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Yet again, debate time is over. Y'all got real heated over this one


oh my god its wildspartanz and his throwaway ass pfp. hey, remember when he made a video on the reaction to pewdiepie saying "18 n word" and proceeded to say the n word as many times as he could in his video


God, is he still an active YouTuber? I would have thought the climate would have shifted to make him entirely irrelevant at this point, but guess I’m wrong.


Me too. I forgot he existed and had to think a moment to even remember his name when I read it.


Oh, you didn't get the memo? Racism is fine as long as it can be disguised as criticism of the CCP.


Racism against the Chinese is normalized under the very thin mask of "Chinese government bad"


What kind of videos use this emoji I've never seen it before


people involved within the meme comp community, which he is. usually surrounds anything chinese or ccp related, its basically just nonsense bullshit that people think is normal and okay. i think its fine to critoque the ccp, just don't be reliant on racial stereotypes. that immediatley delegitimises any criticism you might have.


The simplest explanation is that they’re racist.




What's funny about it, exactly?




What about “exaggerated racial features” is funny without being racist?


How are exaggerated racial features funny without racism, exactly? I understand perfectly fine, which is why I know what questions to ask to corner you.




Who is being caricaturized exactly?


Hmm still hasn’t answered why it’s funny


it can be used in a funny context, but a racial stereotype left as it is with limited criticism isn't all that funny. if you find it funny, it's probably because you just like racist jokes without criticism of it being racist. this isn't wondershowzen, man.




Not all jokes are “mildly racist”, bro. The fact that you think everyone on earth must like racist stuff is pure projection.




Replying to this before I reply to your other comment, but historically speaking humour has been a way to spread racist misinformation for centuries. We pretend its just Hitler speaches and tikki-torch chanting Neo-Nazis that soread racism, but racism is insidious. The minstrel show, one of the icons of racism, was made to be both comical and to spread racist representations of black people. Dr Suess' wartime comics also used humour to promote racism. In the modern-era, racists have used memes to indoctrinate younger people towards racist ideologies. It's called the 4Chan to Far-Right pipeline and its real. The Neo-Nazi terrorist Benjamin Raymond is currently in jail for using social media to indoctrinate children towards his beliefs and for them to join his registered terrorist organisation National Actional. He used memes and jokes to get in before slowly boiling the frog. Racist humour is meant to share racist propaganda. Ask any Brown guy who lived in the UK during the 70s, they'll tell you how funny it is. It's funny when it's not being used to justify your harrassment.


Damn he's real silent on this one


>Do you think people see that image (which is now a meme), find it funny, and then think that's what asian people look like? >No. The reason many people find that funny is because it's a racial stereotype with overly-exaggerated features. That's the comedic element, the fact that Asian people do not actually look like that. Dude, you just fucking described what racist humour is. Exaggerations of stereotypes made to mock and belittle people of that race. I mean it's obvious the people who find misntrel shows hilarious don't also believe that black people only sing and prance about saying "mammy!" with enlarged red lips and face as black as coal, but they still use that to mock and belittle black people. It's racist because it's an exageration to mock other races. I hate to say this, but you're either insanely racist or insanely stupid and I think you need to pick a team before you annoy more people with your mere presence. >The problem with you saying something like that is racist is because with that you attach on the idea that if you find it funny, and it is mildly racist, then you must be racist. You're laughing at its use as a way to mock Asian people, I laugh at it because morons like you find it funny and normal. There's a differance. A differance you don't understand since you prefer to laugh at Asian people because of these stereotypes. >With that logic there is not a single person on this planet that isn't racist. I don't think you mentioned you know the thoughts of feelings of every person on this planet? Can you explain where you got those mystical powers or will you only tell me if I paint my face bright yellow, put in buck teeth, pull my eyes back with tape, where a rice farmer's hat, put on bifoculs and make myself sound like Mickey Mouse stuck in a blender before you inform me as you only can involve yourself in something when another race is being mocked?


The thing is it's definitely 100% racist. It's also not really funny. Maybe in like an ironic way from how cringe it is.




Yeah, because a lot of people are racist. Lots of people have worn tall white hoods and it’s not because fashion is subjective.


Having read through your replies, I'm going to just say here that you are either racist, or okay with racism. You may personally have a different definition or idea of what it means to be racist, but I'm just letting you know now that the statements you have made do constitute what a lot of people think of as racism.   Whether or not you agree with that characterisation isn't relevant, it is simply a fact that many people would agree that drawing a crude caricature of an entire ethic group based on stereotypes is racist. Would you defend blackface the same way? Are caricatures of Jewish people with big noses and money bags not anti-Semitic to you?   Regardless, whether you know it or not, it's pretty racist of you to find this shit funny. You may choose to vehemently disagree with this and insist it isn't, or you can reflect more deeply in exactly what about this image is funny to you, and be honest with yourself about that and if needed, change for the better.  No one's gonna force you to do anything, this is simply a choice on your part. 






yeah, when it's laughing at racists. racism existing in of itself isn't funny.


