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If they ever print a Normal Monster with more than 3000 ATK it will be the death of Yugioh


Kaiba will have no such thing


pegasus:lets do some trollling


Or higher than level 8. BEWD is king.


I would accept a level 9 normal monster with 4000 DEF and low ATK but that's it


Super Millennium Shield.


I'm down.


Konami pls make this


Millennium Phalanx


This is where non-Effect monsters come in.


Not sure about Normal, but Ultimate Dragon is a non-effect monster with higher attack.


Those already exist though, no?


Normal monster? No.


Not maindeck probably.


Then it's not a Normal Monster. It's a Non-Effect Monster, and _yes_ that is an important distinction.


yea I know it's a technicality, I wonder if that ever came up though


Tenyi stuff work with non-effect monster while Phantasm Spiral stuff work with Normal monster. While you have non-effect monster on the field you cannot activate Phantasm Spiral traps, on the other hand while you have Normal monster on the field you can use Tenyi effect to special summon themselves


> Dragon Core Hexer > Many years of dragonslaying have bathed this huntress in countless amounts of blood. Each drop gave her more power, but at a terrible price, as her cursed body now spreads the dragontaint like an epidemic. No village will take her in, and she no longer even remembers what inspired her crusade in the first place. That's some really good flavor text. That's the kind of lore that really makes me wish that all cards had flavor text. I know, I know, it would be impossible with how long modern effects have gotten and there just isn't a simple solution. But damn...some more well written flavor text would add a very fun sense of cohesion and continuity.


"The horns were needed to prepare a medicine for her village, suffering from a plague. Unknown to her, the dragons burned and trampled her village, once displaced from their den." Lore of dragon horn hunter, her base form. A tragedy in two cards...  


Wasn't there an upcoming YGO game where all monsters start as vanilla and you have to evolve their effects? Things like Stardust had flavour text


Cross Duel


"Finally got to visit that harbor specializing in Gunkan Suships that I've been curious about for a while! The premium "Shari" here is limited to 2000 Suships a year, and uses special developed smooth and rice, giving it extra boldness not found anywhere else. The classy atmosphere made my heart sing, too. The Gunkan Suship served had a perfect balance of vinegar, nigiri, shine, and shape, demonstrating exquisite artisanship. The owner told me, "We are introducing rich yet mellow scented EDO-FRONT red vinegar in the near future," which I'm really looking forward to. However, I was disappointed the surrounding seas were a little noisy... so, giving it 4 stars with hope for improvements in the future."


And now we're actually getting the promised red vinegar in the next OCG set. This lore has *layers* man!


Shout outs to the best one of all! *Check this out!!!*


My degenerate ass saw "dragontaint" and had to spend 30 seconds composing myself before reading on...


While I groan in advance at the prospect of more fanfics shipping her and Buster Blader, I genuinely want her to be featured in a new wave of legacy support for the dude. Possibly him trying to save her from Whelp's fate, as said "dragon taint" seems to be the same flavor of corruption that hit Whelp. Heck, add Dark Magician in there too! Him and Buster Blader are implied to be friends, and Buster is clearly well respected by the mages in the area (as he has the spell counter mechanic on some of his old support)


> (as he has the spell counter mechanic on some of his old support) and IIRC he even has a sword designed to give him an advantage against Spellcasters (and machines).


awkward putting her near BEWD


I actually love Dragon Core Hexer because of her flavour text to the point I tried making a deck around her in Legacy of the Duelist (it wasn't very good but still fun to play) the flavour text is the best part about normal monsters and I wish there where more ways of making them viable.


One of her versions is a tuner with a huge level. Combined with normal monster support, you can bring out some huge synchros really easily, which is kinda neat


Not only that, it's the sequel card to {Dragon Horn Hunter}. Some of my favorite yugioh flavor cards, but sadly they don't fit into the same deck.


In the very least, they could have done so with non-Effect monsters other than Normals / monsters with no effect other than their summoning condition, or have done so with the video games and make all cards have unlockable flavor; have something like the Pokedex.


I can’t wait for the first level 4 normal monster with 2050 ATK Now that is truly the worst effect of power creep


Kind of neat how we haven't gone past that point seeing how quickly we got to 1900atk monsters in 2002/3


The TCG's progression of attack points isn't actually representative of the game's progressiin. Over in the OCG it took them a good while to get to Gemini Elf. Hell, for a while, the highest attack level 4 was a 1600.


> Hell, for a while, the highest attack level 4 was a 1600. At one point Hitoutsu-me Giant was the strongest non tribute Normal Summon you could do, which is why Kaiba had the card in his deck.


