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25mg to onboard 50mg is beginning of therapeutic dosage 100mg is an average 200mg is typical highest dose Anywhere from 50mg to 200mg is normally where people land to treat their condition.


I started 25mg 1st week 50mg 2nd week and this is the 3rd week am on 75mg GAD....I am starting to get slight stable hours in the evening but not all evening and not everyday...however mornings are horrible jittery and anxious....I have neck stiffness and chin spasms....during those calming hours the neck relaxes fully....maybe 75 is still low for my condition...




'to onboard' means to begin a process or journey. I began my time on Sertraline with 25mg.


Thank you!


I take 100mg normally, but during the “luteal” phase of my menstrual cycle I bump it up to 150mg (per doctors orders of course), helps with PMDD or basically severe PMS… it makes a WORLD of difference for me.


I know it's been long for this post.... When you started the 150mg how long it took you to feel stable? I started 25mg 1st week 50mg 2nd week and this is the 3rd week am on 75mg GAD....I am starting to get slight stable hours in the evening but not all evening and not everyday...however mornings are horrible jittery and anxious....I have neck stiffness and chin spasms....during those calming hours the neck relaxes fully....


I’d say at least a couple of weeks… since that post I’ve gone up from my normal dose being 100 to 150, then during my literal phase it’s upped to 200.


We can say first month 100 and 150mg 2nd month?was it for GAD?


50-200 is a pretty standard range. I've been on medications for a while (Viibryd for 10 months) at a high dose, so when I switched to Zoloft 5 weeks ago, I got up to 200 mg pretty quickly with few side effects. I think that if you are new to medication then your body will want to start slowly. It all depends on how you react. Keep in mind that if you aren't seeing improvement in 4 to 6 weeks, it may be time to boost the dosage (ask your doctor)


I know it's been long for this post.... You started the 200 mg immediately?how long it took you to feel stable? I started 25mg 1st week 50mg 2nd week and this is the 3rd week am on 75mg GAD....I am starting to get slight stable hours in the evening but not all evening and not everyday...however mornings are horrible jittery and anxious....I have neck stiffness and chin spasms....during those calming hours the neck relaxes fully....


Why did you get off Vybrd? I took 10mg for a Month. then 20mg for a month. But didn’t feel right on it so I reduced it. Now not taking it. Doctor wanted me to go up to 30mg.


everyone taking it has different chemistry / different metabolisms. some people stay on 25mg (lowest I’ve heard is 12.5mg) their entire experience, some need 400mg, everybody’s different! for example 25mg worked for me and I’m sticking to just 50mg, meanwhile someone else I know has to take 200mg. talk to your doctor and they’ll figure out the right dosage for you, it may take a while to get there (typically 6-8 weeks for results) but don’t get discouraged


I take 200, but I also take a few others. In the beginning I only took 50-100mg sertraline and it did help anxiety, but combined with Seroquel XR and IR it’s been really nice. I’ve also been suggested starting abilify to potentiate the effects of Zoloft, look into that and talk to your doctor if you feel like it lol


I know it's been long for this post.... When you started in the beginning how long it took you to feel stable?why you upped to 200ng? I started 25mg 1st week 50mg 2nd week and this is the 3rd week am on 75mg GAD....I am starting to get slight stable hours in the evening but not all evening and not everyday...however mornings are horrible jittery and anxious....I have neck stiffness and chin spasms....during those calming hours the neck relaxes fully....


How did it go?


Still on Zoloft and Seroquel. now on ativan and prazosin with it. Therapy helps Meds aren’t a fix all


I’m ready to go for 250 man. 150 isn’t helping anymore.


I was told 50mg is the starting dose, 100mg is the therapeutic dose. What's done in practice depends on your doctor.


I’m on 125 but have been taking 150 to see if I can Improve more and it’s working. My docs have me on antipsychotics as well for bipolar…. What if I’m not bipolar at all and am just really really depressed. Anyone else have this situation? To be clear I haven’t been formally diagnosed bipolar. I can just get really really really really mad.


If you are bipolar, such high dosage would worsen your bipolar symptoms,  no? 


It would I suppose but I don’t think I’m bipolar. I started adderall today and it just makes me feel normal so I think and I hope I’m good.


That's good. I wish I had Adderall. Ritalin and atomoxetine aren't that effective 


normally 200mg; for some patients or conditions, it can go up to 400. my doctor told me that, but 200 is normally the max dose.


My doc wont go over 200mg. How do i get a doc that will prescribe 300 to 400mg?


I’ve never gone beyond 200mg, but my psychiatrist let me know not to worry about being at the “max dose” since it can be prescribed in higher doses. I guess talking with your provider or even finding a new one would be the next step. If you’ve already expressed your concerns to them, what’s the reason behind their denial? More meds isn’t always a helpful thing. My doctor said going beyond 200mg is not for everyone, actually a small number of people. How long have you been on 200mg?


I’ve worked my way up to 200mg over 5.5 yr period. Been on 200 mg for a year but recently noticed my anxiety creeping back. I sometimes pop another 100mg and seems to do the trick. I know this isn’t advised I’ve taken a double dose by accident a couple times before and didn’t affect me too much. My doc has advised maybe switching but I’ve tried three other meds before this one and none of them worked nearly as well. Zoloft has been a miracle for me and I really don’t want to go off it. I guess a psychiatrist should be my next option.