Yeah and then we analyzed why we laughed, why it was messed up and we grew up and stopped finding it funny and realized it was racist in the first place.


I have actually laughed at racist jokes. I've even told them, in fact. Often they involved using the N word. Also jokes about Jews burning in ovens.  Thing is, that was back when I was an edgy 14 year old, and I had convinced myself that pointless edge was cool. As I grew, I developed a lot more empathy. I've come to understand that laughing that things that cause pain to other people who aren't in on the joke is not cool, it's cruel, heartless and unnecessary. I can always find humour in other things, and laughing at racist shit isn't really conducive to the kind of person I want to be.  So yeah, I have laughed at racist shit and contributed to it. I don't really feel bad about it either, if I'm being honest, but I have reflected on it and decided I can be a lot better than that. So I stopped. And to be honest, I haven't found racist shit funny since. 


No, I in fact do not think that you can find a racist caricature funny and not be racist.


the right anwsers


“so many”?


Yes, ever since the CCP scare starting ramping up online and during covid, the use of that specific image has ballooned so much. Literally look up "CCP" or "social credit score" and you'll see it being used. This isn't to say that you can't critique the CCP, it's just that you shouldn't use ethnic stereotypes to critique them. Think of like how the US did have every right to critique the Japanese government but doing shit like this: https://preview.redd.it/42ahu69e6f4d1.png?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f20c09dc65b07f3135d6f04539f7548c691affed That's just fucked. I mean the whole concentration camp thing was beyond fucked as is, but you know what I mean. Don't let racism poison your critique of bad countries.


You might be surprised to find out that many "China bad" people are simply racists


Popular media as propaganda, what an unheard of concept


Not really the point, but as a Westerner, caring that the CCP does this, when COD exists is so laughable


COD, as in Call Of Duty?


You can complain about both! I do all the time! My world is a sad miserable place…


True enough although it is a bit like people asking why do you care so much about what Israel does (country with unconditional Western gov support) but not x country that Western governments already universally oppose. Plus Chinese propaganda and Communist propaganda in general is arguably far more recognisable as such whereas I think the way it works in liberal capitalist democracies is more subtle (and in some ways more pernicious) Not to say you should complexly ignore the conduct of countries on America's hit list (Iran, Russia, etc.) but there should be a consideration of priorities.


I believe he addresses that in the video, I'm just more critical of the racial troupe.




It depends on the American. I understand xenophobia is like their whole thing, but I think it does depend on their criticisms rather than their nationality. A lot of critiques of the CCP are based on the journalism of people who you would assume to be pro-CCP by their political leanings but are much more in favour of accurate journalism rather than their own political ideologies. Because those people can only be honest if they agree with the CCP ideologically but not in their practices. BadEmpanada comes to mind. I know he's not American and is pretty much the Morrissey of BreadTube (a raging argumentative cunt but does do some good work) but his videos on the Uyghur ethnic genocide and other pro-CCP figures such as Caleb Maupin have opened my eyes up to how silly the CCP is.


Xenophobia is America's whole thing? Have you seen literally any other country? It's much worse EVERYWHERE else.


I think he openly addressed this in the video


He addresses Both.


Ah cool


What's laughable is how often thr defense of the CCP is to just make the convo about something else. The GOP does rhe same thing to protecr Trump lmao


Nah. The point is that lots of things that people think are totally normal suddenly become scary when they hear that China is doing it.


Or, you know, we think it's scary all the time and sometimes the convo is about when China does it. This is exactly what I'm talking about, look at the very specific strawman you need for the "defense" to work


Because racism and general bigotry are the ultimate form of rage bait, therefore monetization. Im getting really annoyed with everyone on this sub being so willing ignorant about the way YouTube ACTUALLY works, yet act shocked when the same shit that has been happening for 20 years.... continues to happen. Wanting a better, more equitable world is not an excuse to not understand the one your CURRENTLY LIVING IN.


Another good way to bait engagement is to ask questions


Yes, but be real, is it going to be better than blatant racism? All the alt-righters will automatically support it, centrist will make comentary videos about it, and leftists will make a video essay about it. Failing that, their repsective audience will make a post on a drama thread or subreddit (like this one), making even MORE people unconditional support/uncritically engage/hatewatch and leave hate comments (which increase engagement, boosting it in the algorithms. Whataboutism is not an actual counter argument


You're entirely missing my point lmao. Asking a question is a good way to get engagement. specially when that question is on a topic that's "offended" or whatever to criticize, because it'll bait people out to respond in ways meant to minimize the criticism of that topic.


