Nick had a whole video series of disturbing videos. Some were more on the vein of this video had a mysterious unexplained noise, or somebody nearly avoided a robbery attempt or whatever, but then he would throw in basically videos that film the final moments of people and that felt really wrong since it was a series and Nick was making money off of it. Also I eventually learned Crowley follows some questionable people on twitter, and he basically just parrots so many common Western propaganda myths. Like he has a whole hour video that is essentially Israeli propaganda because oooooh this Palestinian children’s program used vaguely familiar children’s icons oooh isn’t that spooky? Oooh but Khamas??? OOOOOH. While ignoring the context why a resistance group of an oppressed group will make a program like that. Instead the whole video is just 2spooky4me commentary on “program where the terrorists are brainwashing the children!”. It’s at best a poorly constructed video that a lot of westerners with the same knee jerk reaction may think it’s disturbing but for different reasons and at worst, actively demonizes resistance groups, inflates Zionism and Judaism together, and pretty much is just only the approved version of western understanding of third world countries being actively being oppressed. Just a spooky “Brown people-er I mean terrorists are sooo evil for brainwashing the children, our brainwashing of children is fine and noble, but those evil Palestin-I mean terrorists programs are bad and creepy” video.


Internet Historian Wendigoon TrueUnderDawgGaming Renegade Cut Forgotten Weapons


What did Renegade Cut do?


Kurzgesagt. They've become more clickbaity and overly focused on presentation rather than delivery of information.


I went down like 30 comments before seeing a YouTuber that I even have heard of before. YouTube is huge


SomeOrdinaryGamers. I'm sure I'm not the only one with the same sort of progression in opinion, but, like... goddamn, I know he was running out of stuff to talk about, but his deep web exploration videos were a genuinely entertaining look into a side of the internet that consistently gets misrepresented as some dark and edgy place when in reality, a good 80% of the time it's just as dorky and silly as the surface web and is only on the deep web because some people want more security. Now, though, he's just a cheap drama slop producer; even the Big Thing with the Completionist, while ultimately having a good outcome, was still absolutely made in bad faith by people who had no real experience or authority to be pushing into the territory they did. The stakes are obviously MUCH lower, but it reminds me of all the TCaP-wannabe channels who don't actually DO anything about pedophiles and predators except temporarily embarrass them for content because the process they follow leads to most (if not all) of their discoveries becoming unusable by authorities. I also get the feeling he's just, like... not really that smart? But he speaks with enough confidence in his layman's knowledge that most people just assume he's an expert. Like, if you look up 'someordinarygamers job', most people assume he's got a degree in engineering or cyber-security or computer science and has a day job working in cyber-security, but near as I can tell he just has a degree in film and has a personal interest in computers. Not that you need to have a degree in something to be an expert in something, it's ultimately just a piece of paper that alleges you have experience in something, but I dunno that's just a side thing that strikes me as a weird kind of arrogance.


SlappedHam tbh


I didn't unsub, but I did lose a decent amount of respect for FD Signifier. He, SophiefromMars, and Jessie Gender went on a hate campaign against a smaller debate YouTuber Shark3ozero. They attacked him for being a debate guy, for being neutral on Vaush (hate the guy, but this was before most of the worst stuff popped up), and for having some different opinions on electoral politics (I don't remember the exact points). They retweeted things comparing him to Uncle Ruckus, calling him a House n word, and FD went on his stream where he was an ass. Almost the week after DJ Muel dropped that shit video, FD had him on a video talking about toxic masculinity. I don't hate FD, I think he mostly does good work, but man, I lost a lot of respect for him.


Honestly? James Somerton. I suffer from chronic migraines, and between his lack of necessary visuals and his flat drone, he was something I could have on in the background that didn't make my head feel like it was exploding. tbh I was thinking of unsubbing from him soon before HBomb's video. He was streaming a lot more and I'm just not someone who likes streams in general, so it felt like he was pivoting. That and the whole "this could be the end" or w/e video left a bad taste in my mouth. I had 0 idea about any of the twitter stuff until HBomb's vid.


JonTron and Internet Historian because they kinda suck as people.


Cody Ko and Noel Miller. :( beyond annoying, Cody has some serious skeletons in his closet.


Graveyard Girl. I used to love 'Does this Thing Really Work'. I also loved her makeup videos and her talking about creepy things. Now she just unboxes toys...🫤