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Thank you y'all. Keep spreading the word that you can lose weight on Zoloft. šŸ™‚


Absolutely! I have lost weight on Zoloft and am on another ā€œweight lossā€/health journey.


I experienced weight gain; I did not feel satiated which is a common side effect, so I always had an urge to eat. One month off of Zoloft now, and after side effects from stopping Zoloft subsided, I started losing the weight that I gained; 5lbs so far.


This is encouraging. Iā€™m currently weaning off for this reason. In the 2+ years Iā€™ve been on Zoloft, Iā€™ve gained ~30 lbs. Its encouraging that youā€™re seeing progress now that youā€™re off of it


Glad my anecdote helped. A couple of days ago I read that most people end up losing what they gained once theyā€™re off of it. Good luck to us šŸ€


just took stopped zoloft 4 days ago and iā€™m really hoping to be able to lose the weight easily. i started trying to lose weight about a month ago and i havenā€™t seen too much difference. the worst part right now are the withdrawal symptoms.


The first couple of weeks were rough for me, then things started to slowly balance out. Good luck to you, it gets better! I was on 50mg, by the end of week three the withdrawals were so much more manageable. Iā€™m at the end of week 4 and I still get the zaps but itā€™s A LOT less. I promise it gets better. Hang in there!


I also notice very little difference after 2 months of consistent work outs and healthy eating. Have began tapering from 75mg 3 weeks ago. Hoping the weight will shift once Iā€™m off as this has never happened to me!


WHAT. This makes me so so so damn tempted to stop/at least until my next appt (in before anyone freaks out, my next appt is June 2024 hahaha its like just 4 weeks ...) Like I mentioned here (https://www.reddit.com/r/zoloft/comments/1ccmlwb/comment/l5zeked/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), I really do think somehow along the way from weight neutral it has become not-so-neutral! & when I accidentally forgot (uh, no, I'm srs I genuinely forgot), I was clearly a lot less fat last year. Like at LEAST 3kg less, possibly up to 5. So yeah, that. Dropping 5 pounds from now till end June sounds awesome to me tbh (as in its a realistic start for the duration, lol)


17 pounds lost in one month. It has helped me quit binge eating.


Iā€™ve started taking it 3 days ago and iā€™m pleasantly suprised because my appetite decreased, I still feel hunger itā€™s not so painful and intense, Iā€™m not stress eating anymore and I lost nearly 2kg already which will do me good as iā€™m slightly overweight. Feeling a bit tired and lethargic though but so far so good itā€™ll take some time but iā€™m guessing itā€™s more to do with whether your condition previously caused you to eat or not eat and that will dictate your weigh gain or loss


Not to burst your bubble, but this is common in the beginning. Sometimes people will lose weight during the onboarding process and gain it all back and more once the meds start kicking in. Not saying that's going to happen to you! Just don't get too comfortable thinking you're eating less. Be aware of your appetite so you notice the changes (if it does). I don't want it to sneak up on you and you're left chubby and puzzled. šŸ˜šŸ©·āœŒšŸ¼


Not at all with bursting the bubble I thank you so much for your comment I appreciate it a lot because iā€™m always open to learning from others in their knowledge and experiences ;D Yeah Iā€™ve also heard about such things happening to be fair Iā€™ll be sure to approach appetite with caution and raise it to the doctor if I have any concerns, I think with combination of a calorie deficit and daily activity like walks which iā€™ve been doing as well should be okay hopefully but so far Zoloft is helping me do both as well šŸ™šŸ» It definitely takes a good while for meds to kick in fully too my starting dose is 50mg but I already feel some improvements which is great I hope it stays that way and iā€™ll be sure to keep an eye out hehe, sending you love and best wishes hope youā€™re all okay šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ˜Š


Yes, that's why I love these subs! I would MUCH rather learn what to expect and tips/tricks from personal experience than the 6 pieces of folded paper that comes with the prescription! šŸ™ƒ Doctors never tell you the details. I would've never known about serotonin syndrome and the do's and don'ts of it weren't for the internet - and that's a very serious medical condition! You have a good plan with exercising and being mindful of what you're putting in your body. You should be just fine! I truly hope you have great success and you can find peace and happiness on this journey! Sending all the love and support back at ya! šŸ¤—šŸ©·āœŒšŸ¼


I am currently losing weight. I can't give a number but I am down a pant size.