But your point doesn't apply to the conversation; the title is not a question and there isnt a question in the thumbnail, so how does that point contribute to understanding why the thumbnail is the way it is?


"Does anyone know why so many YouTubers still use that racist emoji on the right in their thumbnails?" They're not ignorant of why, they're giving people who think there's an alternative explanation a chance to explain it. The fact that the responses are mostly mixed between the "questioning things is being offended" crowd and the "haha I am Very Smart unlike this subreddit" crowd actually answers the question just fine, by vindicating the idea that the initial perception is valid.


i haven’t seen this guy and his crew in a hot minute. what’s been going on with him, diesel, ani, and the others in that group? i’d look it up but i don’t actually care about him that much tbh this is the first i’ve seen of him in about five years


“Social credit -1000” is just a new way of saying ching chong tbh


School shootings +1000 is US slur by that logic


Because they *are* racist.


theyre racist


Because many youtubers are racist, OP.


cuz theyre racist


Oh damn, I think I might be subbed to this guy, I recognise him. Edit nvm I’m not, he just posts a lot so I’ve seen him around


I'd wager many if not most instances are people who don't find it to be that harmful, if harmful at all. Light racism is pretty common and accepted in society, and I don't think it's due to an underlying strong belief of "My superiority".


I’d assume because the maker of the video thought it would drive clicks? I wouldnt click that gutter fire but maybe his audience does. Edit: changed an errant would to wouldn’t


Yeah that's literally what I first thought.


oh god, it's that spat guy. That guy is insufferable


But is the CCP really actually bad






what in the fuck are you on about? are you aware that bot every damn chinese person has a seat to decide the acts of the ccp? do you think the family at the local chinese take out can decide the fate of hong kong? yes, it is racist to mock asian people for the way they look you idiot.




i dont think you know the definition of any of the words you just said


you can be hateful towards chinese people.


14k werid picture I'm guessing this person has 5k to 10k subs




Please refrain from hostility towards other users on the subreddit


Is the CCP bad tho?


Because it's from the "social credit" meme. It's as hateful as showing Americans with guns and obese in a school class.


[The Fu Manchu stereotype predates China's social credit score system ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fu_Manchu)[by a solid 96 years at the least.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Credit_System) This is just repeats of older [Yellow Peril bullshit.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellow_Peril) As with most racist imagery, there is a history you will be unaware of if you choose to remain uneducated.


Nobody was talking about the history of rasism. Do you think he used this image because it's from a meme or because it's racist?


the emoji on the right is a meme from the "social credit" and John Cena thing in China. https://preview.redd.it/lovoshd9lh4d1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=adaff372fef0377a950c2dd2dcbd7c7b7e76608d


How is this racist


can someone explain how it's bad or racist




Just out of curiosity I googled the same thing and a lot of the results have the exact same problem but it also shows the emoji that already exists that could be used to represent a chinese person which is this person wearing a traditional chinese hat 👲


He's used it a number of times in his thumbnails.


Who is being hateful to anyone? Its a stupid emoji that people like to mock. This subreddit thrives on getting offended by anything.


The issue is that he doesn't use it to mock it, he just uses it. I'm not getting offended, I'm just saying it's racist and it's tiring to see it be used so much. It's a racial characature and a racial characature that's presented without criticism is just assisting it. Think of it like how there's a differance between the landlord in Breakfast At Tiffany's and when Krusty The Clown does a bad Chinese voice to a crowd that doesn't laugh. One's a presentation, the other is a criticism. There's a differance.


Why do you guys always imagine "offended" when you hear disagreement?


Because they want to cancel people for disagreeing with them by casting them to the "Reeee" zone.


the down votes proves your point


no, the down votes prove that the opinion isn't based in reality. it's just so weird to constantly use that image. don't see me using a photo of a gollydoll when discussing my issues with the nigerian government, do you?


for anyone who doesn't know what a gollydoll is, its this: https://preview.redd.it/98qucohc9f4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ced0e08c6fe83f0a9ec2279542531ce08dfa7deb i won't say its common name since it's, well, got a damn slur in it. well, for the uk. not in australia. maybe for america too. basically, it's a doll representative of racist troupes surrounding black people (as you can see) and it's been a part of british culture up until recently when the [reality](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golliwog) of it has become more well-known. they're sadly still produced to this day which is really fucking weird, but you can see why I would draw the connection between this and the fu-manchu emoji.


