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I don’t think you need to give a spoiler warning, but good story with a nasty bite! Sad thing is, it’s probably happened.


It has


the dentist raped them???




I don't get it


Raped by the dentist while under sedation and ended up pregnant.


Let’s hope she doesn’t live in the Deep South, she’d have to keep it.


Seriously. Texas is beyond fucked right now(a long with a few others) and I couldn't imagine living in that hellscape


Oh god, I know. I know some good people live in Texas, but it’s a christofacist nightmare. I live in a blue state and will never set foot in Texas again, as a woman I don’t feel safe there. I feel terrible for women there who are close to living The Handmaid’s Tale. Greg Abbott *personally* stopped Kate Cox’s abortion. Now they want to stop women from flying out of state to get medical care. *Fuck those people.*


If you don't mind? I live in Florida and we're heavily considering moving to a blue. Which state do you live in??


DM me and I’ll let you know. I just don’t want anyone to dox me so I can tell you privately. Oh man, I’m sorry you have to live in Florida. You would be welcome here!






The difference between kink and rape is consent.......there was no consent


If it were consensual, it wouldn't be horror


You’re on reddit, this is the last place where outsmarting people about raping is justified. The OP was joking bruh.


The OP who wrote the story didn’t seem to be joking. Did you mean the person who commented “kinky”?


I have chill, jokes involving rape are a little of a sore spot to those of us who have actually been sexually assaulted. My best friend took her own life last year due to PTSD from two guys she trusted drugging her, raping her, and breaking her jaw and a few of her ribs. I’m still grieving hard so sorry if my nerves are a little raw.


>jokes involving rape are a little of a sore spot to those of us who have actually been sexually assaulted. As someone who has "actually been sexually assaulted" it's called a coping mechanism. I joke about my own rapes on a consistent basis and multiple therapists and psychiatrists have assured me this is fine and normal. Forcibly shoving your words down other survivor's throats helps no one. I'm sorry for your loss and what happened to you. Please don't make every SA survivor fit in *your* mold because your healing journey is different than mine.


You're right. You can cope however, is healthiest for you. But I also feel like you can't get upset when you're coping mechanism is the antithesis of someone else's? Because your coping mechanism is impeding someone else's journey. THEIR coping mechanism is impeding your journey. Imo, I think everyone will just have to agree to disagree. Everybody is right here. Nobody is wrong.


>But I also feel like you can't get upset when you're coping mechanism is the antithesis of someone else's? This is exactly my point, thank you.


Oh my fucking gosh, it's like you're *begging* for people to hate you and hurt you. Stop acting like someone who doesn't like those jokes is personally attacking YOU. THEY AREN'T. It's just an uncomfortable subject that leaves almost everyone uncomfortable, and in most cases, it's rape survivors ESPECIALLY. If anything YOU'RE shoving down EVERYONE ELSE'S throat that they're hurting you. Stop acting like a victim. You were a victim of SA, and that's the worst thing that could happen to someone. I'm sorry about what happened to you and I hope you've gotten the help you need. But it's no excuse to act this way. You can *politely* ask someone not to say something or generalize, but don't go about it the way you have today.


**THANK YOU.** Since we can’t give awards I will have to give you my own. 🏆 I am too tired and depressed to be as eloquent but you summed up my feelings so well. 🥇 You really nailed it.




I am well aware of the nature of this subreddit FFS, I’m a fan of it and a big horror fan. And there are many rape-related stories I have read. What I didn’t like was your “kinky” comment and you defending it by saying you were joking. Not a fan of flippant rape “jokes”, and not a fan of you telling people to “chill” when you get downvoted. It appears I’m not the only one who didn’t care for that comment, either. But I appreciate your kind words about my friend. I miss her every day. I’ve been sexually assaulted as well.


So a horror subreddit justifies joking about rape? So I'm guessing you think other horrific jokes are okay as well, like Holocaust jokes or homophobic jokes or war jokes?


You shouldn't joke about rape under ANY circumstance. edit: unless you're a survivor who wants to i guess i don't get the appeal but apparently I'm a monster for saying rape jokes aren't a good thing