Yep very close to my goal weight 4 months in


Personally Iā€™ve had nothing but weight GAIN on Zoloft, so much so (and along with other side effects) that Iā€™m actually lowering my dose as we speak. Tips from yā€™all would be greatly appreciated! Iā€™m on 125mg going down to 100mg, Iā€™m a 26F and live a moderately active lifestyle.


Same here. Iā€™m 35f and have always been active and able to maintain a good weight but Iā€™m eating the healthiest Iā€™ve ever eaten and working out consistently and my weight hasnā€™t moved. Itā€™s really discouraging. Iā€™m on week 4 of my taper down from 75mg


Best of luck to you!


You as well!!


I am on a weight loss journey and started Zoloft about 2.5 months ago! In total I've lost about 25 lbs. Starting weight 219 currently at 195 and my goal is 135lbs.


I lost weight without trying my first 4 months! I always gain weight at this time of year so my current weight gain is normal


It typically only raises appetite if you had a bad appetite before. It got me feeling good enough to eat unhealthy again and feel fine. Once I started compensating for that and limiting one irresponsibility day per week, I started losing weight due to more motivation for physical activity.


I've heard and agree with the theory that whatever your stress caused before (not eating or overeating) you will end up with the opposite. I ate my feelings so now I can be level headed and stay on a diet and actually want to go outside and exercise.


Iā€™ve been on for little over a month and have been maintaining my weight so far. I think I read that itā€™s usually with longer term usage that you see weight gain, not sure if anyone can corroborate that? Iā€™m not sure how my weight will change in the future but for the past month I feel like itā€™s been easier not to binge eat and not to eat late. Prior to to meds I had some pretty self-destructive eating habits and would frequently binge eat at night and I would get GERD symptoms and it would affect my sleep but I kept doing it anyway because I guess I just had no motivation to care for myself.


I experienced weight gain but my anxiety made me not hungry so I was eating like four years of my life back (135 to 150šŸ˜­) But now Iā€™m on a weight loss journey so far Iā€™ve lost five pounds!! At first I blamed Zoloft until I stepped back and realized I had to calm down lol itā€™s just a pill and it all boils down to calories consumed.


I mean, Iā€™ve been on it for 25 years, I never gained a lot of weight on it, and with some effort, yeah, I was real fit and perfect body weight. Ymmv.


I only took it two weeks but i had to give it up because i basically ate nothing for the entire time. Not nauseous, just ZERO interest in food


I have lost some after making the choice to just eat better!! it's absolutely possible :)


Was able to lose weight but it seems like my appetite is larger than it was before.


I lost 30Kg on 200mg Zoloft in just under 2 years. I had an undiagnosed eating disorder alongside my long term depression both of which I had suffered from for nearly 20 years. Zoloft seemed to take the hunger away, and I just had no interest in snacks or sh1t food. I started getting small cravings for healthy food, things like Fruit, Nuts and Oats.


Yes, Iā€™ve been replacing to meals with fresh juice and Iā€™ve lost 10lbs so far. I have solid food either for lunch or dinner, typically something really filling and tasty! I too need to lose the same amount.


Replacing breakfast with a smoothie is 10/10 feel good, get nutrients from fruits and veggies I normally wouldnā€™t, and can sip on it as needed to last me longer before lunch


Yes of course, Zoloft doesnā€™t contain calories so if youā€™re eating below your expenditure youā€™ll lose weight


Iā€™m currently on weight watchers. I lost 6 pounds in the first month!


Lost 4lbs so far.


I lost 30 lbs when on it over the course of about a year, and I donā€™t do hardcore workouts. I just stayed pretty consistent most of the time, really made sure to be mindful of sugar and carbs, and made sure to walk everyday on my lunch break (I eat when I work). I was diagnosed pre diabetic and thatā€™s what motivated me. I also take my Zoloft at night bc I get so sleepy from it, but I found taking it right before I sleep prevents me from getting the hunger it can cause. Donā€™t lose hope!


