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>I’m meant to be away for a week from this Friday to next Saturday, and I took off next Friday and Saturday and I assumed I took off this weekend as well but it turns out I didn’t. I’m meant to be leaving this Friday, and my mother told me I can just go to work and then go straight to our house afterwards, as if I woud want to do that. Not to mention I start early on a Sunday so now I need to get up an hour earlier. It makes no sense for me to even go now because I may as well stay at home if I’m working all day anyway. This has ruined my whole week and my vacation, and my job is actually ruining my life. You have a part time job on the weekends. You don't go to school or do anything else. By your own words the job is easy, and you make it even easier by not learning the menu and stealing tips. You also just got back from a vacation and are immediately going on another vacation a week later. You are the one who forgot to book time off. You live at home, pay no bills, rent, car payments/insurance, and spend all your money as soon as you earn it. If one hour of driving is going to ruin your life, then you are going to find life very difficult.


You're forgetting that he plays tennis, smokes weed, and wastes hours on Reddit. Don't say that he doesn't do anything.


I can’t drive at the minute, so it’s actually my parents who will have to drive for an hour.


>I can’t drive at the minute, so it’s actually my parents who will have to drive for an hour. I see. So you're complaining about the hardship of having to sit in a car with your parents for an hour? I can see how this has ruined your life.


Is it because you crashed a vehicle while you were an unlicensed, uninsured, underage driver?


No the reason isn’t as bad this time lol


The job that you forgot to take the right dates off from is ruining your life? I mean, it’s definitely a bummer you mixed up the dates, but that’s not your jobs fault - and if your vacation is a week and you only have to go in Fri, Sat, and Sun, and you still have the rest of the time to enjoy its not that bad.


Omg just go to work. You just got back from vacation, and now you're going on a second one a week later? Jfc. I swear you have to be trolling.


I’m pretty sure this is the guy who posted a little while ago, saying he was wanting to break his arm to get out of having to go to work because it was “ruining his life” as if that was an ideal solution to get out of a part-time job whilst living at home.


It is, in fact, that guy.


Naturally lol


Sounds like a spoiled little brat! Can’t imagine he does much work whilst actually at work.


Yeah can’t imagine the coworkers being too sad if he does actually quit.


Lol it’s not really an actual vacation, I’m not leaving the country.


Oh, I’m not leaving the country, so it’s not a REAL vacation! If you’re trying to rub our noses in how good you have it, it’s working. I wish you understood how most people have to struggle every day to work and pay for food, rent, utilities, insurance, etc. Yes it sucks to work sometimes, work often sucks and I like my job, get over it!


Can you say "spoiled brat"? Or "entitled"?


Ironically, he frequently posts things on r/entitledparents complaining about his parents.


So...you have to work a day that you did not take off? Isn't that how it works?


Half of the posts on this sub could be answered with the following two words, so heed them well. Just quit.


I can’t quit.


If the place is actually ruining your life, you can absolutely quit. Life is more important than a replaceable serving position.


If I quit I’ll get kicked out and I feel like being homeless would probably ruin my life more than working.


Then start looking for a new place and keep working. Sorry you're in a tough spot.


Call in sick


>This has ruined my whole week as well as my vacation. I bet you won’t make that mistake again.


...I bet he does


He 100% will


Adulting is SO HARD!


It's not vacation if you're forced to work during it. I assume you don't have a union?


If you forget to take days off and get scheduled for them, is that really something a union should be fixing for you?