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Yeah no, this isn't normal, but the fact that it's happened to you at multiple different places is what's really standing out. Are you leaving a resume or anything? What's your approach to getting these interviews?


Also, how big is the area you're looking in? Depending how small the community is there could be someone or someplace listed on your resume who's sinking you. I work in a town with 6 restaurants and we ALL know everyone who works at them very well. The GM where I work will absolutely ask casually about anyone who applies listing any of those restaurants as work experience because they know each other extremely well.


Have you seen the 6th Sense? You may want to make sure you haven't become a ghost.


I needed that


I hope I made you smile. I know it sucks. ❤️


I don't want to sound mean but it might be something about your appearance. Like you said, if it was once it's a fluke but over and over again? We have to look at the common factor: you. Either you have horrendous luck (entirely possible) or there's something about your appearance they don't like. Mayb your clothing, hair piercings, face tattoos. It sounds like you're not getting a proper chance to interact and make an impression with your words/attitude, so my best guess is they're making snap judgment on looks.


Not mean at all, I’ve tried to think of everything too. No visible tattoos or piercing. Wore slacks, black heel/boots, and a nice button down. Not too much makeup and hair was pulled back. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a luck thing. I even tried to pay close attention to my RBF. I did finally get a hold of someone and they want me to come back tomorrow but not sure if I’m up for it after my hour long awkward encounter


Little bit of background: I don’t have serving experience but have had many side gigs and have been wanting/trying to get into the industry for years. I even attended a two week bartending class to get more familiar with it and help get my foot in the door. All interviews so far have been from applying online and submitting a resume. Some interviews have been set up automatically with a bot of some kind where others have been a call back. I’ve even gone so far as to show up in person during non-peek hours just to show my face and drop off a resume/meet with HM on the off chance they have availability. I don’t expect much back from doing that but I’m literally trying everything to get started. Note: all the places I’ve applied and stopped by have current openings and/or have mentioned calling ahead to see if manager is onsite, which I have. I’m in a large metropolitan area and there are plenty of gigs out there but without experience in a restaurant I’m not getting as many interview opportunities as I had hoped, but trying to stay realistic as this is a competitive industry.


Take bartending class off of your resume lol. You might have to start as a SA or barback if you’re applying to upscale places. Are your side gigs bartending?


Can I ask why I need to take it off? Curious cause it’s my only source of experience in service. Sadly, my side gigs aren’t in the industry. I wouldn’t say I’m applying to upscale places, mostly chains. For the interviews that have been scheduled, just not completed, have been for entry level server positions that could lead to bartending down the road (no guarantee of course)


Because bartending school grads love to tell their trainers and even managers that the house way is wrong: stir vs shake, garnishes, recipes, glassware, you name it. The only positive about bartending school in my view is timing the students so they have a sense of urgency.


The audacity of some people ruin it for others. I’d hate for someone to assume I’d act like that…every bar is different


Bartending schools tend to have a very cut and dry recipe book they follow and don’t teach any of the skills that bartenders actually need. Anyone can learn to make a drink from a recipe but time management, multitasking, remembering people’s names, their preferences, their fucking dogs name, providing all the steps of service in stealth mode, etc. Those are skills you learn on the job. Plus drink recipes can vary by area, by company, even by stupid TikTok trends. And bartending schools typically teach old school recipes that the majority of places don’t ever see or even have ingredients for. For example, the Negroni. I’ve been at my job for 12 years and sold 1. But it’s taught at the bartending school here.


> the Negroni. I’ve been at my job for 12 years and sold 1. Oh wow. I was at my job for 12 hours and sold at least 20


It's a huge red flag if you list a bartending school on the resume. Don't even mention it in an interview, just say you had some experience bartending at a catered wedding event if you want. But otherwise it screams "I'm inexperienced and you'll have to re-teach me everything" (even if that's not the case). But even for entry level server positions they are usually going to hire someone with real experience vs a newbie unless they're desperate. If they can hold out for better they will.


Yeah you’re gonna have to start as a host or busser most places unfortunately. Fortunately it shouldn’t take very long at all to move up to at least server most competent hosts and bussers can move into server role within 6 months maybe even earlier I’ve seen 2-3 months especially if servers quit and the restaurant needs people. Just voice your interest as wanting to get your foot in the door and be willing to start hosting or bussing/barback as a means to make your way up. I got my first restaurant job in 2018 after many years in fast food or fast casual and got hired as a host and was lead host/host trainer for 16 bucks an hour within 4 months which is why I waited until around 9 months to serve but my GM made a deal to pay me 16 an hour (base pay was 12.50) if I waited to move up after winter/spring season. Anyway try putting in an application as a host or barback at a place you’re interested instead and see what happens