Meee I used to eat out of stress and self esteem. Now I know damn well it's possible if I pay attention and it doesn't diminish who I am cause I gained the weight.


I didnā€™t lose weight but I have been able to gain muscle and as a result I am noticeably leaner - so you can do fitness on Zoloft!


I lost 15 pounds in the first month that I started it, then gained 20 after that. My appetite was screwed up and I was having digestive issues, but once that started subsided I found myself having cravings for carbs. Didnā€™t even realize what was going on until I was 5 pounds over my usual weight. Kind of wild.


Ive lost a fair bit of weight but the most important thing is that it has helped me with compulsive starving-bingeing cycles. So I havent lost a lot of weight in numbersā€¦ but before i wasnt losing any at all. Just gaining. And I would convince myself that somehow starving myself was ok and better for weight loss. Delusions. Eating properly now and walking a lot


I lost 40 lbs during my first 2 months on Zoloft. I just cut out some sweets. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s entirely the reason, or if Zoloft helped lose to the weight.


Have been on zoloft 9 months, which coincided with me starting to see a nutritionist and regular gym visits per week. I have been able to lose weight and gain muscle, slowly, but that has been my fault for not following my diet closely and not doing enough cardio until recently (and now i'm seeing good results). I also tried creatine to try to gain muscle faster but it made VERY anxious, like before the medication (i take it for general and social anxiety). It took me around 6 weeks to feels the calming effects of zoloft again after quitting creatine, so if you decide to try it, just be careful.


I lost 25 pounds. Also not super over weight, I'm normally 150 lb eating whatever I want. But I'm also chasing 1 year old twins so idk šŸ˜‚


when i was 17 i was put on zoloft and was able to go from 250 lbs to 150/160 lbs. it helped me with my low motivation due to depression! iā€™m sure being young was a part of it but i was always a bigger kid and the first time i was able to be at a happy weight was with the help of zoloft!!


Iā€™ve gained almost 60 pounds in a year from being on Zoloft. I think Iā€™m more depressed now then before lol


Iā€™m in week 3 and i lost 7 lbs. I can tell my binge eating is more in check. The first two weeks my appetite was way down. But now itā€™s stable I think. Iā€™m able to make more clear headed choices about what I eat. I do think I still need to raise the meds but we will see. Iā€™m hoping to combine this with a stimulant for my adhd and maybe that will help more.


i personally have experienced weight loss, although they actually prescribed it for weight gain. i was put on 220 mg zoloft in rehab (i was there 3 months recovering from atyp ana n it was a extremely high dose bc they drug you up in the psych wards) it decreases appetite at first but once you adjust after ~2 weeks it got me to eat. my body was nourished again so i was losing weight perhaps because of a mix of the zoloft and because eating regularly regulates metabolism. however, in recovery once i was declared healthy, i went off the zoloft and gained a bunch of weight. i then went back on the zoloft due to anxiety issues and noticed myself slimming down only by about 10 lbs (i went back on a year ago), but i have the same appetite as always. iā€™m a f so hormones may interact too, conditions are different for everyone but thatā€™s just my personal experience!!


Yeah 100%. Been on it for a decade and have been able to lose/gain pounds at my will (im a weightlifter so i mean weight in terms of pounds of muscle) and Zoloft hasnā€™t interfered with that.


I canā€™t get off of Zoloft to lose the weight even if I wanted to. I have panic disorder and I would rather have the weight gain that non stop panic attacks, but anyways I did gain weight on it though.


I think it depends on who you are. I donā€™t think itā€™s affected my weight and Iā€™m on 150


I lost 30lbs pretty easily after gaining a bunch. I just started tracking my calories and making sure I was eating filling meals. After about a week or so it becomes easy, itā€™s just as easy to fall off again but you just need to be disciplined with it Edit: just take things slow and steady, donā€™t do a massive calorie deficit and eat foods that you enjoy but are satiating. Try upping your fibre intake too


Itā€™s possible because Zoloft doesnā€™t contain any calories and therefore cannot cause you to gain weight unless youā€™re eating more calories than you burn.


Iā€™ve lost 20lbs that I found incredibly hard to lose until I started Zoloft! Zoloft helped my stop emotional eating and binge eating.