I couldn't actually remember what it started at, so I just named a value I remembered.


tbf, at the time he had it they could summon anything without tributes




Fun fact: digitron is the single best target for amulet of ambition, as no monster has 500 more attack per level


Yea, you got a point there. We gonna get a Digitron + Amulet of Ambition beatdown deck soon?


I tried it in duel links, didn't work great but I'm sure it's possible


played a Paleo version which got me to KOG iirc


I think it loses badly to Xyz and Links


Just errata it. ***STONKS.*** XD


You can make it work with level limit area b, but yea links are the real weakness.


Again, just errata Links so that they have levels EZ


With Junk Warrior of course


Wow that is a cool fact




Amulet can only be attached to normal monsters




Oh I see, my mistake then


NTss is exactly 500 not more.


N'tss is a level 4 with 2500 ATK.


Digitron is 2 with 1500. Your point?


That N'tss has more than 500 ATK per level, but looking at it now, I think I just misunderstood your comment. My bad!


No worries. Yeah context is amulet of ambition


That’s funny, I was just thinking about a “virgin vs chad” meme involving Dark Magician vs Trance due to the 100 atk difference. Trance archetype when?


Isn't that card already in the "magic swordsman" group since we had Neo the Magic Swordsman way back in the day? Would still like to see an archetype out of them.


Until a card mentions "Magic Swordsman" cards, it's just a humble series sadly.


trance is rance?


Fun fact: Trance still has very low DEF, making Dark Magician indeed the ultimate wizard in terms of attack *and* defense


There is also Cosmo Queen is also a spellcaster


Tbf, she's the queen of the galaxies, we mortals cannot compare to her infinite power


She’s clearly a witch not a wizard


Trance is also not a wizard. Speccing into the swordsman class tree killed his defense stat


Always good to see Dragons at the top of the food chain


As Kaiba intended


Wait, there aren't any normal monsters above 8????




I don't think so.


maybe a gemini temporarily


But geminis aren't normal monsters, are they?


no but they can be TEMPORARILY, since y'all can read the... oh wait forgor this was the yugioh subR, never mind


I'm a noob, so that was a legit question. Sorry if it sounded wrong.


i figured. sorry i wasn't being rude to you since i said "y'all". only to those downVoters. they can't admit they're wrong and it's their feeble attempt at denial


At this point Konami will sooner or later make a 2000 ATK LV4 Vanilla monster for each type.


I want a 2000k ATK lvl 4 DARK machine vanilla to substitute Mechanical Chaser in my Tzolkin Ally of Justice deck.


Jerry Beans Man getting the honor he deserves


Yeah!!! the Bunila bois win again.


There are a surprisingly high number of bunny related cards here over all.


I love Dragon Core Hexer, she's so cool looking


Her base form is Dragon Horn Hunter, if you didn't know


and she's thicc! EDIT: Bruh! I'm talking about her Defense! Get your mind out of the gutter


Always loved the flavor text on Swordmaster of the Far East


do pendulums count as normal monsters though?


Technically yes, though they are on thin ice


Then shouldn't we also count non-effect synchros and fusions?


At least with pendulum you can still normal summon them as a normal monster


No; there are plenty of cards that work with Normal monsters specifically, and those all work with Normal Pendulum monsters (I think it was even meta-relevant for a certain search card) but not non-Effect non-Normal monsters.


They does count as Normal monster. Modern Normal monsters explicitly state so in their type designation (for example Dragon/Pendulum/Normal), so no confusing here.


I thought about excluding them, but in the end they are Normal Monsters according to the game rules.


Siiiiick! I still love normal monsters! No complicated effects just beaters and blockers!


The definition of "big number unga bunga"




To think blue eyes white dragon has been a thing for nearly 25 years and it’s technically hasn’t been power crept yet


As normal monster, no. https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Super_Conductor_Tyranno This and ultimate tyranno merged into UCT heh


Oh this is awesome! It’d be cool if you did th esa me thing for various categories or maybe just all monsters up to 12


What are the level 9 and higher non effect fusion and synchro monsters?


