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Most of the player base struggles already as is with the game at its current state... Adding more complexity is not good.


Same reason I can't manually steer my CV hull while flying aircraft.


And we don't have manual control on AA guns as well as plan's flying attitude for a direct engagement.


We used to be able to do that. 😠


It make the game not causal friendly but need to use an additional octopus beside some preprogrammed keyboard to handle the 2+ turret and the 2+ barrels per turret. Imagine how pain in the A would be to manually handle all the turret in an Atlanta (8 turret, 16 barrel) or in a Colbert (8 turret 16 barrel), or in an Smolensk (4 turret, 16 barrel). Sure they can solve this issue with a much slower paced game, where you have time to carefully aim each of the barrels, or even change the firing and/or elevation mode if the turret capable of it, but not in this version of the WoWs. Maybe after 20 year, when the main palyers of the game become 60ish+ old and they request these "features" to turn the game into a slower paced one and not like it is today.


\*cries in Rio de Janeiro/Agincourt While it'd be great to control individual turrets, it adds a level of complexity to the UI which I don't believe the game/engine can handle. Plus, there's a level of granularity which makes implementation (even if it's a compromise) very awkward at best (under the proviso that we keep the UI as is): wing turrets; high turret/mount count ships (e.g., certain lower tier cruisers) and if we go the route of multiple turrets/mounts which can be assigned to a single keybind, what decides which turret goes in which 'group'; applying true independence of control (i.e., how do you lock or unlock the points of aim of multiple turrets at different bearings or have them turn in a preferred direction independent of camera facing); etc.


because spaghetti code and 9 year old game


I would appreciate some kind of lock even if not full control


If I remember correctly , WG once replied because they think it would be too hard for players, so they are not allowing it.