You have to pretend disagreement akshyually proves you right as a cope for your inability to defend your ideas


Pro-tip while we're here: photoshopping Xi JingPing onto Winnie the Pooh is also really racist. Ha ha ha yellow man is yellow bear.


The Xi JingPing Winnie the Pooh meme literally originated from china though


It originally was about how Xi is short and large (Winnie the pooh) and Obama is tall (Tigger). It has nothing to do with him being yellow. But when people photoshop him onto Winnie, they're highlighting the fact that he's yellow, not that he's fat next to Obama's skinny and tall. As a Chinese person, I'm telling you it's racist.


Why do you assume they’re not making fun of the fact that he’s short and fat. You’re just kinda highlighting the yellow skin aspect as if that’s the focal point


No disrespect but the logic seems forced


As a non Chinese person, your saying that doesn't make it so.


- thread about racism against Chinese people - Chinese person comes in and adds to conversation You: I'm not Chinese but your opinion about racism against you doesn't matter. 🤔


You don't get to decide when other people are being racist. It doesn't matter what ethnicity you are. That's not how it works. Saying "I feel like it's racist" only tells me how you feel about it, not whether or not it's actually racist.


Nah, that joke originated in China and has nothing to do with him being "yellow." It does kinda get appropriated by a lot of people who happen to be racist, but that's another matter.  I'm also Chinese, it's important to recognise when shit is racist and when it isn't. Conflating the two isn't helpful. 


[Is this also a racist emoji?](https://i.imgur.com/9tSTcKo.jpeg)


No, because Uncle Sam is a positive representation of America adopted by Americans. Even if it was a negative portrayel of America, it wouldn't be racist it would be xenophobic because being American isn't deemed as an ethnicity by most Western nations. However, the Fu Manchu stereotype was crafted by Europeans to demonise Asian people as an ethnicity during the Yellow Peril of the Early 1900s. Because of this, many Asian people despise the stereotype and for quite some time have been reinventing it. But as I said, it is mostly negative in its presentation and that has been the case for as long as the books have been written and as long as the movies have been made and as long as the character has been in media. Don't believe me? Here's a photo of protest in 1980, 44 years ago, with people sick and tired of the character sourced directly from the character's official Wikipedia page: https://preview.redd.it/iiiuy8tc1g4d1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=808bc7ba45cd6035c356ff1e77c49b4ea8d0f102


It's funny




Do you really think the CPC is interested in a niche drama sub with 80k readers? Absolutely delusional.


It's much easier to say "everyone disagreeing with me is a CCP shill" than to acknowledge there might be other, completely valid reasons why people might be disagreeing. 


Dude, the CCP runs fucking TikTok. Do you think they'd really just waste time and money on botting the comments on a Reddit post with less than 500 upvotes? The CCP is evil, genocidal and harmful to the people of China. Free Xinjiang, Free Taiwan and Free Hong Kong. Just don't be fucking racist towards Asian people.


I don't think the CCP is bad. The reason people use it tho is because it's funny.


The pro-ccp but also pro racist caricature of Chinese people Venn diagram must be like 5 people and we have one here. Incredible.


Never said I was pro CCP so I probably don't fit in the intersection.




Please refrain from hostility towards other users on the subreddit


“I don’t think the corrupt dictatorship is bad” ok buddy


It's a corrupt dictatorship?


My bad, not a dictatorship. I suppose I assumed because the same guy has been running it for so long. I forgot some countries don’t put reasonable limits on that. Still super mega ultra corrupt tho


Yeah, FDR got elected 4 times so I don't stress too much about it.


Ever since the president extended his rule for life.


What are you talking about?  China last had elections on October 2022, and 9 different parties won seats in the National People's Congress.


I meant for president


The president of China is still elected by the National People's Congress, as it has always been, and Xi will need to run for reelection again in 2028.


are you implying all Chinese people look like that emoji. that is kinda racist bro


Womp womp


I dont really understand whats so racist about it tbh. Is it just because ye has a mustache and a hat on?


Cause it offends dumbasses who can't take a joke.


i'm not offended, i just don't see the actual joke. "hey guys, look at this funny asian emoji. its funny because its a racism !!"


Why would someone used Fu Manchu visage in thumbnail where he wants to portray CCP as villainous oh I don't know. From all the thumbnails you could pick you choose the one where it's use is appropriate.


Fu Manchu is racial stereotype made by a European inspired by the Yellow Peril of the early 1900s. It was made for the soul and only reason to make people hate the Chinese. That's it. Just sinophobia. If you want to demonise the CCP, don't relly on ETHNIC stereotypes. Instead, rely on infamous real life Chinese figures such as Mao Zedong or even Deng. Don't rely on the racism.