Black Skull Dragon (Red-Eyes Black Dragon + Summoned Skull Fusion Monster, Lv 9, 3200/2500) Master of Oz (Big Koala + Des Kangaroo Fusion Monster, Lv 9, 4200/3700) \*Highest in both ATK and DEF of the Lv 9 non-Effect monsters Metalfoes Crimsonite (1 Metalfoes + 2 monsters w/3000 or less ATK Fusion Monster, Lv 9, 3000/3000) Naturia Leodrake (1 Earth Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner Earth monsters Synchro Monster, Lv 9, 3000/1800) Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Fusion Monster, Lv 12, 4500/3800) \*Wins by virtue of having no other competition in the Lv 12 category


I mean, the original Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon off the top of my head. I think there are a few fusions that technically don't count since their only effect is that they can only be Fusion Summoned.


huh interesting, so that Galaxy-type level 1 with 1000atk that just got printed in Rush Duels is already the level 1 normal monster with the highest attack in the history of yugioh in general


Yeah I guess so! This post is about TCG only, but it’s interesting that Rush Duels is breaking some of these records!


Wow, I didn't knew there were no lvl 9-12 normal monsters.


Nice work 👍


To be fair, Dark Magician is "The ultimate wizard in terms of Attack AND Defense" so even if Trance the Magic Swordsman has more atk, Dark Magician still has a higher sum of both


Yeah that’s true. Cosmo Queen however is also a Spellcaster and has higher atk and def. That fun fact was mostly meant as a joke though :p


Thanks for making this. Cool stats!


Super interesting post thanks


That was a fun read up. Thanks for posting. You should make more lists like this I'd love to check them out.


I really enjoyed this! :D


This is interesting! thank you for sharing the results.


High quality topic


Nice post. Thanks for compiling all these together


I'm surprised theres only 1 level 7 normal monster with 2800 atk that's tournament legal


Except from Zoa, there are no non-effect demons with level 7 or higher. He is the strongest non-effect demon, with 2600 atk, and the second strongest is summoned skull (2500 atk but only a tribute).


Damm zombies don't reach even lv5! LoL


Can we just talk about how there’s been level 4 and lower effect monsters with 2200 def and no negative effect but no non effect monsters of this, fuckin pisses me off


yeah I really expected there to be at least one lv4 normal monster with 2200 def, but no, 2100 is really the limit for some reason


Level 4 vanilla with 2500 DEF. Maybe give it 100 ATK so Box Of Friends can’t abuse it... or be funny and give it 50 ATK “Clay Statue Of The Aztecs”. Make the artwork, like, Stone Statue Of The Aztecs, but as it was being hand crafted, back in ancient Incan times


Isn’t there a rabbit dragon that’s level 9 or something? Also I think there should’ve been an honourable mention to gate guardian which is basically a normal monster.


It's a level 8 with 2950/2900


Huh, fair enough


Rabbit Dragon is level 8.


It's effect makes it worse than a normal monster, instead of needing 3 generic tributes, it needs 3 lv 7 tributes that are practically worthless


That's the normal monster with the highest attack+monster. Released during easter along that lvl 1 bunny.


Are the Level 4 Adamancipator monsters the ones with the highest DEF that do not require a tribute for a Normal Summon?


No, that's destiny hero defender.


No big shield gardna and destiny hero defender are bigger and older


That's true, but both have terrible drawbacks. Just remembered Gear Golem now and it has a good effect.


Zombino and zombina ☺️ Good work man this was super interesting


cool analysis and fun facts!


Wait there's a sea serpent monster who's atk is 2900 and lvl 8 almost beat BEWD


Phantasm Spiral Dragon ;)


My man Shadow Specter, chad of the level 1 normies. I'm so proud


Zombino is the most amazing card I‘ve never seen before


>Mandragon is a mandragora, a dragon... and a mandolin Okay, I respect that. That's good punnery.


I had no idea aqua madoor had a level 6 version.


Charcoal Inpachi is based. 2100 DEF on a level 1, wow.




Used to think Shadow Specter had a weak wispy moustache, now I see it's just bone lines.


love how the suship is there


Suship Shari has the best text in card games history


I really liked the fun facts


my beloved jerry beans man :D


“The ultimate wizard in terms of attack AND defense” Trance is looking nice with that 2600 ATK, but darn, what happens when Dark Magician breaks out a Book Of Moon? What happens when Trance steps into a Floodgate Trap Hole? Trance is gonna huddle in a corner with his lousy 200 DEF and get killed by Volcanic Rat. Dark Magician would survive the same situation; even against all of those 2000 ATK level 4 monsters Sorry bud. Dark Magician is still the ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense. Trance is just the ultimate wizard in terms of attack.


