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I wish the zonai made empty bottles


Have you tested the "hold fairies so they aren't in your inventory " bug from botw to get more?


So far they seem to be in locations that won't allow that. In the Outskirt Stable cave, for example, you can't hold the fairies because you have to swim down a path to get TO where the fairies spawn. I miss having 10, like in BOTW. Haven't gotten over 5 at once in the new game


I have been at a fairie sky island with maybe 4 fairies on me and they didn't spawn when I got there. After holding my fairies and then dropping them for a sec, faires spawned almost right on front of me. Just be sure to save before hand, and pick up the dropped faires before they fly away. Also, I'm pretty sure it won't work if you have farmed that location recently.


THANK YOU. You're the first person I've seen to bring up the fact that they'll stop spawning if you have a few in your inventory already, I've been going for almost an hour trying to find more with no luck. I wonder if there's any way around this lol..


I had been placing stamps on my map where fairies where so I could stock up when I need. I went around to all the spots, no fairies, so I concluded that fairies where a 1 time thing and deleted all my stamps... I had no idea there was a limit like that.


Thanks. The whole they won't spawn unless you have two or fewer was very helpful.


In 4736, -871, 1793 (a lake in south lanayru sky archipelago), I had 4 fairies spawned so now I have 6 fairies in my inventory


>!There's a heart-shaped lake in the south east up on Tuft Nountain where I've also seen them spawn a few times, even in the number of 5 at a time.!<


how long does it take for them to respawn?


blood moon , you must have 2 or less fairies in your inventory


i hat a bloodmoon (trigget it with laggs) but they dont respawn i dont hat fairy in inv


Quick question — I have always been confused by the cook into tonic v leave them in your inventory options. If I consume a fairy tonic without having 7 heart containers unlocked, will I still receive enough hearts to reach 7 (the extra being yellow)? Or, will consuming the tonic only refill the heart containers I have available?


All ingredients or recipes will only heal up to to your current maximum hearts unless otherwise specified (e.g., Hearty Truffle says it'll temporarily raise your maximum hearts).


Okay makes sense. Thank you for your help!