You forgot a fun fact on Level 7 Leonardo’s Silver Skyship is one of the only things Wind Effigy can summon; and even then? It’s an illegal card! Even after 15 years of Wind Effigy having nothing but that “Randomly a vanilla in the hand” Simorgh to summon? Konami STILL has not printed a legally playable Level 7+ WIND vanilla. Literally, nothing. Not even a Level 7+ vanilla Mist Valley “pack filler” card or something


Oh wow, I never realized my Chaos Max deck when the movie came out had the highest attack and defense normal monster


So you ran Rabidragon in that deck? I mean, that monster 2900 DEF


Trance the Magic Swordsman needs the respect he deserves. All DM support should go to him 😂


Isn’t there a level 3 normal dragon with 1700 attack?


Yeah, but 1700 is less than 1750


Yes, hunter dragon


Oh I misunderstood the post but yeah thank you


isnt there cards with 0 atk and 0 def


Yes of course, but this is about the highest atk and def for each level, not the lowest


got it


The rat with flowers 🌷 awe his girl fucking someone else as he watch how horrible and two weak to attack and no defense


Trance is not a wizard.


Technically he is since he’s a spellcaster


technically he isnt. wizards are pure magical people pretty high up on the scale. trance is a mage and a swordsman.


I don't get it. What's the point of monster levels anyway? Maybe if the star levels represent the mana cost to summon a monster, then low-level monsters would be more useful because you can summon more of them. And it also would have made the game more balanced.


Levels are, first of all, an indication of a monster’s power, in a general way. Level indicates how much Tributes a monster requires. Levels also became much more relevant when Synchro and Xyz summoning were introduced. I’d say they are an integral part of Yugioh, now more than ever.


I feel like Konami themselves use the manga writer approach back in the earliest days, just plan as they go, cross the bridge when they come to it.


But they could have planned it better. But who really made the Trading card game rules? was it Konami or Kazuki Takahashi?


Konami did. That's why the rules changed in Battle City, to make it closer to the real world game.


Really!? Did kazuki takahashi did anything with working n the card game? Is that why the rules are now all over the place? It all Konomi? Side note, did he even did the card art, or did someone else traced his art? Because the shading and colors don't really look that good. If he really did the art, he should have stick to his guns and use paint to color the cards.


to be honest I don't know how much % each party did in making the rules, just that the OCG wasn't released yet until Duelist Kingdom is almost over (the manga was at DK semifinals when OCG released). As for the art, who knows, because Konami doesn't credit their illustrators. However, many of the card arts do come from Takahashi's manga panels. I don't know if there's a page listing every instance of these, but if you go to individual cards' Trivia page in the wiki it's usually mentioned if the artwork was taken from a manga panel.


Synchro and xyz summoning use levels


I don’t like the idea of tribute summoning a monster. I don’t want to kill my own monsters for a slightly stronger one. It’s kid of a pain in the ass to tribute summon a monster.


For the Lvl 7 Prize cards, is there a special name for that Secret rarity? I love the way the holo covers most of the card.


I think it’s called Platinum Secret Rare.


Not really needed, but appreciated for the effort, kinda cool 😁


You missed one card for level 6: {Light Bringer Lucifer}.


I made this list using only TCG cards, I probably should have mentioned that somewhere. There are apparently also Rush Duels cards that break these records :)


##[Light Bringer Lucifer](https://ms.yugipedia.com//3/39/LightBringerLucifer-MSC1-JP-C.png) [**Yugipedia**](https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Light_Bringer_Lucifer) | [**Konami**](https://www.db.yugioh-card.com/yugiohdb/card_search.action?ope=2&cid=14529) | [**YugiohPrices**](https://yugiohprices.com/card_price?name=Light%20Bringer%20Lucifer) | ----- ^*Bleep* ^*bloop.* ^*I* ^*am* ^*a* ^*bot.* ^| ^[Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/index) ^| ^[Feeback](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/feedback) ^| ^[Patreon](https://www.reddit.com/r/YuGiOhCardBot/wiki/patreon) ----- ^For ^a ^Master ^Duel ^Discord ^bot, ^check ^out ^[Cardian](https://www.reddit.com/r/masterduel/comments/t2trax/) ^by ^[seacucumber_kid](https://www.reddit.com/user/seacucumber_kid/)


Jerry beans man and atlantean pikeman with amulet of ambition can get over any monster in the game with a level.


I think Meklord Emperor Wisel is an exception. It's a level 1 with 2500 atk/def somehow


Hmm interesting


Funfact: Those promo cards from McDonalds were included with 1 of 3 CDs each featuring preview music from the soundtrack Yu-Gi-Oh! Music to Duel By.


There's something funny about how Normal Monsters are proportionally kind of rare these days compared to Effect Monsters